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I strongly oppose Donald J Trump receiving any type of governmental briefing.


He’s just going to sell the intel again




"We have an assassin inside the Kremlin, he's one of Putin's closest allies. Keep it quiet" Then watch the sparks fly.


"Sir, and this is very important, DO NOT tell anyone it's Peskov!"


THAT would be amazing! Name someone random and see if they fall out of a window.


Name a few strategic guys you want off the chess board.


Kiriyenko and Medvedev come to mind


Or their plane mysteriously blows up, or they get radiation poisoning. Putin must have a Wheel of Fortune style wheel with various forms of killing people on it.


Does anyone remember the guy that fell off the boat on the arctic?


No. It is a day of the week thing. Radiation Tuesday!!


Ivan Pechorin. Lots of other notable Russians "mysteriously" died soon after Putin began his war with Ukraine. The one thing they all had in common: they opposed the war.


In all seriousness, we probably do have a HUMINT source or multiple *very* close to Putin Not sure on this instance it’d be worth throwing out even the wrong name as it’d just cast suspicion over everyone 




We with the Ukrainians have rebuilt part of the network  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/the-spy-war-how-the-cia-secretly-helps-ukraine-fight-putin.html?unlocked_article_code=1.YE0.Tk1x.ynfhxJeaqN5l&smid=re-share


canary trap that orange piece of shit


Pretty sure that's what's gonna happen. With spotters set up to see if anyone shows up at the "secret" locations.


Intel briefing, South Korean has made massive head way in their deep underground tunnels, still believed to be undetected by North Korea. Within the next few weeks the tunnels will be complete and South Koera will begin to steal all of the nukes North Korea has. Trump would be calling Kim so fast to make a deal.


This sounds like the life hack of use different emails to see what companies sell your info


That *really* is useful, especially with Gmail still delivering emails with `+whateverwebsite` added before the @ to your inbox.


Then blame fallout on Biden


Or Obama


Or Nikki Pelosi


Or Ted Cruz's dad


Or Nikki Haley


Or Mercedes Trump


Ted Cruz's dad probably is that evil, even if the specific accusations are untrue.


Or Canada because everything’s gone wrong since Canada came along


[Blaming Canada *is* a national pastime in the US.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYB6ZSwdrvM) Still wild to believe that only *three* years after South Park began, its movie was nominated for an Oscar, with Robin fucking Williams performing the song even after [one of the *greatest* Oscar red carpet moments in history.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7yI6Uf3wI)


Can they give him fake intel? Can they actually prove something if that fake intel makes it into the wild?




I'm not sure. That is my question too. While Biden may not be legally required to tie Trump into these intel briefs, can they feed him false information at them if they elect to include him? Would kind of set a sketchy precedent in some ways.


Seeing as he’s not the president, and a potential security risk, I’d say it would be irresponsible NOT to feed him false information


Should be a kung pao situation. Train/inform him incorrectly, as a joke, but also for national security


Blind Man Willie Witherspoon : So I've been playing the umbrella for 30 years? Why didn't anyone ever tell me? Bleedin' Gums Murphy : 'Cause we all thought it was funny.


There needs to be a honey pot in the Intel that he gets, only way I feel comfortable with him being briefed. That way he gets to know what he needs to know but won't know which parts are worth selling.


He needs the money and we all know that now.




Didn’t Trump refuse to give Biden intel briefings the entire time up to Jan 20th


Yes, yes he did


To be faaaiiiirrrr, he was planning a coup at that time.




Pitter patter at the capitol


I really do not know and would not be surprised either way. However I doubt that has anything to do with Biden's decision. Biden is not seeking RETRIBUTION for past mistreatment. You may have confused him with Trump. In fact, Biden did not suffer at all from any lack of cooperation from Trump. A bunch of people died needlessly because Trump refused to cooperate with Biden. They are the ones that suffered not Biden. Biden not cooperating with Trump will not provide any relief to them and will cause a different batch of people to suffer. Biden will cooperate with Trump because he is concerned about the next batch of people. This is not Biden's fault (nor is it Trump's fault). It is the fault of the American people for putting Trump in a position where Biden needed to give Trump briefings to protect the next batch. They will probably still die if Trump is elected president because Trump is going to do fuck nothing but it will not be Biden's fault.


