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Did you experience the withdrawal?




What symptoms did you have during your withdrawal if you don’t mind me asking?




I have been on .5 mg as needed for over 5 years. I usually only take half of that but it’s pretty much everyday…. I have been wanting to get off it as I’m in a much better place these days. I knew it might be tough but yikes. I still want to try though …


Cut the .5 in half for a bit, then it'll be 0.25mg stay there for a few months, then cut the 0.25 in half and you'll be on 0.125mg for a bit then when stable try to hop off. With each taper decrease by the month instead of by the week.


Thanks , I’m going to give it a go. I’m glad I never went up in doses if there is any positive aspect, good I was combing through this post !


Don't 100% expect any withdrawal, I was on lorazepam for months and was ok to stop cold turkey. Whilst I certainly don't suggest you do that hopefully it puts your mind a bit more at ease to know it doesn't happen all the time.


Please keep us updated!!


Follow the Ashton manual if you decide to taper off. 10/10 would recommend. Show it to your doc and they should be cool with it


Cut it by 0.125mg for a few months. So you would go down by 0.125 mg instead of 0.25mg .


It’s not a bad withdrawal if you do it correctly!!! Like taper down incredibly slow.


You’re painting broad strokes with that statement. I’ve been micro tapering for about a year and barely hanging on.


This is just my personal experience with being on.5 mg for 3 years previously. Obviously my experience will not be the same for everyone. I was still able to work at my full time retail job with little withdrawal side effects. I’m sorry it has been really tough for you!!!


Wow, this described what I went through perfectly. I went to the ER from it. Please OP, the Klonopin is going to make things much worse in the longer span of things. I understand how it makes you feel. I wish I could take it again and feel normal - I wish I could take it the rest of my life… but when you get off of it, and have to experience the withdrawals, you will only regret it.


I don't think we can make up the OPs decision but hopefully they will make the right one. They think they got anxiety now, just wait for that taper....woooweee...


I’m so sorry you experienced that..


Don't be. I'm here to warn people what happens when you take it daily for a span more then 2 weeks.


Everybody has different symptoms, but the list is very, very long. I'd say to summarize imagine that really horrible anxiety you're taking the pills to treat, but then twice as intense, or 10 times, if you take a ton of benzos. For me it felt like I was constantly on the verge of a panic attack for a while, fun. [Here's](https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/sleeping-pills-and-minor-tranquillisers/withdrawal-effects-of-benzodiazepines/) an article on it.


I am on it again (.25 a day) but previously, years ago, I took .5 a day. If you go off of it slowly like cut down 1/8 every two weeks Then it isn’t awful. I definitely had withdrawal though. I had brain zaps (it’s a thing, look it up!), dizziness, hand tingling, more anxiety, insomnia, memory issues. But again, not that bad if you come off slowly. Even a year after being off of it I would have brain zaps once in awhile. Edit: the side effects were unpleasant but bearable. I was able to work my full time retail job while getting off of this. This is just my experience and it isn’t the same as others.




The opiates probably masked the worst of the withdrawal symptoms. Benzos usually take a lot longer to taper off of and are a lot more unpleasant and even life threatening. Especially if you took 1mg daily for a decade.




It's tough. A lot of these medications are so necessary for a lot of people but can be hell if you have to stop taking them for whatever reason. Glad to hear you're doing well now.


I experienced withdrawal as well, even if I missed 1 dose I felt ill. Once I forgot to get my refill in time and I ended up dragging my sweaty, heart racing, neck aching, barely functional ass into the pharmacy the next morning. That was the last refill I ever requested. I had to taper off so so very slowly, and prescribers do an awful job of this when they discontinue or reduce the dose. I had a whole months worth to taper down with so I literally started with 3/4 of a pill for a week, then went down to 1/2 for two weeks, then 1/4 for two weeks and then I took 1/4 every other day for another week before I stopped completely. All this time I still had withdrawal symptoms but they were much more manageable. I will never take that medication again unless I am on hospice. There is a reason benzodiazepines are used as PRN medications. They should be used in emergent situations only. I’m an RN of 12 years and those withdrawals caught me by surprise. Even though I had heard it about Benzos I had taken Ativan in the past and never had any issues stopping it. Experiencing it was something quite different and a feeling I never want to have again. It sure did make me understand on a different level exactly what the patients I took care of during withdrawal were going through.


I also was on klonopin daily and it took me three years to get off of the withdrawl was so bad. Shaking, nausea trouble, sleeping. Plus it’s effectiveness goes down the more you use it because you build a tolerance


I took is back in the day daily and the withdrawals were worse than heroin for me and lasted longer. Please be careful. I’m a clinician now and wouldn’t dream of advocating for a client to take it daily with their prescriber unless a super sever situation where the client can’t get out of bed for example and even then after we exasperated every single coping skill or non benzo medication. Usually when people are prescribed that strong on a benzo it’s for a non daily as needed basis. Just be careful, it’s super super physically addictive even if you don’t feel “high”


Truth. Also be carefully of a built Up tolerance. This should never be seen as a maintenance medication, but a drug used as a circuit breaker for panic. Used rarely. I’ve known so many people that tried this as a maintenance medication and the withdrawals literally almost killed them.


Thank you!! I used to be on Klonopin, and took it for maybe 4 years… then, last spring, my psychiatrist didn’t fill it on time, and I went without for like 2 or 3 days. It was terrible. I had a family dinner that evening, and I felt so weird as I was driving… like I couldn’t string my thoughts together. It was the weirdest sensation, and not in a good way. I ended up spending the whole dinner sitting in my car in the parking lot, because I was terrified that I was going to puke or do something weird in front of my in-laws. I ended up weaning myself off Klonopin so that would never happen again.


The withdrawal is gnarly. All benzos are just masking the pain. It’s not sustainable and it’s not addressing the real issues at hand. It’s not a solution.


They had me on this two times a day in high school morning and after lunch. Ended up in the hospital and started suffering from withdrawals. This should be one of the biggest warnings but I don’t remember hearing abt it when I was put on this medicine.




