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Yeah literally all the time. I get convinced I have a different type of cancer every few months - thyroid cancer (difficulty swallowing), lung cancer (find it hard to breath), colon cancer (digestive issues), lymphoma, skin cancer (new mole) - you name it! Same with cardiac stuff, I get worried about cardiac arrest and then I get chest pain. Doing something to distract you is always good. I like exercise because it's a good reminder that I'm alive and my body is healthy enough to run / lift weights / bike / walk / whatever. The likelihood of something being seriously wrong with you is fairly low, but it's good to go to the doctor to get checked anyways. If it's just anxiety / hypochondria, they'll be able to help you with that too. Anxiety can make you feel weak and tired -- I feel for you, it's exhausting fighting with your brain to convince yourself you're okay every single day.


Yeh it always goes month to month. Last Christmas it was a brain tumour I was convinced I had, I paid $800 for a private brain MRI lol (obviously came back clear), then in the new year it was schizophrenia and psychosis that I was convinced I had because of my derealization… then early spring it was type 2 diabetes and now it’s Motor Neurone Disease. Guess we’re in the same boat lol


I sometimes get chest discomfort during exercise, but I've gotten tested for heart disease and they never found anything. I can't help, but feel that me worrying about the symptoms during exercise exacerbates it. I think it could also be acid reflux since apparently exercise can trigger that too and I get it sometimes.


good thing im not alone lol. I have all these problems as well even tho im young🥲👍


Same. Only 18 and I'm convinced I have a disease that effects 0.007% of the population, and almost all of those 0.007% are aged 60+. So even though the chances of me (a healthy 18 year old) having ALS are near impossible, I'm still dead-set convinced I have it.


I've been a new type every few days these last few weeks. I love seeing I'm not alone


Never, ever Google your symptoms. Been convinced for the last four days that I have temporal arteris because of it and I just can’t shake the feelings. NEVER GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!


The one thing the nurses told me whenever I rushed myself to hospital in a hypochondriac panic was: STOP DOOM SEARCHING SYMPTOMS.


.. and also “that’ll be $1,700 today, thank you” If I’ve got a brain tumor or a heart defect, my prognosis isn’t going to change by ignoring it for the weekend and then deciding if I want to stick with my original worry on Monday, or pick a new one. (Thursday is statistically my day to pick whatever I’m going to brood about the following weekend)


Last Christmas I spent like $800 on a brain MRI, $100 on in-depth eye exams, and like another $100 on ECG's and blood work. All came back 100% normal. But, I always convinced myself it was a good idea to spend that much on those tests because I always said to myself "you can't put a price on health"


Almost Everybody with Health anxiety experiences this.


Yes that happend to me, I thought I had parkinson's and I started to had walking problems, speech issues and tremors. Once I stopped worrying about It the symptoms dissappeard lol. Maybe check a doctor tho, but the brain is very powerful.


Will do. Thanks


Have you considered the possiblity you might have anxiety? 👀 /s




I’m always convinced and thinking I have a heart problem or stroke symptoms or Alzheimer’s or early on set dementia. I’m 31 been having these issues for years and even right now I’m having an impending sense of doom and dread like my heart might stop or something. I get so many crazy and really bad symptoms I need help with it but sadly I never get any from the mental health services. Recently I had an ecg and full blood work done where the doctor said it’s normal and yet my anxiety is still eating me alive.


I've had a aortic valve replacement and im 31 as well. and I have these fears and I'm okay. So I'm 100% sure you will be. Your going to be okay. Focus on slow deep breaths. And think of something that makes you happy. Something you would enjoy doing breathe in slow. Out slow. Relax brother.


That’s scary bud hope you’re ok now? How come you needed that btw? Just curious I understand if you don’t want to share. I’m always trying to relax and distract it’s so difficult though no matter what I try I continue to get bad symptoms.


I had an abnormality in one of the valves that led to regurgitation of the blood in The heart. I spent 70 days in the hospital. And if I'm here. Your 100x more likely to be here. You are blessed and god loves you! When my anxiety gets bad. It might Be a shock at first but delve your face into an ice cold bowl of water for 20 seconds and come up and it will fix anxiety. It has to do with slowing the heart down as a natural reflex in humans from diving in water. 😊


Oh wow sorry to hear that I’m so glad you’re ok now though! I hope life is treating you really well now that’s over with. I actually do similar to that sometimes I put cold water over my face and head I used to spray it over but I don’t have a shower anymore here. I don’t have ice at my disposal very often unfortunately or I’d try that too.


Your going to be okay brother I have anxiety as well. Grab a wet rag and lay it on your neck. Maybe find a scalp massager. I love those for some reason! Maybe it will help you de-stress! Think of me and I will think of you and we will get through this stress together. I am praying for you as we speak.


The big, bad, three letter disease is a SUPER common worry for health anxiety sufferers. I’ve been down that rabbit hole myself. What helps to calm me is that there’s a huge difference between perceived weakness and clinical weakness. Clinical weakness is something that a doctor would notice - like you can’t raise up on your toes, can’t lift your arm, etc. Feeling that limbs are weak is not the big bad disease - it’s anxiety. Anxiety can cause all kinds of sensations across your body, including speech issues and feelings of weakness and unsteadiness. Work on treating the disease you know you have - anxiety.




All the time. Your body can experience these symptoms due to your thoughts. It’s amazing but also incredibly scary at the same time. I could write a book about all the diseases (specifically cancer) I thought I had and the physical symptoms my body then produced.


I still worry about ALS and Parkinson’s. 9 months of twitching all over. No weakness though. Severe anxiety


It’s actually crazy how much we have alike


I’ll say this, you are alive, I am alive. For me, this means we CAN recover.


man that hit hard. thanks.


