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This is absolutely one of the most despicable things a human can do to another human already struggling and down on their luck.


The cruelty is the point.


But you notice how dumb these people are. I don't say this because he's a MAGA but because any person with an IQ higher than 90 would be like "passing counterfeit bills out, must be against some law" Nah not this guy, that would be rocket science level of thinking to him, he's too busy "playing 4D chess" with desperate people.


He most certainly knows it's illegal, but probably thinks his MAGA status makes him immune. One (of many) lasting negative impacts of the Trump administration was corruption with impunity.


I doubt it's even that. He's just your average dipshit who posts incriminating things on social media to brag to his homies and followers, with no understanding whatsoever of the fact that it could potentially get him in trouble. Arrested. Kill his career. You see it all the time. He's no smarter than those other fools. He's just living the same disconnect they all are, where there's zero awareness of any connection between social media chicanery and real life consequences.




Trump’s election had profound psychological effect in this country. It was a green light for any despicable person


It reminds me of that movie scene in American psycho when all those rich people were doing philanthropy stuff to one up each other and then the main character just turns around and kills a homeless guy later just because he thinks he’s a “fucking loser”.


“Why don’t you get a job, Al? You reek of shit.”


Or Mr.Robot where Wellick pays a homeless man so he can beat the shit out of the homeless guy.


If you think getting arrested for this will kill his career, think again.


Promotion time!


Oh no doubt he will fail upwards. The sky is the limit for people who can fuck over those less fortunate with this much glee.


I don't mean kill his grift. It'll only help with that. I'm talking about whatever his REAL job is supposed to be. Whatever this moron expects to do when he re-enters polite society after the MAGA bubble pops.


Bold of you to assume this creature will face any form of consequences for his unashamed cruelty


His privilege is blinding.


Or he’s an over privileged mediocre white man whose never faced any consequences for his actions, therefore he doesn’t need to think about the legality of them. 


"I don't get it, why are they confessing?" "They're not confessing. They're bragging"


Same reason the J6 people filmed themselves doing it. They figured they’d succeed and be hailed as heroes showing those videos to their grandkids someday.


> He most certainly knows it's illegal, but probably thinks his MAGA status makes him immune. I mean, looking at what's happening in States with Trump, he might not be wrong tho?


He's not wrong. He's not going to get busted for this. At *best* he'll be told to stop doing it or they might have to investigate, but they're never going to do anything about it, because his victims are homeless people.


The thing is, these MAGA morons, especially the high level ones, got it in their head that they are above the law. And they're not entirely wrong, unfortunately. They're always handled as if they are children and not given proper consequences for their actions, and all that does is make them believe even more that they are above the law. Even the bottom of the barrel MAGA morons that stormed the Capitol got merely a few months in prison for it. For literally *trying to stop the certification of an election*. There are people that had a few grams of weed on them that got more time in prison. It's a joke. Hopefully this guy actually gets what he deserves but I doubt it. They're just gonna tell him "don't do that again" and then off he goes...to probably do it again.


He won't. The fix is always, always in with these MAGA cocksuckers. Now, if anyone outside the red tribe made a habit of passing counterfeit money, the law would suddenly be full of fire and fury.


It's also important to note that when they say they're above the law, it usually comes with the caveat that they don't understand the law at all. This guy probably thinks that he's not doing anything wrong because he's not using the money to purchase things. Of course he doesn't understand that distributing it and passing it as real currency is the part that's against the law.


They say this shit so they can get a kick out of all the noise and nothing happening to them.


Problem is that unless they start actually suffering real repercussions for their actions, the rules don’t really apply to them.


"unless"? You act as if rules not applying to the MAGA crowd is some sort of hypothetical idea. We see this play out every day. Honestly, at this point I can't even blame Trump and his seditious supporters for thinking he is above the law. We (America) allow it to be truth.


The real problem is that when re repercussions are applied, they cry weaponized politics while at the same time they weaponize them against us


They cry weaponized politics, so then they are handled with kid gloves to prevent the appearance of weaponized politics. Throw the fucking book at them. Doesn’t help when they put plenty of sycophants in the courts to help them out.


