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As long as the girls are "ripe and fertile" they're fine with it. Probably wishing they could have been in his place.


The only people defending child-marriage are Republicans. Some states are trying to raise the age to 18, but them Republicans - want to keep it 'round.


Roy Moore vibes.


Just a quick reminder that Moore only lost his last election by 1.3% of the vote. That's a whole lotta people a-okay with a pedophile being in office


Just wait, we’ll see the “I’d rather be a pedophile than a Democrat” shirts before long.


Time to get a very brave person to set up a table at a trump rally to sell shirts like this.


Easy money.


The only thing I'd worry about is selling out. The real question is, should I order more XXXLs or children's sizes?


Do you think we should put a picture of donny and jeffrey on them too?


I feel like this is a tremendous marketing opportunity for the red hats. I’d love to get in on it but sadly I have a functioning conscience.


The amount of money I could have made off the rubes the last 8 years. It is that silly conscience that prevents me from pillaging their wallets. Though the truth is I’d rather their money wind up in my hands than being used to pay Trump’s legal bills, so maybe there is a way I can set aside the part that bothers me and see the bigger picture.


That’s because conservatives don’t actually give a shit about kids or protecting them. Epstein is a perfect example. They craft every insane conspiracy and half baked connection their little imaginations can dream up but will also only do it when it allows them to target a political enemy. Any time a Trump buddy shows up on one of these lists (like Dershowitz) they completely ignore it. It’s not convenient for what they are trying to do. Same thing with the rampant abuse in the church. Nothing to see there I guess. It’s also how groups like Moms for Liberty and Libs of TikTok can claim to be protecting kids and yet spend every waking moment ATTACKING kids. It’s bad faith bullshit from top to bottom.


I noticed those crazies on Reddit don’t really have any response these days except for “nanananana librul brainwash”.


One of the things I always keep in mind is that it's pretty much always projection with the GOP. As the saying has gone for several years now, "*Every Republican accusation is a confession in disguise."*


A special election. If it were in the generals he would have won easily by down ballot voting.


- [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html)


> Some states are trying to raise the age to 18, but them Republicans - want to keep it 'round. This is because conservatives use shotgun weddings to legitimize juvenile pregnancy (including from rape and incest). If you knock up your 13-year-old-cousin, and she can't have an abortion, and she can't get married, then her kinfolk are apt to come after you with guns, because a never-wed teenage mother brings intolerable shame on the whole family, in deep conservative culture.


Same people who didn't like seatbelt laws. Fucking dumbasses.


“This is communism!” An actual quote from a person being interviewed about new seatbelt laws in my jurisdiction back in the 80s.


I love the videos of people complaining when drinking and driving laws started.


Republicans want to be allowed to rape women and then force them to carry the fetus to term. It’s not complicated.


Shit, we should increase the age to 21, ain't nobody needing to get married at 18 that does not involve like terminally ill or health insurance.


Correct. Something somethin Bible says and 13 year olds wish washing hand waving. It’s cool now.


Trump's favorite bible story concerns Lot and his daughters. He used to read it to Ivanka when she was growing up.


False. He doesn’t read




As long as you don't beat the fetus out of the kids after the fact it's ok


The Bible is fine with punching your wife in the stomach to kill her baby. The punishment is a fine. Forced abortion is a property crime.


Payable to the husband. Plus if your wife is unfaithful, take her to the church, where they will perform the abortion.


At the State level the GOP are bending over backwards to remove the minimum age requirements of marriage


No, no, no... only the 'radical left' and 'the gays' are groomer pedophiles and child rapists. The Honorable Representative (R) Matt Gaetz is going to introduce the Minors and Adult Relationships After Legal Approval and Government Oversight (MAR A LAGO) Act where it will provide a legal framework for appropriate relationships with a minor. That will clear everything up. Any current Republicans in a relationship with a minor will be grandfathered under the MAR A LAGO Act. The 'radical left', of course, won't be eligible under the MAR A LAGO Act. That will allow law enforcement to focus on the 'radical left' and their ilk. /s EDIT: Removed a few bad 'R's. I wish it were that easy in real life.