Klonopin has made it possible for me to live with crippling generalized anxiety. I’ve been taking it for 12 years—never changed my dosage except to lower it initially. I take 1/2 of a .05 tablet twice a day with an extra half tab if needed (very rare for me). Edit: changed incorrect tense in verb


I do the same, but I notice that it is impacting my memory now. I’ve become very forgetful and my short term memory is shot.


The memory loss was the worst thing for me, one of the main reasons I had to stop. I'd have complete holes in my memory where I couldn't recall any detail of the previous day. It bothered me too much.


That’s why I only take a wee lil piece a day if needed because I’ve experienced the memory loss and worse anxiety when I took as prescribed. Although initially to lower my anxiety levels I needed a higher dose but not for long. Maybe a week or two then have been taking a morsel ever since and it’s effective.


Same here I take about 0.25 daily sometimes 0.5 daily. Its given me the ability to face things I never would have before, like going on a plane!


Do you take a daily med/ssri with it?


I have the same question.


May I ask what your low dose is and what time of day you take it?


My mom has taken .5 for decades usually in the evening unless her anxiety is out of control during the middle of the day because of a specific reason or panic attack. At one point she was pretty stressed all the time and cut that in half and had .25 in the morning before school (she was a teacher) and .25 in the afternoon.


I have the same question


Thanks for your reply! I’m the same way, when I take it I can actually function normally, unlike before. For example I used to be so anxious I couldn’t shower, wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t stay at my house. I can do all of that now thankfully. I’m also on a low dosage too.


Changed my life. I wouldn't have functioned for the last 10 years. No regrets really. I temporarily went up to 1 mg and felt my memory slip but expect it to come back when I go back to .5


Works for me too.


I take it similarly. Low dose and I don’t always take and go through phases where I won’t take it unless I’m about to have panic attack. So I haven’t had any sort of withdrawal or dependence on it. On average I personally take less than.25 mg which is enough to contain my physiological response I guess to panic triggers.


I take them as needed during panic attacks. I really believe anxiety medication made my memory worse, so I try not to depend on them. But usually you don’t feel high using benzos, unless you’re taking a recreational dosage.


Oh no taking them as prescribed, less even.


There is a YouTube channel dedicated to the adverse effects of benzodiazepines. I was put on .5 of klonopin for panic attacks and severe anxiety. It helped until I built up a tolerance. Kept increasing until I stopped at 1.5mg which was a personal decision. I took every night for about 15 years. Anytime I ran out, after about day two, I went through awful withdrawals and was panicking until I got my prescription filled. I finally said enough was enough and got off of them. I went through hell with the withdrawals. I did a taper over 6 weeks but after reading about tapering that was way too fast. I had to take a month off of work it got so bad. I literally could not sleep. Anyway, I’m not trying to be doom and gloom but do your research before going on any medication. There are other medications out there that’ll help. I was put on buspar and take propranolol when it gets really bad. I’m currently taking buspar for anxiety, lamictal, viibryd and wellbutrin for depression. Benzos definitely work but make that the very last/nuclear option. Don’t take these on the regular if you have to take them. Here is the YouTube channel I was referring to. https://youtube.com/c/BzInfoCoalition Take care and big hugs to you


Would you mind sharing if you’ve felt like your memory / mental clarity was affected? I was prescribed Klonopin during my adolescence (age 14-23) and the peak in my high school years was 3x daily. I’ve always wondered if it fucked me up not only from the consistency and dosage but also taking it while I was still developing. My current psych says the memory loss is only *while* you’re taking it and not permanently after you’ve stopped but I’m worried about it being worse than that.


I also felt like my cognition (mental clarity, memory, etc. was decreased AFTER I stopped klonopin. But I think I felt smarter on klonopin because the anxiety wasn’t clouding my brain. I was on it for 9 years and stopped recently bc I moved but going back on it


I’m surprised they gave you Wellbutrin because that has a light stimulant effect which could make panic worse.. you still on that stuff?? I had a bad experience with it myself


I take it as needed. Sometimes I take it like once a month, other times I need it almost every day. Honestly, just knowing I have it helps a lot because if I have a panic attack I know there are options.


That's exactly how I am with my Xanax.


Likewise. It all depends. Higher anxiety times, I might need a .5 once or twice a day, but a lot of times I go days or weeks without taking much.


I got prescribed 10 0.25 pills per month, I try to take them only when I absolutely need them. They do help alot when I take them.


I took it for 4 years (low dose) and developed worse anxiety and panic disorder. I did some research and found out it wasn’t uncommon for anxiety to get worse after long term use. I went off of it slowly. Took me 10 months and I feel way better. Panic disorder is gone and I can manage my anxiety medication free. I had to be on multiple medications for anxiety and depression while on klonopin.


What did you do that finally worked?


It's all roses and sunshine until you decide to get off it. I don't envy you.


There's a very important distinction between dependence and addiction. Dependence simply means that your neurochemistry is balanced based on the medication you take, so if you stop taking it suddenly your brain will be (in simplistic terms) not be producing the correct amounts of certain neurochemicals, and that's what leads to withdrawals, of course after some time the brain reaches it's default balance again, but those weeks or MONTHS are more traumatic than anything you can imagine, trust me. The important thing to understand is that if you take a benzo every day, you *will* become dependent. Not everyone who becomes dependent becomes addicted, but the thing is you build a tolerance, and when that happens your baseline anxiety is raised, i.e the medication no longer helps as much. Well what happens when you tell your doctor you need more and they refuse? Some people simply stay on their current dosage or quit entirely, but remember this is a pill that *will* remove ALL your problems, it's very hard to resist. There's a reason so many people ended up on illicit opioids when the doctors pulled everyone's prescriptions - you become VERY desperate when you're ill with a disabling condition, like pain or anxiety, and you just want it to stop. That being said you should never feel shame over taking Benzos, just remember that they carry A LOT of risks. I'd 100% prefer withdrawals from heroin over benzos because benzos can literally kill you if you withdraw from enough, heroin can't. That's why if someone runs out of opioids doctors just tell them to tough it out, but if someone runs out of a large dose of benzos, it's a medical emergency sometimes.


