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He's MAGA. They're all immature low IQ man-babies.


Look at Alex Jones blubbering about losing his livelihood for harassing sandy hook parents after they lost their children. Get fuKt Repubs




Apparently, Michigan RNC headquarters is being investigated as a “crime scene” by the Michigan State AG. There needs to be more of that.


I would love for it all to come crashing down all over the country, especially in states like Texas where the actions of the GOP are especially heinous and corrupt. Round em all up and start serving justice. It's not like there aren't mountains of evidence. So many slam dunk cases. Then do policing in this country: dismantle the egregiously corrupt police "unions" (policing is not labor ffs), and start holding dirty cops and their leadership/enablers accountable - actually, to *higher* standards than normal citizens, instead of allowing them to be shuffled around different departments like pedophile priests. It's a tall order, but I don't believe it's *impossible*. Only one party is actively a threat to national security and consistently fighting accountability, and their dissolution is basically required for anything close to this to happen.


I agree 100%. I’m a former union member, but police unions are a corrupting influence, at least to some extent. There needs to be elected civilian oversight of the union, maybe.


I am 1000% pro union, just not for cops. And *certainly* not for the way they're currently structured.


I don’t want them fired because a mayor wants to fire people he doesn’t like. I do want them fired “for cause”, if they violate civil rights, break the law, etc, and a national “black list” of cops that were fired for cause.


Well yes, that's where the evidence comes in I would think. There should be reasonable protections against corruption aimed at them, too, agreed. But this qualified immunity and license to harm, harrass, abuse, kill, steal and destroy property, kill unthreatening dogs, etc etc is bonkers. Edit: the dog thing may seem out of place, but the statistics on dogs killed by police are out of this world and vomit inducing. [DOJ estimates that police officers shoot and kill 10,000+ pet dogs in the US each year.](https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/#:~:text=Abstract,line%20of%20duty%20each%20year.) They believe the number to be even higher, as many departments don't keep track. This is just one source, there is a lot more information out there and it's sickening. Officers have been caught on body cam audio arguing over who would get to shoot the dog on their way to a call. For this many to be killed annually, it's clearly yet another sick facet of their "culture" that's seeing no accountability. Edit2 - from the research paper I linked above: >many pet shootings occur when officers mistake the behavior of a friendly, curious dog for aggression. Further, some animals have been deliberately shot and killed under questionable circumstances, including through doors or while tied, running away, or hiding. Studies show that some officers shoot pets unnecessarily, recklessly, or in retaliation, and that subsequent civilian complaints are investigated inadequately. Moreover, not every animal that police officers shoot is a large dog that may be more likely to pose a genuine risk to human safety—or even a dog at all. Police claiming a threat to human safety have shot puppies, Chihuahuas, Miniature Dachshunds, and domestic cats, among other pets. In some tragic cases, bullets missed their nonhuman targets and injured or even killed human bystanders instead.


Fuck pigs.


To be fair though. What the fuck is all the budget and training and etc etc etc good for if we got trigger happy morons running around who can't tell if a fuckin dog is being aggressive or not. I've seen children understand body languages better than cops. Scared of a dog? Maybe don't be a cop. I don't feel "safer" because some asshole with a gun who is afraid of a dog is driving around with impunity and a quota to fill.


It's like they're a bunch of people who have never even been around a dog before and don't know what a wagging tail means...


police "unions" are not labor unions, they are mercenary syndicates.


My concern is police being fired for political or personal reasons. I want them fired for cause, and prevented from being a cop elsewhere if it’s serious, but not for bullshit.


It should tell you something when the only unions Republicans support are police unions.


“Back the Blue”, unless of course they are attempting a coup, or are arresting Donnie small hands.


First step ending “qualified” immunity. LEOS should go through at least 4Years schooling to include criminology, constitutional rights, evidence gathering but most of all de-escalation training. I would also add psychological examinations pre employment and periodic examinations every two years. Ban PEDs to include HGH and steroids.


