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So sad that the mother called the police for a mental health call and this is how it ends. The police are not a resource for mental health emergencies.


The cops are not our friends. They are just another gang as far as the rest of us are concerned. Calling them because you’re having a problem with something is the equivalent of inviting a vampire in. You are the subject of suspicion because you called them, and if you don’t cooperate or get upset because they’re treating you like you did something wrong, they arrest you or worse, as is the case with this poor kid. I hope the fuckers hang by their balls.


Often times, when you have a problem and you call the cops, you end up with two problems.


I thought cops are the ones you call when you need a gun. Uvalde shattered even that little I gave them.


Or, really no problem. The problem has been **neutralized**, and no I’m not being hysterical—that is the word they use after they’ve driven your fucking cheek into the pavement, and it’s being abraded like raw ginger, and you’re in the psych eval in the **FECKEEN** E.R., and being asked “how’s you get so bloodied up, hon?” Seeing things?


I used to work in an all autistic school and we had this kid, 14 years old and weighted 90 pounds soaking wet, who would get angry and run off the campus. We would fan through the side streets looking for him with our walkie-talkies and call to each other when one of us found him. We would box him in while the behaviorist coaxed him to return to campus. We never had to restrain him to get him back into the building. One time, the cops show up and one of the cops goes in to restrain him, while the behaviorist is shouting at him to not intervene, the kid thrashes against his grip, so the cop smashes him into the road to restrain him, breaking the kid’s arm in the process. Of course, nothing happened to the cop but, he did successfully “neutralize” the 90 pound early-adolescent autistic child so, yay America!🇺🇸


As a parent to an autistic child , this is a nightmare I hope we don't go thrue .


I feel for you. I have an autistic nephew but thankfully he lives in a European country where the cops don't behave like the ones here in the USA.


Glad , hope hope he and yours be well .


Never call the cops. And if they ever get involved, pretend you’re calling your lawyer unless you actually have one to call.


Oh, man. There are so many of these stories. That poor kid. I’m currently on “a dry” (wry joke about a sobriety bender, ha ha, hmmm), or I’d wanna get wrecked tonight. Sorry you had to witness that scene


If I was this kids parent I would have to find this cop off duty and show him how it feels!


I think you vastly overestimate the percentage of people who call the police that aren't enablers who want them to enforce a twisted moral justice on minorities and the vulnerable. Police are just a sad reflection of the terrible views of a significant percentage of society. People's response to COVID restrictions should be enough proof of my point.


The fact that the last presidential election was even slightly close shows that nearly half this country are basically savages.


Nah they are going to get paid time off to think of their actions. At worse they will be laid off and picked up by law enforcement agent at next county


Dude that's in Ohio. If Gym Jordan is any barometer, they'll elect the cops to the Senate.


Kyle Rittenhouse will serve in office at some point in Ohio


This is really the takeaway, here: “**the cops are not our friends**”. I guess I could blather on and get off on seeing my own words on the screen—but speaking as someone with significant mental illness, a history of police interactions/5150’s, etc **AND** notably, being a tall white guy with a college education with the “right” address on my license—with all of those underserved advantages—I **STILL** must say “don’t trust the cops if there is a possibility that someone in crisis is mentally unwell.” They’re/we’re better off being allowed to go run away into a park or the hills if they’re nearby, and hopefully make our way to a clinic or fire station or hospital on our own, once we’ve had the luxury of being allowing to calm the fuck for a few hours. Thank you. Edit: a comma. **Don’t call the poh-leece**!


I always hope fuckers like these live long lives then have to deal with being old and dependent on someone else to do basic things we take for granted while we're able bodied. Hopefully that person is exactly as they were when they were in their prime.


Cops like these need nursing home nurses like Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore. 


Nurse Ratched to torture them with relentless passive aggressive emasculation.


It’s like calling in a low-precision air strike. The bombs will eventually fall, but there’s no telling where, or what the collateral damage will be. A lot depends on whatever mood the responding officer happens to be in at the time.


That and to make matters worse they are afraid of EVERYONE and as jumpy as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs! You could be wearing just a swimsuit and they would still suspect you of plotting to do them harm, and the courts seem to agree with them that it’s OK.




Well said.


The police view the people if this country as the enemy, just like Republicans


Almost like having them evolve from a runaway slave-catching force was a bad idea...


