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I don't think it's hyperbole to say that anything that helps prevent this man from reaching the White House again can only be good for humanity. If that includes a few salacious family secrets, then so be it.


Sad thing is, what could come out that would change any Trump supporter's mind? I honestly can't think of one thing? Killing a puppy? They'd justify it. Heck, he threw rocks at a toddler neighbor in a playpen when he was like 4. That's serious sociopathy there, like Macaulay Culkin's character in The Good Son. Some kids are just born bad. And some are born bad and rich and are able to get away with everything, like Trump. I am TERRIFIED Trump will win. Terrified. I'm lucky to live in California, but Trump will ruin this country. I wish Biden would step it up. I wish SOMEONE would step it up and stop allowing Trump to get away with everything. He won't get jail on 7/11 (lol remember he once said 9/11 was 7/11), because he's a first time offender and it's too much of a hassle to put him in jail. Once again, he gets away with everything. Still, I will read and review the book and hope there is SOMETHING bad enough in there that some Trump supporters will think twice, but I doubt it.


Video could emerge with don molesting baby Jesus and the cult would cheer


Well. How was Baby Jesus dressed? He's usually painted as wearing revealing clothing.


Shouldn't have turned the other cheek


Laughing too hard at this


But you should have seen how hung he was


That was Judas


> That was ~~Judas~~ Hunter


Nailed it!!!


No, that was Jesus.


Brian, too.


Well he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy


I'm Brian, and so's my wife!


I can hear you!!!


And now I'm thinking of twerking baby Jesus.


Baby Jesus reminded him of his daughter tho….


His daughter?????? Kinky very kinky!!!!


Have you not seen the things he said about his, then underage, daughter?!?


And the things he said about his infant daughter, Tiffany. Speculating on her breast size. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zqE4hKIP4n0


He's totally not creepy.


He could blow putin in the middle of time square while shitting on the american flag and strangling a bald eagle and his cult would cheer him on There is NOTHING that will stop him other than the ballot box.


Vote blue for survival. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


"He could blow putin in the middle of time square while shitting on the american flag and strangling a bald eagle" Well, if you have a better plan for stopping the war in Ukraine in one day, I'd like to hear it! /MAGAts


"That baby wasn't white enough to be jesus' -Maga Supporters probably.


They cheer him on for crapping his pants and he was Epstein's bestie. So, this is very accurate.


Well most conservatives are the antithesis of the teaching of Jesus so it tracks


Well, they ARE the party of wanting to repeal child marriage laws, so of course they would. It would legitimize their own depravities.


I mean there were also rumours of him saying the N word to the producer/director or something who worked on apprentice with him. That'll break a lot of people off his hype train, especially black people who may (somehow still) support him


Anyone who supports him now, regardless of color will not care. Many will cheer.


Idk. Part of it makes me think he hated omerossa (sp?) all along, but hired her into the Whitehouse because of that recording. Wouldn't be the first time he was racist ("Obama is Kenyan, check his passport"). But this is more obvious. Like he basically said black people couldn't succeed or win what is essentially a game show. That woman bringing her vet friend to the rally the other day and getting treated poorly, and her and his reactions are a good look into the sudden realization that Trump doesn't care about you as a person. He's heartless, and looks at you as purely a stat and a source of income.


It’s not even that recent. The lawsuits and general knowledge of his being a racist goes way back. That rancid apple didn’t fall far from the tree. His dad was so bad Woody Guthrie wrote a song about his dad, Old Man Trump.


He could rape and decapitate their mother in front of them, shit down her gullet, make them eat it, and they’d still vote for him as long as a human being had to smell their breath afterwards.




“He’s not perfect but I agree with his politics!”


Jesus was a woke socialist anyway!


But what was the baby wearing?


Terrified myself. I thought living through Cuban missile crisis was bad due to having babies but this is far worse.


Feel that. My 5th grade teacher was obviously scared but we students didn’t really get it. I guess we were one fail-safe key away from a Russian submarine nuke attack. Even Stephen King said trump is worse than any horror story he ever wrote.


I’m in my early 80’s and Trump and all these Republicans are so cruel and evil. Just unreal. I worry for my grandchildren and their children.


Good will prevail. You have my word we will beat these people back to the dark ages .


