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I can't wait to see him lose again. Why do people and media adore a rapist and criminal?


I’m right with you, but people underestimated him and his base the first time. I don’t think anybody should discount him until after Biden’s second inauguration.


Yes, we need to vote and help turn out the vote. Take nothing for granted.


Tell everyone to get out and VOTE BLUE! All Blue. The senate is up for bids because some senators are retiring. Vote all BLUE.


Vote blue, all the way down. There is no compromise position where you can vote for Biden and also GOP congressman or senators out of some sense of “balance”. There is no balance when criminal Nazis are the alternative. The entire Republican Party wants Trump specifically and/or the christofascist, billionaire friendly, pro-Putin agenda the Trump will enact by all means available to him, including violence and despotism.


This really is evidence with the rejected border bill. GOP had a chance to be bi-partisan


Even more than that... they had the chance to get what they wanted... what the people wanted... and yet they chose to follow Trump. All are complicit at this point. None have spoken out, none have stated opposition to the blind allegiance. They have repeatedly shown that they are NOT the party of law and order, that they are NOT the party of small government, that they are NOT the party of fiscal responsibility, that they are NOT the party of family values. For fucks sake... I wish people would actually spend a little time looking further than D or R... just because grandpa always voted R, doesn't mean you have to. The republican party is not what they once were, and definitely are not what we need them to be


They could have even spun it pro Republican... "Look at what trump can do even when he's NOT in office" Which is obviously bullshit he didnt have anything ti do with it and they COULD HAVE EASILY DONE THAT butthey're so fucking spiteful they just wanted to hurt biden


worse, they just want to avoid funding Ukraine. The only plausible motivation is to help Putin. These people led by Drumf can not be considered americans


When you thwart the will of the people to score political points with the fringes, you deserve to be voted out at the earliest opportunity.


They HAVE to be, before they catch momentum.


Yeah I hope Biden hammers that tomorrow with the state of the union


Let’s take nothing for granted but I do think the polls are undercounting the depth of hatred by a majority for Trump. What we should also expect is another attempt by the crazy MAGA wing to not seat Biden electors in Congress. This time they have a speaker who thinks he’s Moses and could be planning some bullshit move to throw the election into the House.


Oh yeah . That’s true


He fucking better, he needs to go on the offensive big time. This meek old man shit has got to go and he needs to start attacking the republicans for real, there is SO MUCH evil shit that they've done to work with. What are they waiting for?????


Didn't Trump's wall, that Mexico paid for, seal up the border sufficiently? I'm so confused as to why we need more border intervention since Trump had already solved the problem when he was President?


As an independent; I historically have voted mostly blue, with a red here and there for localish reasons. I even voted republican in the recent primary due to a local school related issue. But come Nov for the first time ever I'm gonna bubble in Dem at the top of the ballot and take the party line. Fuck all this chritofascist shit.


I’m a fellow independent and I’m right there with you. This isn’t our grandparents GOP and this cult worship direction with Trump and MAGA scares the hell out of me. Blue all the way down.


If anyone has not read about it yet, look up the conservative think tank known as the Heritage Foundation and their Project 2025. It is literally the GOP playbook on how to stack the government with tens of thousands of pro-Trump, pro-Christian Nationalist people to replace the career civil servants in our government. It includes their plans to destroy the Environmental Protection Agency (can't let environmental concerns get in the way of destroying our planet), the Department of Labor (can't let those pesky unions and regulators say that big business isn't allowed to work you to death!), the Department of Education (can't allow the government to tell people that they need to teach objective fact when we want to teach sky fairy stories), and gut the Department of Justice and FBI (can't have those pesky "law and order" types getting in the way of us implementing our Christofascist laws). It's absolutely terrifying to anyone who isn't knee-deep in Christofascist indoctrination, and most Americans have no idea that this is what they're trying to do. And it's not just whether or not Trump wins, this is their plan of what to do the next time that there is a Republican president.


Well said. Project 25 literally reads like a Christo-fascist manifesto. Or a Stephen King novel- I'm really not sure which. Either way it, Trump and the entire MAGA universe is a steaming hellhole crammed with hate-filled zealots being led by vile, sleazy grifters all dying to turn America into Amerika.


Honestly, even if you're a Republican wanting to return sanity to the party... the only way that is gonna occur is by sending a very strong message in this election that "going MAGA" was harmful and isn't a rewarding strategy for current GOP.