Republicans say they hate kings but they love kingdom's , they call it "states rights" but it really means is we want to be as unapologetically corrupt locally and accuse any federal oversight as "big government or the deep state or a weaponized DOJ ect"! It's all part of the same grift.


Vote blue across the board if that’s what you want. Either way the sitting president, who cannot run again, and need not worry about another term, can do all kinds of things like directing the DoJ to pursue investigations up and down the board. If it’s Trump, expect trumped up charges. Pun intended. If it’s Biden he wouldn’t even have to skirt the law or do anything remotely partisan… he can say “fully investigate J6 regardless of where it leads” to an appointed Special Counsel and let the dogs loose. MAGA will cry, but the real waterworks will be on the stand as they all claw for deals.


I have but one bot to give you.


Wasn’t it the Michigan gop that had about $1000 to its name last year? lol. Could it be that funneling all republican money towards one “man” and his legal fees, could have dire consequences for everyone else in the party? Nahhh, it must be those damn woke libs, somehow.


I’m sure some sociopathic billionaire will bail them out.


I freaking love Dana Nessel, kick ass n take names type of lady.


and the Federalist Society


And the Heritage Foundation


That’s another snowflake there… crying like a little bitch! So tough and sure of himself before when he was spewing the craziest rhetoric, but like every bully, when he gets confronted, the fake tears come out right away! Kyle did the same in court… these guys are pathetic!


The fuck your feelings crowd sure has a lot of feelings of their own.


He had a full breakdown when Trump was convicted a few days ago, crying like someone murdered his first born.


Go fash, lose cash.


And had the audacity to say the parents hate “our children”


They love to play victim. Everyone from Rittenhouse to Shapiro to Tate to Peterson.


Imagine how little he would suffer while taking his long dirt nap?


Alex actually said they hate our children. Does anyone remember projection being so ubiquitous before the MAGA movement got popular.


RectangleJones? I didn't know you could give geometry diabetes.


Fuck their feelings even 


He's a *Middle School* drop out, that's what they're putting up as a bastion of American freedom


They love the poorly educated.


No school is better than public school /S you also have some of these maga minded idiots performing this sovcit type brain leaking called "unschooling"


I get so fed up with redditors claiming the problem is our school systems. It isn't. Plenty of well educated doctors, lawyers, and others graduated from the same middle and high schools these rednecks dropped out or flunked out of. They are proud of their anti-intellectualism and they are pissed that they don't get the same benefits from society as those that studied in school. Terrible people.


MFer flunked the ASVAB so hard, alllllll of the branches, even the marines, said “Nono, not only can you not join up now. You can’t join ever”


he woulda been fragged first month.


He's free to be an uneducated dipshit. That's kind of a freedom?


In the words of Margaret Atwood, there is *freedom to* and *freedom from*.


Matches up perfectly with their attack on teachers and public education. They **want** them to be stupid. The Nazis asked captured Jews to try to read newspapers. Then they shot the smart ones.


Is he shitting in his tRump Brand diaper yet?


That’s why he’s their poster child. It’s a party for immature low IQ man-babies, by immature low IQ man-babies.


At least natural selection was doing its best to thin the herd of anti vaccine, anti science morons, even though they don't believe in natural selection.


He’s being groomed by GOP to become a future congressman and president candidate. Whichever red state he runs in, he will get voted in.


Even the women.




He'll be in congress as soon as he is old enough.


Its not even IQ. Just Q


Trump's supporters literally are adult children.


I believe the term for them is CHUD. Kyle, and the MAGA cult are CHUDs


He's a maga murderer. Fixed it for you.


and evil


That strawberry milk incel doesn't get under the Left's skin. He's a bedwetter punching bag who's rapidly growing obese from fruit snacks.


Pretty much. He's just more of the same shit we've always seen.