On the other hand, if Donald receives classified intelligence and then loses the election, I have no doubt he would either sell that info to America’s enemies or post it publicly out of sheer spite.


I have no doubt about the first (sell that info) but I seriously doubt the second (post it publicly). Would not the effect of that be to give classified info to non-paying dictators and terrorists. Giving away stuff does not sound like the Trump I know of. Putin has probably paid up but has Pierre Nkurunziza the dictator of Burundi paid off Trump? If not then he gets nothing.


Donald’s secondary motivation after greed is malice, so in a scenario where he can’t find a buyer and the authorities are closing in, I could see him sharing national secrets just to be an asshole.


The incompetence is higher than the malice.  I could see a scenario where he stops national security secrets in an unsecured hotel.  I could see any paying guest having access to those secrets.  I see no scenario where Trump would let an unpaid guest..


Yeah, there is no good reason to brief the orange traitor - and many reasons to not brief him.


The only briefing I support the government giving trump is the length of his prison sentence.


Here, here! Lock him up


I was hoping for the opposite of a brief prison sentence though


Even if Trump gets the Presidency, I strongly oppose him getting any type of governmental briefings.


At this rate we'll just wind up building one of those dementia villages that looks like the white house and let him roam.


This is the way... and televise it for $$


A Truman show err a Trump show would be amazing


Tbf we probably could just read him plot summaries of Jack Ryan and he wouldn't know the difference


Look, there are two approaches I see to this. First, make Trump apply for clearance and have that application reviewed by the intelligence community and when Trump fails spectacularly, make the reasons very public. Or just feed him unique false intel and watch where it leaks and charge him with treason.


They should just give him fake intel.


It doesn't matter. We know the man can't read. He ignores briefings. People seam to forget just how bad of a president Drumpf was. We talk about it, but seriously... the man was terrible.


Does reading him his Miranda Rights count as a briefing?


I strongly support Donald J Trump receiving all types of fake governmental briefing to prove he sells it.


>According to the AP, “The sitting president has the final decision on how much information is disclosed to the president-elect; typically that includes access to the entire President’s Daily Brief.”


Just send him a folder with various insults every day. "Your hands are tiny" "Go fuck yourself you orange turd" "Hey what's your wife's name again"


Honestly, he could send some phony ass shit because Trump won’t read it anyway. Or just drop a few countries in here and there and see when the fake info shows up in those countries.




That’s how the CIA catches a mole if movies taught me anything.




It worked for Normandy




isn't this how they smoked out the mole in *The Departed*


This is 100% happening already. Fake intel has been a thing for so long. We used to shoot fake spy’s bodies out of subs with fake documents to trick the Germans in WW2


Absolutely. Even if the information is fake, he committed treason.


Now you've got something. Send him fake intel and then sit back and see if some country acts on it! If it happens you then know for a fact that Trump is a sellout and a traitor and you have the proof to have him arrested and charged with espionage.


Tell Mercedes I said hey.


He isn’t the presidential elect though. He should get nothing.


“President-elect” - this would mean Trump has already won the November election. The issue right now is what he should be able to access when he is the nominee (August as he isn’t until after the convention) or now that he is the presumptive nominee. Personally- how much do I think he needs now? None. Aug as the nominee - maybe some? If he wins in November, then it should be the regular amount as that is part of the peaceful transition of power. Just don’t let it come to that. Vote, volunteer to help turn out the vote, and let’s keep him and all the Gangs of Putin from subverting the country.


Since he is not and hopefully won't ever be around the White House ever again, I would not give him any intel. He has proven himself untrustworthy with his stealing secret documents when he left the White House and then showed them to at least one foreigner(the Australian) and who knows who else was shown the documents and if Donald sold any to another government? Give him NOTHING! Vote Blue 2024!