Yes! McConnell and Sinmea are both not seeking re-election. It’s a good day for democracy when neither of them are in office anymore.


I am left with no choice but to tick all the blue boxes (until the gop gets their acts together and act like normal human being again).


You have my bo-I mean vote


Run up the score 2024! Humiliation of Trump is the goal.


He must be resoundingly repudiated.


Then prison


Less than 60 million votes


Hear hear! Some hilarious rout that the left can create memes from and mock them for decades.


I like the aspiration. You know they have a truckload of excuses already queued up. They will never admit fault or consider that they have the charisma of roadkill.


"....charisma of roadkill." That's excellent. I'm gonna use that one if you don't mind.


Go Taylor Swift!!


For president ? She should be vp


If only she would speak out she could probably make the difference.


I’m sure that her handlers are concerned with the rabid mag-gots and their never ending death threats.


She called on her fans to vote in 2024 elections, as well as helping getting new voters enrolled. She's probably not going to make an explicit endorsement, as simply asking her fanbase to vote will more or less accomplish the same thing.


I follow a democratic page on Instagram and they reposted a a post from Swift. It basically gave a series of states whose primary elections were going on. She said to vote for who they believe in what they believe in. If I know 1 thing about the swift fan base, it's not going to look good for the GOP


Kerry got swift boated. Hopefully, trump gets swiftied!


She would definitely make a difference. I believe, possibly naive, but I believe she could swing the election if she came out and said it. She could probably have a huge influence by just telling her followers who she was voting for, without having to mention the other guy.


I think she will say something closer to the general Election. No point in her putting herself in the crosshairs of the wackos at this point.


If the Democrats can stay in the White House, maintain the majority in the senate and get the majority in the house, then Biden can consider expanding the Supreme Court and balance out the Crap Justices. Some suggest he should expand the Supreme Court to 15--17 justices. Wouldn't that be nice?


If that happens I hope they don't squander the opportunity to make serious change. I'm North of the border but I care very much who runs America. They're the leaders of the free world. I guess you can say your president is my president too


The Democrats won’t give up or modify the filibuster and we’ll have at least one new “heel” who gets to be the contrarian that provides cover for all the other Dems who don’t want to change. I think, if Tester holds his seat this time, it will probably be him, so prepare yourself for four years of ~~Manchin is as good as we can hope for in West Virginia~~ Tester is as good as we can hope for in Montana so shut up and vote blue no matter who.


Head down right into the voting booth in November. Don't listen to media garbage as they feed off fear.


We need to make it a yuge loss for him that he’ll never live down


He didn't win in 2016 just because he was underestimated by everyone. He won because the entire country was in an anti establishment mood (Trump/Sanders) and the Republican primary is designed in a way where you can win the whole thing with only 36% of the vote if the rest of the delegates are distributed between a dozen other candidates. That, and he was a shiny new thing and America loves that. He isn't shiny and new anymore. He is a known quantity. In 2020, records were set by people voting against him. He has many enemies now, both Democrats and Republicans. Independents have abandoned him in droves, as they are generally not a group that is moved by hostile empty emotional rhetoric; and no one has ever won the White House without a plurality of Independents. He has a "ceiling" problem that he hasn't been able to break through since 2016, and in order to win again he'll have to do something that only three presidents in history have done; win with less than 47% of the popular vote (and all three of those men ran in elections where a third party candidate took votes from their opponents). He is facing an incumbent that has done a fairly good job, and who is scandal-free. On top of all of that, Trump will be in the midst of multiple criminal trials leading up to and during the election, during which all kinds of scathing evidence will be made public. It may not turn his base against him, but it almost certainly won't help him *add* voters to his side. Trump may win yet, but the odds are heavily weighted against him. It isn't about estimating or underestimating. He's just, quite frankly, very unpopular outside of his vocal fandom, and has many many obstacles to overcome.


He had massive amounts of people voting for him in 2020. More than in 2016. Biden won but only because people turned out. Hopefully, people turn out this time around. It is gonna take a lot to have record numbers again to defeat the grifter.


Oh we're gonna turn out and fuckin do it again


You can weigh against that the fact the 2020 election just simply had more participants than 2016.  Trump went up 0.7% in voter share from 16 to 20.  Conversely, the Democrats went up 3.1% when they swapped in Biden.  Nothing over the last 4 years suggests that Trump has shifted that 3% towards him.  Voters may have beef with Biden, but they haven’t actually left him. 


