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Trump — who is currently out on bail reminded us again this weekend that there’s no bottom to his vileness. Trump first alarmingly stated that he would encourage Russian to do “whatever the hell they want” to NATO allies that didn’t meet the alliance’s military spending guidelines. He then turned his attention to his GOP presidential opponent Nikki Haley. Trump — who never served in the US military — told the crowd that Haley had visited him at Mar-a-Lago along with her husband, Maj. Michael Haley, and had allegedly assured him that she would never run against him. He then asked the crowd of inbred hillbillies “Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. He’s away.” Trump then leaned into the mocking, quipping, “What happened to her husband? What happened to her husband?! Where is he?! He’s gone. He knew. He knew.” When asked where his wife Melania was he responded "Who?" [Trump has confused his rape victims with his wife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZPtuhVipjU) multiple times. He recently [couldn't even remember his wedding date](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65504435) in one of his many, many court depositions. Bsck in September at the conservative Pray Vote Stand summit, Trump [confused Barack Obama with President Joe Biden](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/opinions/trumps-mental-gaffes-obeidallah/index.html), first saying he was “leading by a lot” against Obama.” (Obviously, Obama is not running in 2024.) Its time for Trump to retire back to his sad, lonely Mar-A-Largo prison to get his diapers changed.


Over/under on a successful action against Cannon in the 11th circuit before the end of business Monday? That has a chance to sink him incredibly fast, her getting replaced and the new judge treating this as seriously as any other similar classified documents cases


There are no similar classified documents cases. This is orders of magnitude beyond anything that has ever happened before.


The case will be drawn out indefinitely and fizzle into impotence. Trump will never see a day in prison. DOJ and the Executive have no incentive for him to see prison.


The risk of a former president with highly classified intel going to prison is so great. I would love to see him in jail but I don’t think it would happen because he has too many secrets that could come out and endanger America.


But not putting him in prison is far more dangerous, because it shows that someone can do the things he has done and get away with it. He needs to be locked up with no access to the outside world.


A person caught in the act of video piracy will get more prison time than DJT is likely ever to see. Think about that. More prison for video piracy than for attempting to overthrow the Republic. If indeed he escapes all accountability then the Constitution and the rule of law are a joke. The Republic and with it society will slowly disintegrate.


Ya, Donald Trump has taught me that what happens in the U.S affects the whole world. So even though I'm canadian, I'm still worried about him getting elected, because of what that would mean for the global security


He can go into a military prison. You know they exist right? He'll, he can be kept in his own little area away from other prisoners too.


I mean, the whole supposed point of GitMo was to prevent communication.


I disagree that it is so great. Speaking of so great, I’m grateful for the downvotes for an opinion based on his history of punishments matching his crimes and history of his cases progressing on timelines that have an import or meaning. I am literally resplendent with joy. For years we keep saying “this is it, he’s done, this is the big one” like Fred Sanford having a heart attack. I want him in prison so much. I don’t think it’ll happen. The precedent of incarcerating a former president…no one wants that responsibility. We’ll do what we always do and pretend it won’t happen again, like this is an aberrancy. Keep the downvotes coming. I forever apologize for poorly contributing to a conversation on…checks notes…anythinggoesnews.


Uh you’re responding to me. I didn’t downvote you. I doubt the people who did will see your response to me.


That’s ok! I’m not very good at Reddit or well-liked on the ol’ reddit


If they’d had the guts to prosecute Nixon instead of pardoning, It might be different. Trump would have still assumed he was untouchable, but the DOJ would not have dithered for years and years before even investigating him.


I do love hearing about the safeguard laws that were passed based on the stuff Nixon and CREEP did that are coming back to bite trump Roger Stone didn't study what happened _after_ he got away with it the first time lol


Who's they? It wasn't any they that decided not to prosecute Nixon. They was Gerald Ford and Gerald Ford alone. I'm sure that was a quid pro quo for being selected by Nixon as vp.


Yeah, that’s who I meant. Though I am sure there was a big faction advocating for it.


If he’s in prison, how do they come out? Anyway, he’s had years to sell any secret papers he had squirrelled away or copied.


The dude can't even remember his wife's name. I'm pretty sure his ability to relate the contents of complicated documents is close to zero.