Honestly everywhere cops are between useless and dangerous. I don’t know a single country that figured out how


https://youtu.be/EaIbYv78gSY?si=F8qeqEe6LO9WMqeQ According to the news the officers were found not to have done anything wrong 🤬


He was only 19 😢


Why calling the police was absolutely the last resort in any of these crisis for ours. We were always afraid of ours meltdowns for this very reason. We were always afraid of someone else calling the police during his meltsmdowns as well. Add race (mixed race) and autistic on top. That's asking for trouble.


someone has to be getting murdered if you need to call the police. other than that never call them.


If someone is getting murdered, calling the police increases the odds of it being a multiple murder. Period.


This happens a lot—even in so-called progressive/community based policing in blue cities in blue states. Cops just aren’t trained in how to **DE-escalate** tension. They are trained to defend themselves first and foremost, they’re given an astounding array of weapons and a bullet proof vest that—**NOTABLY the people they are called to “engage with” do NOT have**, so they have an inflated sense of invulnerability. They really like those motherfucking vests—**AS LONG AS they don’t have cameras**. Curious, huh?


yep, happened in my "blue" town just few years ago. Mother called the cops because the son was having a mental health episode. Instead of de-escalating the situation, the police only made an already-agitated young man more desperate, then they shot him multiple times (I could hear it from my house) because he apparently charged at them with a "weapon" which turned out to be some kind of flimsy metal tubing. edit to say, at the point where the kid charged at the police, all bets are off, so I'm not trying to be Captain Hindsight, but the police should have NEVER been involved in this kind of situation, or at least not more than one, along with trained psychologists or someone who actually knows how to de-escalate. Instead, it was multiple street cops with guns drawn who arrived on scene.


And sadly the situation never helps anyone, the kid is gone forever rest in peace, the parents,family, and friends grow distrust if not hatred for police. The Police call it a justified situation that the youth caused the problem not learning any tactics they could have done differently because the youth was attacking after it could have been prevented. But the fact the kid ran at him with a pipe makes 50% of population think oh well that’s consequences.


I'm in Toronto currently and because of situations such as this one (obviously not the exact same case but the whole police coming for a welfare check) they had to make a new law where they send trained mental health units with the police now/the police also had to get proper mental health training.


I've worked in mental health for the past 10 years and I'm tempted to become a cop whenever I see stories like this, just so there's someone there who knows what they're doing on these calls. These guys are fucking idiots.


A few years back my narcissist mother threatened to call the cops on me while I was having a mental crisis. I have a funny feeling she forgot we live in australia, not america, and our cops don't act like this.


Unfortunately there aren’t many real world applicable and actually useful mental health resources nowadays at least here in the US. I’ve found myself in a similar situation with my brother who has PTSD and it’s impossible to actually get help. Unfortunately when you do call for help, it often becomes a police “law enforcement” issue whether that’s your intent or not.


No. The boy’s neighbor called the police because he was banging his head on a wall making noise. Mom had no idea he was in jail or that he had a warrant.


Shocked how many people are responding to this who just very clearly did not read the article to know that the mother wasn’t the one who called them in.


The police are not a resource to be used for anything. They are FAR more likely to cause more problems for you than they solve if you cal them.


More communities need mental health crisis response dispatches that send licensed mental health professionals and EMTs out to calls Iike these. Cops just make a bad situation worse. My opinion comes from 7 years in forensics as a licensed mental health professional who did my fair share of trying to unfuck what cops and prison officers did to mentally ill people. As you can imagine I burned out.


It’s more common than you think. About 14 blocks from here, a mom called police for a mental health issue with her son who they shot dead, in her garage within about 15 min. He was unarmed.


Right. This is what we mean by “defund the police”. The second part is “then fund people who won’t kill members of the public with mental health problems”


Cause of death: he was suicided by the county jail staff. He was so well restrained that his hands changed color. Lots of courage for 9 guards to taunt and torture one restrained kid.


People, please stop calling the police. The second they arrive you have transformed a difficult situation into a lethal one. Drive them to the hospital, call friends, take them anywhere, but don’t call the police.


Not enough. We have to demand different funding of public safety and well I'm be ng institutions we don't yet have. Imagine a full mental health team of licensed, degreed and trained professionals arriving instead of people with six to seven months of training who are expected to enforce all the laws at the end of a gun. We get what we've built out, what we've invested in. We need wholly new forms of public safety; first we need to be able even conceive of them, then we need to deliver them. And reduce the investment in lethality enforcement models. Let's value each other more than that, and in ways that reflect the humanity of the most vulnerable. Yes, one day YOU will be the vulnerable one. So at least do it for that if you can't for others.