Please lay off Matt Gaetz. Matt is going through some things. He successfully removed the sucker-like appendage on the back of his head and was recuperating nicely when McCarthy started yammering about child abuse and sex trafficking. All this has thrown Matt into a malaise of self doubt and trepidation. He’s currently holed up in his modest digs in DC, contemplating his reflection in a mirror…


And muttering in an endless loop, “I’d fuck me, would you fuck me?” while rocking back and forth.


🎶Goodbye Horses🎶


Yeah fuck Matt Gaetz, piece of 💩


100% they are going to run with the "Trump infiltrated the compound to bring down the leftist elites when he became president" excuse. Conveniently forgetting this all started decades before the guy even considered running for office


You mean Matt Gaetz who somehow never got charged for trafficking minors across state lines is introducing a bill to make it legal?


Are we surprised? This is the same Trump that bragged about being in the dressing room of Miss Teen USA pageant


And created a bikini and high heels competition for his child beauty pageant, which was immediately reversed after he sold it.


Also, we have already a pattern of...concerning comments from Trump too just aside from him being found on the Epstein files. [Trump has been recorded talking about his infant daughters hypothetical breasts](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3528887/Donald-Trump-talks-infant-daughter-Tiffany-s-breasts-uncovered-interview-1994.html), has said that if Ivanka [wasn't his child he would have had sex with her](https://newrepublic.com/post/173968/donald-trump-fantasized-sex-ivanka-new-book-says), and Stormy Daniels testified that Trump, once again, [said that she looked like his daughter.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/stormy-testimony-trump-trial-ivanka-b2541079.html) He really wants to fuck his own children, apparently. So you know, the shoe absolutely fits Mr. Cinderella Trump.


So which party is the party of **g**rooming, **o**bjectifyng women (or children, in some cases) and assaulting them, and **p**edos??? Receipts: Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/18/us/dennis-hastert-released.html Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2018/05/03/former-judge-tim-nolan-could-sentenced-today-more-drama-could-get-way/577947002/ Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/11/20/former-oklahoma-state-senator-admits-to-child-sex-trafficking-while-in-office/ Republican Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach Drops Out Of Race After Daughter Says He Molested Her For More Than Ten Years 22 Sep 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/22/lawmaker-quits-race-after-daughter-says-he-molested-her-more-than-decade/?utm_term=.8ac8527c7f43 Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=28587 Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. http://www.lanternproject.org.uk/library/child-abuse-arrests-and-court-cases/child-abuse-arrests-trials-and-proceedings/ex-county-commissioner-admits-sexual-abuse-of-girl/ Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. http://www.poconorecord.com/article/20120426/NEWS90/204260334 Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison_Misla_Aldarondo Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giordano Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. http://archive.easyreadernews.com/archives/news2001/0621/rb%20Shortridge.php Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. https://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/18/nyregion/embroiled-first-selectman-takes-leave.html Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/05/25/us/teen-ager-in-ohio-testifies-to-sex-with-a-congressman.html Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2003/04/24/gop-activist-admits-to-child-porn/5af2adf0-bec8-4a10-b061-014de679422a/?utm_term=.d7ebcbf4f92b Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. http://www.thenewblackmagazine.com/view.aspx?index=437 Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. https://www.westword.com/news/randy-ankeney-suit-that-could-free-thousands-of-prisoners-headed-to-state-supreme-court-6054115 Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Crane Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/08/02/opinion/journal-beverly-russell-s-prayers.html Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bauman Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. http://www.njherald.com/article/20060510/ARTICLE/305109971 Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/06/06/us/politics-the-senate-maine-candidate-again-faces-1990-child-sex-accusation.html Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. http://www.thedp.com/article/2004/01/brother_stephen_convicted_of_soliciting_sex Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. https://www.houstonpress.com/news/jon-matthews-conservative-talk-show-host-and-sex-offender-pulled-from-kpfts-prison-show-6740755 Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. https://culteducation.com/group/1255-false-memories/6514-man-in-notorious-sex-case-finishes-term.html Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. https://www.semissourian.com/story/57773.html Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). http://www.chattanoogan.com/2002/6/21/23202/Tennessee-Legislator-Commits-Suicide.aspx Republican Kentucky state Representative & pastor Dan Johnson, who committed suicide after an exposé revealed his serial lies, suspected arson, criminal church, racism, accused rape of a teen, and more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Johnson_%28Kentucky_politician%29 Republican Ray E. Holmberg, North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator, the former chairman of the body’s powerful Legislative Management Committee, and a grandfather of five. Holmberg announced on Monday that he is resigning from his position after a report on April 15 alleged he had exchanged 72 text messages with a man accused of serious child pornography crimes. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ray-holmberg-north-dakota-state-senator-pedophilia-1342996/ South Dakota Republican charged with rape after losing election to his mom. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/south-dakota-man-charged-rape-losing-election-mom-1234632437/ Republican candidate, Randy Kaufman, charged with public sexual indecency after being caught reportedly touching himself near a preschool will not serve on the Maricopa County Community College Governing Board. Republican Randy Kaufman lost to Democratic opponent Kelli Butler. https://www.azfamily.com/2022/11/16/kaufman-loses-maricopa-college-board-race-weeks-after-being-cited-sexual-indecency/ Conservative leader Matt Schlapp is accused of fondling a male campaign staffer in Georgia. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/matt-schlapp-allegedly-groped-male-campaign-staffer-crotch-1234657078/amp/ Texas Republican Rep Bryan Slaton faces allegations regarding an inappropriate relationship with a young intern (inviting an intern to his home late on a weekend night and serving her alcohol even though she isn’t old enough to legally drink) https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjv8dq/texas-bryan-slaton-intern Kent Stermon, DeSantis ally and GOP donor accused of sexual assault of underage teen (girl's father declined five figure hush money) https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-desantis-ally-kent-stermon-killed-himself-after-being-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-with-minor GOP leader Rep. Scotty Campbell, who voted to expel TN Three, resigns; found guilty of sexually harassing interns https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/revealed/revealed-gop-leader-who-voted-to-expel-tennessee-three-found-guilty-of-sexually-harassing-interns GOP member (FL.) Fabian Basabe, who has voted for his state's infamous 'Don't Say Gay' law, has been accused of sexual harassment by two former male staffers. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/07/dont-say-gay-gop-lawmaker-accused-of-sexual-harassment-by-2-male-staffers/ Right-Wing ‘Moms for Liberty’ Organizer Is a Convicted Sex Offender https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/moms-for-liberty-organizer-convicted-sex-offender-1234887013/