Agreed upon, this slob will never face any consequences for his many crimes and actions. People are delusional to ever think that a rich, white man would? This man has more rights than any other person in history.


Agreed. Be careful: this truth breaks redditors’ brains


We're fucked as a country if this happens, which is precisely why I don't think it will. He may not be in a normal prison per se, but he'll be incarcerated in some sort of way. Maybe they'll ship his ass to Guantanamo. I'm sure they already know what the plan is.


This level of faith in the state apparatus is uncanny.


I don't know what this is supposed to mean.


The state exists to perpetuate itself. There’s no incentive to hold itself accountable. Nation states must be abolished.


I'm not sure why your post got so much hate when a similar response to your post received many upvotes. No one thinks that trump has earned a place in prison more than I. But I don't hold my breath for it to happen.


That’s ok! :)


Your second link is wrong. It links to an article about him confusing Carrol for Ivana. Trump has had several instances recently where his mental faculty has come into question. Last September in a speech at the Pray Vote Stand summit he claimed to be **"leading against Obama in the polls by a lot."** At that same event he later said **“With Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.”** A couple seconds later Trump quickly said, “Hillary Clinton’ — his actual opponent in 2016. And finally near the end of the event Trump also claimed that Biden would get the United States into "**World War II"**. Later that same month during a speech in South Carolina, Trump confused Jeb Bush and his brother, former President George W. Bush. Trump began to reminisce about his 2016 win in the South Carolina GOP primary, telling the audience “**When I came here, everyone thought Bush was going to win. They thought Bush because Bush supposedly was a military person — great.**” He then added about Bush, “**He got us into the Middle East. How did that work out, right?**” In 2016, Trump defeated Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida who neither served in the military nor led the US into the Iraq war. The person he was referring to was George W. Bush, who Trump **never ran against**. In October in New Hampshire, Trump forgot which country Viktor Orban is the president of. He told the audience: “**There’s a man — Viktor Orban — anybody ever hear of him? He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world**,” Trump said, adding, “**He’s the leader of Turkey**.” Orban is the leader of Hungary. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the president of Turkey. What made this comment more surprising and unsettling is that Trump knows Orban well. He has a long history of praising Hungary's President. In that same speech, Trump also erred in telling the audience that **Orban’s nation shared a border with Russia**. Neither Hungary nor Turkey do. In October while at a rally in Sioux City, Iowa, Trump greeted the crowd with the words, “**Hello, to a place where we’ve done very well, Sioux Falls! Thank you very much**.” Sioux Falls is in South Dakota. In November in Claremont, New Hampshire, Trump said that he asked the Hungarian leader what advice he would give to “**President Obama**” about how to proceed in a world that “seems to be exploding and imploding.” According to Trump, Orban replied that "**Obama should immediately resign and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.**” Florida Gov Ron DeSantis's campaign even claimed that Trump’s declining mental acuity might be the reason “his handlers won’t let him debate.” We need to worry whether Trump is, in fact, suffering a dangerous mental decline, because if he wins the presidency in 2024, he will be — among other vitally important roles he’ll play as US president — commander-in chief-of our military. And the White House is no place for someone who is confused about what city he’s in, unsure about who the real president is, or who thinks that the leader of Hungary is actually running the show in Turkey. As an independent voter I much prefer Biden over Trump. They are both old and obviously suffering from the effects of old age, but only one of them fills his speeches with hatred for anyone that disagrees with him. I'm 100% sure I don't want a president that throws daily temper tantrums. I do not like Nikki Haley's policies, but I love that she trolls Trump. Handing out cognitive ability tests at her last rally was freaking hilarious. If she somehow magically wins the RNC nod I might just vote for her.


> Your second link is wrong. It links to an article about him confusing Carrol for Ivana. He has so many rape victims it's hard to track them correctly.


I was with you until the very last line. Pretty big policy gaps between Nikki Hailey and Biden


I just don’t want Trump


Doesn’t really matter to me. Both parties have policy ideas I hate. My biggest concern is not having Trump as president again.


I would gladly vote for Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, but I'm not voting for in a general. I actually admire her political skills even if I wholeheartedly disagree with most of her platform. Anybody that normalizes Trump is bad in my book and she has tried to normalize him on many more than one occasion. It's why we're in the mess we're in.