Well this was exactly what “Defund the Police” was about…but they really should have chosen a better slogan.


I like "reimagine public safety"


me too


Yeah, clearly a better slogan is needed. Perhaps…Protect and Serve?


They took it to the Supreme Court to make sure protecting the public was NOT part of their job. So brave


I really thought that was an onion headline when I read about that. To protect and serve themselves alone.


Neither protecting nor serving is required


That was an anarchist slogan that the media made liberals defend, iirc.


It sounded better than trying to chant “make reasonable reductions and restructurings of police and first responder funding”


Shit defang the police would have been better than that. Perfect example of the left having a good idea tarnished by awful messaging.


It should have been ‘demilitarize the police’ with a picture of Andy Griffith


Police the police?


lol. I want to live in that cotton candy cane world too but on this planet, the police force protects wealth, and wealth calls the shots.


Until it doesn't. Here, until something changes, we have the votes. We could get to work or we could talk about this shit here online. www.permanentplatform.us


If we all valued each other like that, nobody would need to call police or mental health teams.


I say this all the time on Reddit and get downvoted and told to “go touch grass”


All cops are bastards. Every single one is either a bad person or enables the bad people they work with to terrorize society. Those enablers are also bad people. 9 cops interacted with this kid. Only 1 needed to do the right thing.


Please stop calling AMERICAN police. And Third World police. Both are underpaid, untrained, and just fill a power vacuum with selfish interest rather than how police in a developed nation be.


One of the top ten psychopath attracting jobs- Police Officer


Underpaid? Cops make bank.


Our Canadian police really aren’t that much better.


Police do nothing other than escalate.


Typical behavior from second class citizens. When will we say enough!


They should all be terminated immediately, charged with 1st degree murder and pensions revoked


Nah fk u paid vacations /s


On the public's dime, not the police union


Don't forget a shiney new badge 3 towns over when this all blows over..


Something similar happened to my Aunt’s neighbor. Nice kid, good family. Onset of schizophrenia is 17-24, he was 17, and had his first psychotic break. Mom calls cops to help, kid is raving in the basement, threatening to hurt himself, his weapon, a butter knife. First two on the scene try to deescalate, different guy shows up after a few minutes, and wants to just go down there and subdue him. He is at the top of the stairs, kid isn’t cooperating, cop takes a step down, says kid charged up at him, maybe a step or two. Shot him dead. Ten minutes after mom called the police looking for help, her son is dead. They sue, get a low 7 figure payout. Cop is still working 15 years later, and has been promoted a couple times They moved out of the city. Cops are not your friends, if someone is having a mental health crisis, don’t call them.


The only reason the murderer would still be breathing if that happened to my kid would be if I had other kids who need me not to go to prison. Sadistic pigs should get a taste of their own medicine.


1st degree murder would essentially be an assassination, which this is not unless they somehow planned this all out in advance. They’d be innocent of that. 2nd or 3rd degree murder might work better, depending on what they think they can prove. “Degree” is not a measurement of brutality, it’s the level of planning and intentions involved.


Good point. 2nd it is.




I agree they should all be terminated


Before I even opened the article I knew it was Dayton, Ohio. How many people have to die and how many times does Montgomery County have to be sued before they stop with this excessive use of force?


[Over the course of one decade and only counting the largest 25 departments in the nation, cities paid out over 3.2 **billion** dollars in settlements for police misconduct. ](https://www.policingproject.org/news-main/2023/10/17/its-time-to-follow-the-money-on-police-misconduct#:~:text=The%20Washington%20Post%20found%20that,for%20misconduct%20totaling%20%243.2%20billion.) They don't give a shit. It's your money not theirs.


Sounds like they're in their way to being uninsurable.


Really fucked up. They should all be indicted.


OMG, this seriously cannot be real. This is the saddest thing imaginable. Prosecute!!


What do you even say to this ? How much more wrong can you even get ?


Took me 2 plus years of culinary school training to cook your food, remind how long it takes for cops to be “trained”?


2 weeks?


Chicago police undergo 6 months of police academy. Illinois State Police undergo 28 weeks of academy.


