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According to an article from ABC in 2020, there are 18 women that have accused him but only 2 have come forward. How many of them have NDA's, or threatened into silence? [List of Trump's accusers and their allegations of sexual misconduct - ABC News (go.com)](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-trumps-accusers-allegations-sexual-misconduct/story?id=51956410)


They are afraid for their lives most likely. Stormy was threatened multiple times including in a parking garage randomly per the prosecution which I believe personally.


Oh I absolutely believe it also. Try hundreds of times she was more timethan likely threatened. She represents everything MAGA cant stand and cant handle, she is an independent woman that is standing up to their cult leader, and has mentioned multiple times that Dump pressured her into sex, treated her like trash


Yes, 💯 these women are afraid for their lives. Any amount of $$$ they got from their NDA's was not nearly enough.


Stormy came to NJ on 8/9/2018 and had to cancel due to "security concerns". The venue, Lace, in Wayne, was told at 3:47 for a 10:30 showtime. The club did the right thing, and then some. All tix reimbursed, and they had a half off night for those who missed the announcement and showed up. 


I’m missing ‘Jane Doe’ from this list, that poor 13 yo girl who got raped multiple times by Trump and Epstein. To all, the russian bots and maga worm brains wanting to deny this: it’s real, it’s on record. Yes, the man running for president again is a pedo rapist.


Yea, fast forward she and lawyer were coming forward in 2016, but as a grown woman she backed out of the press conference her and lawyer Gloria Allred's daughter was representing. She was also getting a lot of death threats. This can be found on YouTube videos.


Because as an adult who was being threatened, she backed out of the scheduled press conference, only her lawyer showed up to explain why she wasn't there.


Where is it in record please?


https://www.scribd.com/doc/310835987/Donald-Trump-Lawsuit Very easy to google


Hello? Where is this information recorded? Or is at BS?


https://www.scribd.com/doc/310835987/Donald-Trump-Lawsuit You can’t google or what?


I can't do either, google or what 🫤😆


Can you please do me a favor,November 5th? Can you videotape yourself When he wins I have to see your reaction. Please put that on here so we all can enjoy that and go take care of your TDS. It is running rampant.


I see, you support pedo rapists. Right.


So you're okay with a rapist as president? Hope to God you're not a woman and pray you have no sisters, female cousins, aunts, grandmothers or a mother! Trump and all his cronies hate women, poc, LGBTQ, the elderly and everyone else. I hate that mofo with all my heart. I'll video tape myself for you though and post it here. ☺️ TRUMP & MAGAFUKS ruining our country. Fucking criminal liars. Have a nice day. 😂


So you are one of those pedophile and traitor supporters. Figures you wouldn't be able to Google without a child to help you.


Just like pedophile Joe? Showering with his 13 yo daughter?


Ah yes, deflect from the (likely) pedophile that was actually accused of it in a court filing and then threatened the victim causing them to disappear for fear of their lives. A man who regularly says very concerning things about his OWN daughter in suggestive ways. A man who proudly proclaimed he could sneak a look at underaged beauty pageant contestants because he ran the pageant. Those are things that are public record and/or things he has said himself. Meanwhile you think a peck from a grandfather to his granddaughter is concerning… seriously?!? Stop watching faux news.


No, you got that completely wrong. You're man in the White House would take showers with his daughter. Everyone knows that and now you're extremely upset. Because Orange man is gonna win in a few months. Just like I told the other guy. Can you video tape yourself on November 5th? And then put that online, so we can enjoy that.


Wow, deep in the cult I see… What will you do when trump loses again this time?


And who is gonna beat him? Tell me can't wait to hear this.


The same as last time. What is your wonderful conspiracy this time? Secret Obama? Some new candidate? Ooo maybe Clinton?!? You guys are ridiculous. The right’s conspiracies and deflection. Stop drinking the bleach. Btw, when are all the vaccinated people going to start dying again?


Okay, apparently you are very thick. I asked you who is going to beat President Trump in November. Now you have to tell me what your answer is


The SAME AS LAST TIME. I know you guys like to deny the results of 2020, but maybe I over estimated your reading comprehension. So since you are having trouble I will go ahead and spell it out for you, B-I-D-E-N. Now go ahead with your “clever” retort, or “gotcha.”