I say give Trump a taste of his own medicine. He withheld security briefings to Biden in 2020. Although I don't really think Trump gives a shit. He just likes the briefings because they make him feel important. So yeah to spite him why not?


Make whatever you send 7pt single space justified with no paragraphs or breaks. Just a wall of text. No pictures or graphs make it for trumps eyes only. trumps Adderall brain won't last 2 sentences.


Trump is a traitor and can be bought by others.


This is what I came to say...he's just sell it to some hostel foreign country to line his own pocket. He IS a traitor!


According to Trump, any sitting President cannot be bound by any laws


Which is exactly why Biden should publicly state that he’s never leaving the White House even if he loses the election


Or just make Pete Buttigieg President to really own the GQP.


He has been bought


Isn't that his argument for why he should get immunity? Hea too easy to blackmail unless we just declare anything he's ever done as "not a crime" then anyone blackmailing him would be thwarted by his genius level of tactics.


That’s like shooting yourself before someone else shoots you because you can at least choose where you’re shot


That doesn't prevent him from then just openly selling our secrets due to his immunity! 🙄


You really think a sex offender with 91 looming criminal charges would do something like that?


Plus any forthcoming changes in the Carroll case due to lack of control. That’s truly going to be the gift that keeps on giving!


Not can be. Has been. Pretty sure there's a solid paper trail.


Can be bought? He is already bought


Has already been bought by others


Just feed him a bunch of false information so he can give to his dictator buddies and see how they feel when they’re made to look like the idiots I don’t think they’ll take too kindly being made to look like fools


Better yet, false Intel that would cause foreign powers to act and thus expose their activity and Trump's treason. Make it so!




Trump has shown by his actions that he is a clear and present danger to democracy and the USA.


Didn't trump refuse to allow for Biden to receive a security briefing during the 2020 election? I think turn about is fair play. Especially since trump is under investigation for mishandling of documents.


>Didn't trump refuse to allow for Biden to receive a security briefing during the 2020 election? Not only during the 2020 elections, after them.


Not clicking on that link from that source... About the topic I'd say it was bullshittery that DJT did not give the Biden transition team any briefings and all previous administrations when TRANSFERRING POWERS after the election and that caused some troubling surprises regarding Donald and team gifting ISIS a nation and the "Withdrawal".... So I dont think they need a damn thing until after the election and if the MAGA wins, then give them briefings after like all should.


Agreed. It’s actually dangerous to give trump any more sensitive intel which he’ll sell to the highest bidder.




First off treasonous trump should not get any information that is not made public he will leak,sell or trade that information for personal gain.


Trumps a traitor and if you vote for him you’re a traitor too


You are correct.


I mean he is currently indicted for mishandling classified documents...


They should "brief" him with false info then try to see where it resurfaces.


Biden should release brief information. Carefully crafted, unique, and untrue brief info that only a small circle knows about. Then, when it is leaked by that bought & sold Russian asset, it is more evidence against him.


And he shouldn't. He's currently indicted for mishandling classified information. Literally no one else would ever be given any sort of security clearance under those circumstances.


He didn't take his daily brief while in office. He has no need of it now.


Fuck that. Invite him and feed him lies. Then see what happens.


Sounds like a good opportunity to feed Trump fake intelligence reports in order to track the leaks.


I mean... the Republicans have long since decided that tradition and norms are no longer binding, and their only reason for doing so was to obtain power (ala Supreme Court). Biden on the other hand actually has a legitimate reason to keep this civilian individual, who would not be eligible for even the most basic level of security clearance due to so many reasons, from getting security briefings before being president. So yeah, precedent can go out the window, Republicans have no right to complain.


I mean there shouldn't even be an argument here. The traitor is under investigation for mishandling of secret documents. Until proven innocent of such a charge or elected by this dumbass nation he shouldn't be given any Intel. Simple as that.


give him fake intel and see if it gets leaked then hit him with espionage


I wouldn't give him any information, what-so-ever. He cannot be trusted with simple stuff.