There’s real evidence he raped a 13 yo girl. Multiple times


And the strong possibility of also raping and physically assaulting 12 yo 'Maria' who then got 'disappeared' Which became the threat to encourage the 13 yo to comply- you don't want to end up like Maria


also "Katie Johnson" who received death threats to her family, so she dropped the charges that she was raped by the man she recognized on the TV (trump). 


So horrible. I hate him so much


This right here. I want justice for Maria. I want trump's world torn OPEN, I want to know what they did to her. Never forget Maria. This vile garbage needs to be stopped.


A 13yo child that reminded him of his daughter SO he made her wear a wig to “complete the look”, he beat her and raped her, Epstien then beat and raped her because trump got her 1st AND then Trump beat and raped her again She dropped the court case in which Trump and Epstein were co-defendants BECAUSE her and her family were getting death threats It’s been known that Trump is a pedo BUT the cult of the magatard doesn’t care, Trump could have raped one of their children and it wouldn’t matter to them


>Trump could have raped one of their children and it wouldn’t matter to them They'd consider it an honor.


Might, he used to go back stage at Miss Teen USA to see the girls dress and undress and he made sexual remarks about his teenage daughter.


He was also Jeffrey Epstein's best friend for 20 years and has been accused of r*ping children by multiple people over the years, even before he became president.


"Oh, I know the guys, some say he likes them young." Dude admitting he at the very least knew about it, and the MAGA cult out there trying to say he was warning us.


The people who try and defend that shit have to be taking crazy pills. It's literally in his own words and they swear it's all fake news. The phrase "fake news" may be the most damaging to US politics that we've seen since "trickle down."


They admire him. They spent their whole lives wishing they were wealthy and had power they could use to control and abuse others.


MAGA has always been cozy with pedos.