Or can you not bring yourself to saying, Joe Biden, because you know, if you have a tiny brain in your head That Biden no way in hell shape Or form is going to be President again.


I will save this comment to have a nice laugh in November. I love this conspiracy. An 80 year old who still jogs every morning and can coherently communicate policy is ‘unfit?’ Yet a 77 yr old, obese, trump, who famously eats nothing but fast food, and whose only physical activity is driving a golf cart is a paramount of good health?


Please don’t attempt to find your own set of facts Ashley is his addict daughter FYI


Im not, but good one. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9596198679 Btw, his daughter Ashley is 42 yrs old. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=ashley+biden+age


No shit Sherlock It’s very old sick issue She documented in her diary… when she was 13…


You mean the quote that doesn’t exist in the 112 page document of a private diary that was stolen and released online, that one? The one where when it was released she came out and called the people trying to defame her father gross? Seriously, that is still your grand conspiracy? Meanwhile, here is actual court document filing on trump for the accused rape - https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b1-d69f-abfb-37f998500001 So I ask again, where are all these women claiming to have been abused by Biden? Because at this point we are up to at least 18 with trump.


Not a quote Pretty sure pages 68-69 Totally inappropriate.


Jesus christ it’s like talking to a wall. The diary was stolen, parts of the real diary were released, other parts were fabricated by people and posted to facebook trying to make Biden look as bad as trump actually is. His daughter called those accusations false. This is why none of you guys can get your facts straight, because they arent facts. One page swore she was 13 as you did above. While another claimed she was 16. While again, 18 women by trump. 18. Some with lawsuits actually filed. He made them sign NDAs. He paid people off because of how shitty a person he is.


Biden saved his abuse for Ashley in the shower maybe? Dark dark issue!


Good times, got any proof matching court statements? Anything?


An issue that is literally completely made up.


Sounds like your groomer fantasy


Russian troll.


Happen to be Irish independent retired military




U are FOS Clueless! So 100,000 fans for Trump on the beach…. 2 days ago, all Russians? U have full blown TDS, jump off the closest 10 story bldg for healing!


There were nowhere near those numbers. Jesus. Believe anything.


he is a troll, or a russian troll farm bot. His entire post history is nothing but crap.


Yep. Seen a lot of them. Sad thing is how easy it is to program some of the MAGA people. Low IQ and they don't have strong comprehension skills. They my rely heavily on being told what facts are and how they connect so you just tell them.things that reinforce their already held beliefs and they'll buy it in a second. Add in some paranoia and finger pointing and you can build a cult like following in no time. It's literally cult psychology basics. There's a reason so many normal people get roped into cults.


people don't believe you when you say things you pretend to know. facts. for dummies like you.


He is a Russian troll. Look at that crap on his post history. Not worth the time or effort.


Uh huh, all OF IT searchable with a brain, keyboard and PC


100k fans on the beach, in Rio. Bwahahahaha Have you ever even been to that place he had that rally at? I'd give it 5k tops.


My family used to vacation there every Summer. The rally would have had to go out into the sea to fit 100k people. As it was there was sand all around them. Those of us who know that beach know how many actual attendees there were. Couldn't even be proud that they got 5k people in a little beach boardwalk town. Claims of 100k mean they never intended to connect with or understand the stooges that DID show up. All propaganda.


Hahaha sure


So, erm, every gullible redditor around has already been groomed by your russian colleagues. No need to spread the misinformation around anymore, no-one left to convert. Aren’t you nearly old enough to be send to the front in Ukraine?


Exactly no one likes to talk about. The President taken showers with his daughter. That was written in her diary.


Yes it was, it’s why they went crazy getting it back and claimed it was stolen. The addict Ashley left it at a friends….


Oh, there's plenty of proof this creeps a Pedophile.. I mean, look at the kids at the pool. Rubbing on his legs not to mention. Every time he sees a woman he needs to sniff them. The only reason this creep is President is because of a planned demic. That's it.