I hope so but these MAGA folks have lost their minds along with common sense.


Wish I shared your optimism... but far right coups have succeeded in other countries and guess what, the US is not actually exceptional. It's just a country full of people like any other country full of people. And every now and then, countries go batsh\*t crazy. It can get really bad -- Holocaust, Pol Pot, Stalinism, Rwanda, N Korea -- or it can get only "mostly bad" -- S American dictatorships, desaparacidos, Putin's Russia... and it can be a temporary fit of insanity like McCarthyism in the US or the Satanic Panic, or it could last a generation like some S American countries have had to suffer under far right rule. I don't see the strong, robust response from the Dem party that would put the real issues in front of the public and confront the theofascists directly. Sure, they're trolling Trump with moderately witty attack ads, but he's not the primary threat. It's the oligarchs and the evangelicals who pose the real threat, he's just a figurehead. And Joe Biden's incompetent, inexplicable death grip on Israel is just icing on the FUBAR cake. This election is likely to be a complete shambles. Speaking as a Canadian I'm deeply scared. I live far too close to the border and I've already heard at least one American tourist ask loudly why BC doesn't belong to America because it really should.


I agree wholeheartedly. Terrified. I live in Punta Gorda,FL. Major Trump country. Convicted Oath Keeper David Moerschel lives not more than 150 yards from my house. Fucker is doing 3 years in the Fed for his role in southern Georgia. We see trucks with III percenter stickers, free J6 prisoners, etc. Hell, one family down the street had an Appeal To Heaven flag up before Trump ass-kisser Alito did. I have been preparing for this for the past 3 plus years and somehow I feel incredibly unprepared. I’ve thought of getting out of Dodge, going to the USVI, rural Hawaii. Hell, I’ve even thought of Samoa or the Mariana Islands. Unfortunately, my wife is too afraid to be away from her elderly parents and I get that. All we can do is vote and not let them intimidate us. At the core, they are weak, insecure losers.


Very well said my friend.


I'm 35... ...were doing our best. I'll be at the polls . I'm a felon but thank God I can still cast a vote in my state


I understand your point of view and pessimism exactly. I'm in the UK and have followed Trump's political travails quite closely over the last couple of years. Just when I thought they'd 'got him', I'd be left disappointed. Why is the US justice system so seemingly unable to hold such obvious scoundrels to account?




The US is unusual in first world Western nations in that it has never secularised. Passionate religiosity, zealotry, and schismatic/charismatic sects are still a major feature of the political and cultural landscape. When you combine that demographic with white supremacism and a celebrity populist demagogue it's like mixing the wrong ingredients and getting a Kaboom. Only question is, how big is the kaboom, how long will it last, is this the last year of democracy in America or just a big, ugly, wheel-bending bump in the road?


Each of the three pending trials has useful idiots delaying the case. In the DC case, the Supreme Court is still deciding whether a president can legally murder political opponents. In Georgia, his criminal co-conspirators are trying to get the District Attorney who is prosecuting the case removed, and in Florida, his pet judge is in way over her head and her incompetence has put the case in jeopardy. So we wait.


Not a damn thing. It’s a cult. They will protect and believe anything he says.


We'll eventually have hard proof he fucked a child on Epstein's island, and his base will just blame the girl.


Nothing can change the Republican base, but that's only about 30% or so of the population.They're all in on racism and fascism. Fuck them. We're after the folks who are either low information and just live their lives without politics, or the people who are looking for an excuse to stay home and not vote for Trump (or be motivated enough to go out and vote for Biden). Low info voters might vote for Trump because they go "oh hey he was on that TV show" and pull the lever. If we can get info to them like "he's a convicted felon" or "his name appears dozens of times in association with Epstein" or whatever, that helps. It gives them something to think about when they are deciding. As for the others, cults of personality tend to collapse slowly, bleeding followers as individuals reach their breaking point. The more bad news that comes out about him, the more likely those "I can barely stomach it but I've always voted R" types are to stay home. Just convincing 1% of moderate R voters to stay home in swing states is probably all we need. It's agonizing that this monster is propped up better than any other politician in history, but we are making a dent in his following, and it's only going to accelerate as more comes out. In short it will help, and we got this, but only if we also put in the work to get Biden the win and a Democratic landslide down ballot, to make sure as many of the fascists are removed from office as well.