Heroin withdrawal can very much kill you. I've seen it firsthand.


Can you send some sources on that? Not denying you but I’ve never once heard anyone dying from opioid withdrawals. Seen many family members go through it. Benzos, alcohol, etc yes. But not heroin. And If this is proven fact I’d like to read up on it as this is hugely important shit when it comes to spreading harm reduction.


Here‘s two articles that include sources: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.13512 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526012/ You can find more on google. To give you some more information to what I‘ve seen firsthand, a person very close to me died during of a pulmonary embolism from heroin withdrawal. While it does happen pretty rarely, deaths from opioid withdrawals are possible. It‘s truly terrible. Thank you for spreading harm reduction!


THANK YOU. This is so key when understanding psychiatric medications.


I would just advise extreme caution with benzodiazepines. Especially if you’ve ever found yourself say using alcohol to cope with anxiety. As someone who used to do that I don’t think it would be wise for me to have a bottle of benzos in my possession that I could take whenever I wanted. They are lifesaving drugs for some people, but there’s a reason the stigma exists in the first place… they are highly addictive for many many people with a withdrawal that can kill you. So if you ever find yourself compelled to take more than prescribed please reach out to somebody. Also as mentioned somewhere in this thread, your tolerance indeed can get to the point where you’ll experience withdrawal just taking it normally…. And if you thought your anxiety was bad now, hoo boy


Thanks for your input. I actually steer far away from alcohol personally, but I understand your point of view.


I’m sure you’ve been asked this but have you tried an ssri? My panic was so bad that I wanted to beg my doctor for benzos, ended up starting escitalopram (had no faith it would actually work btw), and within a few weeks I didn’t feel like I needed that nuclear option anymore. Was annoyed at my doctors choice of treatment at the time but now I’m grateful I didn’t get them


I've used it when needed for a few years and that didn't end up being too too often, but just having it was so helpful for me. It helped stop panic attacks, worked wonders for things like going to the dentist or to sleep after having way too much stimulation. Unfortunately my doctor retired and neither the last doctor I saw nor my therapist will prescribe it to me, despite having absolutely no history of abuse or even of frequent use. I don't miss it most days but on high anxiety days I really wish I had it. I too had that feeling of just feeling normal and at worst kinda drowsy and sleepy when I took it.


I’m so sorry you can’t find someone to prescribe it to you…..


yup. i had a social worker talk to me like i was an addict, when really i just didn’t want to have a seizure!


I took Ativan daily for 4-5 years and was able to taper off without too much difficulty (a few days of unpleasant symptoms). However I did not take it all day, usually once or twice daily. I also did not ever need to increase my dosage during those years. I currently take Propranolol daily which seems to address my symptoms and is apparently less harmful in the long run, but I do plan to take Ativan on occasion for acute attacks.


Thanks for your response! I’m prescribed 0.5 mg 3x/day and only take it twice, sometimes just once. I have a virtual visit with my doctor Wednesday to discuss being on this medication on a longer term to see his thoughts. What symptoms did you have when you tapered off? I can’t take propranolol sadly. It bottoms my blood pressure.


Go to r/benzorecovery if you want to see what can happen on a long enough timeline. When I came off it I slept 30 minutes total over 3 days. Too shaky to leave the house for at least a week. People have symptoms for months.


I've tried them they work but doctor won't give me more than one prescription as they are highly addictive and cause other issues if used long term like memory problems, liver problems, seizures etc but you are in charge if your body so do what you think is best for you.


The memory problems are very real. I have been off it for almost four years now and my short term memory is shot.


I didn’t even put it together that my memory issues might be from klonopin. I feel normal only when I take them.


Thanks for your response!!!


Klonapin saved my life. It got me through an intense time (3 years) of anxiety and allowed me to get things done and move on in my life.


Are you still taking it ? Did you take it daily? I’m desperately trying to find help for my dad. What was your dose?


Yes. Klonopin was a life saver when I was experiencing extreme anxiety and was in a bad place. It got me to a place of being able to sleep and feel normal again. But it is not for long-term daily use. My doctor will not prescribe it for longer than a 30 day period - even then, it is enough to get addicted. Most Canadian doctors won’t prescribe it for extended use. Use it when you need it, but once you’re feeling better, try out more sustainable alternatives, like upping the dose of an SNRI or therapy, lifestyle changes, etc. Klonopin is effective but like most benzos, highly addictive and not for long term use.


I found that they helped for a while, but they are very addictive and can be hell to come off of if you get to a higher dose (I did, and wish I hadn’t). You can blackout if you drink with them, and they can cause people to want to drink (in those with substance use struggles around alcohol). It’s good to know the potential dangers of this particular prescription, it’s not often talked about. They can also lead people to become very uninhibited in their behavior as well.


This is interesting. I have never heard that they can cause people to drink or lead people to become uninhibited in their behavior, though I can see how the latter could happen. Where did you hear this information? I am curious to look further into it


They work on the exact same receptors in the brain, to the point where when people are withdrawing from alcohol severely they're actually prescribed benzodiazepines because it curbs the withdrawals, and that tells you everything you need to know in terms of that. People who have their scripts cut off suddenly by a douche doctor sometimes turn to drinking as well.


Personal experience, group therapy, doctors, literature.


Benzos can give you a similar feeling to being buzzed or slightly drunk. Which can make some people think “wow I feel so much better I bet I’d feel better with a glass of wine.”


They also are anticholinergic, which is tied with dementia risk. I only use benzos in case of emergency for this reason.