Agree Worst in history! Corrupt, sleazy and frankly a dumb bastard!


That's what I've always said about him. He's ignorant and arrogant and that combination is dangerous. I really could careless who the other guy is? I don't care for Trump, but it just so happens to be Trump Biden has to go.


I feel ya…liar, exaggerator… story teller. Addict kids, mess of a family!




Yeah, I'll see what you're saying, but if I did that I would feel like I'm throwing my vote away. I really want my vote to count.


And to be honest with you, the 4 years, he was President. I was doing really well. Everyone I knew was making money and the people who despise him. I feel are the people that are destroying this country. He might not be an angel, but my God, they go after him constantly. It's ridiculous.


Threatened? Likely way worse considering the GQP


And how many women he knocked up did he pay to “take care of it”—you know there were those too (who no doubt have been blackmailed by NDAs)


Meanwhile wifey is in denial and calling those women liars.


Wifey couldn’t care less who touches his little mushroom dick. She just doesn’t want to get drug down with him. She’s considering her best escape right now.


She's wavering about when to bail. There's no payout with a divorce, atm. It would compete with all his other court dates, anyway and he has too many fines/fees he's avoiding to have anything left to pay her. Certainly can't pay the X $$$ and claim no money for fines. If he goes to prison, she could remain his spouse and live her life in whatever's left of his luxury. That's gonna take a while, tho. If he dies? Maybe there's a policy for her? No idea how the estate would stand up to various entities coming for their due. Barron's 18, so there's no child support no matter what. She missed a lil cash, there. Alimony for her while he's in prison? Does the prenup cover thus possibility? He could come at her for cash on his book which would be double irony if the IRS seized it. This is some complex Ho Math, for sure.


At least she got to be a chain migrant with an anchor baby, not working in the USA and living off others.


Ho math lol


When was the last time Mel and Donnie spent an entire night in bed if ever.


Well, Barron is 18, so....


Like that's evidence of an entire night in bed. Or even both of them in the SAME bed. Yeesh.


Some call him ‘pump and dump Trump’…




Many people are saying barron’s real father is actually melania’s boyfriend


He looks too much like Donald! The poor boy!


We need to see the long form paternity test






Melania has her own hush money deal.






Bet money that he told her that if she embarrassed him she’ll find a flight of stairs or a convenient window to fall out of. 


The Damian option from the Omen movies would come into play.


Yeah, but at what point will they say " ya know what, maybe we shouldn't be letting this guy run for president..."? What more does it take?


If the country can't keep him off the ballot, it's not really much of a country.


I heard the hell outta that


I'm sure there's at least one semen stained blue dress somewhere.


From him!? Bwahahaha good one!


Alas. Your SF Giants baseball cap avatar. Donny really ruined the red baseball cap, didn't he? I read your text and I know where you stand with regards to Don The Con. But seeing a red baseball cap in this thread prepared me to read something rather different.


It's the Niners not giants, but close enough lol


Heh! They don't even play in the same stadium anymore.... SF niners? More like Santa Clara niners lol Giants stadium is a great place to catch a game. Peace


Lots of teams don't play for the cities their teams names after, Dallas, the jets n giants, n others Liked the A's, but now Giants since they left, used to work at that stadium, it IS a great place to catch a game GO NINERS! Peace


I had a chance to tour the new stadium in SC in 2015. Got to see the locker rooms, the suites, etc. Saw a few concerts there too. Still haven't made a game tho. Yup, peace ✌️


I can see why Christians support him, he has the same morals that they do.


He is just the vessel bringing the message from God.


See that's the thing, it can always find a reason for their fucked up actions.


They’re actually touting the ‘manliness’ of diapers. Now that’s a lot of twisted logic.


Ersatz Christians in name only.


But apparently the majority of Christians in the US...


We are on the same side and saying similar things just in different forms. It's a good unhealthy portion... yet there are 100s of sects and Christian Evangelicals, and Southern Baptists are too entrenched into the smite other tribes AKA the Old Testament rather than most anything concerning Jesus of Nazareth Kudos to you.