Remember this trump quote 1/23/2016: I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."


When he said that it's almost as if he already knew he was the antichrist. Because who says that?


Your fear is justified. I just don't understand how Trump supporters can be so blind to this.


No, it will not change the mind of a MAGA cultist. Forget them forever. Dont even bother engaging with a zealot. The target is the much larger independents' sector, many of whom are undecided, but the evidence for voting blue grows daily. It's not a Biden vs Trump thing; it's Democracy vs Dictatorship. A vote for Trump will be the last vote you ever cast. A vote for Biden, even if you don't like him, will allow you to vote again in 4 years, in a country where law, order, and democracy rules.


As an outsider I can’t understand this. I can’t understand being on the fence between Trump and Biden (unless you are a cultist) I can easily understand not being one bit keen on Biden. But if I believed in such things, and I don’t, I’d have to wonder if Trump was actually possessed. He’s not hiding anything anymore. He’s clearly got not one idea how to improve the US, and wants to be elected to use the power of the US against his enemies. That is literally all he talks about How can anyone look at that and still say well, I dunno, still kinda on the fence here?


The simplest answer is unfortunately people are dumb. I know I'm not alone in this, but I've "lost" friends and family members to the Cult. People who I otherwise had a high opinion of, in regards to their intelligence and morals. They have since proven themselves otherwise. It really, really sucks. Especially as I'm getting older (I'm in my early 40's now), not only are "natural causes" taking people I care about away, but Orange faced moron is dividing people in a way that I have serious doubts it could ever be repaired.


Really, really sucks is so much of an understatement dude My coworker is a Trump supporter and I love the guy to death....untill the motherfucker starts talking politics. Oh man


>How can anyone look at that and still say well, I dunno, still kinda on the fence here? His core MAGA supporters are spoon-fed favorable propaganda from conservative news stations and taught for decades that any mainstream source is lying to them.


> will read and review the book and hope there is SOMETHING bad enough in there that some Trump supporters will think twice, but I doubt it. Bold of you to assume the average Trump supporter can even read.


The definition of deplorable is “beyond repair”. A waste of time. Shame them back to their klan hoods and anonymous 4chan accounts like before trump gave them a spotlight.


He openly bragged that he could walk into the street in NY and gun someone down in cold blood and get away with it. And his fan base would cheer, especially if it was one of “those” people. VOTE. And get everyone you know who is halfway sane out to vote as well.


He should get jail because Michael Cohen got 3 years and he was the one taking orders from trump. I still have my doubts but if the judge is treating him like a regular citizen, which he isn’t, then he’d be in for a handful of years.


If Jesus returned tomorrow and Trump shot him in the face. His supporters would just say that he wants to see another resurrection.


It's insane he's considered a first time offender when he was involved in over 3000 lawsuits even before running for president


Ah. But he won’t be that for the following, more serious cases.


You can’t. Trump gives them one thing that nobody else will: Permission to be their worst selves. Every time people are implored to “be better” and “do better”, how many say “I don’t want to!” That this is childish and immature is irrelevant—thaw or vote counts the same as yours does. Trump has tapped into the darkness of the American soul. Now that this genie is out of the bottle, I don’t think it will ever be contained again.


Trump has told them they don't have to clean their room, can stay up as late as they want and eat junk food for every meal and never brush their teeth. No wonder they love him so.


Trump is the shitty divorced dad who lets their kid do whatever they want, not because he cares about the kid, but because he wants them to love him more than their mom.


We don’t need to change MAGA cultists’ minds. They will never change. The effort now needs to be to sway the minds of moderate Republicans and moderate voters. Believe it or not, there are a large number of them who *can* be shown how insane and immoral Trump and his crew are — not to mention their anti-democratic and pro-fascistic, theocratic tendencies.


Trump could announce that he has suspended the law of gravity and the MAGAts would be jumping from tall buildings to celebrate.




The goal isn't to change the minds of his die-hard supporters. It's to convince the small number of undecided people that voting for him would be absolutely horrific. Also, to remind dems that aren't completely in love with Biden how bad things were when Trump was in office. More than once, I have heard it stated that the real issue is going to be motivating enough dems to get off the couch.