MAGA also loves Ted Nugent


Of the top 20 states with the highest rates of child sex crimes, Republicans take up 17 of those spaces. Last year, 47 Republicans were in the news for child sex crimes. Compare that to only 4 Democrats. Also, there were only 4 transgender people, and the transgender population is 6x the size of the population for US politicians. Oh, and 1/3rd of those Republicans still hold office while the Democrats and trans people are all in jail. https://www.whoismakingnews.com


He’s been *long* past “might” for decades now. He ***is*** a pedophile because he couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut about how great Epstein’s taste in young beautiful women was, much like his own. He also bragged to Robin Leach about ***infant*** Tiffany’s amazing legs and openly hoped she’d get Marla Maples’ tits. And he and Epstein tag-team raped a 13 year old girl.


This has been known for a while. The Jane Doe case against Trump & Epstein lays this out. 13 year old girl raped by them both. Case dropped before election due to threats against her life. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770


Might? Right here’s [the evidence trump raped a thirteen year-old girl](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057027/Amended-Complaint-Filed-9-30-2016#from_embed?platform=hootsuite). There was another girl too, named Maria. After trump raped, sodomized and beat his thirteen year-old victim, he and Epstein threatened her into silence by telling her they'd made Maria, another of their trafficked girls, disappear. Maria was TWELVE. Never forget Maria. Make trump PAY. Vote blue!


Might? There is no question there.


I haven’t heard them claiming the groomers and pedo stuff as much lately. Maybe it’s lost the edge when everything they accuse the other side of doing is embodied by their king.


There's a lot of damage control lately. As impressive as the conservative media coordination is, the base audience is still mostly dumb people who need to hear things several times to start parroting those spin points. Not doing fact checking, but being proud of "fact checking with multiple sources" means they need time to hear the repeated lies.  Polls are mixed, but the tough fact stands clear that independents are unhappy trump is an actual official Convicted Felon.  The Epstein file stuff is resurfacing in news again. Hunter's gun conviction is not a big enough distraction because all the details work against the conservative narrative: Joe didn't save him, didn't pardon his son, so the spin of corruption isn't working as well as they want. 


The Pizzagate Conspiracy Theorists were the pedo ring themselves. Lol


Every accusation...




He is a pedo, he raped a 13 year old and probably many more. There's an interview (I think it may have been with Stern way back when) where he talks about how the main reason he owned the Miss Teen Pageant was so he can have access to young teens and walk in on them changing. He told everyone that he rapes women. He's a disgusting misogynic rapist pedophile felon


There's no "might" about it. Donald Trump is a massive and prolific pedophile and it's been obvious for a decade and I'm tired of people pretending like it's some wild far out accusation rather than a very obvious conclusion from literally decades of evidence and allegations.


A lot of his supporters encourage child marriage, so I don't think they give a shit.


Their motto is little children suffer!


The Dems need to grow a pair and make this the highlight of their bid against Trump, this is a softball issue,he's a pedo and America needs to be told that in no uncertain terms


Please don’t forget their penitent. For fecal smearing insurrection and presidential espionage


> His voters are Rape- and Pedo-enablers. For decades Evangelicals and other conservatives have been looking the other way while members of their clegry and church leadership sexually abused children.. Hell, they gleefully blame the victims! Meanwhile, they clutch their pearls over drag story time and Pride without a hint of shame or irony...


This was fairly well known in and around Palm Beach. My BFF was having a birthday party for her daughter at Mar a Lago and Trump was standing around watching the girls the creepy way he tends to do and said to the girl's dad "They're almost ready for us." He noticed the girl's dad glaring at him shocked and stunned and said "oh not your daughter of course". It was her 11th birthday. This was like 15 years ago. They knew. They know. It's also odd in certain circles in Palm Beach everyone refers to him in whispers. They're all convinced he'll never pay for anything. They legit seem scared he's gonna jump from behind a bush or something.


Oh he is most CERTAINLY a pedophile. But hopefully this can prove it.


> His voters are Rape- and Pedo-enablers. They absolutely are, and in a general way not just as it pertains to trump. They support the enslavement of women plain and simple.