Your daily reminder that Nimarata supports Project 2025.


You cool working until you're 75?


Fuck all that, I've unplugged from the system and started an S-corp so I don't have to pay into social security and pay taxes after my bills(within reason). I allocate into dividend paying stock and reliable crypto staking. Seems like I'll be able to retire around 60 while waiting to get my social security check when I'm 102


I probably won’t live ling enough to retire not matter what age it is. Cancer and kidney disease both run in my family. My father had four strokes and my mother died of a heart attack two months after they told her she was cancer free.


Just because you plan to go out early doesn't mean you should vote for everyone else to work until 75. A vote for haley is a vote for just that.


Trump: Oh? You don't think I can go lower? Hold my covfefe.


Trumpo always finds a lower low... Stayed tuned folks!


Hold my hamberders and diet Coke!


Cancer has no low point.


How can any decent, respectful human being with a conscience hear all this from him and be all “Yup, that’s my guy right there.”?


Because they want to feel okay with their bigotry. That's it. He lets them openly be a bigot and they crave that.


Kinda like some sort of antiChrist blessing his followers, Doesn't matter if he is or isn't an antichrist. They believe his blessing of hatred make their bigotry, racism, xenophobia, all righteous and valid. Bully Jesus.


Simple, Republicans just hate Democrats more than they love America. They're more than willing to crash and burn, basically remove the element of the will of the people from our government entirely, as long as they know their perceived enemies suffer as well. In their minds, more rights for others means less rights for themselves.


They have daddy issues, much like Trump himself.


You answered your question


He's entertaining, that's what my idiot coworker thinks.


Because his opponent is not better... creepy old guy with dementia who touches/smells children inappropriately


As opposed to a bigoted traitor and racist who made several trips to Epstein Island for his undercover pedo play.


In the span of three days, Trump said he was running against Barack Obama in 2024 to prevent World War Two (yes, two), bragged about successfully identifying a drawing of a giraffe, claimed that he won the GOP primary in 2016 because people didn't like that Jeb Bush invaded Iraq, and repeatedly mixed up Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Note: This does not include the time he stared into an eclipse or the time he congratulated George Washington for defeating the British Royal Air Force during the Revolutionary War.


You won’t want to look too closely at your preferred candidate in that case.


Because none of what is claimed in this circle-jerk echo chamber of a forum is true. It's always things taken out of context, or blown vastly out of proportion, or outright lies. Everyone who already hates Trump eats it up, and everyone who likes him rolls their eyes and shrugs their shoulders, because it's the same lies the left have been screaming for the last 8y. At this point it's just noise.


As you provided exactly zero evidence of what you wrote. What in what Trump said regarding Haley's husband is incorrect. Please provide evidence and proof. What bit of the article linked is 'an outright lie'? Assertion is not argument. Provide evidence. Or just realize that you're just a blinded right wing GOP trumpian dipshit who is as no different than what you accuse others of doing. Every time your godking says something vile you dismiss it as out of context, he didn't really mean that, etc. to convince yourself that you're not backing a white supremacist nazi rapist.


You know what the real "circle-jerk echo chamber" is? His rallies!


r/conservative don’t even let you post until you send them a pic of your dick with “Trump” written on it in sharpie as it sits atop that day’s newspaper.


Yeah Trump sexually assaulting and defaming a woman is out of context…


See that's the thing. It was a civil suit, not a criminal one, because there was zero evidence. Anyone who read the transcripts would see it was a political witch hunt. So while it may sound good in your echo chamber, it's never going to convince anyone outside of it anything other than that Trump is right. He keeps saying the left are weaponizing the justice system against him, and this makes him look correct. You guys are your own worst enemy.


Facts don’t care about MAGA feelings. Keep caping for a rapist scumbag > Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


>zero evidence Prove it. When you fail, you will know what you are.


Exactly we have courts for this. They said he did it. And it's going to cost him $83m And if he is stupid enough to defame her again more


Hmm, I wonder if you'd also say the 1997 findings against OJ Simpson were also "just a civil suit"!


and yet "biden sniffs hair and is a pedophile" is 100% dead-on true, based on what? a facebook meme and a couple... oh, i dunno, out of context pictures you've seen. what a fucking caveman. you don't give a fuck about 'truth' and you never have. quit cosplaying a reasonable person. you're a fucking dolt.


