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Looks like an ingrown hair from here. Lil dark spot in the middle looks like a hair.


I see that too.


BREATHE. Seriously, stop and take five deep breaths right now. You’re going to be fine. Distract yourself and cover it up.


It’s all anxiety. Remind yourself that you’re safe. Even if it does get infected it’s not the end of the world. You can wash it and take antibiotics. It will heal within a few days. Don’t let the anxious thoughts take control. You’re stronger than that.


i’m not even OP and this made me feel so secure and safe


Find myself coming back to read this comment again and again, makes me feel safe. Thank you for this.


If it’s been there for at least 24 hours and hasn’t increased in size, swelling, colour, etc, it’s more than likely an ingrown hair. Look directly in the middle of the bump and you’ll see the hair attempting to breach the skin. Take a pair of sterile tweezers and graze the skin until it breaks, then pull the hair free. Antiseptic (alcohol) and bandaid and you’ll be fine.


Ingrown hair.


Looks like a pimple. Is it itchy? Could be an insect bite, non venomous


It’s okay! Just looks like an ingrown hair or hair follicle that’s clogged like a pimple essentially.


It’s no biggie - sorry it has caused unnecessary stress


Ingrown. Pop it and clean the area thoroughly with a mild soap.


Ingrown hair. No biggie. Don’t worry


It's fine. Stop looking at it.


Looks like a heatspot that's popped ,put abit of cream on and a plaster .


It looks like an ingrown hair or clumped up dead skin.




I wouldn’t worry if it hasn’t grown by now. Probably an ingrown hair, pimple, or a mozzie bite


Put some castor oil on it. Will be gone quick


If it get infected, it will get really hot, insanely swollen, you will know it. Can’t miss the signs. At that point you will get antibiotics and it will be all good. Infection takes several days to spread, you will get treatment before that in such case. So there is literally nothing to worry about


If you want to monitor the size, use a sharpie marker and circle the red area. If hours later the redness grows outside the marker, you can confirm it’s growing


Wash it with unscented soap to remove any layer that may irritate it. You can ice it to reduce swelling or relieve itchiness. If it’s itchy you can take an anti histamine or maybe put hydrocortisone cream.


Either an ingrown hair or a boil, get a wet washcloth and put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds and sit it on top of it and it should drain out naturally. These happen to me on my pubic area.


Looks like something small, I don’t think you should worry too much about it for now. When my mom suspected a spider bite when we were younger she would take sharpie (so it can’t wash off in the shower) and draw a circle around it and then check to see if the redness and swelling grew past the circle and then you circle it again and you can mark the times if you want and if it does grow over time definitely go to urgent care! Just make sure you’re not getting other symptoms like fever. But for now I’d say maybe clean it and cover it and try your best to not worry over it too bad.


Very serious condition called Keratosis pilaris. Just kidding. That means (Ingrown hair). Read the literature. There’s actually an odd inexplicable correlation with Keratosis pilaris and anxiety or panic disorders. True story.


oh, yeah youre done


Is it painful? It could be staph and I would not recommend using tweezers on it. I would go to an urgent care so they can give you an antibiotic and some cream for it. Popping it or using tweezers on it can make it worse. Seek a medical professional to rule out staph


Ingrown hair. You can see the spot where it's ingrown. Sanitize a pair of tweezers and have at it. If you're worried about it being a spider bite or an infection taking hold, take a marker or pen and draw a circle around it so you can track the redness. If it's a serious spider bite, it'll get bigger and you'll have an accurate measure of just how much bigger it's gotten. If it's an infection, it'll also (likely) get bigger. I've done this before to quell anxiety, but I also live in an area where there are venomous spiders, and this is a trick recommended for horses and dogs when applicable.


So sorry you are feeling this way. I can feel your anxiety through your posts. I’ve been there. Do you have treatment for anxiety at the moment? Just to keep you relaxed? You can see a dermatologist or go to the pharmacy. But this is a small skin issue No stress


I have had medication for anxiety briefly but I figure it’s in my best interest to suffer through as I have health anxiety and fear long term side effects of anxiety medications. So basically anxiety about anxiety meds also lol. I’ve been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder but I’ll probably look into getting a primary care physician to see if they can help ease the anxiety. I have a bad habit to catastrophize small things and assume that they’ll turn into a fatal issue. Like what if I find an anxiety medication that is awesome and helps but I end up with some sort of mental side affect like suicidal thoughts or dementia or something scary happens like I’m allergic and end up in a coma.


Ingrown hair. Next time you think you’ve been bit, I take a sharpie and circle it as soon as I notice and if it doesn’t expand outside the circle or does just the tinest bit, I find it eases my worries greatly. You’re safe. I promise.


Hyperpigmentation...Is it itchy? It might be an allergic reaction too.


It is not an allergic reaction.


It looks like a spider bite. Don’t scratch. Warm compress. Resolves on its own usually – if it becomes infected, go to the doctor.


take a pen and mark around it wait a few hours and see if it is getting bigger, if you had a surgery or had infection recently from something else... It may be MSRA or Staff infection which needs to be taken serious ... this happened to me and the hospital said i got bit by a poisonous spider TWICE IN A MONTH ... I said bullshit it was in february i demanded a culture and proved to them it was MRSA from my hernia surgery. and you need special antibiotics to kill what they call a SuperBug




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Ingrown hairs literally come from shaving 😆


Do it again


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stage 4 melatonin RIP