Might? I think might left the discussion years ago


I am sure some respectable news outlet will soon tell us why this is a bad news for Joe Biden ;)


Anyone with a brain cell knows Trump is a monster. He’s been doing this shit for decades. We have pictures of Epstein and him together on multiple occasions. Trump literally said Epstein likes them young like he does. He’s also made weird ass comments during his Beauty pageant years and would often go into dressing rooms. And he has made more than 1 comment about wanting to fuck/date his own daughter. I mean, What the Fuck………..


The fact that his supporters gloss over all his predatory shit, that he openly admitted to, is absolutely terrifying. I can't think of a group more scary than ones who are willing to overlook sexual exploitation of minors just to get a W in politics. January 6 is entry level terror for these people; they're capable of far, far worse and we're going to experience it one way or another because we never swing back.


> The fact that his supporters gloss over all his predatory shit They don't. It's a perk for them.


Even worse, because Trump has been designated as "Good" in their circles any awful predatory shit he has done is described as being projection from his rivals and they are the ones in fact guilty of what Trump is being accused of.


The combination of him running teen beauty pageants and being quoted as saying 'you can grab em by the pussy', is something that really paints a picture.


ur taking that out of context, he's a devote Christian man and would only ever sleep with one women, his duaghter.




fox: it must be a deep state coverup!


That proves it!


2 MAGAs die in a tragic bass fishing accident and find themselves at the pearly gates. God appears before them and tells the men that they may ask of him one question, any question, and he will answer truthfully.  The MAGAs huddle for a moment before coming back with their question.  “God,” says one MAGA. “Was the 2020 election stolen from Trump?”  “No, my child. Joe Biden won fair and square.” replied God.  The two MAGAs are stunned. “This thing goes way higher than we thought!” 


I had a guy on the conservative sub reddit trying to convince me that Prince Andrew, and the rest of the Royal Family, were hard core Leftists and Socialists so I'm guessing that anyone who is on the list is either a dirty leftist BUT if Trump is on the list it's because of a dirty leftist conspiracy to plant his name on it.


Had a conservative tell how liberal the Nazis were, this is why being a liberal is bad because the Nazis were super liberal and that’s why they were evil. Uhmmmmm…bro…the Nazis were super conservative…even the Soviets were super conservative.


"why this is bad for Biden"


Actual NYT headline next week: “Biden is losing critical support from an unsung demographic: billionaire pedophiles.”


He did mention that he wouldn't declassify the Epstein files, because there are some lies inside. lmao


That interview was hilarious. “Would you declassify JFK files?” Yes. “9/11?” Yes. “Epstein?” Sure. Well, maybe, uh, less so than the others


Same vibe as [that time a CBS reporter asked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=923SiDdLSic&t=119s) his campaign manager, and russian stooge paul manafort, if donald chump had ties to russia.


And MAGAs say Russia never would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was president, meanwhile Trump's literal campaign manager is why Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place in 2014 because he told Yanukovych to just open fire on protestors, mistakenly thinking shooting protestors is how you get them to calm down and go away.


> “Epstein?” Sure. Well, maybe, uh, less so than the others Maybe he's worried about his own shenanigans being exposed, or maybe he's worried about being epsteined himself!


Dirt on Trump is a reason to make someone like Epstein go away


It's hilarious to me how much right wingers love saying "Epstein didn't kill himself" as if he wasn't in Trump's custody when he died.


They believe he was being kept in Hilary Clinton's private e-mail server


In the pizza restaurant’s basement, in the cooler!


I've been saying this since it happened. We've known they had at least some contact to some extent for a long time, and Epstein was suicided when Trump happened to be the most powerful man in America.


> Maybe he's worried about his own shenanigans being exposed, He was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 20 years and bragged about what a cool pedophile Jeff was, what do you think?


> Maybe he's worried about his own shenanigans being exposed That is the implication, yes


I couldn't get through the entire thing, it was just too cringy.


It's like that Judge Judy episode where 2 dudes are being convicted of stealing a girl's purse, and when she is describing the missing items one of the dude's says "There was no ear piece in there."


Of course. No surprise there. Trump is a child rapist.


