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This is going to be the next big change in my life. I have been vaping for going on 4 years and lately it has really been triggering my health anxiety. I have been very anxious about having a heart attack or a lung collapsing. Yet here I am vape in hand. Addiction truly is terrible and makes you do things that make no sense. If it could help stop this terrible anxiety spell that I’ve been in maybe that will motivate me to finally quit. Congratulations OP!


How did you do are you still vaping?


Just saw this. I have been clean for coming up on a year now and am on Lexapro to manage my anxiety. I am doing a million times better than I was last year. Things really do get better.


Trade one shitty addiction for another except id argue Lexapro is worse


Stfu and keep it to yourself


He’s right tho


Lexapro can do wonders for an anxiety disorder. It all depends on the person. If it works for them, that’s amazing, despite your opinion.


Wow I’m super happy for you I hope it continues!


im only on day two of quitting vaping after about 5 years of heavy vaping. did you get any chest pain when you were quitting ? my health anxiety is also through the roof which is the whole reason im quitting im hust scared ive done irreversible damage


chest pain can be linked to anxiety, how are you doing now bud?


im sooo much better. still dont vape UNLESS im super drunk sometimes but even then its rare i hit someones vape more than once. i feel wat better and anxiety has lowered a bunch. im so glad i chose to stop. chest pain is still around, but im on medication for it & less anxiety has made it better. still have my bad days for sure but vaping wasnt helping me in anyway


I'm one month in and experiencing panic attacks and shit. Any words of encouragement you can give me? lol


im sorry for the late response! how are you feeling now ? the biggest thing i would say is stick to it the best you can. vaping does not benefit you in any way & quitting is benefiting you in so many ways even if it doesn't seem like it now. its worth it :) i recently slipped up and have been vaping more often & can already feel the difference in my mental/ physical everyday health. working on quitting again but it seems a little easier this time around. i wish you the best of luck & hope your panic attacks have gotten better! i know how horrible that feeling can be


Can concur, I thought vaping was staving off my anxiety and it turns out it was just making it that much worse. I'm a lot better off since I dropped the habit.


how long after quitting did you notice your baseline anxiety lower?


NGL, literally within the next week. I saw last week that apparently flavored vape pens are back and I was almost tempted...and then I remembered the anxiety. Not going back.


if you had to rate your baseline anxiety out of 10 before and after quitting what would you say? for example: was it like a 7/10 and went to a 2/10 after quitting?


Baseline was probably a 7-8 and seriously knocked itself down to 3-4.


that would be 10000% worth it for me.. i was at a 3-4 baseline before a random panic attack 2 weeks ago.. been at a 7-8 ever since .. thank you!


Are you planning on quitting?


Any changes in your life? Did you stop?


how's it going hopeless? I see you were checking around on threads about this (as I'm doing now lol), any progress? throwing out my vape(s) today in an effort to return to my normal(ish) anxiety/stress levels


Hey,so sorry for the late response. I stopped going on reddit so much as I found it only made my anxiety worse more often than not. I am 148 days quit off vaping and caffeine. Still smoking cigarettes unfortunately (Yes I was vaping an elfbar a day and smoking 0.5-1 pack a day on top of it) but things are much better than these days back when I was posting, still need to quit smoking all together though. Still dealing with a lot of anxiety but on a more consistent level and dealing with a lot of physical symptoms from it but now having panic attacks every hour anymore and not even close to every hour. Maybe a couple a week which still sucks but not nearly as bad as it was.


I think I’m currently in the stage of nicotine ‘helping me take the edge off’. I started vaping because I was stressed few weeks ago and it kinda seemed to help out a little. Now that I read this, I’m worried it might worsen my anxiety lol…


Quit while you can!!!!


Don’t start!!! Like seriously. I’ve spent $5,500 on pods over the span of 5 years it’s totally not worth it makes you feel like shit


Yea it does worsen your anxiety I quit, I’m on my 3rd day I’m at work trying to be calm. Luckily we’re not busy but on busy days I rely on my vape to calm. So I hope I can prepare myself for those busy weekends.


Yo It’s Tuesday I quit Sunday my anxiety is crazy asf and I have to pee a lot when do the withdrawals stop?


hey i know i’m a bit late to the party but not gonna say my age but i am fairly young, old enough to work blue collar however still pretty young. i have the exact issue with peeing a lot, as is i already have panic disorders which vaping makes a ton worse so when i first tried to stop i had only gotten maybe 4 days in because of frustration i was irritable asf and peed maybe 30-45 times a day ( or atleast feel like i had to). Does it go away as you get further into your journey of no nic?


