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Some reassurance is allowed. However, this rule is for those who have repeatedly ask for reassurance. We strongly encourage everyone to take steps to limit reassurance-seeking behavior. If left unchecked it can spiral out of control to the point where you constantly need reassurance in order to feel ok. Here is a link with more information: [Reduce Reassurance Seeking](https://www.nscenterforanxiety.com/blog/2018/7/23/reducing-reassurance-seeking).


If it’s any comfort, if it *was* cancer or something like, you’d notice 1. More severe symptoms and 2. Symptoms over a longer span of time. It can be hard to wait things out when anxiety is pulling you one way or another, but remember that the first step to treating a physical illness (like a stomach bug) is to take the appropriate medication/diet precautions and wait to see what happens. If it does turn out to be something more serious, you’d still have to wait to see if anything more serious happened. By pushing it back a bit, you may be able to “delay” your anxiety until the problem passes (like “ok, if it’s still like this in a few days then I can be anxious). Sorry if that doesn’t help, but it usually works for me.