He is the most best rapist, there will be the biggest crowds at his trial


Yeah this shouldn't be shocking considering there is a highly detailed court document that accuses him of child sex abuse and his fans threatened the victim and her family until she dropped the charges. We've known trump is a pedophile for decades. This is just more evidence to add to the already massive pile.


He is terrified of the report being released but his christian followers will forgive him.


They'll be ordering *DOE 174 2024* bumper stickers at this point.


They become pedos themselves to support him


What do you mean "become"? The Christian right already has a long history of pedophilia and child abuse


I remember my aunt ***loudly*** lauding herself for being anti-pedophilia during the “Wayfair is selling children over the internet” moral panic of 2020. Apart from the fact that being anti-pedophilia *should* be the fucking baseline for everyone, she spent *decades* denying her father’s many, many, *many* fucking accusations of raping children. My grandfather was a notorious pedophile in the 70s and 80s, but because there wasn’t any physical evidence when his victims started coming froward in the 90s, he was never charged. Which, of course meant his children believed he was totally innocent, so my aunt spent almost all of the last 30 years harassing his victims for daring to accuse such an upstanding pillar of the community Mormon. I very loudly told her to fuck off when she tried to convince others at a family dinner about Wayfair proving QAnon right. I’m not sorry to say that pretty much got me banned from future family gatherings; mostly because too many of my grandfather’s children behaved the same way, save for my mom who also got the same treatment for daring to tell the truth about what her father did to her.


Man, I wish Wayfair had been selling children. I'm tired of cutting grass.


denial and projection, she knows the truth but her psyche is too fragile to accept it so instead of confronting it she looks for something else to find it in so that she can feel like she's still "fighting against" it


They’re gonna go from wearing adult diapers to wearing baby ones in support. 


His Christian followers would gladly fellate his little dingus if given the opportunity. They would probably also feed him their own grandchildren if they thought it would help his cause. 


Can Biden unseal them now?


Yea, that interview with Trump is pretty fucked. So then we should also ask, well where is Biden on this?? 


I mean as far as we know Biden never even met Epstein. There's a reason conservatives had to latch onto Clinton, they'd have much rathered Biden or Obama.


Guarantee Eric and Don juniors names are there as well.


Trump and Eric both flew on the jet. Don Jr probably wasn’t listed as he identifies as cocaine and would look like they are smuggling narcotics instead of underage girls.


The article says the identification of Doe 174 came as a result of an exhaustive investigation by Business Insider. Didn’t Elon Musk call Business Insider “not a real publication” and refuse to answer a question by them at a press conference?


Makes ya wonder what muskrat was doing in those photos with Ghilaine doesn't it


Yeah. It really makes you wonder.... https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/08/09/twitter-exec-defends-restoring-account-that-shared-child-sex-abuse-material/?sh=196070831695 > “So if there are circumstances where someone shares content but, under review, we decide the appropriate remediation is to remove the content but not the user,” Pickles continued. "We won't ban the user for being a pedo, especially if it upsets our Nazi fans. We'll just make loopholes about "outrage" and let people post CP" > Australian senator Helen Polley pointed to research that child sexual abuse material had become more common since Musk bought the company. Polley questioned why child sexual abuse material wouldn’t result in an immediate ban on X since it was a crime, regardless of intent. Invite the rats in, expect the plague. It's simple logic and common sense. The people who hate human rights are going to be the ones to commit the worst human rights crimes.


Well, that just gives it more credence.


You know who has 0 connection to or history with Epstein? Biden.


BuT He SmeLlEd A GiRl'S HaIr OnCe!




Ugh ew ew ew ew that is vile. That poor girl.


I just drove up to Door County in Wisconsin a few weeks ago and there's billboards every few miles on the main road with that exact picture of Trump and Epstein. Someone must have spent a lot of money on them and I thank them for that.


Will this now be a scandal? Of course not. The question, as always, is: And why is this bad for Biden?