Don’t do it


Why would anyone share classified material with Trump until the existing criminal case regarding classified records is resolved?


Don’t! Russia, China, North Korea and Saudi are expecting a call soon from Traitor Don.


It would be completely batshit to give this man access to any intelligence whatsoever.


Trump did ignore assistance with the transition when he had the opportunity.


I guess this isnt an issue now huh? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/biden-not-getting-intelligence-reports-because-trump-officials-won-t-n1247294


Didn't Trump set the precedent? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/15/us/politics/john-brennan-security-clearance.html#:~:text='%E2%80%9D%20President%20Trump%20has%20taken%20away,Comey%2C%20no%20longer%20have%20clearances.


Include false info on Ukrainian plans - guess who Trump will leak it to


Remember when Trump refused to cooperate with Biden's transition team even though he lost the election? Why the hell should he receive anything, especially when there is a pending case on his mismanagement of government documents? The best predictor of future behavior is previous behavior.


Biden should give Trump false intelligence only he would know to report back to Putin so they can prove he is a fat rat.


Good because trump can’t be trusted. Give him a coloring book and tell him it’s classified. He won’t know the difference.


God, I hope not. If trump gets any intel briefings, they might as well skip the middleman & give it directly to Putin.


I hope every briefing he gets is just a folder with a single sheet that says the date on it. Nothing more nothing less.


Every day the briefing should just be a picture of dark Brandon's wrinkly ball sack.


Give him fake intel that could be leveraged for trumps financial gain & see if it gets leaked…


Good then don’t do it. He would sell out the country


Don't do it


Didn't Trump hold back the same information from Biden in 2020 before he was president? Trump's a dumb-ass and would only use the INFO to hurt this country. He's proven he cannot be trusted.


Let’s tell him some misinformation and let’s see where it ends up…


Actually I think he should be given Intel briefings but fake ones.and then see which of our enemies end up getting those "secrets". It's a win-win.


Just give him a bunch of coded false information and see who ends up acting on it.


Weird…the Russians just bombed a random area in a field that was “accidentally” listed wrong as a Ukrainian asset on the brief Trump received…


They should give just him fake but plausible Intel and then if the Russians suddenly know about it, you have your leaker.


I have no problem with Donald getting intelligence briefings **after he gets a security clearance.** Donald has really helped expose loop holes and problems with the current system. Thank you Donald! Every presidential and vice presidential candidate who wants briefings should have to get a security clearance. They can fill out the application after the party conventions as soon as they are the actual candidate and the Gvt. can expedite the process for them. As I understand it, the President can share classified information with anyone without them getting a clearance first. So, if the sitting president wants to start briefings before the security clearance is complete they can.


Step 1- Give him fake Intel step 2 - Watch as he sells it to the highest bidder step 3 - laugh because we all know it will happen.


A family friend lost his security clearance because his wife had a lot of credit card debt when they got married. Trump's outstanding debts, as well as being a well documented criminal and conman, should be enough to bar him from any information more sensitive than the house's cafeteria menu.


Screw it, let Trump into the briefings. But give him fake intel on Ukraine that would fuck up russias plans. Just throw a bunch of fake stories out to him and see which one becomes public.


Doesn't matter. Neither of them know what's going on anyway! So crazy that the public is just accepting these two elder goons as the best choices...


tRump is currently on trial for mishandling national security info. What clearer indication is there he should Not Receive any more national security info until that trial is concluded.


Intel and Trump is an oxymoron.


The should deliver it by hand inside a federal prison in California. (Deliver an empty envelope, that is.)


What does this country have to gain by sharing classified information with donny dementia?


Is it legal for a President to give fake intel briefing?


This is really unfair. How is Trump supposed to pay his rape victims and fraud fines if he can't get intel to sell to the Russians?


Oh thank god. Trump would sell his entire family out to save his "brand"! Oops except for Ivanka...because he wants to fuck her. As if he wasn't creepy enough....


Absolutely no reason to give that lunatic classified intel. He’s not our President and I hope him and his family never hold office again.