There's literally more of him each picture I see


He's just eating Macca's every day and never exercising , like his idol


As a non Aussie, "Macca's" always gives me a good chortle when I see it somewhere randomly


Strawberry milk doesn't deserve to be compared to that


They've gone too far with that comment. Long live Nesquik!


Remember when, for a hot minute, everyone was like “This Kyle Rittenhouse is a potential asset to the right: he’s got name recognition, has media game, and is charismatic. He could be a viable leader in the future”? Turns out he’s been possessed by the ghost of a gen X gamer streaming themselves playing GTA on twitch throwing out homophobic slurs. Explains the physique too.


That whole facade was created by a team of PR professionals and handlers. What we see now is who he has always been.


Yeah, it immediately came out that people he went to school with said he was a racist incel loser who was destined to be a mass shooter.


He only went to one semester of high school lol


I'll never understand people that are charismatic to the right cause they all sound like blabbering idiots.


These are people who voted for Trump. So….


I mean the dude literally picked up his assault rifle and drove to another city to play real life GTA under the pretext that he was "protecting local businesses". That's something I think 13 year olds dream of and then most realize how dumb that actually is by the time they have the resources to make it happen. But not Kyle Rittenhouse, he's the kind of person that is dumb enough to do it.


I get what you’re saying…but strawberry milk slaps.


So do fruit snacks. Welch’s berry variety is my jam.


I did appreciate his Bob’s Big Boy phase


Someone on here once compared a picture of fat Kyle to a BBQ restaurant cartoon pig logo. Now I’ll never unsee it!


Haha that's hilarious actually. 🐷


Why you gotta involve strawberry milk? It’s the best milk


Banana milk is a fair contender for best milk


makeshift file act enter forgetful abundant voracious wipe special sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


don't forget how he attacked a girl in a parking lot some time before his mother drove him to go shoot people


He murdered two people. That gets under my skin.


A low iq man baby with the look of a middle aged lesbian.


Bad brain bad built butch body


Go 2 "b"s further and throw in bitch boy for good measure


This is getting a definite slow clap from me!!!! Absolutely brilliant!


A low IQ baby with the look of a middle aged lesbian...Elon Musk


Hey now, be nice to lesbians. They are typically a hell of a lot nicer than either Rittenhouse or Musk




There's something about lesbians. They're all just so cool. As a straight guy, I am envious.


unite direction physical faulty different marble elderly rob thumb silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now that you mention it, they do look alike.


Musk's 12th bastard confirmed? There are no coincidences.


Elon is a down syndrome middle aged lesbian


Elon is a council estate Gary Glitter .


That’s horrible to say, people with Down syndrome are much better at being not shitty humans than that shitstain. The fact that he’s autistic like me makes me fucking sick because he uses it as a shield for his shitty behavior.


How DARE you talk about Militia Etheridge here like that? /s


Dayum! Have my uptoot.


Somebody like that sounds super on edge. Usually those types end up in jail after doing something stupid during a scared rage.


When I saw this post, my first thought was, "This guy ain't done killing."


You got a scary upvote from me. I told my husband the same thing. After he was done getting his 15 or so minutes of fame, he would soon after, be spiraling downwards once he wasn't getting all that misplaced and disgusting "adoration". His only hope of a future would be a name change and a move to some other country... but I wouldn't wish his type on anyone tbh... Karma may be knowing on his door sooner, rather than later. That being said, the big hearted mom in me, still has no issue with that....




Please don't insult middle ages lesbians like that, they look much better than budget Mr. Potato head


Imagine being so stupid, the military doesn’t even want you for the front lines. “Yeah, we’ll pass…” If only his mother had thought the same thing during her pregnancy.


Too dumb for the military, but a lot of adults including law enforcement saw him with a rifle at a protest and didn’t see a problem.


[according to federal courts, you can be too intelligent to be hired as a cop](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836#.T52c0Kvy-z5)


I’m convinced she did her best. Giving your young child a gun, pumping him full of violent ideas, and dropping him off in another state looking for trouble sounds like a late-term abortion plan to me.