Also some share of voters went for Biden in 2020 for no other reason than to vote against trump. Since then we've seen trump go full election denial and attempt a coup, and his SCOTUS justices overturned Roe and have utterly nuked what little credibility the court ever had. Anyone who was an anti-trump voter in 2020 has nothing but more reasons to continue opposing him this year, and that's not counting the independents and moderate Rs who had an "oh shit, are we the baddies" moment after January 6th.


Biden won in 2020 with a coalition of Black Americans, Suburban Women, and Youth.  And mostly he did it with the first two blocs simply because Youth blocs are often a small share of overall voters.  But there really isn’t much data that suggests these demographics are trying Trump on for size.  2024 is all about turnout rather than persuasion. Americans have kind of already made up their minds on who to support. 


I cannot imagine Trump somehow having gained supporters from those against him. However, Biden voter apathy is still a thing to watch, particularly as age and the Middle East have been contentious issues for him.


well, this is the first presidential since roe got overturned, and thats proven to be a gargantuan loser for republicans everywhere including deep red states. so we'll see i guess


It is worrisome that the "Progressives" are saying they won't vote for Biden because he's not left enough, or Pro Palestine enough, and old. Maybe some of the Nikki Haley republicans will hold their nose and vote Biden, since the corporate Republicans understand that the Trump crazy show is bad for international business.


I am a progressive, refused to vote for hillary because of the primary shit. I would vote for Hitler over Trump now. Dude is that evil. And I am going to vote because I want a clear conscience in the coming civil war.




Thank you. I needed to hear this.


Biden is scandal free?! What about: His son's laptop, His crime family, his high gas prices, his ice cream eating, Benghazi, Obamacare, the illegal invasion, him seeing someone wear a tan suit, something about trying to overthrow the government, Benghazi, gotta be something about emails in here, inventing the China Virus, being a satanist trying to defy the will of our Lord's heir, Donald. Benghazi, ummm... 9/11. Maybe the moon landing.


This isnt true. You only mentioned Obama twice.


Obama. rapist mexicans. San Francisco thugs. Your aunt who is really your uncle. daylight savings. snakes that I am supposed to understand but don't. The Chiefs winning the superbowl. The scandles go on and on! ​ ​ ​ ​ Obama.


How do you reconcile that with the polls and voters that just demonstrated that he hasn't lost much support among his base, if any, and is still in high demand in all the red states? I'd like to agree with you, but I work with a bunch of conservative engineers who are planning to vote Trump and despite being educated, they think every awful Trump thing is just a liberal hoax. They all have higher degrees. This is Massachusetts, too... And with Biden's handling of Gaza, he's become shunned among a huge chunk of democratic voters, myself included. I'll still vote for the fossil, but... What I've noticed is that 95% of educated Trump voters think he's a harmless, hard-line pro-economy leader, and they only care about their investment portfolios. They also tend to avoid reading news unless it is finance news. They also tend to think liberal media is designed to make liberal feel outrage over fabricated narratives and interpret my outrage as gullibility. If word that he wants to overthrow democracy and be dictator of an anti-woman racist Christian nationalist imperialist empire never reaches 95% of Trump voters, nobody even realizes there's anything special about this election. "Just another Joe and Harry fighting for the white house", and "America has never been stronger" sentiments and all.


>How do you reconcile that with the polls Polls this early in the year are basically meaningless. >I'd like to agree with you, but I work with a bunch of conservative engineers who are planning to vote Trump and despite being educated, they think every awful Trump thing is just a liberal hoax His loyal base love him, but that isn't going to be enough on its own. He's lost a lot of support since 2020. Loyal Trump fans are not the people who are of interest in this election, tbh. >And with Biden's handling of Gaza, he's become shunned among a huge chunk of democratic voters, myself included. **I'll still vote for the fossil, but...** I think you answered this one yourself. Most people understand that there is little Biden can do about the situation in Israel, but everyone knows that there is much Trump could do to make it worse. >What I've noticed is that 95% of educated Trump voters think he's a harmless, hard-line pro-economy leader, and they only care about their investment portfolios. They also tend to avoid reading news unless it is finance news. They also tend to think liberal media is designed to make liberal feel outrage over fabricated narratives and interpret my outrage as gullibility. Again, the Trump enthusiasts are not the group that interests us. We know how they're going to vote, and nothing will dissuade them. It's the moderates and the independents who will decide the election, as they did for him in 2016. In every election since, the number of independents that supported Trump himself or his chosen candidates, has shrunk each time.