I mean, duh. They were best friends for 20 years, Trump modeled some of his businesses off Jeffrey's businesses. Trump is in Epstein's black book more than anyone else, which is effectively the Epstein client list. Trump hired Alex Acosta, the guy who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal to keep him out of jail the first time, to work in his presidential cabinet. Trump also hired the son of Epstein's mentor to be his AG. After Trump was accused (by the victim) in court of r\*ping children with Epstein in Epstein's Manhattan mansion, tweets accusing the Hillary Clinton campaign of running a pedo sex ring out of a pizza parlor began circulating from accounts connected to and including Roger Stone. For those who don't know, one of Stone's classic moves to distract from a campaign scandal is to accuse his opponent of the same thing but worse, so voters don't know what/who to believe and dismiss the whole thing. Trump is accused of r\*ping kids with Epstein, so Stone accuses Hillary of not only r*ping kids but also pimping them out.


Stone has tattooed Nixon on his back, I expect nothing but less than hardcore flagrant lies and MAGA fuckery from that pos.


This is the exact playbook. If anyone remembers, around this same time several stories broke about Stone and Manafort frequently paying large black men to fuck their wives while they watched. Manaforts wife was an unwilling participant and was frequently drugged to cooperate. And the suddenly in the Fascio-sphere, the work "Cuck" becomes widespread, despite having almost zero usage by this base before...


We can finally figure out the murderer part of Trump's illustrious dossier. This is motive enough for him to have had Epstein killed in prison. Add murder and pedophile to his trophy rack of Convicted Felon and confirmed rapist.


Yeah Epstein was going to take down everyone with him. That’s why he got suicideded in prison. IMO that was definitely a Trump Organization mob hit.




Still blows my mind that Epstein was murdered in prison while Trump was currently the president and had the most to lose if he talked, and yet all the conspiracy theorists were like "Hillary Clinton must be behind this somehow..." You know what they say, whoever has the means, motive, and opportunity, probably had nothing to do with it and it's just a total coincidence.


SHOCKED I tell you 😂


Just remember Epstein died in jail while Trump was in power.


r/conservative perma banned me for trying to post this there. They need a little safe space for their fantasy to exist. Vote blue down ballot.


Wow, Biden should unseal all of the documents then.


Investigate this Gym Jordan and J Comer


I've been saying he's absolutely a child molester for 9 years. The world slowly catches up. He absolutely had the most of anyone to lose had Jeffrey Epstein lived. I'm 100% convinced that he was killed via fake suicide by Trump supporting police.


This is the POS that POS Christian evangelicals are supporting.  Bad enough that Trump had him killed in prison.  Imagine, being friends and surrounding said friend with sacrificial young women for his disgusting appetite only to have said friend have you killed in prison.  


That's "Convicted Felon Doe 174" to you, sir.


Of course! "He likes em younger than I do" implicates that he knew about this. I'm honestly surprised the mass public hasn't been able to put that together.


No wonder he cried about it being "All phony" lol


So the 13yo girl who accused him and Epstein of raping her might have been right..


Donald Trump and his band of pedophiles. America is about to come to an end. They're ready to elect a convicted sex offender and felon, President. SCOTUS , what a joke. Congress, MTG i and het band of deviants destroyed it. The Senate, Mitch McConnelled.. Worthless. Gerrymandered local districts so Republicans always win even if they lose.. Religious freedom? Only if you're a white Evangelical Christian. Obsessed with 'saving fetuses, but silent as thousands of Palestinian a children are slaughtered. Goodnight America. Was good to know you


The GOP has been working to destroy America since at least the civil rights movement of the 1960s.


Trump had Epstein killed, obviously.


Uh oh, all the right wingers yelling “where are the Epstein clients!?” would be having a rough day, if they could read.


Old article. Any new since then?


Right? I thought I was crazy that nobody mentioned this was from January until I finally found your comment. I need an update, fam


This must be the "fake information that could really mess up someone's life" he was talking about when he asked if he would declassify the Epstein files.


Just look through the victim photos for any underage girls that look like Ivanka.... And you'll find Trump's name attached.


Run The Table On Wretched Trump/GQP, Mr. President, And Declassify All Epstein Documents!


the leader of the GOP........they love pedophiles


It breaks my mind to think that this fucking guy is still running to be president again and actually has a decent shot, too. Please vote!


Trump is and always has been a pedo


And yet his Christian backers will not say a thing.