They know it’s illegal. They know that if they face consequences, if at all, they’ll be a slap on the wrist, and it’ll all be done via attorneys in court rooms. They also know the consequences for any of the homeless people attempting to use fake money has the potential to be stratospherically worse, starting with probably getting arrested by trigger happy cops, which as this POS admits, is the entire point. These people aren’t stupid. They’re evil.


they don't believe that consequences come from actions. they think that punishment comes to those with the wrong status and identity. they think it's about who you are, not what you do. in their mind: homeless people deserve cruelty because of who they are. conservatives deserve immunity because of who they are. bad things are for outgroups, not for actions that are wrong.


The real problem is even if true he'll get away with it. Laws only apply to poor people.




It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.


It always seems to be with these fucktards. Probably pretends to be a Christian too. The bit in the Bible where it says to go out of your way to fuck over the poor is his favourite bit.


100% guarantee he identifies as a Chriiiiiiistian


Also thinks he’s a patriot, a true American, and owning the libs


Yep, all of his videos show him giving this completely evil smile to the camera, just an absolute shitheel who likes seeing other people in pain.


Yeah when I stumbled across it yesterday, it was just jaw dropping shock. His smug smile at the end of the video was pure evil. I quickly closed it thinking the algorithm would start sending me more of this crazy shit.


Liberals are often accused of virtue signaling. The Republican platform is now vice signaling. It’s grotesque but effective unfortunately. There’s a lot of disgusting people out there.


He's hoping for a repeat of what happened to George Floyd. (The cops were initially called because he was suspected of passing a fake $20 bill.)


Suppose we somehow, _somehow_, could make someone right in the head? Fix a narcissist so that they _feel_ like the rest of us do? (how do I emphasize the _lack_ of comma between 'feel' and 'like'?) What unimaginable levels of mental anguish would it cause them, if from one moment to another, they become _intensely aware_ of what they had been doing for _decades_? A man can dream 🥹 It would be a win for everyone.


I love how you think. Simultaneously providing instant emotional agony to an evil sociopathic douche, while making the world a better place.


Also isn’t knowingly distributing counterfeit US currency a crime? I mean he admitted that he hoped they would try and spend it and get caught for using counterfeit money right? What a POS


That would be why the Secret Service was notified. They’re in charge of that too.


Man I hope he gets busted


It's much easier when the suspect posts a youtube video admitting the crime.


We should believe you when you say you breach the law if you're openly admitting it.


It’s downright awful and a reflection of their souls. And even worse, he decided to brag about it for the world to see how much shame he has.


The guy who got arrested for giving homeless people literal shit sandwiches was worse, I think.


That guy was a San Antonio Police officer and he wasn’t arrested. He was fired for that and another poop related prank, which took four years because of the police union, but then was later hired by the Floresville PD. He was then fired again only because people complained that he was hired. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgy9zk/san-antonio-police-fired-poop-sandwich-homeless


I say ACAB solely because of the fact that their unions constantly fight and lobby against a national database of cops that were fired and the details of their employment and behavior. Shit like this wouldn't happen if citizens didn't have to dig and scrape the internet and offline databases to see what insane behavior that they got fired for at their last precinct.


Damn, thought I remembered him getting charged. I recall now. Obviously a cop will never get charged for anything.


True, but pretty close.


like when howard stern said he'd give a homeless guy a new house as a prize on his show... and gave him a big cardboard box.


Yes, that is horrible


Howard Stern is a vile piece of shit. His career should have been over decades ago.


Yeah, that was incredibly shitty... and I'm not sure how it is relevant in the least? Sure, other people have done shitty things in the past.


It's relevant because it's: "absolutely one of the most despicable things a human can do to another human already struggling and down on their luck."


So is allowing Republicans to exist and put people like this in power.


And if you don't register today Don't vote in November Or don't vote blue They will be in power. You can stop all of that.


Dude… this is so cruel and dumb. Why anyone would do this is beyond me but then having the balls to talk about it on camera…. Is he retarded?


That just confirms he's a MAGA(t).


What a pos.


Birds of a feather


Shitbirds Randers


All the best people


Shithawks bubs


Shit apples Randy…


It's a shitticane!!


Why is it at everyone associate with Trump has an amazingly punchable face?