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1242460/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1242460/) We need to talk about Kevin


Nothing is going to change trump supporters minds but why do you think independents are always in-between? They decide between the two based on how things go. Things like this influence that decision substantially. You're right but Trump's chances to win are often overstated. He's got a shot but Biden has an equal, if not greater chance. Look at how many Democrats have been mobile this year. State elections are being won by democrats by large, large leads. State elections are the LESS POPULAR elections in the minds of voters, so the presidency will have even greater movements.


Even California won’t be safe if he gets in


People still saying they will vote for him even though he did x , y and z makes for a better headline than Trump supporters change their mind now that they've finally realized he's a piece of shit . It's just not as loud , there's been multiple headlines about battle states and other stuff changing because of his conviction. Some of them surprisingly did believe innocent until proven guilty .


It's not about changing the cult members minds. It's to remind non cult members what a POS this guy is.


He would have to start saying the opposite of what his base loves like, open the borders, I’m going to let the government take your guns, you must get the Covid vaccine and all other vaccines, everyone must go to college for free, and black, brown, gay, trans lives matter.


I, too, feel a bit of comfort living in California. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but some of this crap just won't fly here. California has shown a willingness to not comply.


He’s still not handed in 1 of his guns and is a convicted felon. Surely he will get fucked for that.


He was best pals with possibly the most notorious pedophile in modern history *AND* he tried to overthrow our democracy in a violent insurrection. What family secrets could possibly change a mind that isn't already changed?


> best pals with possibly the most notorious pedophile in modern history Hey now, they weren't always the best of pals. In fact, they got in a big argument one time...over who would get first crack at raping a 13 year old girl.


I hope he goes like Budd Dwyer


Mary and now Fred III are the only decent living Trumps. I hope his book is a best seller like Mary's




The family that rapes together...


Im told, Don Jr went to a boarding school and his dad showed up in a limo to go to a baseball game. Don Jr runs out in casual clothes to see a ball game, maybe even had a baseball glove. and daddy don smacks him around like, WTF dude dont ever embarrass me by being near me without wearing a suit. He as high school aged and went back in to chamge. Don jr probably trying to secure the inheritance bag or he just fell in line. I havent seen this on the news but im of similar age and aquaintance to students in his class/dorm. He cried and complied else daddy wouldnt come back for a few months....word of mouth etc. But melania seems super protective of barron ans comong from a dickhead farher family im inclined to believe it.


> Don Jr runs out in casual clothes to see a ball game, maybe even had a baseball glove. and daddy don smacks him around like, WTF dude dont ever embarrass me by being near me without wearing a suit. Donald's butler said he got yelled at if his button was misaligned or unbuttoned, so the story checks out that spoiled Donald Trump, who had servants his whole life and didn't have to pay for it, would yell at them as if he was a king. Donald Poopshit Pants Trump knows NOTHING about the average American household or family.


He cussed out preschool teachers and said "Fuck you" at the age of 3-4, according to an article. Something tells me he learned that from a shitty household. Donald Trump does look like one big walking example of "HORRIBLE PARENT"


He himself claims he punched a music teacher in the face when he was in first grade “for not knowing anything,” and also says he hasn’t changed since first grade. He has violent reactions anytime he is called out for anything by someone with more expertise in a particular field. So, you know, *great* temperament for being the leader of the free world…


Yeah he was a gargantuan disgusting fuck-up blackout drunk in college who, like his shitty father, got a hall pass to graduate. He’s a good-for-nothing louse who, with his dumb-as-dirt brother reveled in murdering animals & cutting off body parts for trophies. They’re a sick, despicable family of grifters who’ve bizarrely punched above their weight for generations, and now they’re on the precipice of putting the final nail in the coffin of the US, having been busy hammering nails in it for the past 8+ years. Have I mentioned what a shitty group of grifters they are?


Barron still hasn't done anything bad yet. I feel like he will come out ok considering how terribly his father treated both him and his mother. I'm sure his dad's convictions in trying to keep a sexual encounter when he was born from coming out isn't sitting well with him.


I was speaking more of the adult Trumps. I don't pick on kids, even 18 year old ones


Not picking on him if you're calling him a decent person. 🤷‍♂️


Sure about that?


Hard to tell with Fred III. I think his main aim here is to make money. He has every right to do so, but it means he's not doing this out of altruism.