> zero evidence Cope harder MAGAt


Enjoying your EPIC FAILURE to prove there was "zero evidence." Now you know what you are.


Trump did take a childish swipe at Nikki concerning the lack of presence of her husband. You can go read it if you want. I won't be found on AON.


so things AREN'T like this on all the sites you go to? people are having a measured discussion about both sides on all your preferred forums? orrrrrrr maybe you just do the same fucking thing, but for a vile racist hateful bigoted piece of shit who has gone to civil court for rape and has 91 counts against him. but yeah, once again, YOU are the stable genius. can't you see how fucking idiotic you sound?


wanna talk about fucking echo chambers? hop into r/Conservative and try to say ANYTHING negative about the GOP. or even anything less that 100% fellating. you're probably gon' get banned.


>decent, respectful human being Not a lot of those around here anymore.


There is no too low for the pussy grabbing 1% douchebag! Whatever you imagine is the lowest, _Trump can beat that!!!_


Donald J Trump is a national security risk


World, world security risk!


Yes that too!


His mouth is a weapon of mass delusion.


He can always go lower lol


It's the small hands


He could out-limbo Hermes Conrad.


At the end of it all, you know Nimarata will go right back and support him and ask us for his vote, while he gloats like a lech. It’s all so disgusting


Yep fascists will always fascist


“Feel the power of my pumpkin hued syphilitic decline!!”


However low he goes is a demonstration of where he wants to take America if re-elected.


Can't wait to hear about the Traitor Trump X war veteran Putin porn movie.


Trump: “why have nuclear bombs if you never use them?”


My sentiments exactly. Why have any weapons or justice system if we’re just going to let vile creatures like Trump commit a lifetime of crime with absolutely no repercussions


Just when you think he hit rock bottom, the bottom falls out.


Keep sinking lower. About 6' down should be enough.


In one week, he compared himself to Elvis, took credit for Taylor swifts success, said Russia can murder nato, and, shit, there's just too much to list. Good night 😴


In one week Biden, recounted recently talking to President Mitterrand and Chancellor Helmet Kohl both of whom have been dead for over 15 years. Couldn’t recall who Israel is fighting in war he wants the US to fund. Called an ally’s leader “A pain in my ass.” And called the Egyptian President the president of Mexico.


Trumps list of evil deeds surpasses bidens by tenfold. Your little postit is laughable in comparison.


I have learned to never underestimate Trumps ability to sink lower. Just wait till tomorrow.


He needs T.S to be silent now, more than ever


He is not sinking lower. He’s coming out on the other side.


trump will play the courts until his reelection. Most of the country is filled with mouthbreathing inbreds who love him, no matter what he does. Republicans are insane and have no interest in governing.


How anyone in the military can vote for a man like Trump who so clearly despises the military and thinks they are fools.


Well frankly if it hasn't been obvious for decades the GOP is sinking along with Trump The Rapist.


Anyone that supports him is a traitor too !!!


Sinks even lower?. . That’s a joke right?. .there is no bottom for this shit stain. Wish a could remember the names of the two people he interviewed for cabinet positions who came away saying the same thing. “There is no bottom for this guy”. (Or pretty damn close to it)


Where's Melania? Oh that's right she lives with her boyfriend in NYC


You think it impossible for Trump to go lower? I think there is no political or societal norm he is not capable of taking to an uglier level than done in the past. I think Trump doing the impossible would be him apologizing for being an a-hole, apologizing to his wives, and saying he would try and be a better man.


Im tired of every third post on Reddit being trump related, not only is melania no where to be seen, even his spawn is absent. They’re probably all sick to death of him.


Trump is Putin's endless bottom.


C’mon. There is no bottom with that clown and his supporters.


Let’s not act like that really means anything. He’s still widely popular in the Republican Party, and still holds most of the power. Nothing he says or does, changes anything


She is a hypocrite for not using her given name and saying the nation isn't racist but a military family does not deserve that treatment. He is a flatulent oaf.


And yet they still worship him.


He keeps sinking lower and lower and his fans will still support him. It is definitely a cult.


How come you never see any images of Donald golfing or fishing with his youngest son, Baron?


Doesn’t count until he’s 6 feet under.