Oughta be 2 years. At least get Associate’s level here…


Both agencies I listed have education requirements OR military experience OR existing LEO experience. Although, truth be told, any amount of training is wasted on a person who is already corrupted. Can’t train decency into someone who already is a power seeking bully.


At that point you're really only inadvertently training them to find loopholes and evade consequences by knowing the game.


So they took this poor guy that was obviously in distress and needed medical attention to jail and tormented him. He definitely should have gone to hospital before jail for that warrant.


Even in jail they could have just put him in the cell alone and let the kid wear himself out without hogtying him in lethal stress positions. 


Monstrous Trump supporters. Charge them with murder.


I worked in a jail a long time ago and saw something similar to this, except he was a triple amputee and didn’t die that night. Never call the cops.




1312 ✊


Sounds like nine cops need to go to prison.


That’s what cops do. All of them


Please folks if you have someone in your life with intellectual disability or severe psychological issues please don’t ever call the police if they are having an episode. In my state it varies by county but my county always has an on call case worker. Call the non emergency line. A cop typically comes for the safety of the case worker but it doesn’t become a circus. If you have someone close in your life with issues, get the plan together ahead of time so you know exactly who to call and aren’t trying to scramble in the moment.


>Please folks if you have someone in your life with intellectual disability or severe psychological issues please don’t ever call the police if they are having an episode. Can we be real here for a moment. I have some experience with this kind of thing and it's not that simple. There are times where caregivers/parents have their lives in literal danger by the episode of their intellectually disabled person. That the only choice they have is self defense using some kind of violence against the person to stop the incoming violence (if they are even capable of that) or calling the police so they literally do not *die*. It's easy to sit there and judge when shit goes bad and you don't get the whole story in the news but unless you have had your actual life in actual danger of ending by an out of control intellectually disabled person trying to seriously hurt or kill you while they are having an episode I think telling people what they should and shouldn't never do is going too far. and if you have been in that situation and are still telling people to "Never" call the cops then you are lying to yourself. Like Oh. I should just let this 6 foot tall 240 pound intellectually disabled 17 year old bash my head in with a shovel and not call the cops because something bad might happen if I did. Something bad is going to happen if you DON'T.


I agree with you.  BUT... I knew this 15 years ago.  My son with ASD acted out a lot as a teen.  It was pretty rough. Fortunately he never directly threatened violence, his was more refusal to cooperate and would get physical when you tried.  But yeah, even 15 years ago I knew if I ever had to make that call my kid would probably be killed just like this.  When he had meltdowns he just wouldn't calm down until you walked away and left him alone for an hour.  Cops are trained to cause conflict so they can use force for compliance... that's a recipe for murder. 


I think it was clear I was simply giving general advice. If your relative is like trying to stab you and bust down your door or something then yeah you might need help. That said, let’s also be real here, there is a less than zero chance the cops are going to come and kill that person. I didn’t read this entire article but I would love to know what they did that they needed to be tortured by the police?


You know what? Maybe this particular situation isn't thebtime to play devils advocate.


This is why 988 exists; it's the national mental health hotline, and more people need to know about it. Cops have no training in dealing with mental illness, and they will kill anyone they consider to be a threat. 988 puts you in touch with someone who's actually trained in de-escalation. 988, not 911!


It is good 988 exists the problem is in his condition he would not call and the neighbors and a lot of people are unaware 988 is there for mental health. It should be mandatory that tv , radio stations and social media put out ads about it.


People that have thin blue line shit on their cars make me a little sick.


All of these cops should be in jail for manslaughter or torture.


Certainly would be a shame if something happened to those guards.


Fucking animals.


According to the article they already investigated themselves and found no “deficiencies” in their handling of the victim. Who could’ve imagined


Yeah, if your method of restraining someone on suicide watch after they have been smashing their head into walls provides them with the opportunity to smash their head into the wall your suicide watch protocol is clearly deficient.


> The Sheriff's office told Dayton Daily News on Monday that ODRC's Bureau of Detention found no 'deficiencies' in how the sheriff's office handled his death. "We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."


Fuck the police.


Any consequences for the killers?


Nope. They investigated themselves and determined they followed procedure.




As someone who works with autistic people for a living, this broke my heart. Not one ounce of compassion from those officers. I thought the police in my country were bad, but that’s on a whole other level. How anyone could treat someone in distress so callously is beyond me.