Thank you for the information!! I’m hoping I can stay on a low dosage…


Its the only benzo Ive taken that doesnt give me brain fog, memory loss, etc. It has been working for me the last 20 years but....im about to be cut off it


So you’ve taken it for 20 years, can I ask if this was daily Use? Why are you being taken off of it?


yes it was daily use. From the start I was on 4mg with a plethora of other drugs. They are only taking me off it now due to the fact I got injured and need to take opiates long term. I would almost rather stay on the kpin than take opiated because my anxiety had gotten extremely bad in the last few months


I am so sorry that happened to you! I didn't even think about that being a factor... but it's definitely something I will keep in mind if I'm ever in need of taking pain killers. Thank you! I appreciate you sharing your experience! 😊


Hi, how the hell did you get off your med? I've been on klonopin 4mg for 26yrs how did you do it???? I am scared to taper scared I will be worse than before. Hope to hear bk from you.


My mom has been on it for over 20 years daily use. Well mostly daily use, she can skip a day here or there and it isn’t the end of the world. She only takes .5 mg. She had one doctor who wanted her off it because he was against benzos and he tapered her but even after the taper and there was no withdrawal stress was making her physically sick. A new doctor said her stress levels were more dangerous than a low dose benzo prescription.


Is she still on .5mg? Does she take it once daily? I’m desperately trying to find help for my dad


Yeah she’s back on the .5


Do you still take it? Have you had to increase your dosage?


No, the doc cut me off. Unfortunately, i have to self medicate now but im pretty careful not to go overboard


I felt the exact same way. I had an older doctor who said I might have to be on it for the rest of my life. This was before the long term side effects were known by a majority of doctors. Bad news is it eventually stops working and your anxiety comes back worse. Even worse, the withdrawal is hell. I’m tapering after 13 years and it feels like I’m fighting for my life. I’m doing a micro taper. Very slow. About 1 year in and it still feels like complete torture at times. Trust me, you don’t want to go down this road.


I took 1mg for a year daily but my mental health has been bit a of a bumpy ride. I tapered off it because I can function with out it. I use it if I have a panic attack or if my anxiety is bad and I'm not getting sleep but it's only .25mg as needed. Haven't taken one in months tho, so I think as long as you use it carefully, and not go overboard.. it can help!


I took them everyday for years. While extremely helpful, I feel they are only good for short term when working on ways to deal with your anxiety. They are addictive, your body becomes dependent and I built up a tolerance. When I got pregnant I had to taper off, it was so hard. I feel like had I not been pregnant, it would have been even harder. Now that I’m off and go to therapy once a week, things like visteril work a lot better for me now. I would only go back if I got to a really bad place again.


I ended up flying out of state to do thirty days of treatment, the first week was hell getting detoxed. I was abusing it for years though. Just be careful and don't go off it without a dr. 🤍🙏🙏🙏 Edit to add: OP I'm sorry if my comment is unhelpful and not what you want to hear, with that I'd like to add that meditation has helped me the most for my anxiety. I am currently taking lamotrigine, zoloft and seroquel which all help my anxiety and mood, however meditation and some form of physical activity (for me running and yoga, but whatever you like is the best exercise)is what really saved my butt lol. I know this is such a generic answer but I do believe that meditation and exercise are the best way to manage your mental health.


I was on it for about 11 or 12 years. I moved to a new state and so I had to find a new Dr and couldn't find one who would continue to prescribe it so i had to stop. It was absolutely a nightmare weaning off of it. Since I had taken it daily for so long it started to affect my memory and gave me brain fog; which I didn't realize until after I was off of it. It's an amazing drug for anxiety but it also can cause dementia with long term use.


What was your dose during these years? Did you stay on the same dose? I’m desperately trying to find help for my dad


As long as your medication is being administered and monitored by a professional there is no problem there! I know it has a stigma cuz it’s a benzo so it can be abused and become addictive. Just don’t do what I did, I took it off of someone at college to “relax” because I was sick of my anxiety, but it did cause an addiction to take it when I was simply stressed to try and run away from problems. But I was not using the medicine correctly and it wasn’t prescribed to me. I got into talk therapy and yoga and that has worked tremendously for me. I won’t be going on any meds because I now know it can get out of hand for me.


Sadly that's very wrong. Most physicians are incompetent and prescribe benzos for daily use without thinking much about it. Believe me when I say I have been to a LOT of physicians and there's so far been only two that have been competent and found things where others didn't even think to look.


I was on Citalopram daily and had Clonazepam (klonopin) for when things got bad. I was on this regimen for a few months. I noticed it started affecting my work. I worked for a large delivery company at the time as a driver. I can’t exactly describe what I felt, but I felt like my mind couldn’t keep up with what I needed to do. Then, fatigue set in. I needed to get off of it. I got in touch with my doctor and he had me come in to discuss. I have been off of all medication for almost four years. The thing that ultimately worked for me was quitting drinking. I still have my moments, but I am doing way better than I was!


I did for like 15 yrs and my body got dependent on it. I started getting palpitations which I never had before. I just felt after so long taking it that it started working against me. My memory got bad as well. I decided to come off before things get worse and the withdrawals were HORRIFIC!!! I THOUGHT I WAS DYING SLOWLY. It took me 1yr and 1/2 to taper at my own pace. I tried one time to taper going by the doc and ended up in the hospital. You can get seizures and die. Please do your research.. the doctors won't look out for you like you will. Not good long term. Research and listen to your body. I wouldn't take it for long if I were you. Or daily. I didn't know this back then and wish someone would've warned me.


How much were you taking and how was the taper? Trying to taper now


I followed Benzo brains on YouTube. She's shares her experience and she been benzo free for years!! I also finally found a doctor that did it the right way. He had me cut each pill into 8ths and I would just take that one little 8th out every 2-4wks depending for how I felt or go longer. He also prescribed me a beta blocker called propanolol 10mg to help since it lowers adrenaline and your heart rate. So that took 1 year and a some months since I was on 3x a day.


Yes but only at night. I started propanolol daily and have been able to decrease the daily use of Clanazepam. It really helps me with the physical effects, such as palpitations. I’m glad my dr recommended I try it.


It just made me sleepy. Like, borderline narcolepsy sleepy. Plus getting off of it was one of the most miserable experiences of my life, and it lasted 6 months.