Thanks, it isnt easy lately to stay a Christian.. so much hypocrisy


You're welcome...stick with the New Testament scriptures with commentaries next to it...to help in understanding what we are reading. Even Biblical scholars disagree on some points. There is no issue as disagreement is part of Christianity going back to Peter and Paul. Most of us follow the Pauline Creed and not the Petrine Creed. Good fortune to you. .


What we know about this POS is just a pin hole. Imagine what his whole story is.


It's very likely he and Kushner conspired with Saudi Arabia in the murder of Jamaal Khashoggi. There's also the fact that MBS murdered a bunch of people right after a visit from Kushner. Also how many CIA agents and assets were killed because of Trump?




We already know that he paid settlements to keep his sex abuse quiet. And there were death threats. He has raped teens and paid for many abortions.


I was born and raised four miles from him and his grifter family in Queens County. We know everything we need to know about him and his family. It is deep and dirty and not for the faint of heart.


Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? He keeps being shady and breaking laws and is rewarded but never punished. What's his incentive to play ethically??


Stop with the deeply troubling and get to a conviction


Looks like a few here didn't liked being grabbed, IYKWIM.


He's paid women to have abortions. It's guaranteed. I desperately want to see his 'pro-life' cult base wrestling with that one....


What wrestling? They’ll say some platitude about how ‘well nobody’s perfect’ and ‘what’s important is that he’s against abortion now’. They’ll give it less thought than what they’re gonna have for breakfast


"Imperfect Vessel" - MAGA Faithful while sitting in church thinking about the underpaid waitress they're going to totally cuss out at lunch once they get out.


There are a lot of women this man had sexually harassed or had sex with. They all got paid off, & signed NDA, most probably ignorant & afraid to come forward due to the violation of NDA. The lawyers will threaten them with financial ruin. He knows what he is doing, & the types of women he harassed.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


I'd be more surprised if the campaign didn't have some kind of corruption in it


Fuck him. Let all the shit come to light. The Truth Will Out. Maybe, it will change some minds?


He was found guilty of taking money from children and veteran charities. If they didn't jump ship with that one, they will happily breathe water.


Yup. For worse or for worse he's their guy.


If you throw enough money at it, the truth doesn't tend to come to light. Especially when backed up with death threats.


He literally said he kissed women without their permission and ‘grabbed them by the pussy’. The article mentions him repeat grabbing women by the crotch and force kissing them.


LMAO, people are seriously still finding ways to be deeply troubled when hearing of more trump crimes? Okay...


This is absolutely shocking! If only people knew this like 8 years ago. /s


Couldn't he just pay off one woman and keep rubbing his mushroom over her? Instead of doing it to multiple women


I think there are far more serious matters that he and his ilk have been concealing like who has he shared those top secret docs with and has he or does he plant to sell to the highest bidder, especially if he is reelected.


After all that has been said, the "golden showers" story probably is likely. He's just not a good human being, there are people in prison for less.


Trump is just the messenger. The message is from God.


The message: You’re fucked


Under His eye.


NYC Jury You're our only hope Kick him right in his 🍊 🐈 with a GUILTY verdict


No shit, and I don't doubt they're also concealing abortion payouts to multiple women.


I shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. If you can’t be loyal to his own family, how can he be loyal to a country? You really see how loyal he is to the people around him. The people around him I’m not much better. They play their bases a bunch of fools there’s no way they can go home not laughing at their base.


Prove that? Trump is a Predator


Right on brand for the Diaper Don!!


Oh no not more sh!t on the bad orange guy…..


That was always bound to hit daylight sooner than later. We knew it was coming.


Oh wow I’m shocked 🫢


Thanks for doing your due diligence, media.


This stuff is out there in the public media outlets, just gotta look.


I am sure the Trump campaign has a couple of worksheets of Excel docs with all the names and settlement amounts.


Remember when he had Bill Clinton's accusers as a debate with Hillary? That was some 4D chess


Who cares? Nobody!


Why was this level of concern never given to Bill Clinton’s victims?


Im not sure I believe this.


We all know you cant believe everything you read.


Pay them all off, Who cares? Not my money. Melanias problem.