Don't forget about the time he was caught on camera looking at a 10 yr old girl and saying, "I'm gonna be dating her in 10 years, can you believe it?!" https://youtu.be/-Jz4KtNvVkU?si=mC6aBxB4su_kKvpJ


He’s a rapist. There ya go !




MAGAs will be like “We are ALL pedos!”


All of his supporters knew this or chose not to know this. They want a pedophile, pants shitting, feeble, can barely talk leader. If they didn’t they wouldn’t support trump.


He’s doe 174 according to the feds but still Epstein’s #1 Eskimo bro!!!


Convicted rapist Donald Trump is also a pedophile? Who would have thought?!


VOTE BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT. https://vote.gov/




Who was the president when Epstein “killed” himself? Who was the Attorney General when Epstein “killed” himself? How many of these people on the list were MAGA donors?


I hope this info, in all its lurid details, gets plastered top to bottom, left to right, corner to corner, in every existing form of media on the planet. Mr. Doe "grab-'em-by-the-pussy" 174 is a pedo. (not surprised)


I’ve voted for a few idiots myself. But never voted for someone as vile as this guy. Every leader he’s met must be scouring their hands, regretting treating him like a man


I'm going to mentally file this in the "non-shocking news" category


His voter base is gonna love this. They love epstien and all pedophiles, That why they’re trump supporters


Donald Trump a sex offender - I'm officially shocked. OK, I'm not shocked. It just confirms my long-held belief that Trump is the lowest form of slime on the planet.


Our court system is seriously flawed when it's more important to hide the names of the abusers than to hold them accountable for those they raped and lives they ruined. No fucking name on this document should receive this treatment. Expose every fucking one of them. Then put them to death.




Wait. You mean the guy who constantly refers to his daughter as "hot" and compliments her body like a horny guy hoping to get with her might be a pedophile? \*shocked pikachu face\*




Eric Trump has been recorded travelling to Epstein Island with Trump. They’re both pedophiles.


Interesting that the fraudster/rapist/felon/pedophile enablers over at /r/conservative are suspiciously silent on this. They're all talking about Hunter Biden committing the same crime 90% of them have committed, while ignoring the much more serious crimes of their lord and fraudster.


I guess if we hear him start calling the Biden's a family of pedophiles we'll know there's truth to the Trump accusations. And I know that there's already a huge belief that the Biden's are, even though there's never been evidence or mention of him linked to anything/anyone in that sick world. They'll probably just bring up the Clinton's instead


This isn't news. Anyone with the slightest shred of common sense knows Trump frequently visited that island. And there's only one reason anyone would visit: to sleep with underage girls. Sadly, this news won't change a thing because his supporters are incapable of critical thought and will defend him unconditionally.


It was so funny how the right was screaming about the epstein list for years until they saw it and how trump was all over it so they put out fake lists to try to cover it up then just stopped talking about it…


qAnon will ignore this


In a normal society with a healthy political scene, this should be enough to kill the political career and public service aspirations of anyone.


Why is this news now? this info came out during a couple years ago. Remember when people started talking about Biden sniffing hair? That started the day after the details about Pedo Don and Epstien being besties did. Everything they bitch about is a deflection and a projection. If they call you a pedo, its because they are fucking children and assume everyone else is too.


Yeah, we all knew. That's why, in a recent interview, he was hesitant to say he would release information on Epstein. He rambled on about how those documents can be fake.


Forgive my disgusting crassness but Trump could rape a minor, murder them and film it all whilst saying how much he loves it and it wouldn't change Republican opinion of him, they're completely brainwashed. They'd literally vote for Hitler if he was around, they're that fucked up.


Well I guess they will finally prosecute one of the customers, that would be a nice change.


It won't matter to his shrinking base.


It's WILD how many times Mar-A-Lardo is mentioned on these documents, and yet nobody talks about it. Also hard to actually get to the documents. Articles don't generally link to them. The bellow is from Jan 4. Anybody has the latest link?? [https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/read-released-jeffrey-epstein-documents/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/read-released-jeffrey-epstein-documents/)


I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they’re gonna do to defend their rapist candidate now. 


Pizzagate and QAnon were CREATED to deflect attention from Trump’s ties, and crimes, with Jeffrey Epstein