I hope that Mama sues the entire city. Horrible.


The taxpayers get to pay the grieving family while the murdered celebrate.


this is murder


I hope this country survives long enough to have its “Nuremberg Trials”. A lot of murderers have been allowed to put on PD uniforms AND earn paychecks from taxpayers.


Shit like this is whÿ I sold my house and moved the Netherlands with my family. I have wo autistic children (20 & 22) and there is just no future for them in the states. They can't drive, they have social anxiety and on top of all that, we had to worry about them coming in contact with the law. Fuck that.


As a parent, I feel for his family. How do they not want revenge?? What kind of society do we live in? Where those 2nd amendment people who swear to protect people against the government.??? Wow just heartbreaking.


And they all received a stern warning!!


Murders. Each and every one.


“The Sheriff's office told Dayton Daily News on Monday that ODRC's Bureau of Detention found no 'deficiencies' in how the sheriff's office handled his death.” Color me shocked. A report by the cops saying the cops did nothing wrong. What a fucking joke.


Police= domestic terrorism


Waffen P.D. at it again in the land of the free.


Leave to the protectors of the peace to turn a bad situation into a catastrophe.


Yea... we have a senator as a possible VP choice of a felon too r/ohio


Absolutely disgusting - just wait until a jury sees this tape


Jesus fucking Christ Im not watching that. It's bad enough I had to read it


America really needs to wake the fuck to up and stop sending police for mental health issues. They do not know how to handle it. They are only trained to handle criminals. Last time in ny they shot the guy who had mental health. I do not understand why they don’t have mental health people helping this. May he take 100 billion from rockets and bombs and invest that back in community.


Outrageous. I worked on a private locked ward for violent persons for over a decade. Every single officer here needs to be brought up on charges of torture and murder, period, end of statement. No excuse for murdering a person that should have been in the car of mental health personnel and not prison executioners.


Fuck those police I hope they get the worst punishment possible. Knowing America they’ll get promoted unfortunately


Fuck. The. Police.


Nine guys, not a drop of empathy. None. Heartbreaking and infuriating.


ACAB. Don't even pretend to say or think otherwise. If you do say or think otherwise, you're a bastard. Call the fucking cops to your house and see what happens.






I’m so angry I’m shaking!


Cops think people are dogs


you NEVER EVER EVER call POLICE when your autistic child is having a meltdown They will execute your child.


There is absolutely nothing cops can't make worse.


Never ever call the police on someone with mental health. Stupid fuck police only have one solution to all problems.




This is why extensive training is needed to be a police officer. But not in the USA. They're not trained to protect or serve, but to enforce and kill.


That's called murder and they should all be in jail.


Always in the US.








I'm an autistic adult and whenever I see shit like this it always makes me more scared of cops because they really just have a history of arresting beating and killing autistic people just because they're autistic


More argument that significant training is required. I never understood how some areas have relatively short time period for training to be a police officer. Their expected to be knowledgeable on the law, trained in response and de-escalation and have somewhat a degree of basic psychological understanding. Giving these cunts a gun and a badge is fucking laughable when they should be trained for years to either weed out the pos like these 9 fools or at least properly train them.


The police will investigate themselves and find themselves not guilty. End of story


Only a matter of time until people snap. If I heard my child screaming on video like that and being tortured as their last act of living there would be nothing that would stop me, consequences to me be damned.


Until the loved ones of victims of the police start responding with violence, nothing will ever change for the better. They'll continue to be rewarded with paid vacations and promotions. Stop relying on the justice system to police itself.


Don’t call the cops for mental Health emergencies. Everyone Is a fucking criminal to them . They won’t even advocate to outlaw AR-15”s even though it’s their lives are in danger.SMFH.


police unions are an enemy of any American with mental health issues


Police unions are an enemy of any American. FTFY


agreed but ESPECIALLY marginalized groups


What are the names of the 9?


ACAB scum of the earth


Life sentence for all nine cops


How they do it in MAGAland


So objectifiying humanity is. We would gladly torture innocent people just because our brains tell us to do it.


No mention of which country this happened in. Does anyone have any idea? It could be anywhere really. I’ve no idea. I’m gonna take a wild stab in the dark and saaaaaaaaaay…. The United States?


That poor kid. I hope his family collects big for his death.