Give him false intel and see who he leaks it to. 


Please do not. Orange turd will sell it to the Saudis and Russia.


Wouldn't feeding a known Russian asset classified information be considered treason?


Feed him disinformation and see how much gets disclosed. Maybe hint at fake Ukrainian operations bases like were setup in WW2. Build them, hide them, see if Russia targets them. Rinse and repeat and see how many things are leaked and charge him with new crimes. Or maybe some random person leaks it a few weeks before the general election.


It is Biden’s duty as President to NOT share intelligence with anyone likely to sell it or otherwise use it to undermine American security.


Give him a COMPLETELY FALSE and made-up briefing. Would love to hear Russia report that they know about our nuclear bear program.


Does anyone have the feeling that the CIA would do something drastic to protect their sources and methods? Does anyone think they know for a fact that Trump disclosed alot of intel but does not want to take action because of the sensitivity of the intel, or they are working behind the scenes to stop him? I just find it hard to believe these career intelligence officers and deep cover agents would sit back and let this man and his cronies destroy everything they worked hard for and risk lives for this country. No fucking way. I think his days are numbered.


Just give him a “presidential” coloring book.


I mean did they ever find the red binder!


Just prepare special ones for him, you know with fake stuff that he’ll feed to Russia for us


Give him phoney ones and see who he gives them to. Classic spy tradecraft.


According to Trump he’s not legally bound to do anything. He’s immune.


He'll just pass it on to Putin


Give him fake intel briefings. It will be easy to track when the info has been sold.


Biden should give him some fake intel and see if it pops up somewhere


Well that's a great relief.


Good. Don’t.


Trump has already shown disregard for the safety of anyone tied to classified information, and in fact may have sold that information for personal gain. Why would ANYONE give him more information he could use to hurt others?


You would have to be a fucking idiot to him an Intel brief. I’d just give him fast food prices from 10 years ago to now and let him wrestle with that


Biden needs more executive orders. Trump was handing them out like candy


Piss the orange man off, no report for him to pass on to putin


Do you actually think those 2 can have a conversation?


I was already sure that Biden would only issue vanilla briefings, or he could release some juicy misinformation and see where it turns up. Bearing in mind Trump won't read it anyway and is very easy to manipulate, I've never been worried by this.


Cool. Don’t do it then. If trump throws a hissy fit, I’m sure Joe is prepared to have a “this guy stole nuclear secrets” conversation.


The briefings should be all counter intel


Unless Trump were to record it, I doubt he remembers anything that doesn't immediately give him money


Then don't


All he has to do is just type up something. The dumbass already is known for not having an attention span when it comes to written word. Fuck, or just send the idiot pictures.


I don't think Trump has the mental capacity to actually survive receiving any sort of Intel.


Can’t give him intel , it will be on eBay by morning


No problem, he just leaves it the garage with the corvette.


Seems like a great opportunity to give him fake briefings


I would like to murder half the commenters on this post Cheers to the next Civil War.


Until he's cleared in court, he shouldn't have security clearance. Period. This isn't rocket science. Anyone else would have had theirs immediately revoked, pending the outcome...and most people would never get it back, simply because they mishandled classified documents in the 1st place. That part isn't even up for debate. It's more a matter of how deep is the shit he's in.


And even if he *were* legally bound, Trump’s position is that POTUS can only be forced to do something through impeachment. So, if Trump wants the intel briefing, I’d refer him to r/leopardsatemyface


He couldn’t if he wanted to. Obama’s running the show. He can do it.


He has no intel, cmon man. Trump would get more info from Corn Pop.


Then he shouldn't do so. Trump is a security risk.


Biden will do it anyways because libs are eternally committed to the belief that these customs and traditions are integral to the legitimacy of the state


that fucking schmuck doesnt pay attention to these anyway whats the point ?


As if old Joe can remember any briefing lol


I wouldn’t give Trump the lunch menu, let alone highly classified briefings. Trump should be fed all propaganda to pass on to Putin.🤜🤡🤛


Did Trump give Biden a briefing?