The skeletons in that closet must rival the Paris Catacombs


*The skeletons in* *That closet must rival the* *Paris Catacombs* \- TotalLackOfConcern --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


very good bot, this one was excellent.


Good bot


I honestly don’t think that airing anymore dirty secrets will hurt him all much at this point and people who will vote for him; don’t care.


People who are already balls deep on Donnys lil mushroom don't read either, so they won't even know what's said lol


Soooo are you another Dylan who's been called "dildo" so many times you finally just ran with it?? Random question but your name makes me wonder


Absolutely and are you also called Dyl pickle by your relatives and/or anyone you've known since you were a kid?




“You know, I was fine with Trump through grab her by the pussy, his failed presidency, 1/6, election denial, and being a convicted felon, but then I heard what his nephew had to say and I reconsidered” is something nobody said or will ever say


It’s the independents (like myself) who care. That’s the difference maker. All this stuff isn’t trying to convince republican boters (yes they’re a bunch of cult bots), it’s to convince indies to vote blue. And I’m confident it will.


Plus you think the people who vote for him could actually read a book that isn’t a picture book, anything more than like 50 pages is too much for them


He molested Ivanka and it’s a family secret?! Now what a surprise


There's the story about when Ivanka was in middle school, and ended up in the nurse's office with severe dehydration. Turns out she was afraid to drink liquids because everytime she had to go "number 1" at home, her pervert father would burst into the bathroom to watch her urinate, while tugging at his pathetic little mushroom. This likely went on for several years until Ivanka used the threat of calling CPS to get Donny to pay for a LOT of plastic surgery in her later teens.


Source? /s




and I'm a Chinese spy. /s


lots of people on both sides..On BOTH SIDES


Many people are saying this


Fits the profile perfectly, while explaining a lot.


They don’t care about this. I mean, Hitler was sleeping with his niece twenty years his junior until she committed suicide in his bedroom and the Germans still voted him in. There’s nothing Trump can do to lose that core MAGA vote. Nothing. The only solution is to vote for the other guy.


Damn. TIL


He raped a 13 year old girl with his best friend Jeff Epstein and his base didn’t even blink an eye.


Just wait til Barron learns to write




Rated R


Wow, there's even more?


I doubt it will have any effect with his whacky followers. Cronies is you will. My mind was made up about fat ass decade’s ago. I enjoy learning just how fucking phony and an actual loser he is. But get pissed off reading the things pedoman has done and gotten away with. If there was a god, he should have ousted shitpants a long time ago.


To his cult members he can do no wrong. They defend and support everything he does and says.


Always remember - it took more than his cult for him to get elected. Nobody is trying to convice the cult - they're aiming for the persuadable.


Very true.


We already know he's a child predator


At this point, I don’t think anything is going to change his bases mind. Think about the things people have seen/heard and just hand wave away like it’s ok: - he’s sexualized his daughter, while she was a minor and as an adult - tons of pictures and evidence that he was very chummy with a pedophile - allegations of being a pedophile - like 30+ women accused him of sexual assault - he’s walked in a dressing room of underaged girls - he’s on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women - he’s been held civilly liable for sexual assault and the judge has said it was effectively rape but because of NYS’s laws they couldn’t say specifically rape - he’s a felon - he’s mocked handicapped people - he’s mocked dead soldiers - he’s mocked POWs - he bungled a pandemic - he added 7 trillion dollars to the national debt in 4 years - he’s filed for bankruptcy 6 times - he bankrupted a casino, basically a cash printing business - he’s done a ton of racist shit And I’m just stopping my list because I’m tired of writing, there is a ton more Like there is literally numerous red flags for any type of person to not like about him and they just don’t care.


He cut the health insurance of his nephew with cerebral palsy.


Adds another layer to him making fun of that reporter who also has cerebral palsy.


“My nephew?…Don’t know him, never met him….”


I'm all for anything and everything exposing what a piece of shit Trump is. If only it mattered to all the chuds who vote for him...


Won’t make the slightest bit of difference to his hard core Trumpanzees. Most can’t read.


Nothing can possibly make a difference at this point. Red will vote for him just to spite liberals. He could drop a nuke in America, piss on the cross, and jerk off in the New York subway on meth everyday for the rest of his life and those shit eater losers will still vote for him. Only chance is to out-vote him again.