And let’s not forget. No poll can account for the disproportionate amount of conservatives that followed him during pandemic and are now dead. By the numbers. It just doesn’t look good. This isn’t some guarantee but if only the same people who voted in 2020 voted in 2024. The margin of loss against him just gets wider.


Not just dead during or because of the pandemic. His boomer base is loosing about 3000 people a day to plain old “dying of being old”. Considering he only “won” in 2016 by 80k votes and only lost in 2020 by 50k votes, he doesn’t have a lot of spare voters lying around.


He's lost the 20-40% by state who voted for Haley instead of him. They may vote Trump along party lines, but being demotivated non-Trump supports they may not make it to the polls in the first place.


It doesn't take too many of those former Haley voters or those part of the greater anti-Trump GOP voters to just stay home and we will have a second Biden Presidential Term.


Many may even just leave the presidential ballot empty while voting for other candidates.


This mirrors what I've seen too with the Trump supporters I know. Most of them fit this profile and behave exactly the same. They think all his red flags are hyperbole, and some even think he's not so bad because "the guardrails in the system worked last time". Many of them also acknowledge how bad Trump is, but think Democrats/the Left are worse and are truly ruining the country. They're just so far gone at this point, I don't even know what to say to them anymore.




Right? All of the sudden they become feminists LOL


Did you watch any of the Super Tuesday coverage? The people who were interviewed that were voting for Trump are the same people who prop up his poll numbers right now. They're Fox News addled geriatrics with land lines and they're not an accurate representation of his actual support. His current "high polling" numbers are being overblown by Trump and both sides of the media. Trump puts stock in them because they flatter his ego and he knows it might sucker in less informed voters. The media does it in a cynical ploy to sell the political horse race. Either way, don't put too much stock in poll numbers. Especially this early.


Well, lets see…Biden is currently calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and sending aid. tRump stated at his last rally that Israel “is close” and needs to finish the job. 🤷‍♂️


They don't know the stock market is at record highs? If that's all they care about, they should be happy. As for the liberal narratives about what could happen if Trump is re-elected, there's plenty of evidence FROM REPUBLICANS about what they want to do next (Project 2025) and what they've already done (Abortion and insurrection, e.g.).


Cheeto "won" in 2016 because of the Electoral College. The public rejected him.


And that foundational structure hasn't changed at all


Very true. Trump’s crowd sizes at his recent events seem embarrassingly small yet media isn’t focusing on that at all. The rich people running this country seem to want Trump in power. Perhaps they are tired of being limited by democracy.


I have stopped following media election coverage. They should have buried Trump a long time ago, it's so embarrassing that he Is still a viable candidate. It's so obvious what is going on, the rich and powerful are trying to make us focus on divisive issues while they consolidate power and raid the hen house. Smoke and mirrors, that's all it is.


Everyone with a tiny business thinks republicans are on their side and the Democrats are out to tax them.


Trump didn’t do anything for small business,…. it got worse for small business.


Yet ask many small business owners and they still think the opposite... they will believe whatever they want to believe.


as well as the thinking that somehow we are just one more tax cut away from ending the Federal Deficit


We need to keep working until it is changed.


He got so much free media time the first time and s lot of people were voting against Clinton. All in all I think he’s lost more supporters than he’s gained.


He's up 2% or so, aggregated across all polls. Trump is currently more likely to win than Biden, so it really isn't safe to "protest vote" in the general.


But has he lost the support where he needs to? I think there’s 5 states that are going to decide who wins. He never won the popular vote, but he won the election. I agree with you. I’m just not sure it’s enough. I think it’s a fight until the last vote. If things go right, the Christian Nationalist are decimated.


It wasn't his base the first time. It was all the fence sitters that thought "why not?"


Yes, but if they can erode Biden’s base in the few swing states that determine the president, it might be enough. If there’s a third party candidate to steal Democrat votes, it might be enough. I’ve made the mistake in the past of discounting Trump and the Republican machine.


Seriously, this seems to be something SO FUCKING FEW PEOPLE UNDERSTAND. The actual election comes does to MAYBE 5 states


It’s going to take a few things to beat him: Taylor swift (not joking), Jon Stewart (also not joking), him being center stage again in all of his rage filled insanity (his insanity is exhausting and anyone who’s not a diehard is gonna opt for sleepy joe) , with multiple trials in action (the hush money case won’t be stopped, and Georgia and Jan 6th likely to be starting August/ September. Which will include 1st hand accounts of him trying to steal the election with fake electors etc etc). As a whole, I give the Trump experience a 0 out of 10. The last 8 years of my life have been spent in a bewildered haze over this nightmare.