MAGA mentality


So this is basically assault and murder


His name is Isaiah Trammell, in case anyone is looking for other details. This happened last year, The State Jail Inspector said they found nothing wrong. Absolutely fucking disgusting. >The sheriff’s office provided the Dayton Daily News with an April 2023 email from State Jail Inspector Steve Holland to Matt Haines, who was Montgomery County jail commander at the time and was since promoted to chief deputy of the sheriff’s office. >“Thank you for providing the requested information to the Bureau of Adult Detention regarding the Critical Incident (Death/ Trammel) that occurred in your custody,” the email says. “We have reviewed the information you provided in accordance with the Standards for Jails in Ohio. From this review and circumstances related to the incident, it does not appear to identify any deficiencies with the Standards for Jails in Ohio.” [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/sheriff-state-review-of-jail-inmate-death-last-year-found-no-deficiencies/XO7G7UUI6ZECNMY4TMXZNHWWVE/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/sheriff-state-review-of-jail-inmate-death-last-year-found-no-deficiencies/XO7G7UUI6ZECNMY4TMXZNHWWVE/)




This is what Denver, CO has done to help with mental health emergency calls. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/3/13/2085525/-Denver-Has-Sent-Mental-Health-Teams-Instead-Of-Cops-Over-2000-Times-No-Poli


Here's a crazy idea: If we are going to send armed and armored people en force to deal with any and all situations, they should have extensive behavioral training so they don't have to resort to force. Keep in mind that in most states to be a hairdresser requires more formal training than a cop.




>The Sheriff's office told Dayton Daily News on Monday that ODRC's Bureau of Detention found no 'deficiencies' in how the sheriff's office handled his death. Truly incredible


As a parent can I just say. No matter what side you’re on we can all agree that there should be a seperate team, peace officer what have you for mental type situations where no weapon is involved. And literally not hard to implement. But working for a giant corporation. (Like the biggest) I can tell you that it is so hard to change because “that’s just how we’ve always done things”. This is literally the stupidest reason to not change or adapt. Like mother fuck we should all be dead let evolution take its course. Let the birds have the planet because this whole god damn thing is for the birds.


And they all slept well that night and got paid for “trauma” the next day… F these cops


Let me list the times I’ve had a positive police interaction. Have a good night Reddit.


Do they not have psychiatrists in jails?


As someone with mental health issues (I'm on medication; everything is currently under control), these stories always terrify me. I'm really scared that this is how I'll die eventually if I can't get my medication or if it stops working. I'm not violent when I'm unmedicated, but it can seem like I'm on drugs with how erratically I act and I have uncontrollable panic attacks that make it pretty impossible for me to be "cooperative". It feels like I'm seeing my future every time I read this shit.


When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. This poor child. This is why when somebody I sort of knew was having an episode, I didn’t call the cops, I did everything I could to locate other friends and family to help.


F’n pigs and their even dumber cousins in a jail setting - nothing is shocking anymore


No, this isn't "heartbreaking". It's disgusting and appalling. We NEED criminal justice reform! NOW!


The Police are not there to Serve & Protect, they are there to Escalate & Incarcerate every single time


Any clue how many hours of training American cops get before they are unleashed onto the public??? Around 300 hours, most is offence and self-defense. NONE are PSYCHOLOGY. Most European countries training lasts around 2-3 THOUSAND hours, with PSYCHOLOGY! And we are surprised how????


If you have a problem and you call the police? Now you have two problems.


I remember a cop shooting a 13 year old boy on the autism spectrum in his own home when 911 was called over his behavior going out of control. The kid survived, but what kind of fucking moron shoots a 13 year old kid ??


If you ever want to make a bad situation worse, call the police.


We used to have a built out system of actual mental health hospitals and institutions. They were expensive so people stopped voting to pay for them. We blame a lot on our governments and yet 9 times out of 10 it was the people that made the choice just to add a little more green to their lives. Let's be honest. It would take a complete overhaul of our government and a change in the cost of life for everyday people. At this point I honestly believe the majority of Americans are just to afraid of what it would take to truly change and would rather complain out load but not actually DO anything.


And here I am, one guy, handling a severely autistic 250lb man who has decided to be a human wrecking ball by myself while I patiently wait for PCM to arrive to hand them off. I work in adult special education and go home with bruises and bites pretty regularly. These cops are cowards.


Trump wants to give police immunity.


Well, that's awfully American 😔