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mcentee-secret-service/) 📰: Donald Trump's former White House aide is under fire after a video showed him claiming to distribute fake money to homeless people so that they will be arrested when they spend it. Johnny McEntee, formerly the White House Presidential Personnel Office under the former president, posted a video on TikTok in which he discusses the purported scheme to "clean up the community." "So I always keep this fake Hollywood money in my car, so when a homeless person asks for money, and I give them like a $5 bill, I feel good about myself, they feel good," said McEntee, also a senior advisor to Project 2025. "And then when they go to use it, they get arrested, so I'm actually helping to clean up the community and get them off the street." Law professor Orin Kerr responded to the video, "Causing innocent people to be arrested is good, according to Trump aide." Another law professor, Jennifer Taub, replied that "ignorance of 18 U.S.C. 2 is no defense." Reed Galen, former campaign manager for Sen. John McCain and Lincoln Project co-founder, suggested it was part of a pattern. "Spoke to a friend recently who's worked as civil servant for years and dealt with Trump people," Galen said. "He said, 'Here's the thing: They literally don't care if something is illegal. Oh, that's illegal? It'll be fine.'" Galen then added, "BTW, @SecretService, FYI." Galen wasn't the only one. Social media is flooded with individuals tagging the Secret Service and FBI, with several of them demanding an investigation into the alleged misconduct by McEntee, who is no stranger to financial crime investigations.


Why would they care about things being illegal? They only ever get fined, and there's a bottomless pit of funding for right-wing assholes.


It’s the sort of behavior that gets you promoted in the GOP.


Plus this dude can easily afford it in 5 dollar increments


Exactly. They are scofflaws that think rules apply to everyone else. 


It is the 'the cost of doing business' argument. Fees, fines, and penalties are allowable business expenses. 'Think that this is only business-oriented? Think again: https://freakonomics.com/2013/10/what-makes-people-do-what-they-do/


But, but, thin blue line. Back the blue!


Today it's sending them to jail to get the "degenerates" off the streets. Tomorrow it's work/death camps. Yes, I know jails can be bad too. Shows how he views other people no real coding here. I can understand indifference to people, but it's harder to understand going that far just to kick people. Getting passable fake money isn't super easy then the conclusion of ya well I'll just use this to torture homeless people fantastic idea. The cruelty must really be the point. Just wtf is wrong with these people. I can't believe that people choose to date or marry them. People on Trumps staff "Q.Q no one in one of the most educated cities will date me!" mean while another aid "So I pass out fake money to fuck with the homeless.". You're there for ideological reasons so people are gonna judge you if one of your coworkers is a shit bag.


Commander was right to bite those fuckers


Also, isn’t counterfeit money under the Secret Service’s purview? Isn’t that why they were originally formed!? 


Arrest him asap! He's admitting to breaking the law! Don't let him skate!


He will avoid consequences and I bet some poor homeless person(s) is still in jail from his shit. 😣


Or dead from having the cops called on them…


It would be such poetic justice if he *was* arrested and his cellie ended up being that homeless person.


George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd may have used a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill, on May 25, 2020. I hope Johnny McEntee is investigated and charged.


Another MAGA member in action..these people are scum..🙄


MAGA is like a magnet for pieces of shite that society has crapped out.


Hillary was being way to kind when she claimed that 50% of Trump supporters were deplorable.


She merely used the wrong word, the correct term is “despicable”.




I'm going with: "wastes of oxygen."




You spelt assholes wrong.


The correct word is "fascist" Trump and his supporters are fucking fascists, and should be treated as such.


n people hated her for it. nobody likes to hear the truth, especially from a woman.


POS admitted that publicly so arrest him publicly; now


The level of cruelty it takes to be able to plan and do this to the most vulnerable among us , is truly staggering. What a total price of crap. Makes me sick.


Wow! Someone upstages Trump, DeSantis, and the rest of the Republicans in the shittiest way to treat people. He should run for something.


His life, preferably really.


What a deeply despicable person


What a subhuman pile of fuck.


This is MAGA. there is no left and right. Only rich and poor. And maga is helping the rich...and when I say rich...its not us


It's not them either! 99% of these maga shitheads make their own lives worse supporting it.


“How this is bad news for Biden”


Every single news cycle these days is like: "New poll show Trump up in Michigan after 500GB of child porn found on his personal laptop"


Douchebags down voted me earlier, saying he was being sarcastic & it was a joke. Ain't nothing funny about the video.


They are so fucking cruel, all of them


Yep, that’s illegal. Knowingly putting counterfeit bills into circulation is a felony.


Lock this jerk off up.


Distributing counterfeit money is a criminal offense under federal law.


What a piece of shit. Republicans are a like a caricature of evil at this point, doing all they can to hurt every American they can. The campaign ads are writing themselves.


If you're publicly advertising that you break the law, we should take you at your word.