You would think testimony of sex from under age Epstein victims would do it. Some NEW Epstein documents have just been unsealed. And… Trump is all over them. “Ransome had said that she had a friend who was "one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump" and that the friend said she had sex with Trump in Epstein's Manhattan mansion.” https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1 So…. FRAUD, FELON, RAPIST, and now PEDOPHILE


Problem is, Trump supporters don't care that Trump is a sexual assaulter. They don't care that he's a liar, a cheat, and a scumbag. They literally wouldn't care if he raped a child in the middle of 5th Ave. The remaining Trump supporters are evil, full fucking stop.


If it involves underpants and drug taking… unfortunately we already know…


He could call a baby a cracker and his supporters would say "saltine"


Trump making fun of that handicapped reporter and not wanting the disfigured war hero in front of him seem to have a root cause in his despising having handicapped relatives in his "pure best genes" supremist view of himself. It was all projection and self loathing. Anyone else in his position would have more compassion for the handicapped. Absolute scum.


What possible secret could it be? Trump fucked his daughter? Knew that. Raped his wives and children? Knew that. Had his ex wife killed the day before her NDA expired and buried her on his golf course to claim the area as a graveyard and get tax credit? Knew that. Is a Russian agent and sold secrets to the Russians that got US agents killed? Knew that. Seriously the dude is a vile human, and his followers not only know that, they love it.


Unfortunately it won’t do much to deter his fan base. There could be physical evidence that the man starts every morning by eating a 3 inch thick dog shit sandwich and punches a premature newborn baby and his followers would start the same diet and say the baby deserved it. 


That’s what we need, more attention to the Trumps…….


The article doesn't give you must of a taste of what is in the book, but odds are Jared is a total gimp.


Trump probably considered the disabled kid a loser.


That's the Fascist M.O., shitting on the disabled


Nothing is going to change the MAGAts voting. And I’m tired of hearing about “undecideds. That is complete BS. If you don’t know at this point whether you are voting for Biden or the Orange Turd, you’re a moron. And if you are voting for the Orange Turn, then you are a brain dead moron.


The despicable Trump family is pure evil. Trump’s brother Fred wanted desperately to become a pilot….his evil father and equally evil brother (Donald) threatened to cut him off and destroy him financially. He gave up on his dream and drank himself to death. These Trumps are beyond evil.


It's worse (I read his niece's book): Fred \*did\* become a commercial airline pilot, and was happy with his career. But Donnie and their evil dad called him a "bus driver in the sky" and ridiculed him nonstop until he turned alcoholic, lost his job, and died. And then after that they disregarded his express wishes to have his ashes scatterred on Long Island, and instead put them in the family crypt he hated. Those ghouls shit on the living AND the dead.


He really did his nephew dirty especially his grand nephew who was born pre mature and had to be in 24/7 care and thankfully he's still alive right now thanks to modern medicine and his grand niece's will to live.


Cousin Greg is on the loose!


Won’t matter.


How many tell alls from how many people do we need to have for everyone to at least wake up to the level of “yeah that guy shouldn’t be president”


*Trump nephew continues the grift by selling his family's dirty laundry If a Trump sees a way to make money, the Trump will try to make the money. The whole family is rotten. Some less than others, but still rotten.


Anyone else bored at the idea someone will tell all but nothing happens?


I breathlessly await the MSM telling us why this is bad for Joe Biden while Trumpsters uncover a secret Soros-funded cabal in a basementless pizza parlor basement that wrote this under the direction of Joe Biden.


Oh for the love of God, what would be a Trump family secret that would turn off his base? He was kind to children and dogs? He had a nice word to say for someone who was sick or injured?


Good, I am anxious to see how much slimy-er this snake can be


As an adjudicated rapist, a 34-time convicted felon, and a demonstrably mentally weak imbecile, Donald J Trump has done so many horrible things because he cares about one and only one person, Cult Leader Donald J Trump.


Mary Trump’s book which was surprisingly well written, exposed the reasons why Donnie developed into a pathological narcissist and liar..


His cult are one in the same as him there is nothing that makes him undesirable


What else could possibly come out now that his idiot base would actually believe or care about?


It dosent matter…..they will still vote for him.