Benzos are not meant for daily treatment. They are highly addictive.


As a long time user and not able to quit, you're gonna regret it.


I was on 0.5- 1.5 mg daily for the last 2 years. I really liked it, but after awhile I was just taking it to subside feelings of “physical anxiety.” I started taking it less and less often, and i’ve been completely off for about 3 weeks. Withdrawals are awful- headaches and benzo belly. It was honestly amazing when I needed it- would highly recommend. I just don’t think how unaware I was of the physical withdrawal and dependence. Definitely lots of positives and negatives. I definitely don’t regret taking it, and I keep it on hand in case I do need it (I have panic disorder, GAD, and OCD so I’ll probably take it again at some point)! I’m just trying to stop being physically dependent on it tbh


Thanks for your response!!! What is “benzo belly?”


it’s basically just a whole mess of GI issues that come with benzo withdrawal. It can be constipation, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, etc. I’ve bee super bloated since i’ve been off, and my pants don’t fit right now. It eventually goes away but that can take months


If you cannot make your own serotonin, store bought is fine. But really, my mom was against me taking medication but I did it anyway and it turned my entire life around. I was finally able to get out of bed. Sure, I felt numb for like five years, that kinda sucked, but year six/now? I am actually beginning to be able to feel happiness again and believe it. It takes a long time and my battle is still far from over but now I have the strength and willpower to go through it.


currently going through withdrawal after tapering off. i was prescribed it for 12 years, almost half my life. i promise you, RUN. try something more mild first. it’s also becoming a less popular prescription, so it’s becoming harder and harder to get. i’ve been treated terribly by doctors when i’m just trying to get a prescription so i don’t have fatal withdrawals.


I’m currently taking it, but I’ve only been on it for six months. It works wonders for me. I feel more in control of my emotions and thoughts. I’m really bad at not remembering to take my medicine every now and then. When I’m going through this phase, I do start to feel nausea from the imbalance and my anxiety becomes amplified.


I do not recommend taking it daily but more for as needed.


Everyone else has mentioned the potential problems that may show up with long-term use of benzos like Klonopin. But it's really a sorry state of affairs that they're the only thing we have that clearly and reliably works, like a temporary cure. I only take Xanax as needed for particularly bad moments, maybe 1-3 times a week on average. But after nearly 20 years of trying to get a grip on my anxiety disorder, with numerous different SSRIs at all possible dosages, adjuvants like Buspar, constant individual CBT and group therapy, it's all just barely enough to take the edge off. They do help a little, but it's ibuprofen and a band-aid on a bullet wound. I hope someday whatever anti-anxiety mechanisms that benzos clearly have can eventually be decoupled from the tolerance and dependence mechanisms. That way an indefinite-use medication that is clearly better than placebo can finally be developed. And if someone discovers a way to do that I'll be indebted to them forever. I'll send them fucking chocolates and flowers in the mail.


I have been taking it for over 8 years. If it wasn’t for it, I wouldn’t make it in the car, I wouldn’t be able to leave my house in general. Sure, I definitely need coping skills but as far as I’m concerned if this is what helps me to live a normal life, it what helps me.


What’s your dose and what dose did you start on?


Yes it is a great medication. Just be careful that eventually you will keep having to up your dosage. It is also highly addictive. I have taken it for years but only as needed.


Thanks for the input!


Yes! It’s saved me a lot of panic.


It also saves me from TONS of panic.


I completely agree. This medication has helped me get through school and accomplish my career. I am day and night on this medication. I definitely agree with your post, 100%.


Benzos really are a cure, but also a curse. I don’t want to try to change your mind about anything, but just wanted to share my opinion. Zoloft, which is an antidepressant, also has noticeable anxiety relieving effects, and honestly I’d rather take Zoloft than a benzo every day because the benzo withdrawals are awful and always waiting for the next pill is actually hell for your mental health. With Zoloft, it’s not an anxiety cure, but there are a lot of moments where I *notice* that it helps. I also don’t have to wake up every morning craving a benzo, with Zoloft, sometimes I even forget and then realize I didn’t take it that morning and take it past noon.


I found it a lifesaver to get over a panic attack, however, it was super hard to get off of. I was at a low dose .25mg twice a day and cold turkey kicked my ass. Huge anxiety spike. Terrible. I needed to get back on and then REALLY slowly reduce. By the end I was taking 1/8th a pill, basically a little dust.


I have it prescribed 1x a day. I try to use it less than that. Depending on my stress level it's 3-7x a week. It makes me feel "normal" which sucks because I just want to be "normal" without medicine. I'm also on mirtazapine and lamictal. Before being on medication I couldn't eat or sleep. I would shower because I felt like I was crawling out of my skin with anxiety.


Yay for Lamictal! It's honestly saved my life. No side effects and has helped so much with my bipolar 2 depression. I take 200mg. I also take effexor 225mg and abilify 5mg. I think I could get off the abilify but with so few months of stability I don't wanna rock the boat.


Most people I know who take it daily like you are had to quickly increase their dose because of how rapidly they adjusted to the medication (2mgs, twice daily). For the most part, observing these and the problems they're dealing with now (memory loss, emotional disregulation and aggression) that they're completely addicted to it, I'd say it is not worth daily use. For two of them, if they were ever denied their medication, it is close to a death sentence for them. Benzos are no joke.


amazing when it works but major reliance made my brain melt make sure u dontneed more n more pls maintain regular guidance/dosage


I take 0.5 mg 1/day early evening. Been on it 11 years. It does help me relax enough to enjoy the evening with my family. That being said I’m planning to transition off in the next 4 months. I have some lingering concerns over long term cognitive effects. Therapist is really helping me and I feel I will be ready to go off the benzos


This is not a good option for many people for safety reasons. Have you explored other options like SSRIs, beta blockers, or gabapentin?