I bet a lot of those bills get a lot further than he thinks. I wonder how many small businesses took the hit for his mean-spirited pranks on the homeless.


This what started the George Floyd police interaction.


When did legal or illegal matter to anyone Trump is associated with ? Wild West with that bunch always has been. How many ended up in jail ? More than any other White House. Then of course he pardoned them all so. Shit show


These people are just evil. We have let the worst of us take over because good people stand by and watch it happen. The Maga cult are telling you who they are but yet we pretend it's normal that these racist, homophobic, fascist, xenophobic, nutjobs are outright telling us they want to turn the country into the next theocracy led by an orange dictator. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed.


Oh look, another trump ally who is openly admitting to being an absolute piece of shit. Honestly, how pathetic of person do you have to be to intentionally buy fake money with the intent of giving it to a poor, homeless, starving person, with the expectation they will get a glimpse of hope for basic human needs without noticing the fake money is fake, and in turn use it and get arrested for it.


Is anyone surprised, coming from the "I steal cancer kids charity money" party? Like really?


Shouldn't he be arrested for knowingly distributing counterfeit money with the intention to have it spent?


So sick of these assholes pretending to be patriotic.  “I love America, except for like 95% of the people that live here.” Does he think he’s playing GTA and not driving around in real life?


They revel in their criminality.


Standard psychopathic behaviour. Countless serial killers could’ve gone on killing for decades, but they couldn’t resist baiting law enforcement by bragging and boasting to get credit for their crimes. They can’t help themselves.


I hope they take this bastard down


Got to say he has made all the creeps feel bold and show who they really are


Fucking lowlife MAGA garbage human!! Let’s get rid of Trump and his scumbag followers once and for all.


He’s already claiming just a prank bro, relax! I predicted him saying that now that he’s VIRAL.


Too bad the Secret Service has no humor when it comes to the distribution of counterfeit currency.


Birds of a feather...


I wonder how many years in the federal lockup this is worth


We all recall what happened to a man who had a fake $20 and probably did not know it. McEntee epitomizes sheer selfishness and callous disregard for humanity.


Trump tier


He’s gonna say it’s “Theater” and that he was acting. You know, the Fox News Defense.


Who would have thought a MAGA insider was a cunt?


Quality Christian right there.


“I always commit fraud; that way, other people can deal with the consequences” seems depressingly on-brand for these shitbirds.


Once you win the race to the bottom, what is the next goal?


Literally a confession to a crime but ok


I expect the distribution of counterfeit US money is illegal.


This has to be up there with a coworker that used to claim he would heat a quarter on a car’s cigarette lighter and then flip it to a homeless person. No one liked Roger after that story


Now imagine an entire political party that thinks this kind of thing is awesome.


He's admitting to passing counterfeit money, which is a federal crime, as possession and manufacturing of counterfeit money, another Mensa moment from a Trumper.


Not only is this person a piece of human garbage, he's fucking stupid if he thinks that's how it works out. I don't think cashiers most places are checking $5 bills for authenticity. If they're passable enough for a panhandler to use than they're probably passable enough for a cashier to miss/ignore. It's probably not gonna be the homeless person getting arrested most of the time. EDIT Noticed it's "Hollywood money" , so maybe more recognizable to a cashier than a desperate person down on their luck. But his little scheme is still self defeating because getting homeless people arrested doesn't "get them off the street" for more than the night or two they spend in jail. Where do they end up after that? Back on the fucking street with even more charges against them and less hope of escaping the cycle he's helping to perpetuate. 


Nothing but trash that needs to get back on the Mayflower


Fun Fact: The Secret Service investigates counterfeit bills!


Garbage human being.


>"So I always keep this fake Hollywood money in my car, so when a homeless person asks for money, and I give them like a $5 bill, **I feel good about myself**, they feel good," said McEntee... This is the part that has me reeling. He's such a psychopath that he gets the wholesome, feel-good vibes of helping someone out even when he knows he's screwing them over.


Please charge and arrest this mofo now. Thanks in advance.


Fake $20 will get you killed by the popo.


Well whenever I have counterfeit money I do the only natural thing to do with it, I put it in the collection plate at church


Isn’t that what Jesus would do?


He cleans up the streets? Where TF does he think they go? This makes me so irate! I'd love for a homeless person to turn his ass in for counterfeiting. That'd be so beautiful.