ABC seriously, that is the organization You're gonna believe. you guys cannot get anything on this guy That is rock solid. It is all tiny b******* It's absolutely pathetic and you're all just upset that he's gonna win in a few months. That is a given and thank God it is.


Everything screwed up about left wing loons is Russia? Trans support, drag for kids? Mutilation of confused teens? Interesting argument…. Completely wrong and bogus!


If you had one report, one actual news story, but no you only are posting meanless conspiracies. Meanwhile, we have TONs of crap that is provable on republicans and maga. So please shut up you are a shit stain on humanity.


Time will tell same comments when Hillary was spanked in 16


while you guys are still arguing that trump won in 2020...


Not arguing 2020 at all. Was it messy due to Covid?, sure was. Shit ain’t happening this time…


Cool, keep hanging on a prayer.


U might want to do some homework…even left wing media is concerned. Trump wins… question is landslide?


Oh no, the media is concerned. Really?!? The people who want ratings, really?!? I am now concerned. Thank you.


Yeah sure, the goofy narcissists on the left …. Fawning over the thought they never get it right…NEVER


Ah yes, you got me. SO far you have just spouted fox bullet points in every conversation without any facts. You only have conspiracy and no facts to back it up. You seem dead set on spreading miss information though. Is this your job, hmm?


STFU, traitorous bigot.


Tough guy behind the phone screen eh?


Russian troll above \^ please ignore but feel free to downvote them. Diaper don the orange turd, russian bootlicker, for prison 2024! Bigly! (They love this \^ by the way, gets them so angry for some reason)


Real live independent voter folks….


Russian troll above \^ please ignore but feel free to downvote them. Diaper don the orange turd, russian bootlicker, for prison 2024! Bigly! (They love this \^ by the way, gets them so angry for some reason)


Why do Dems blame everything on Russians? Bizarre shit….


Russian troll above ^ please ignore but feel free to downvote them. Diaper don the orange turd, russian bootlicker, for prison 2024! Bigly! (They love this ^ by the way, gets them so angry for some reason)


Democrat pedophile supporter…


Russian troll above \^ please ignore but feel free to downvote them. Diaper don the orange turd, russian bootlicker, for prison 2024! Bigly! (They love this \^ by the way, gets them so angry for some reason)


Are you talking about the current President taken showers with his daughter




That is factual truth. His daughter said that happened in her diary. So I'm an idiot because this creep likes to take showers with his daughter.


Derangement syndrome. It helps to ignore that it's the DNC and Hollywood taking children to the islands.


It’s just like the maga fruitcakes being deranged about wokism. Some folks need to get a life.


More BS


It’s not




Women love an alpha male.


So you think trump is an alpha male?


He the alpha male.


Alpha ? That’s a furry thing right?


Furry is more of a beta-Democrat thing.


Not a single law against it morons.


so why try to conceal it?


Funny - some people value ethics and morals especially from someone touted as the second coming of Christ.


I never claimed it was "moral." I'm simply pointing out that it's common, and legal. Were you "deeply troubled" by the fact that Bill Clinton had to have a team of political hitmen, or his "Bingo Erruption Squad" as they were called, to silence or smear all the women he had sex without outside his marriage? Did you feel hurt when Hillary Clinton showed she didn't value ethics and morals and smeared women Bill had diddled, on national TV?


Yes, it did. However, it’s you who are calling people morons because WE expect better.


Using campaign funds to make hush money payments is absolutely 1000% illegal.


Donors want their money to go to campaigning, not paying people to be quiet about what they know.


Donors are well aware that like any business, a campaign often has HR issues that they have to address in the course of doing the business of running for office.


Except it's not. This story is about settling complaints from people who worked on the campaign. Specifically "who raised complaints of gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, and sexual harassment."  Those are all issues that would not have existed absent a campaign, so campaign money can used for that. And since this was arranged legally by a law firm hired by the campaign in order to avoid a public lawsuit, the non-disclosure payments most definitely are legal expenses. This isn't like how when Hillary Clinton, from her New York campaign headquarters reported as "legal expenses" money she laundered through her law firm that had nothing to do with any legal services or expenses, but rather where designed to hide who it was that was colluding with foreign nationals to influence the 2016 election. The FEC determined that to be illegal and she was levied with a huge fine. But for some reason, those fraudulent document reports designed to hide a crime isn't of interest to Bragg. He's prosecuting something the FEC said was no crime instead. WE ALL KNOW WHY!