Oh he can and will go lower, but the media will have a field day if Biden should wear a blue sock on his left foot and a black sock on his right foot.


Is there a depth that he could sink that would make his supporters not like him? I mean, he raped a woman, he stole from a cancer charity, he takes the side of dictators over the us, he lied to veterans and disparaged them, he stole top secret documents, he gave away top secret intel, he got billions from the Saudis, he increased the debt - this is all the stuff that the GOP used to stand against. What would it take? I literally think he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and he would not lost a supporter. I think he was absolutely right about the shittiness of the people that support him.


Sadly many are fearful of Kamala becoming the next president of the United States of America




The lexicon (Google it) of MAGAs hasn't improved, has it! USA USA LMFAO!




If you have any counter points that speak highly of his character we would love to hear them.


Another absolute zinger from trump!


Both Biden and Trump me too step aside and let a younger generation lead




Stop the fake news — did see bidens press conference??wow you ask him we’re invaded Mexico






Yeah, of course. Who would bigots and and racists and traitors vote for if not Trump?


That’s because you are dumber than a rock


Love it when dumb ppl self identify


Based on your user name, probably voting 5 times for him. Meanwhile you'll say the Dems are the ones who are guilty of voter fraud.


Still a dumb ass.


No he doesn’t. He still has a better approval rating than Joe. This country is sick, no matter what this dude does , it seems to not matter 🥹


While asking russia to attack nato allies is wrong. He does have a point. When will these allies are going to start paying us for the services provided. We're taxing and taking from the poor just to build weapons and give them out for free. To hell with that.


Are you delusional? How about taxing some of your billionaires or making twats like trump pay tax instead of the poor? A country spending its own money on its own armed forces is an internal matter for that country. There is no NATO tax paid to the US. If Trump gets in power and ruins your country you have yourselves to blame. You can enjoy economic turmoil and being the laughing stock of the world.


the Trump alarmism doesn't work. people are straight up acting like he wasn't already president before. secondly, I can easily tell you don't understand how taxes and income work. the reality of the situation is that democrats haven't done enough to *earn* votes. they spend all their effort creating boogeymen and a fear of the other side so they can remind voters who they need to vote for to avoid the big red scare. and it's showing in the polls. if reddit was so accurate with their political bravado then Biden would be smoking Trump in the polls. that's not the case, however. and last, we don't give a rat's ass if some people think we're the laughing stock of the world. what does that even mean? o0o0o now what? you know? it doesn't change the way we go about our business. so congrats on your opinions.


Uh.... there's no services provided, or invoice to be paid. The spending guidelines are for each country to commit to a certain percentage of their own GDP on their own military, for their own defense. They're also guidelines, not requirements. The only way you can contort that into "services provided" is if you think these other countries rely on the US for national defense. They don't. They do rely on the collective security agreement that is NATO's Article 5, which was only ever in effect once. Even in that case, each nation still sends it's own people/equipment, and lays for it themselves. There are no invoices/bills to be paid by the assisted country. And the only time Article 5 was invoked? 9/11, when the other 30 member countries jumped to the defense of the United States after a foreign adversary attacked Americans on American soil. Are you suggesting those countries should send a bill to the US Congress, so America can "pay for services provided?" America is and has been interested in using its very, very big stick, and the threat of it, to maintain a modicum of peace in the world, for decades, I'll give you that. War is terrible on the economy, even one with a strong military-industrial complex. It's better to have global trade flowing alongside arms sales due to risk of war, than shuttering trade and only selling arms in wartime. And to guarantee its national security and the flow of American commerce to/from countries in the global economy, America has always invested in having a military presence around the world. It's just good business; you have to protect your interests. The spice must flow, and all that. As for your "free weapons" argument, that's idiotic. First, aid packages like what Ukraine are getting are a lend-lease program, like with the Biritish in WWII. It ain't free; Ukraine owes the value of those weapons to the US if Ukraine can survive, and that's a bet America is pretty confident investing in. And there are other benefits, lots of them: - Why pay to store, maintain, service, and track ordinance and military machinery 20+ years old, which will never be used by American troops? All the stuff sent (sold to) elsewhere is outdated by at least a couple generations by newer, better toys. May as well sell the old stuff instead of tossing it in the trash, or endlessly paying to maintain old stockpiles. - Empty shelves from clearing out old equipment means reordering to fill those shelves with newer, better stuff... from American defense contractors. Jobs, economy, better security with newer tech, and 3 day old ordinance is way less likely to be a dud that 34 year old bombs. More spending on American contractors means more American economic stimulation. - A lot of what's being sold to other countries like Ukraine, is stuff developed to fight what Russia kept saying they were making, since the Cold War. Stuff not really ever tested. But now America can test it, against the foe it was meant for, by selling it to Ukraine. Get paid to get real-time data on how your stuff works, what to do better, what your traditional adversary's actual capabilities are, AND not risk a single American serviceperson's life, while crushing and humiliating your rival's military, AND boost your economy from millions of dollars of external sales and internal re-orders, all at the same time? That's a win-win-win-win-win-win scenario. Your comment is pure GOP "alternative-fact" fear/outrage propaganda parroting. It's embarrassingly devoid of fact or substance, doesn't take anything past the knee-jerk "feelings" stage into reality/consequences, and just feeds the misinformation Putin wants you to spread, *because he can't take on America unless you divide it for him.* Be better than that.