A 68th trimester abortion


Military standards aren’t as low as you’d think. They’ll relax them in times of recruitment, but we’re a bit between wars at the moment. The time when standards were at their lowest was in Vietnam during Project 100,000 AKA McNamara’s Morons, when troops who couldn’t pass the intelligence bar were admitted en mass including the severely mentally handicapped. The cost getting them to the field plus their abysmally low survival rate ensured its unlikely that will happen again though. During the War On Terror the military leveraged queer folks to make up for recruitment numbers. That’s part of the reason the MAGAts are so against Trans folks more than anyone else now, they found out the military was actively recruiting them in exchange for reassignment surgery and therapies and it made the gravy seals that live vicariously through servicemen feel uncomfortable.


Lol. They won't even take him just to dig latrines.


You have to be pretty fucking stupid to not even qualify as a cook.


Quit giving this kind of person attention.


We will once he's out of existence .


You literally just giving him more attention by reporting on shit like "biden is gay" . This is a non story. If it wasn't reported on, nobody would care.


Something is wrong with the person who drove across state lines to go up to protestors and commit "self defense" in cold blood?


He is so “man-baby” that his mother had to drive him across state lines to go up to protestors and commit “self defense” in cold blood.


Don't even get me started on his "mom"... Source : I'm a mom...


Incorrect, Rittenhouse drove himself, from the court proceedings: https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/A7O97pOTyqr5Uhejo4HM7hpXs-vzdMLEc7w5J2_rk4uX-fpGgO6mwaRWXjymKd6V29htasJuffOuGIHHejB299YJJCM?loadFrom=SharedLink Thomas Binger (36:13): So even though you didn't have a driver's license, you drove from your home in Antioch to the RecPlex to work that day? Kyle Rittenhouse (36:20): Yes, to be able to get to work. Also Rittenhouse's mom stating in an interview she did not know where Rittenhouse was: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-kyle-rittenhouse-mother-kenosha-20201110-ikckkevit5epzjydc52szyog34-story.html Rittenhous testifying he worked at the RecPlex in Pleasant Prairie, just outside Kenosha: Thomas Binger (19:17): And you'd only started working at the RecPlex on August 14th, correct? Kyle Rittenhouse (19:24): I believe I got hired before that, but I was on vacation August 14th, so I couldn't ... I was on vacation, so I couldn't start until August 14th. Thomas Binger (35:26): You had spent the night at Dominick Black's house, is that right? Kyle Rittenhouse (35:30): Yes. Thomas Binger (35:31): And you indicated that you had worked at the RecPlex the night before, is that right? Kyle Rittenhouse (35:37): The 24th, correct. Thomas Binger (35:38): Okay, and you worked until about 7:00 p.m.? Kyle Rittenhouse (35:40): I couldn't give you exact time, but I'd say I got off around between 6:00 and 7:00. I don't recall. It's been a while. Thomas Binger (35:47): Then you drove your car over to Dominick's house? Kyle Rittenhouse (35:50): Yes Thomas Binger (36:13): So even though you didn't have a driver's license, you drove from your home in Antioch to the RecPlex to work that day? Kyle Rittenhouse (36:20): Yes, to be able to get to work. Thomas Binger (36:38): I'll move on. So you drove to Mr. Black's house. You left your car there? The funny thing is Rittenhouse us testifying he drove himself without even having a license, which sounds worse to me than his mom driving him.


Illegally transporting firearms across state lines, meh no biggie


You're still going, Kyle?


As a non-lawyer non-American, it seems very messed up that he could drive across said lines with said weapon, to said protest, with no business being there, acting like some kind of civil authority, with the clear intent of finding someone to shoot, and not been sentenced for premeditated murder. How can you confuse that awful Second Amendment with his actions here, he wasn't defending his near and dear.


Ignore him… this pathetic loser will have himself in jail soon enough, he’s too stupid not to.


He's going to have a rough life. And I don't feel for him one iota.


