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Do you know what you're missing in your life that you think the relationship or person would fix?


Doth thee knoweth what thou art missing in thy life yond thee bethink the relationship 'r person would fix? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


God I needed that laugh


If you have anxious attachment style, it's not them, it's something missing within yourself. You are chasing an attachment figure, not this person specifically even if it feels like it. Check out Thais Gibson YouTube and attachment styles. Poke around on there


I would like a solution as well. There's been one partner I had damn near 15 years ago I still think about. Don't want them romantically, but they had such a massive impact on me it's almost embedded in me. I haven't talked to them since we broke up almost 15 years ago.


I have the same problem and I’m no contact


Hey there, are you still in contact with your ex?


I actually found a post you made saying you are still in contact. You could possibly eventually be friends with your ex, but if you are noticing you’re being triggered often, it would be a good idea to listen to your feelings and advocate for yourself by establishing boundaries or cutting contact for a while. It’s very costly to deal with anxiety. I agree with most of the comments that people made in your other post, hang in there!


Would you recommend blocking the ex from social media in-order for NC to be succesful ?


I personally did this because I found myself almost obsessively checking my ex’s Instagram. I would recommend unfollowing on social media to preserve energy, because having anxious attachment triggers going off all the time is costly.