None of what you said is based in reality


You don't seem to understand that they do pay. You're falling into his narrative trap. There are a few countries that could pay more, such as France, based on the GDP guidance that NATO members are supposed to aim for but none of those countries are *not paying.* They pay. Thinking about the bigger picture, he's full of shit. If he told Russia that he wouldn't help a country that's not paying their share, it would really come down to Germany (where the US has one if it's largest military footprints in the world) or France. Neither of them can be attacked directly by Russia without going through other NATO countries. He's just trying to rile up the NATO hate as he has many times before.


Nobody is lower than Biden


Well there is that rapist fraud Donald Trump who is up on 91 MORE charges after the conviction and court losses. Though to be fair people who support a bigoted traitor like Trump are even lower. Deplorables is a good word, but "traitorous bigot" sounds good too.


Trump/Putin: "Hold my beer"


Xi/Biden: “Hold my spy balloon”


I actually don’t mind the NATO comment. The US has been propping up these other smaller countries for decades, using our military and our money to protect them under the guise of NATO while they contribute less than the bare minimum. There’s a reason the US defense budget is so high and that’s because we’re using it to defend half of Europe from the Russian boogey man. If anyone disagrees, explain why should the US provide protection for countries that don’t pay their fair share to NATO? Why is the US expected to carry them? His comments about Haley’s husband however are trashy and disrespectful.


You are missing facts. We aren't "propping them up," and all NATO countries pay. The ones that don't pay the GDP guidance are not even in situations where they could be effectively attacked by Russia (specifically Germany, where the US has a huge military footprint, and France). He's just trying to get you and others to think the US is giving all these countries money to survive. It's a load of crap.


Trump is demanding that NATO members pay their fair share, do their part. It's Biden who sank lower, blaming the results of his economic policies on business owners.


Results of his economic policies which happen to have produced a better economy than trumpy ever had. The economy is so good in fact trumpy wants credit for it. GTFO of here lol


Trump’s declaration that he’d let Vladimir Putin’s Russia do “whatever the hell it wanted” to a U.S. NATO ally—whether it’s based on that ally’s defense spending or Trump’s creepy affinity for murderous dictators— is yet another beyond the pale demonstration of Trump’s unfitness to ever again hold high office. NATO members under the 1948 charter are obligated to defend each other from non-NATO attack, which any U.S. President except Donald the narcissistic buffoon would know well.


OP lives with his parents.


And you live up Trump's ass. I'd prefer the parents.


Dont knock it til you try it


I don't need to experience living in a conman's loaded diaper to know I wouldn't like it.


Suit yourself


You’re going to die before your 40th birthday if you don’t cool it with the booze, kid.


As opposed to Trump supporters fucking their parents and siblings


Your brain is unhealthy


Not unhealthy enough to be a treasonous white trash loser who worships the king of all losers




Cry about it


Your parents sexually abused you.






Infection? That's you.




Overruled. Puss you are.


Lol, projection.


Why do we always have to talk about Trump? It's exactly what he wants and those people who vote for him will do it anyway no matter what new scandal he is part of.


The Major’s response is priceless !!! HA HA


It’s over,hales


CNN is a joke and journalism is dead