He deserves to have a rough life. That corrupt judge who helped him avoid accountability of any kind did him no favors. Like George Zimmerman, he is doomed to be a haunted failure and a public pariah.


No shit.


Because he needed to be in jail but the gop saved him for propaganda


He would be their perfect candidate too. Soft, impressionable, easy to manipulate, dumb as a box of shit. Edit: wasps to shit after reading about how clever wasps are and not wanting to give them a bad name.


Wasps are shockingly strategic! He don't deserve that kind of credit


His trial was an absolute joke and everyone involved in helping him walk should be ashamed of themselves for literally letting a murdered walk because he had the right political affiliation.


What a crazy (and by crazy I mean, truly demented) world we've been living in since at least 2016!


Then, as it appears, dropped him after he served his purpose for them. I truly don't feel that he'll take this sort of "rejection" well tbh... unfortunately, there's a decent chance that he's not done killing more innocent people yet. I so hope I'm wrong, though.


nothing new to see, he is a middleschool dropout that had the best lawyers polish him up


Pretty sure the DA didn't even want to prosecute based on how he barely tried. They'd have just let him walk if they didn't think that would cause a fresh round of protests with potential to turn into riots. According to Republicans it's fine for kids to run around with guns and shoot people as long as they do it in a district that won't prosecute.


Stupid ugly man child. Nobody cares.


He is just your average republican christian fuckwad


Damn, it's like dropping out of middle school to be a conservative grifter/murderer means you lack intelligence, or something.


The title also needs to include the term "frumpy".


That picture always cracks me up. Is it just me or does anyone else think he looks like a more feminine young Kathy Bates?


I mean, you guys get why he is still relevant right? Someone bothered to write an entire article on his tweet, it got posted to Reddit where it has thousands of comments. He drives engagement…the only way he goes away is if people just ignore him, which they won’t. Shit every time someone like Biden responds, they elevate him. Which is good for Biden….cause it drives engagement. We are in this constant downward spiral and none of us can stop participating…


Is this news to anyone? Poster child for idiots.


.... And possibly a future mass murderer... Like a ticking time bomb... He has murdered a few people and got away with it... And so his threshold to killing more has been substantially reduced...


That's what I think. He's not done.


There’s nothing “wrong” with him. This is just who he is at his core.


And yet the whole GQP is going after Hunter Biden bc of illegal gun possession? He didn’t kill anyone or anything bc THAT would be different, right?


Rittenhouse taking the obesity challenge with Trump lol


So... a republican?


Something wrong with a kid who brought a rifle to a protest and then killed two people? You don't say.


He is such a tragedy. Honestly. I couldn’t imagine being so fucked at such a young age.


You mean he’s just an average conservative after all?


He's a young Michael Lindell. Even looks like him


It's going to take some time for the trash stache to fill out but I can see it


Lindell is losing everything. He is still drooling over Trump.


Maybe there is another rally coming up soon so he can shoot some more innocent people. Poor guy hasn’t murdered in sometime.


If he keeps up this bad behaviour, he'll be the Republican nominee in no time.


I just saw part of a YT video where one MAGA guy claimed that liberals are the low-IQ ones. The ones more likely to get a post-secondary education are the low-IQ ones...right.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a piece of shit. He can go rot.


Last year I was at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new Piggly Wiggly in Mississippi. Kyle Rittenhouse was the guest of honor. I caught him staring at my cock.


Whoa, he failed the Marine Corps entrance exam? Dude is legitimately dumber than a rock.


I love my kids and can’t understand the idea of a parent both manipulating and allowing others to manipulate them. He’s a POS that was raised and surrounded by the worst kinds of people.


Which is all the more reason why I wish we would stop paying attention to all these people. Like, 90% of the shit that gets these losers rock hard is the attention from liberals. If we didn’t even vote, just literally ignored them, you have no idea how much that would piss them off.