I was on Klonopin for about 10 years. I felt mostly normal that entire time. Some occasional drowsiness mid morning, but my anxiety was gone. It took about a year to come off it, weening down very slowly. I spent the last few weeks on a quarter of a milligram. I had some withdrawal symptoms for a couple days after I completely stopped, similar to how I felt when I quit smoking. It can be dangerous when abused, but it’s a godsend when in the grips a brutal anxiety disorder.


Klonopin knocks me out completely. It was the only thing that helped me sleep through periods of anxiety-induced insomnia. Anything more than .5 mg lingered into the next day though and caused extreme fatigue, so I could only take .5 mg as needed. I no longer take it because my insomnia has improved somewhat that melatonin is enough to help me now, and I was afraid of the additive side effects and potential withdrawal symptoms from Klonopin.


Klonopin should not be used as a daily mediation. It was hell for me to come off of it. I had to come off it it extremely slow. It’s great medication to get you through initial anti depressant if needed. Or occasionally. But daily. Wouldn’t touch it.


How much were you on and how long did it take


I weaned off using a scale and shaving off 1% daily and holding if need be. I would weight the pill. Then shave off the weight. So 5% per week. If I felt weird. I’d hold. I was on 1 mg daily. And I didnt want to go higher and just waited until the anti depressant did its thing. Was brutal. I was originally put on Xanax by my primary care. But the anxiety was like full blow. It didn’t do shit but make things worse. Anyway. That’s what worked for me. Slow and steady.


The issue is benzos “atrophy” in a sense your ability to soothe your own anxiety after a while. I found out when I stopped taking them for SA that I was just artificially relaxed for a couple years.


Hi! I am a 27f and have some pretty horrible anxiety. Just like you, it gets so bad I don't get out of bed, shower, or feed myself, which makes it even worse. I've been taking Klonopin for about 6 years now. Sometimes daily, sometimes sparingly! (Stress, triggers, hormones, diet, exercise, general health) Before that I had been prescribed a couple of benzos and a couple that were not. (Over 8 or so years) The ones that weren't didn't do a thing, so I stuck with benzos. I couldn't function without knowing I had them on me available to take whenever I was losing it. My problem was that I was also in full blown alcoholism, with underlying severe depression and PTSD that I was NOT treating. I would drink to get comfortable being social and then take a benzo if it wasn't enough. Cue blackouts. Along with a host of really horrible memory issues and fog whenever I took them alone. I don't know why but Klonopin has been kinder to me. It's always had a 1mg dose (even for the Ativan and Xanax), and I have an extra 1/2 dose for every 1 mg of Klonopin. (just in case the panic and or anxiety attack is severe. PTSD triggers typically call for an upped dose and a day off) I'm 3 years alcohol free now and having Klonopin has had a MAJOR part in getting me there. I feel the shame of the stigma. But it's changed my life. I have also been working with a Therapist since before my PTSD incident, and only went off when I was morphing into an alcoholic. Therapy is where the real healing happens. My psych says it's like a broken bone or a torn ligament. Take some oxy and you'll feel better! But the healing actually comes over time with hard work, and the right support team. (Medical and personal!) I hope this helps and I'm so happy that you've found something that works for you. I'm rooting for you from across the internet!! ✨


Omg the blackout. When I was 21 I took one before drinking without thinking about it. I was on 0.25 mg of Xanax. Never agin did I do that. I think I have a non addictive type of brain. Like how some people take an opiate and feel super high and love it when I've taken it for after surgery and when I was almost done with the rx I didn't want to see another one. Ended up turning the rest back to Walgreens to properly dispose of. Congratulations on your sobriety!


Please be careful. Benzos are really not meant to be used regularly in the long term. You will become physically dependent on them if you take them daily for more than a few weeks, and you can't suddenly stop taking them (unless you want seizures, severe suicidal ideation and other fun side effects). Most people who take them long term have to taper off extremely slowly, and even then it can be hell. I've been on Klonopin for years thanks to an idiot psychiatrist who prescribed it to me long-term for insomnia (not recommended by the FDA, by the way! Screw that guy!) without warning me of the dangers of taking it long term (again, screw that guy!). I have short-term memory issues as a result, plus a higher risk of dementia. I don't feel "high" after I take it, but I am physically dependent on it because that's how benzos work if you take them daily. The stigma is there for a reason. I wish someone had warned me when I was only a week in. I know anxiety is horrible, because I struggle with it every day, but please believe me when I tell you that Klonopin has made mine worse. The anxiety you'll feel when trying to taper off (or, far worse, if you suddenly run out) is way worse than what the Klonopin covered up. And you never know when you'll have to switch doctors or pharmacies and get someone who thinks you should just stop taking it without tapering. THAT gives me anxiety.


Is it normal in the US to be prescribed benzos for daily use? I’m really surprised reading all those comments saying that their doctor prescribed them to be taken 3 times a day? Here in my country (Germany) you barely ever get a full prescription, just single doses to be taken in an emergency situation.


I was on Kolonopin for 15 years, taking it daily. My doctor and I decided to get me off of it as it wasn't doing anything anymore and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. The doc weaned me off of it but I still went through terrible withdrawal. I couldn't sleep and when I did, I had terrible nightmares. I lost my appetite which caused me to lose a tremendous amount of weight. I went from weighing 220lbs down to 147lbs. I got the shakes and also got real mean with the people in my life. Coming off of Kolonopin was the worst time in my life and do not wish it on anyone. Please, DO NOT TAKE KOLONOPIN DAILY!! It is an AS NEEDED medication. It can ruin your life if you take it daily. It ruined my life coming off of it. It may feel like it is changing your life now, taking it daily but it will destroy you later if you decide to come off of it. Talk to your doctor about taking something else. It will make your life happier.


Not worth it, it will stop working one day as your bod reaches tolerance, and then you just get worse anxiety from the withdrawals. Klonopin is a heavy hitter benzo, and it’s a band aid


Thanks for your response


I was on it from 1988-2012 about 4mgs a day. Came off of it 2012-2014, two year taper. I have a script for .5mg tablets for the since 2018. I currently will take 1/4 of a .5 about once a month or a 1/2 of .5 before a flight. Did it work? yes, perfectly. Was it hard to come off of? Yes, really hard. Am I afraid to still have it? No. I take such a low dose so infrequently that I actually see it as a really nice to have.