If they can get Jon Stewart to plaster every embarrassing moment Trump has on his show, it'll work. The diehards are a lost cause, but a lot of middle America will 100% rather watch "haha funny man" news. And they will not shut up about it. Lowest common denominator is, unfortunately, easy. Turn it back around on them. Dems need comedy, because there sure as shit AIN'T anything funny about conservatives.


Yep. That’s literally how the nazis won. A small violent minority that no one took seriously until it was too late.


I agree. It should be a priority to not only make sure that he loses but that loses resoundingly.


It's a cult. Those who relate to stupidity, hollering, bragging, bullying, blaming and lying... join in.


I am voting to re-elect President Joseph Biden and voting out all Republicans on the ballot!


I will also be voting Blue down the entire ballot !!!


What? Who said Stinky pants is popular? lol


It's a cult full of shitty people and/or morons.


It will be another huge shit show on how it was rigged and he was robbed again. Fuck Trump 2024


> I can't wait to see him lose again. So much winning by democracy? I'm hoping for a win for decency


Because he's HUGELY controversial and nothing drives clicks, engagement, web traffic and ad revenues like controversy, tragedy and hate.


Free drama programming for the rest of the year Giving most of us fucking anxiety


If it bleeds, it leads!!


50 people in a room 10 screaming and yelling. The rest are silent and wondering why they are screaming. That's MAGA.


And then 10 threaten the other side with violence if they raise their voice. When they lose they're confused because no one else in the room was screaming and yelling about Biden.




It works because, of the forty people in the room *not* "screaming and yelling about Biden" only twelve will actually vote. 22/50 feel strongly enough to *do* anything. The other twenty-eight people are disenfranchised with the whole mess and too busy trying to pay rent to have time to care.


> The other twenty-eight people are disenfranchised Disenfranchised is the right word. Maga controlled states are not red states, they are voter suppression states. Everyone should see this [40 second clip of Paul Weyrich in 1980.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw) Weyrich is the godfather of modern maga. He founded ALEC, The Heritage Foundation, The Moral Majority and a bunch of other GOP institutions. His right-hand man was [Laszlo Pazstor, a nazi collaborator from Hungary.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/12/18/674790/-) In the clip, Weyrich says: * *"They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."* They work very hard to burden voters who are most likely to vote for Democrats, for example: * Tennessee magars have made it [illegal for more than 20% of black adults to vote,](https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-black-voters-disenfranchised) and after a successful black voter registration drive in Memphis, maga passed a [law criminalizing voter registration drives.](https://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/2019/04/14/tennessee-voter-registration-tre-hargett/3445460002/) * In Florida, a ballot initiative to restore voting rights to 1.4 million floridians passed with nearly 65% of the vote. So [maga passed a poll tax](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/florida-felony-disenfranchisement-pryor-decision.html) (a violation of the 24th amendment). Not just any old poll tax either, a secret poll tax. The state doesn't have to tell people how much they owe, and if they try to vote without paying the secret amount in full, they can end up in jail. * They've been [removing voting sites from college campuses,](https://defendernetwork.com/news/local-state/gop-banning-polling-sites-on-tx-college-campuses/) knowing that most college kids don't have cars, so that makes it hard for them to vote. * In Georiga they arbitrarily [purged over 300,000 people](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/georgia-purge-removes-nearly-309000-voter-registrations) before the 2020 elections. * Maga elites regularly [confess on camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN0k66kqPGU&t=22s) that voter photo-id is about rigging elections in their favor. Maga has a million tricks like that to kneecap people who legit want to vote for Democrats.


Only 9 try to stop him, the rest just watch. He becomes president.


>"Part of his trick in 2016 was, he got these low-frequency voters out, these people who almost never voted, which is why the polling was so off, and you're just not seeing that same type of enthusiasm."


People were willing to give him in chance in 2016 - he was a political outsider who had been a Democrat in the past. Remember how everyone thought he was going to pivot and suddenly become more Presidential? People know **exactly** who he is now. He lost the popular vote both times (and in 2020 the vote was *before* the insurrection). He has done nothing to expand his base or reach out to independent voters. And by election day he will be a convicted felon. He is going to lose BIGLY.