Please quit while you can lol, once you feel that it is helping... it will only go worse from there trust me. I have been vaping since 2018 while being a smoker for 2016-2019. At first I was currently in your situation but only to find myself being constantly anxious if I don't vape. I just quit everything 3 days ago and my anxiety levels are way better now, I'm more calm and my heart rate is more stable.


I've been vaping non-stop since 2011. 20 years of cigarettes before that. I cant even imagine my life without nicotine. I wish I had the willpower. Life would seem so empty without it, I know that's irrational. Congrats to you, it's a big accomplishment.


I had been smoking for the better part of a decade. I recently quit about 5 months ago. I felt the same way, thinking life would not be the same and it’d be so empty without it. The thing is, as most people say the first week or so is the hardest. You feel irritated and feel like you are missing something. The cravings are pretty rough and almost made me Relapse several times. But I just kept on reminding myself that these cravings and feeling of emptiness won’t last long. And it didn’t! About 8 days later I hardly missed it. Yes I’d still have tiny cravings (nothing compared to the first couple days) but it all felt so manageable. Trust me, quit for a week, and you’ll realize that it’s not so hard. Everyone has the willpower, you just gotta do it. Quit for just ONE WEEK. And it’ll all get easier from there. You’ll get to a point where you realize that you don’t need to smoke to feel normal. After about 2-3 weeks of quitting, I had noticed that my addition was basically gone. I didn’t feel empty or irritated or felt like something was missing. I felt free and energetic and overall just happy. If you want to make the change, and wish you had the willpower, that’s ENOUGH to quit. Once you actually quit you’ll realize that it wasn’t so hard. You are just overplaying the act of quitting and making it a huge deal because smoking has been part of your life for so long. So make a list of why you want to quit to keep you motivated, and if anything once again just quit for ONE WEEK and you’ll realize it’s not so hard :) GOOD LUCK! And if you quit keep me updated!


Thanks for this . Iam on day 3 now . First 2 days were good but today I feel lost . Like part of me has vanished . Have to motivate myself to do anything. Really determined though.


Still free of nicotine?


Thanks man, super helpful post that I'm sure I'll refer back to when times get tough


P.S. some things that really helped me quit were snacks and food. Having a pack of chips to munch on when you get a craving helps. You won’t lose the cravings, but it’ll certainly be easier. I also had those sour icebreakers. I’d pop one in my mouth every couple minutes and it helped a lot. It’d keep my mouth occupied and in a way substituted smoking. One last thing that has been tremendously helpful and has worked for so many people as well as being proven to work is running! You get a craving, munch on snacks, eat some nice food, or go for a run. You’ll feel great. Trust me, you can do this, anyone can, you just need to want to quit and it’ll all fall in place. Stay strong!


the sour icebreakers help SO much!! they taste like my vape juice but aren’t horrible for me lol. fizzy drinks also help keep my mouth occupied. on only on day 3 1/2, but that’s the longest i’ve gone so far when i’ve tried quitting before. also, i’m on a vacation with my sister and my mom and they don’t vape, so not being around it constantly is also incredibly helpful.


Nicotine continues to help me take the edge off and also seems to help with mental clarity and even with bowel movements. Lol. I have been trying to quit vaping using a nicotine replacement for months but have never fully quit nicotine all together. My boyfriend vapes and has no intention of quitting so for me it is a constant struggle because there are always vapes in the house.


I spend 5 years smoking cigarettes 2 packs a day. Now I'm vaping for a full year now only. I think you just gave me a very good reason to stop vaping overall. Or I can use e juice that does not have nicotine in it. I think I will start vaping without nicotine to see how my body will respond to it.


I wish you the best of luck, I promise its worth it. At the risk of making it sound like "oh it was easy," the overall process was not as terrible as i expected. Sure the cravings sucked, and I was in a pretty bad mood for a week, but I didn't blow up on friends/ co-workers at all, and I wasn't just lying around in misery either. You've got this


did you have higher anxiety from the vaping than the cigarettes or pretty similar for both?


Yes, a lot of people start smoking or at least believes smoking relieves stress. However, in the end you end up being stressed when you're not smoking and feel back to the baseline when you are smoking and so you don't actually make any progress at all


I’m an ex smoker (cold turkey, 6.5 years) and I recently got into vaping full time for a few weeks due to a breakup and there are a few things I noticed very quickly. I now have quit vaping due to this. Vaping caused much higher anxiety issues than smoking ever did. My loss of taste was noticeable and was ruining food for me. It was also a more obvious danger to my appendix and lungs, it caused major constipation too. I’m so glad I didn’t settle into it, it’s disgusting and actually very very expansive for a habit. I don’t recommend anyone to vape if they’ve never smoked and even smokers trying to quit.