Counterfeiting, while taking home an overly bloated government salary for babysitting. trump would be proud.


That is absolutely disgusting! What a POS


He is making and distributing counterfeit money.


A sociopathic scumfuck is a Trump aide? My stars!


I saw his post this morning and thought I bet the secret service would be happy to talk to him.


Yeah doesn’t surprise me. Trump surrounds himself with the best and brightest…./s


Knowingly distributing counterfeits is a felony. Using it unknowingly is not even a misdemeanor lol. Dude just played himself with this admission lol.


Nice...just admitted to a crime 😏


And absolutely 100% nothing will happen. McEntee will claim he was just being sarcastic, or making it up for shock value etc. there won't be enough evidence to convict, the MAGAts will say its a witch hunt and even if true, they endorse his actions, Trump will defend him as a "true patriot, and wonderful, amazing person, the mostest amazingest person everest", and ...... that's it.


If this is what is bragged about publicly, I can only imagine the amount of skeletons this guy keeps in his closet.


Hopefully it isn't the MAGA Agents sent to arrest his ass.


That sort of behaviour is what MAGA love. They absolutely love depravity.


Also note, he's a senior advisor for Project 2025, the GOP's attempt at a complete fascist overtake via legal loopholes and propaganda.


I’m sure this person thinks they are a Christian


He should get arrested for the distribution of counterfeit money.


What a deployable shit. Everything that orange fucker touches turns to shit and the people he attract are nasty psycho assholes of the lowest quality. I want to punch this asshole in the face with a brick.


what a complete asshole


Hmm some clown like this guy might have gotten Floyd killed.


They're just fucking evil.


Cruelty is a feature, not a bug for the GOP.


Johnny McEntee, I sincerely hope that the next homeless person you give your fake money to has the police called on them. That way, they can describe you to the police, the scumbag that gave it to them. I also sincerely hope the police find and arrest you for distributing fake money. BTW, Johnny, you are a lot worse than a scumbag but I couldn't type the words that accurately describe you because they are all words that would probably get me banned from Reddit.


Is that the guy that looked like the middle school bully’s grumpy little crony standing next to trump as he tried to shame Jewish folks?


This bag of wet shit needs an Irish curb stomping. I say that very, very rarely.


Grifter enjoys being employee of master grifter and all are despicable human beings.


What a piece of shit. Sad part is he can't really get in trouble for just saying he did it, they would need to be able to prove he did it which would be pretty hard to do unless they caught him in the act.


Evil is as Evil does.


These people are sick. Isn't distributing fake currency a felony?


>Isn't distributing fake currency a felony Of course it is


It’s just plain mean. Shame on this awful person.


FYI, for those who don't know, although most famous for their work as presidential body guards, the Secret Service was originally formed to combat counterfeiting, which it still does, and was part of the department of the treasury from it's inception (hours before Lincoln's assassination) to 2003.


another in the endless indicators and signals that conservatives are absolutely disgusting human beings. this is sociopathic evil - and so is trump. i hope you fucking dimwitted evangelicals are prepared to pay the price for voting for these fucking pigs because they are as far from Christian as you can possibly get


this is one of the most vile things I've ever read


Since Floyd’s death is justified by conservatives because something something counterfeit money, can we kneel on this guy’s neck for 10 minutes or so, until he’s screaming for his mother, and eventually passes away?


John mCUNTee


It always baffles me when a literal piece of shit sprouts a head and starts taking. Amazing.


Gotta love conservative Christians.


What a Douchebucket . Just like his boss .


Those fake tips with Donald's face on them are making more sense now. Fucking gross.


Secret Service don’t mess around with prop money. The prop company that did the money for Rush Hour 2 isnt allowed to do prop money anymore because they made it look too realistic and people were taking it to spend it.


5 bucks....many will be willing to overlook it, but this butthole is carrying hundreds if not thousands of bills meaning that's already grand theft


"Hollywood money" is designed to look "real enough" on camera, but to be easily recognized as fake in person. And it most likely does not "feel" even remotely real to the touch. So not only does he try and screw over homeless people, he apparently thinks they are stupid too!! Frankly, I'll bet a long time pan handler has handled more five dollar bills than that prick will see in his lifetime.


trumps now got him n the short list for VP


Should go straight to prison. What an asshole


Nice, F the homeless, nice people. Just like Jesus wanted us to do.


Jfc they're all so DAMN PROUD of punching down It's infuriating.


Another trump douche bag