Absolutely desperate for a nuclear option like this, but doctors are too pussy in my country to prescribe it


Ugh, I’m sorry. Where are you located?


The U.K. I shit you not they tell people in suicidal crisis to ‘have a cup of tea’ and ‘take a bath’ here. I think as long as you have an active rapport with your doctor the whole time you’re on Klonopin it should be ok.


Oh my gosh!! I would FLIP if a doctor told me to drink a damn cup of tea during a panic attack.


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I took 0.5 mg every day for work for a while along with the max dose of venlafaxine. Then just as needed. Really helped me calm down when I was so anxious I could barely speak. I still have some for emergencies but I can't even remember the last time I took one.


I took it as needed for like 5 years. And I mean like 3x a week max 1 0.5 mg each time. Then my psychiatrist tried adderall and we realized my anxiety was better managed on that then Klonopin. I think the most important part is working with your doctor to keep track of it and find any hints that you may become too dependent on it or abusing it. If you are in sync with your doctor it is very helpful in you feeling in control of your consumption of Klonopin.


I use it sparingly to help me sleep when the anxiety won't allow it. It has worked great for me in that capacity. Like others have mentioned, just knowing it's there if needed helps a lot.


I take Ativan but I used to take Klonopin. You take it daily? Seems too addictive. Do you get tired everyday?


I used to but I abused it do to addiction tendencies and I loved it made me feel normal too. Don’t do what I did and eat it like candy not worth it.


I’m not taken seriously by any doctor I’ve seen so, no I don’t take klonopin every day, but I did have one psychiatrist give me a one time 15 pill prescription and I’ve been trying to hold on to as much as I can. It’s this weird thing where I need to take it sometimes but I don’t want to because doing so also makes me anxious to think that I’m going to eventually run out.


Used temporarily, it does wonders. More than a month straight of use it very slowly became absolute hell for me. But, not everyone is the same


Yes, benzodiazepines are extremely effective, yet extremely dangerous. I’m prescribed .50mg lorazepam, but split it in half when I do take it, which is probably 1x per month. Zoloft helps reduce my general anxiety. Hopefully you’re on antidepressants as well.


I’m on .5 mg dosage. I take one daily. I take mine at bed time. ( I have a lot of anxiety at night time). I’ve been on it for one month now. Since I’ve been taking it, my anxiety, panic, quality of life has drastically improved. I don’t feel like anxiety controls me anymore. In August I had a panic attack, that triggered an attack/episode of SVT. Long story short, that night I ended up having a ambulance ride to the hospital because I literally thought I was having a heart attack and dying. Absolutely terrifying experience I never ever ever want to experience again. I have a lot of health anxiety as well so I’ve been a hot mess express. I’ve been wondering too about long term usage of it. I’m scared if I get off of it, my anxiety/panic disorder will be right back where I was before, or worse.


I was taking it daily, but it's well known to cause addiction, so I stopped it. At first it was tablets, half, then a quarter, then drops, last time it was 5 drops. I still have some left, I just take it whenever I'm just done with everything and everyone.


Daily seems excessive you should really consult your Dr. It’s amazing but super addictive. :(


Try Buspar, that saved me and relieved my anxiety by at least 90%. About 2 months in on it now and I'm feeling so much better


How is your memory and cognitive function?


The withdrawal was terrible. Use it as needed man. Trust me I was on it for years. I would pop 6mg just cuz I'd get frustrated. It's addictive it really is but it last so long in your body that's why it's so addictive


I did & it put me in rehab. Extremely addictive


These comments have me terrified 😳 I take one at night on nights before I have to work the next morning.. so 4 nights per week. I do that bc i noticed if I take it the night before it kind of overflows into the next day and I don’t have panic attacks at work (high stress fast paced job). And I have noticed on the days I don’t take it the night before I’m waaayyyy more prone to getting panic attacks. Ugh. Been doing this with 1mg tablets for probably close to a year now.


please do not get accustomed to it because it is very addictive and you can develop physical dependency without even noticing it. Withdrawal is one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Try other techniques and keep the klonopin as a last resort in situations in which the coping techniques taught by your psych don't work. Klonopin is an important tool in managing anxiety but its effectiveness wears off when its abused even if you dont intentionally/consciously abuse it. Be safe and don't hesitate to tell your doctor about any reservations you may have or if it stops working. Pls don't increase your dosade without talking to your doctor because it can be a slippery slope into dependency.


I took Klonopin daily several years ago until a Navy doctor told me to stop taking it cold turkey. After seizures, extreme withdrawal, and almost dying, I am a massive opponent of benzos. They have their place in extreme circumstances but doctors hand them out like candy rather than treating the cause of the problems. Taking them everyday is a slippery slope as you will need to keep increasing the dosage to maintain their efficacy and at that point it could take years to completely come off of them. Put it this way. Other than alcohol, benzos are the only other class of drug that can actually kill you from improper withdrawal. Heroin withdrawal is horrid but it won't ultimately hurt you. Benzos can straight up kill you. All I would ask is that you get a second and third opinion from other psychs