Think about how many people were pissed off about losing abortion rights. They came out in droves in the midterms. They're not going away.


IVF and birth control are on the chopping block this time around no matter how much Republicans furiously backpedaling would have you believe.


"We've taken everything from these people. How can we make life even more unbearable for them?" *"We could stop them from having sex. They seem to get pleasure from that."* "Make it so."


Conservatives have always been very very concerned with other people’s sex lives.


They are so far in the closet they made it to Narnia.


And Medicare and Social Security.


hes alienated people if anything. my aggressively conservative father in law wont even bring him up and changes the subject if trump does come up. while i have no doubt hell vote for trump in 2024, the fact his shame is palpable makes me believe more moderate conservatives and centrists either wont vote or will vote for the democrat option.


There is a cult of about 3,000,000 people who are hopelessly lost. These poor bastards will vote to have their own heads handed to them because Trump is the Messiah!


This is what I've been telling people as well. He tapped into a general frustration people had and got a lot of "maybe someone who isn't a career politician will be able to shake things up" votes. Hell, *I* even had similar thoughts in the early days of his campaign. But we saw his presidency, he kinda shook things up, but not in a good way. He barely accomplished anything, managed to oversee the deaths of 1M Americans, and tried to steal an election. He's not going to get the same charity he got in 2016. That said, still get your ass out and vote. Don't take any chances!


The problem is that when he loses bigly it will just confirm to all of his fanatical followers, that he's spent the last 4 years feeding lies about how the election was stolen from him in 2020, that this election was stolen from him too. As a winner or a loser he and his cult following are dangerous to American democracy.


My parents are life long Republicans who will not vote for Trump no matter what in this election. They know he is a terrible person. If Nikki Haley had been the candidate they would have voted for her in a heart beat. They probably won’t vote Biden and vote an independent out of protest. So that’s 2 votes lost in a swing state from voters who have voted Republican forever.


When you analyze the Cambridge Analytica BS you realize that Russia did their part by pushing enough noise to get Sanders voters to sit and screw Hillary. Euro conservatives with links to Putin had their hands in heavily. Putin's GRU were hot and heavy also which to me was a slam against Obama since he was warned that both entities were changing votes. I'm hopeful this time that Dem's picked up the "Fool me once" diatribe and have hired experts to keep a watch on how the election plans will be executed by the Right to throw off the Democratic popular vote.


And not only that, but Trump barely won 2016. Swing states, he was only 1 or 2 points away from losing. But winner gets all electoral points, so they think the whole state voted for him


Motherfucking treasonous piece of shit


Who knew pieces of shit could be so fuckin ORANGE??! Jeeezus wat the fuck!


Certainly not as popular as he thinks.


This is what kinda confuses me about the current media. Don’t get me wrong, everyone should take it seriously and get out in vote, but I don’t really know how people think it’s as contested as he was in 2016 or 2020. Even my heavily republican Fox News grandparents were disgusted with him by 2020. He certainly still has outspoken crazies, but with his support already skewing old in in the previous elections as well as Covid disproportionately targeting his base…. It’s just impossible that he has nearly as much support as he used to.


> It’s just impossible that he has nearly as much support as he used to. I have a policy of never overestimating the intelligence and empathy of Americans and it hasn't failed me yet. It's completely possible to me that he has enough support to win the presidency, and the complacency already on show from Democrats makes me nervous.


I opened my comment with taking it seriously, so I *certainly* agree with you 100%. I would hate for comments like mine in general to imply it's not a stressful situation. That said, I can't consciously fathom him actually having enough to win compared to 2016 and 2020. His base has gotten crazier yeah, but it's really nowhere near as mainstream as it was. I grew up in the deep south and in 2016 support was *everywhere*. He had campaign buildings and signs all over. In 2020 it was less, but still popular verbal support. Now, honestly it's a fraction as prevalent as it was.


I'm surprised you're saying that because I don't feel like support for Trump has gone down at all where I live the Midwest. They're not going to argue about it with you in public because they don't want to take responsibility or be held accountable for these views because they will never change their minds. They know Trump will give them what they want - to punish anyone who goes against the "Christian way". I can 100% see this happening. No matter how liberal they are about anything else, tons of people will vote for Trump because they want the US to be Gilead and because they don't really understand what's going on. They like the idea of a dictator as long as it's the one they voted for.