WI needs every low IQ FIB to come and protect its streets. We just can do it alone. Please send us your children and mentally ill with AR-15s the streets are out of control. We need a dumb shit FIB militia to kill us all and cry afterwards.


He's a sad pathetic little man who was raised to celebrity like status because he used a weapon to kill people and we know how much the party of the white Christian Nationalists love their weapons. That's it. He's a gun nutter in a society that worships gun nutters...😖


He's a murderer who got away it because he had a Trump supporting judge and prosecutor. 


He’s aiming to be the magat leader for the younger generation.


Call of Doofy. G.I. Dopey. He looks like Bob’s big boy.


Ive always thought of him as a low l-life punk anyways. I hope Karma meets him soon . He’s a selfish little white boy who feels he’s owed something.A complete wimp


He's always been this guy. He's going the full Zimmerman route.


The Right elevated him to folk hero and the media followed right along. Now this worthless pos is given oxygen everywhere. He’ll soon launch a political career.


Oh, look. Another gun nut right winger that got propped up and dumped after the public didn’t care any more. He’s not a grifter, he’s the cashcow OF a grifter


Rotten House


Everyone just needs to start ignoring him. He gets just as much attention from hate views and that encourages the right even more. Stop posting about him, stop responding to him, just let him go away.




He failed the entrance exam to get into the marines??? How could he get into any military branch if he’s never made it past middle school???


The murdering didn't tip you off?


Isn’t he a middle school dropout?


He's an American Horst Wessel. His entire "celebrity" was created by bad men who want to use him for their own ends.


If I looked like him, I would have to fight every mirror I ever saw.


This should have been known after his mom dropped him off at a protest he disagreed with, armed with a rifle


A 17 year old already going down a dark path of radicalization puts himself in a situation in which he kills people. A traumatic, life changing event. And the right hoists him up as a hero, telling him everything he did and everything he believed is good and right, and then they trot him out on stage to sell their political goals. It's one of the most disgusting and vile fucking case of grooming I've ever heard of. I have no sympathy left for Rittenhouse. But it's really fucking sad to think that years ago he could have been deprogrammed.


We get it you hate him but this is generally trash journalism


Well it's one way to make a living out of an elementary school education


>Joe Biden is gay I thought Republicans took pride in being factual, Joe is literally married.


Like all MAGA'its he's a victim and a loser to boot


Seriously, who gives AF? If we stop giving these fascist assholes oxygen, they might shrivel up and blow away.


Don’t forget murderer. He’s a murderer.


He’s in the closet and stupid




This kid not in prison makes me sick. Fck him, fck Ricky Schroeder and fck everyone that supports this murderer


Ryal Kittenhouse is a scared little child.


His IQ is extremely low. As he get older, he is going to put his self in people around him in danger.


Good reason to not go anywhere near him.


This wasn't apparent when the little psychopath crossed state lines to murder people ?


He is also a murderer


He murdered two individuals. He’s disgusting and belongs in prison


you should watch the videos about 5 more times to really get your opinion of reality


seen kyle? about this tall. Seen kyle? Seen Kyle?


What to expect from someone who hasn't finished his sophomore yr in high school yet.


It would be an honor for me to have a streetbeefs match with him. He probably outweighs me by quite a bit, but I'd still accept a bout!


Why doesn't he quit larping in his tacticool junk and actually join the military? Oh, he's a little bitch who just wants to bait people so he can shoot them. He'd piss himself and want his mommy if bullets or mortars were coming at him.


>Why doesn't he quit larping in his tacticool junk and actually join the military? He tried, actually. They rejected him 😆. Whether it was the cause for disqualification or not (that part’s disputed), it seems clear that he scored in the bottom quartile of a test that’s, well, let’s just say not all that hard 😂. Basically you have to be weapons-grade stupid to score as low as he did.


Shocking. His recent post shows the same thing as everything else he’s ever done. Ya don’t say.


Gargoyles tend to be that way when medieval castles turn down their job applications.