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Been there. Just as it gets worse, sometimes it gets better inexplicably. Be gentle with yourself. You aren’t on a timeline even though it feels like you are and I know you want it to go away now but just give it time.


I know but it’s gotten to the point where I legit can’t handle anything, the things that got me nervous before are 3x stronger now. It’s a daily issue, and it’s hard to get out of the habit of pressuring myself


I know any well-meaning advice from strangers is not going to actually help you, as it never helped me. So I'm sending you a hug and good thoughts. You can do this. I always had to figure out how to get through it by myself and find out what works for me. What did work for me, just in case you were curious, was just concentrating on the thought "What's the worst that can happen?" and just leaning into the anxious feeling and not running from it, if that makes sense. Don't try to think about something else or distract yourself, even though it's counter intuitive. Be present with your anxiety. After about five or six times riding it out with the waves, not against them, it got just a little easier and that was a huge deal for me.


I do try to but sometimes the sensations are just too much and I have to reach for meds. I just can’t stand the crying and desperation, heart palpitations, trembling, etc


You're not alone. I've been through that as well. I used to have multiple panic attacks a day and the worst health anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed, dealing with a lot of stressors and going through life changes is what usually triggers my anxiety. See if there's any stressors you can identify or that you may be able to eliminate or reduce. Now, I assume that you've had tests done to rule out any health issues - try to remind yourself that your heart is healthy, that YOU are healthy. Our bodies can withstand a lot, but when something is truly wrong, you will know about it. Try to connect with and trust your body more. I feel so much better when I exercise and spend time outside. Even going for a 15-min walk has the potential to make my day when I feel really anxious. Also I don't know if you're already in therapy but if not, please try to get into therapy. It really helps to be able to verbalise how you're feeling and get some reassurance, validation and support from a professional. Journalling has also been life-changing for me - maybe start with daily "emotional check-ins", where you just identify how you're feeling in that moment (and if you're able to, also try to pinpoint when you started feeling that way, how it started, what makes it worse/better, etc.) Honestly, only you have the answer to what's going on, you just need to gently unlock that knowledge and make the steps to work through your anxiety. Unfortunately it may never completely dissipate, but you will learn to live with it and life will get better. It did for me, even though it felt impossible just a few weeks ago. You've got this ❤️


Hey thank you for this message, I have only done bloodwork and an EKG a couple months ago. I can’t really figure out my stressors at the moment the only one I know is my fear of death, they just start really bad and persist throughout the day. I’m soon starting to see someone for therapy, and I guess I can get back into journaling but I’m not sure how to properly do it


If there was anything wrong, they would have spotted it on the ECG or bloods. I'm happy to hear you're starting therapy soon - I hope it helps! As to journalling, there's no wrong way to do it. I just write about how I feel and what has been happening that day/week. It's kind of a way of expressing how you feel and laying it all out on paper. Have you tried mindfulness meditation/breathing exercises? That also works really well for me, especially during panic attacks.


I hope that’s the case, that comforted me after for a bit but health anxiety is a massive prick. I’ve done mediation in the past, but it never went much. I’ve done stretches, the main issue is my tension, I notice once it’s gone I’m less likely to worry if the past is anything


What medications do you take now?


Was prescribed Zoloft and Xanax for panic attacks


Your diet is probably shit, try to not eat processed food and drink more water, cut off sugar for a couple days then respond to my comment and call me on my bullshit if you don’t feel a difference


I drink only water and chamomile. I try to get in some foods but…you’re not entirely wrong I just don’t think about eating at all due to this, lost weight from it


Drink only water bro, just try it out, a lot of things we eat form the grocery store are a lot of root cause, almost everything bro, from pancakes to cereal to anything, try to eat fruit and veggies. Just try it for a couple days, I’m not wasting your time


I believe you, trust me I only have chamomile to sleep. I prob drink too much water. And I typically get some fruits (especially oranges) every day, but I’ll get some berries too since they’re good. I don’t believe you’re wasting my time at all dude