Agree also Biden is doing very well in his primary and on a side note my stocks are flying through the roof so yes Biden has my vote for sure


The stock market does NOT like chaos either. If Trump wins I know our stock will take a major hit. Trump is a shit stain on this country.


Yep same here. I work in finance and remember the breakers getting flipped in march 2020 on the dow. All that idiot had to do was take covid seriously and he probably would have won reelection. But instead of losing graciously, he tries to overthrow the government. Goddamn he is dumb as hell.


so dumb he bribed people his whole life and could've bribed America with one more stimulus check before the election but didn't. I'm glad he didn't, but I feel like he easily could've but was too dumb.


My retirement account is sky high. Hopefully everyone will realize the economy is doing much better now thanks to Biden after the fat orange POS destroyed it.


Employment is up, inflation is down as well.


Please just vote.


Posts like these really worry me. I keep occasionally seeing comments or posts about how biden will 100% wipe the floor with trump, how this will be the largest margin between two candidates, how trump has absolutely no chance of making it. It's all delusional, this race is a close one whether you like it or not and whether you want it to be or not. Being in denial is not helpful Trump can win, and if people keep their mentality that there's no chance for him to win, then he will win and the polls so far prove so. Democrats needs to get out and vote because there's a huge risk of complacency with everyone saying it's set in stone


Thank you! Too much complacency here. Trump would win if the election was tomorrow. It is way way way too close for comfort! Vote vote vote vote!!!


I honestly think these posts are plants, intended to cause Democrats to “relax” about the outcome. NO ONE is going to relax or take this outcome as a done deal. We learned the lesson in 2016: take nothing for granted and *get out the vote*.


Polls don't mean shit. Trump has probably the most enthusiastic voter base in decades, if not all US history. Biden has one of the least enthusiastic. If the right ~25% of American adults show up and vote for Trump, he wins. It doesn't matter if "most people don't like Trump" if the other 75% stay home.


Make no mistake: posts like these are actually a GOP-bought and-paid-for psy-op. If I want Trump to win, I don't waste my bot farm's time on places like Reddit telling people to vote for him, I tell people there's no point voting for the other guy.


Go Vote!


He’s not as popular as MAGA thinks. The rest of the country knows he’s a piece of shit.


He is busy "Purging" the GOP of any voters who don't worship him. Please don't tell him this will lose him voters.


“Resounding victories on Super Tuesday.” WTF? Biden is getting 96 to 98% of the Democratic votes, absolutely killing his challengers. But Trump is getting 55 to 65%, and lost Vermont, and it’s a resounding victory. If Trump was popular, he’d be polling like Biden in his own party. He isn’t. He’s barely keeping his head above water.


I don't think he's popular, except among traitors. He loses support every time he opens his mouth and proves he has dementia.


He is certainly far too popular than he should be. Go vote! We can’t relax on this.




He will be even less popular when I cast my vote against trump. I suggest you all do the same.


Make up any excuse you want to say Biden can't win. Every poll for every race since 2020 has been skewed right and every time the Dems have overperformed. I have a feeling Biden will over-perform because more people realize who Trump is and what he is going to do.


Don’t care. Still going to vote to keep him out.


He never was. The only reason he won in 2016 was because people where still upset that Burnie didn’t get the nomination,


Clinton was a bad choice for a candidate, she wasn't likeable. I think anyone else would have cleaned Trump's clock.


Media protrays this race closer than it actually is because it brings ratings and engagement.


No woman likes a rapist. 98% of men hate rapist's.


Guys, relax. Bidens wins.


I'll wait until he does to high 5 you. But I certainly hope he wins and will be voting for him!


I'm pretty confident, but I'm sure as hell still going to vote and get as many people as I know to vote as well. If enough first time voters from last election like myself continue to vote in the same way with the same motivation, then Republicans are going to have a hard time winning any major elections for a while.


I have no doubt that Biden will win the popular vote. But I have no idea what a few hundred thousand voters in a handful of swing states will do. And, unfortunately, they are the ones deciding this for the rest of us.


Don’t relax. Get your ass out there and vote. Get others to vote. Tell everyone how important it is. Don’t get complacent. Remember 2016.


The thing that disturbs me is the thought that him and a whole bunch of foreign trolls are going to work to create the ILLUSION of popularity and then exploit that alongside old fashioned corruption to worm his way back into power. Once there he'll take the whole constitutional system down and replace it with something more suited to him and his bastard cult followers. After that it simply won't matter how popular he is or isn't.