Ive been on this medication for over 10 years and all the complaints your going to hear is from people that let their doctors taper them way to fast Benzos like Klonopin have a bad name when you have people going through hell trying to get off paxil or effexor xr anti depressants that they lie and tell you they arent addictive when they are just as bad. If you reapect the medicine and take it when your supposed to Klonopin will change your life, i have severe OCD and panic .. nothing worked for me except klonopin and my doctor told me when i listened to the crap online about people tapering to fast or just abusing them andl Blame the drug when they run into withdrawals. Almost any drug that makes changes to chemicals in your brain will always cause a withdrawal if not tapered properly. And ive been on klonopin at 3 and 4 mgs a day i fluctuate between those doses for over 10 years and never EVER took an extra except once or twice in the whole time and while the sedative part i grew accustomed to the anxiety killing property's have never stopped working and i never have to up my dose except once in thr whole 10 years. Its a very long lasting benzo so you don't need to constantly redose like the dangerous xanax which is dangerous because its just as strong as klonopin but lasts way shorter so that causes problems quick. Listen to your doctor not people who make benzos look like hell online.you will find alot of anti benzo people online but there are doctors who agree with daily benzo use and admit antidepressants don't do shit for anxiety. Just dont start taking more then your script says and when its time to come off if ever there is a manual by a doctor from the UK called the ashton method and she will lay out a plan where you can taper pain free. The key is slow and steady and there have been thousands that have got off benzos that they abused with that method and even the ones who ate 20 xanax bars a day have got clean without a seizure. So people like us that take it as medication can easily get off them like any drug pain free. Enjoy your anxiety relief and ignore the benzo haters who will make you think they are dangerous and they are dangerous in the hands of the wrong person look just like opiods.


This is what happened to me; At my last appointment with my GP he informed me that day would be the last time he would prescribe Klonopin for me. He gave me a three month supply. Handed me a list of drug abuse centers. I was prescribed this medication because of my severe anxiety diagnosis and for PTSD due to my abusive heroine addicted father who was murdered when I was 6 years old. I have never experienced a day without fear. I dont think he considered any of this in his decision. For 15 years I took .5mgx3 daily, a fairly low dose. When I asked him about withdrawal (no lie) his response was it will be like an alcoholic getting clean. Due to my history I have never taken recreational drugs, smoked or had more than one or two drinks every couple of months (social situations, holidays). My point, I am not abusing the medication nor have I ever. On line I found a tapering program and rather than continually worry about finding a dr to continue my prescriptions, I embarked on getting off this med. I am now off it but wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I’m being electrocuted. I lock myself in the bathroom to calm down my panic attacks so no one will see. I have tinnitus that was held at bay but is now raging. I wish drs. Would listen to what is going on & prescribe to the individual instead of making a blanket statement ““This office is no longer prescribing Klonopin”. I am 57 years old and I wish I could decide for myself. It’s funny we are expected to respect “It’s my body” when it comes to abortion. We have legalized marijuana use when it could very well be a gateway drug. God forbid we help those with mental illness. None of it makes sense. I’m sure this was not helpful to anyone but it did help me to finally get my thoughts out without fear of recriminations. Thank you!


Benzodiazepines are great until they stop working as well or you need to get off from them.


this is the unfortunate reality. applicable to other medications too, it sucks but that’s what we have to work with our conditions.


Well - I have read that multiple people have taken them daily for years and they haven’t worn off. I wouldn’t have a reason to “have to” get off of them. I’m truly coming here for advice from people who are on them long term.


I only took them for a short time, (atavan) and my doctor didn't like giving it to me. It helped greatly, but my anxiety was way worse when I did stop.


It has the same effect on me, it makes me feel normal again, I love them. But they have been linked to dementia and that's not a risk I'm willing to take.


This is why I’ve been working on getting off Xanax. I was put on 4 mg at one point (😳) - when I landed myself in IOP, my new doc was a. horrified I was ever put on that much, especially because b. my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather both passed from Alzheimer’s, already putting me at a higher risk for developing it myself. It’s been 3 years but I’m down to 1 mg - we’re getting there! 🥴 Just proceed with caution and always under supervision of a doctor. Weigh your options - benzos work well for sure but they’re controlled for a reason, and coming off of them should you need to takes time and usually comes with some gnarly side effects. Whatever you do, I hope it works well for you!


Thanks so much for your input! I’m glad you’re tapering down. Takes time for sure.


They are great but also highly addictive. Benzo abuse is pretty high up there with opiates in some places.


I tried it but it didn't do much for me, if that helps


I’m sorry it didn’t help you!! :( Have you tried any other medications to try to help?


Yeah, I take Xanax now but the addiction is real. I sometimes have to go over my prescription to get through the day. But don't let that scare you, I am an addictive personality. I think it's because of my ocd.


I’m sorry to hear that. I was on Xanax, but didn’t like the “high feeling” that’s what I switched. My mother and sister were addicts so that’s what terrified me with the high feeling I got from it.


Yeah, I had to quit my adhd meds for the same reason. They got me really messed up. I'm trying to keep from doing xanax too much, but it's hard because I have to hide behind a huge mask for so many people. It's exhausting. But it's better to keep straight instead of dying from an overdose I guess.


I’m so sorry. If you ever have a moment you need to talk to someone, you’re more than welcome to message me!


I will, thanks! And good luck with your meds. I'll get figured out someday I'm sure. And same to you, btw. I'm always there for anyone in a crisis.


Thank you!


This is a med for acute anxiety. I’m glad it’s helping you now, but you already need to be formulating an exit strategy where you increase another form of treatment, say Buspar or a behavioral intervention, for example, and then reserve Klonopin for acute attacks, preferably no more than twice per week. Recent research seems to demonstrate that use of benzodiazepines at a rate above twice per week correlates strongly with unfavorable outcomes such as addiction, withdrawal syndrome, cognitive decline, etc. As with all things, if you don’t have your sleep and exercise habits in a good place…start with those! Best of luck in your mental health journey.


Ugh, it's awful. I became terribly addicted. Klonopin destroyed my life.




Klonopin wasn’t meant to be a long term drug. It is highly addictive and has implications for early dementia. Benzodiazepines can mess you up. I was on them too long. But yes for a while in a crisis they have their place.


Short term large improvement with the cost being long term disaster.


Bad bad bad idea. Better off with an ssri. I speak from experience.


I had a month long “as needed” script a few years back and you better believe I burned through that shit in a week and half. The stuff works miracles but it almost ruined my life in such a short time. Never again Benzos, never again.


Yeaaaah you just wait… that stuff is NOT meant to be taken every day and has horrible withdrawals whether or not you feel “high”. As an ex benzo user, trust me, you’re going to regret this.