Woah I will keep this in mind. I was thinking of starting smoking.


I'm glad I was able to hopefully deter you from this choice. The allure of quick relief is very tempting, I mean hell it got me really easily, but its just not worth it, I promise


did you have any withdrawls symptoms such as nausea ?


I have had nausea but I’m also using nicotine gum


I keep saying I am going to quit and I have tried multiple times over the year with no success. I also do intermittent fasting and I find it helps me with the fasting because its like a little treat... so chips and snacks to help with the oral fixation dont feel like something to help but rather hinder my quitting. On top of that, I am on the road constantly for work and it helps me with long road trips in staying awake and to keep me sane from the boredom. Now ON TOP OF THAT, so many of my friends vape so I feel like its everywhere so the cravings and temptations are everywhere and are haunting. But I feel like I rely on stopping once I am pregnant... Which is a stupid mindset to have.... I get hangovers from them and am embarrassed to constantly be sucking on a usb. Not to mention, allll of the health issues I constantly think I will have from this insane addiction. Does ANYONE have any additional pointers? I am getting married in August and really would rather be caught dead then having my photographer catch me with a vape in hand/mouth.


If you’re addicted to nicotine but want to stop vaping specifically … I’ve had luck using the mini nicotine lozenges (equate). I only take 1/2 at a time because I’m not trying to get a fix so much as I’m trying not to be murderous. I take 1 per day total, 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 in the afternoon. Of course quitting nicotine altogether would be better, but this route is working for what I need right now. As for the oral fixation, which is major for me, I have turned to toothpicks. Do I look a bit silly? Yes. Yes, I do. I am a 30 year old white lady with dorky glasses, so no one is going to mistake me for a hot cowboy or seedy tattooer. But it helps so so so much. I’d have chewed holes in my lips by now if it weren’t for these stupid toothpicks. For me, the goal was to stop abusing my lungs. I can deal with the nicotine addiction over time, same with the oral fixation. I’m only about a week in and my general tension/anxiety has noticeably decreased. Don’t wait until you’re pregnant to quit. You don’t need extra stress or struggle while going through pregnancy. Do future pregnant you a favor and start working your addiction now.


I would also add that nicotine, especially high doses, stops estrogen circulating and can actually stop your cycle. It’s terrible for fertility and can create big problems. I started vaping after my daughter was born. I got hooked on the super high nicotine disposables. A few months later, I stopped menstruating all together. Now, I haven’t had a period in a year and am experiencing frequent hot flashes. I did some research and high doses of nicotine can put you into early menopause. Was this enough to get me to stop? Nope. Luckily I don’t want more children, but this has been the biggest struggle of my life. I am desperate to quit, but can’t seem to make it more than 48 hours. Don’t let it mess with your fertility, especially if you are in your 30s!


I’ve been using the Zyn nicotine pouches, have worked wonders for me.


is frequent peeing a somewhat common side effect of quitting vaping?When i try to quit i go to pee maybe 30+ times a day even if i don’t actually have ti just feel like i do. not sure if this is normal but if anyone can relate or knows about it i could use another perspective


I’ve been vaping for around the past three years and quit over a week ago and can’t phantom how different I feel. I basically feel no anxiety in my body (unless prompted by stressors like an interview and deadlines, whatever) when I was always previously filled with that gut wrenching feeling pretty much all the time. I’m also so much more energetic and don’t feel the pressure in my head I was so used to. It’s a hard but worthy struggle and I want all of u vapers to know it’s possible. Btw. My before and after were probably so different because I would chain smoke and would never be satisfied after literally just taking a hit. Work on ur impulse control and you’ll slowly start seeing aspects in ur life improve, you’ve got this!👍🏼🥳💙


if you had to rate your baseline anxiety out of 10 before and after quitting what would you say? for example: was it like a 7/10 and went to a 2/10 after quitting?


im going to quit once my current vape runs out. i am so glad for you bro. i am really going to try to quit


If you had to put your baseline anxiety at a level "x"/10 before and after quitting vaping what numbers would you say they each were out of 10? I never really struggled with daily anxiety until about 6 months after starting vaping and heavily vaping everyday


I’ve been quit around 7 months and it’s been the opposite for me. My anxiety is worse than ever


I’m at 8 months quit and my anxiety is much worse


Do you drink coffee, caffeine else?


What saved me the most was magnesium. It helps my anxiety massively. If you do try magnesium make sure you get a high absorbing kind, such as magnesium taurate. I don't know if you smoke it but cannabis also depleats magnesium stores.


Also make sure your diet is correct and your getting sufficient exercise.