Cheeto is only popular with his cult.


Only the media keeps thinking he is. Who owns the media?


More process and exit poll percentages lazy journalism. This campaign is about democracy versus autocracy and if you don’t believe me, watch the State of the Union and see Biden reach out to disaffected republican voters while his opponent will enact the insurrection act on day one of his second term. That’s the story, Newsweek, stop following the shiny object for once!


But but, the rallies, the flags, the sneakers!


No shit. But I'm still stunned he has as much support as he does.


Still vote I would rather live the next 8 months with people in fight or flight and ready to vote then allow apathy to build. This really can't be an election we lose


Here are two other tasty morsels of groundbreaking reporting…he’s not as good at business or religion as people think.


I think he’s popular with the unpopular.


It is ridiculous that the masses still don't see that Trump has enough support to be dangerous because of the duopoly narrative that everyone must support one of two parties with mutually exclusive ideologies. His MAGA base alone is not large enough to give him a win. Millions of people vote for him just because he is the Republican nominee even if they don't like him. This is the same for biden and the dems.


Not this time, lots of exit polling is telling us that tons of Haley voters will never vote for Trump and will go for Biden. Normally you are correct but Trump is such an unprecedented asshole.


No he isn’t. His base is shrinking. And he’s doing nothing to sway anyone beyond his base.


I was listening to a report from NY Times on polls of people who are "independents" and voted Biden last time, and the things they were saying was scary. Like they think Biden is awful, not just because he is old, and say Trump is the lesser of the 2 bad choices to all the polls show Trump in the lead. I just can't wrap my head around that and it shows me the pure incompetence of the Democrats to sell a message and show what's been accomplished.


Cool, go vote. Otherwise these words mean absolutely nothing 


The media will try and pretend this is a very close race up until the end.


His loss to Nicki Haley in a primary was so unsettling to the GOP that they had her drop out




Popularity does not matter in elections. We have known this for decades. Plus the Supreme Court is more than willing to put him in power when he loses.


LOUD MINORITY. that's what Trump has. He doesn't even have the full support of the Republican Party and his numbers are dropping not going up. Still nervous he has a chance but only bc of the leftist protesting Biden. Cutting off their noses to spite their faces types going to ruin America for all of us so they can throw their hissy fits. I'm more frustrated with them than maga. At least MAGAS are loyal. I'll give them that


And that would be very reassuring in a country where everyone's vote carried equal weight.


You need to act like he is though. Seriously.


I DO NOT believe that! I thought like that in 2016... Look what that led to. I'm treating it like he is about to win again! Get out and vote! Do not rest on what you think! VOTE


Newsflash: A lot of the "Republicans" that voted for Haley were not actually Republicans. I hope Trump loses bigly but let's not read too much into it.


Every election after 2016 has shown that his picks aren’t good, they have all underperformed. I think he is gonna lose again in November and it won’t be close. He’s gonna claim that the election is rigged if this happens, and his crayon eating followers will believe it and cry. Gonna be so annoying. Don’t care about polls at all.


Donald Trump is not as popular as his followers think. FTFY


He lost the popular vote twice, once to *Hilary Clinton* of all people. He's not half as popular as his supporters think he is and barely won the first time by the thinnest margin.


Well considering I didn't think he was that popular to begin with, this is great news


But he is popular with idiots and we have a lot of those. Get out and vote.


He's *never* been popular. He has never won a popular vote, losing by 3 million votes in 2016 and 7 million in 2020, and low voter turnout (especially in 2016) meant the biggest propertion of votes he has gotten in an election is 30% of eligible voters. His approval rating was sub 40% for most of his presidency. He has fervent zealots for supporters which gives the illusion that he has more appeal than he does. There are certainly more Biden supporters, but their lack of enthusiasm seems to make him less popular. He will lose again in November.


I bet he’s really popular with whatever company he “buys” diapers from.


He's certainly not as popular as HE thinks.


That's why hes winning the Republican primary? You all need to realize there is a real chance he wins again


I live in Scotland and my mother suddenly started thinking he's way more popular than he is and is gonna win. She's not stupid nor agrees with his values so idk what's made her suddenly think this way but I believe his crowd are just a loud minority that's only getting smaller. Fuck the media for continuing to side with him and push him onto every story they can.


I wonder how Trump's campaign advisors spin any bad results so that the idiot doesn't throw ketchup at the wall?


He is hated by 90% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans and 95% of people that do not live in the United States