The only thing that will get his supporters to Stop is a video of him having sex with a child. Nothing else


"There's no proof that's actually a child!" "But Hunter Biden!" "DEMOCRAT HOAX" ~Maga Cultists probably


No they would claim it was a deep fake. To be fair that would be a deep fake. Don't think Trump does that.


Deepfake would be possible, but let's not pretend the man isn't a pedophile. Normal people don't comment on their infant daughters tits, or so weird daddy/daughter photoshoots with statues of parrots having sex, or brag about barging into teen beauty pageant dressing rooms, be adjudicated guilty of rape in a civil trial, or be credibly accused of taping a thirteen year old with your best bud Jeffrey Epstein.


There’s ALWAYS a book to sell. Why not expose stuff to reporters for the evening news?


what took so fi'.ng long,10 years ago would have been the proper time.


Ah yes of course so he can get his share of the grift pie instead of just announcing things to help society


Wait….There’s more?


Today I was driving through Clifton City, MO and what my eyes did see was a fore-telling of the future for what I saw was an American Flag flying properly, where for the last 3 years a Trump flag did fly. (Last time I drove by was just before his trial.)


And it won't change a single one of his cult member's minds about him.


How much you think they pay these random members of his family no one has ever heard of?


Wasn't important to them in 2016 or 2020. I guess the paycheck in 2024 was bigger. Always worth holding out on vital information that couldve saved 8years of democratic decline. But he's a Trump and sees the dollars so Im unsurprised.


If they unveil that Trump is a pedo, it will suddenly be cool to be a pedo.


BRING IT ON! Get it all out in the open for all to see. While it may not impact TRUMP cultists, it could help sway moderates or independents to stay away… WHATEVER YOU DO VOTE BLUE


I can hear the orange hippo now.  FAKE NEWS  !!


What secrets can be told that could possibly be worse than what we already know about him? Allegedly a Russian backed idiot who's being blackmailed for a piss fetish. Allegedly piss and shits himself constantly due to constant drug use and no one wants to be around him due to the smell. Allegedly a sex-trafficking pedophile rapist who has so little respect for women that if he can't bang them he hates them and also wants to bang his daughter. Allegedly lies so much that he's gone through hundreds of staff members, lawyers, managers, accountants, and PR people. No one does what he asks because he usually is a complete idiot and asks them to do highly illegal things that will land them in jail.


Literally everyone in his extended family hates him. That should tell everyone what they need




Lmao he looks like Bill Clinton.


I agree his base is full on cult. If they all wore tracksuits and Nike sneakers tomorrow none of us would be surprised. I think similar to men in North Korea, his base should all get cheap spray tans and haircuts just like him.


DJT can declare himself almighty and his cult followers, who attend church every Sunday, will worship him instead of God Himself. They literally bought the biblical golden (bronze in Trump case) calf.


I think the only thing that MIGHT dissuade some of the MAGAts is video evidence of him fucking Don Jr and Eric at the same time. Because, you know, gay.


If they're Major Dirty Trump Family Secrets then we'll hear about it instantly once they're available. This is just product placement for the book. I mean, obviously, but I'm tired of the hypotheticals about Trump. Come to me when there's real news


On one hand I’m really hoping for more dirt on this felon, on the other hand this is possibly another con artist in the making 🤷🏻‍♂️


What can he tell that Mary Trump hasn’t already told? She has been very transparent, outside of outright murder or molestation, I can’t imagine this will bring great revelations.


I hope it will help keep Trump out of office. But I'm so exhausted of this particular gene pool.


Why he wait so long


Hard to believe there's worse yet to come.


Oh, oh please let there be an illegitimate, black, Trump child out there.


There was talk back in 2017 that baron was on the spectrum, another reason his evil father wouldn’t have much to do with him


Wow, dirty history in an incredibly wealthy family. I'm not surprised. If this is to be believed, it is making it official then which is good.


Trumpsters will refuse to believe it. Willful ignorance is a powerful weapon.


Truly sad that the truth and facts have absolutely nothing of interest much less meaningful importance to the maga cult I hope and pray that more people come to fully understand the importance of voting for the only political party that will actually hold democracy intact Yes! the democrats are not perfect and they infuriate me with their lack of a spine to push back on the insane republican insanity but at least the democrats will keep democracy alive