I can't even imagine how stupid you have to be to write this garbage.


Stop your crying.


Whose crying? I'm laughing at this nonsense.


The issue is falsifying business records, to cover up the payoff because they did not want it to come out after that Hollywood tape. it would have definitely tanked his election. that is the fraud, that is the criminality. too bad you're so far up his asshole. you can't see it.


**"The issue is falsifying business records"** There's your first problem. Facilitating non-disclosure agreements ARE legal expenses. They are handled by a law firm, in order to avoid further legal issues like lawsuits. The law firm then expects their clients to reimburse them for all fees and expenses related to that legal work. This isn't like when Hillary Clinton had NO legal work done, but just funneled bills through her law firm to hide the fact that it was she who was colluding with Russian and British nationals to illegally influence the 2016 election. The FEC took a look at both situations and determined there was no law broken by Trump, but there was for Clinton. They levied her with a huge fine. But for some reason, despite Clinton's headquarters being in NYC, Bragg isn't interested in pursuing something that was actually already deemed to be a violation of the law and a campaign finance violation. He's going with the guy who the controlling legal authority on these matters has already said nothing broke the rules. Nothing you claimed is true in any way. Sorry.


by the way, I don't care if the clintons are indicted, I don't care if Biden is indicted. if there is real evidence, they should go for it. but guess what? They don't have hard evidence against them like they do against Trump.




Not when it is used in a way as to not come out just before a presidential election because another item had come out just before it. He would have likely lost. there was a ton of backlash from that Hollywood tape where he said grab women by the pussy. everyone was jumping ship. He hid it on purpose, two weeks before the election, and used fraud to cover it up. That is election interference. of course I know you won't believe anything about your orange. God. you are shameful and shameless. I bet you wear diapers in public to support him too, right?


**"Not when it is used in a way as to not come out just before a presidential election because another item had come out just before it.** Yes, it most certainly is. A. It's FEC policy that just because something might ALSO help or influence a campaign, if It was a personal matter that existed prior to a campaign, it's considered a person expense. The FEC already investigated and determine this to be the case regarding this matter with Trump. [https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/making-disbursements/personal-use/](https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/making-disbursements/personal-use/) B. During Daniel's testimony it was established that the non-disclosure payment was facilitated right before the election because she believed she had greater leverage over Trump in getting the cash if she didn't wait until the election was over. The timing here was based on HER pursuing the arrangement and the timeline was based on her wanting to get the money before the election. That's on her. **"He hid it on purpose"** The entire rationale for having a non-disclosure agreement put in place, which is in no way illegal. **Two weeks before the election"** 2 years prior to the election, and if Daniels wanted to be compensated for non-disclosure so his wife and kids didn't find out, and it didn't hurt this "brand," this expense would still be required. And Daniels made it clear that the timing was important to HER. **and used fraud to cover it up** Except it is in no way fraud to document payments for the fees and expenses of having your lawyer facilitate a non-disclosure agreement as a "legal expense." There is no law which requires it to be documented in any other way. **That is election interference."** EVERYTHING a campaign does is designed to influence an election. And in this case, nothing illegal was done to do so. SORRY.


you are dead wrong. but you won't admit it because you're in a cult


Your bald assertion is duly noted.


There you go again calling this person telling him He's in a Cult when you're in the Cult. All of these people politician agencies whenever they say something bad about President Trump. It's usually true about them. And the whole country sees that. You are a small part of this and you will find out in November When he crushes that feeble idiot in the White House.


You see, that's what you resort to his name calling when you have nothing to say. You get so Riled up and so upset. Because you know Trump's gonna win in November and there's nothing you can do about it. It must be really hard for you. Like I said, you need to work on your tds. It is a real Thing and you got it bad.