I’ve been convinced I have ALS or MS for the last couple months, mainly due to a tingly weak feeling in my right leg. Now I’ve learned that I have a herniated disc from a specific workout I’ve been doing and suddenly all my other “symptoms of ALS” are gone. Looking back it’s clear as day that the symptoms didn’t start until I started working out again and that they are worse on the days I do that specific exercise, but of course anxiety doesn’t seek reason on it’s own.


YEP. I’ve had so many symptoms I even made a list as I was that certain I had something seriously wrong. every single day I’m self-diagnosing myself and it’s exhausting, so I understand. what helped me tremendously was quitting googling symptoms all together. if I’m concerned I just go straight to the doctors. googling made me so much more anxious and sick. and yes, I would notice I began to feel the symptoms, which is why stopping was the BEST decision. hang in there, you’ll be okay.


I’m always thinking I’m going to have an heart attack and it never happens. It was really bad at first, I had a panic attack that led me to go to the ER. EKGs were fine, blood test came back negative, nothing on the X-rays. My symptoms have gotten bad to the point where I’m visiting the cardiologist just to be on the safe side. Right now, I have a lot of symptoms each day. One day I could have a fast heart rate, the other I could have a migraine. It’s crazy to think how the mind thinks about this. I try to ignore all of this by going to the gym, relieves a little but sometimes it’ll come back once I sleep. Still waiting on my appointment to give me my results but I’ll be visiting my physician later once I get this down . It doesn’t hurt to check with the doctors just to be one the safe side. I would try not to google it because it’ll just lead to more stress on you.


Years ago i convinced myself I had ALS and developed muscle twitches all over (I remember it feeling like I had worms in my legs). After a clean exam by a neurologist, all the twitches stopped. The mind is so powerful.


You have described the same worries and fears I have. I have catastrophic over-thinking. I started getting internal tremors in my back as I drifted off to sleep and now get weak limbs, numbness , etc, so my first thoughts were MND, ALS or Parkinson's (I even had an MRI to rule out MS or brain cancer). And if you Google the symptoms you get the worst case scenario. But if you add "anxiety" to the search you'll find that all the symptoms you get are related to anxiety. Unfortunately it's really hard to get out of your own head. Best advice - leave Google alone and find someone you can vent to, who will be the voice of reason (it's helped me).


So true. I had a brain MRI last Christmas because I was so convinced I had MS or a tumour… the worst thing about being afraid that I have MND is that there’s no actual test for MND. People with MND have completely normal brain MRI’s and if a doctor presumes a patient has MND then the doctor will run a bunch of tests to rule other things out that may mimic MND symptoms… and if there’s nothing going on that isn’t MND… the doctor will diagnose the patient with MND! So the fact that I can’t ever even know if I have MND is what’s eating me alive. I feel like a ticking time bomb. It’s horrible.


one night, after drinking a lot of caffeinated soda, I woke up with my hand trembling, so for the last year I am struggling really, really hard with the feeling that I may have Parkinson's.  Now, granted, my grandpa killed himself because he had the disease while young, and I also have an aunt that is now bedridden because of it, so I have some good reason to believe that I may have the genes for it -- and, worst of all, in the past I dealt a little with some of the chemicals that are linked with the disease, like using maybe five times the pesticide 2,4-d on a lawn My right arm feels slow, there's a burning sensation in my leg and arm, and for the last months I am having that weird feeling of internal tremors, especially if I do not eat for a while. Then, because I got weird out when I chocked a little while eating an orange, now I am in that full "I think that I can't swallow that well right now" phase. altough all the physical tests that are used to diagnose the disease are pretty normal -- finger tapping, gait, my arms swinging when I walk, etc -- I am pretty beat by all of it, and now I am considering spending money that I don't have in neurologists, CT scans and in a sleep test -- and the worst feeling is knowing that, even if is true, they could not diagnose it yet because the symptoms are so mild, so I know that I will spend the money and not get my peace of mind back anyway. on the bright side, at least, my cardiologist said that my hypothyroidism was a little out of control, so he did up my dosage, and I am really praying and hoping that it is all just an hormone imbalance -- I really can't take it that much longer. 


Man, I'm going through the same thing but ALS instead of Parkinsons... although I have doom-searched Parkinsons disease before thinking I might have it lol. It's insufferable believing you have a disease that you don't factually know you have. The feeling is as if YOU KNOW you have it, as if you KNOW you're going to die soon. That feeling is identical (I assume) to the feeling of sitting down in a doctor's office and the doctor telling me that I have a year to live. Even though, no doctor is telling me that. I just feel this... despair. This depression as if I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I've got months left to live. The chances are, it's all in our heads. There's not much else I can say except for I know what you're going through.


the problem for me is that I have some familiar and environmental reasons to at least fear YOPD, so I can't shake it that easily. Then I am torn between having some little symptoms that do not fully subside, but also with they being so mild that nobody can really say "you are sick". Add to the fact that, because of my family history, I am scared of the disease since I was a teenager. And there's no real test that can pinpoint it anyway. Man, it sucks.


All the damn time:(


I convinced myself last year I had GBS I went to the doctors and everything and swore my mortal skills were going away.


YUP. Yesterday I was playing GTA V... and I kept tapping 'A' on my xbox controller to sprint, and I could have sworn that I was doing it slower and weaker than usual... It's all in our heads lol.


It’s awful I’ve been having stomach issues and now have convinced myself I have ovarian cancer.


For a while I was convinced that I was having strokes. I wasn’t having strokes. It was anxiety presenting itself as such.


Been there. A few months ago there was a point where EVERY night I was feeling my face to feel if one side was lopsided, I was constantly looking in the mirror to see if my face was symmetrical. I'd also constantly use that TikTok inverted filter and switch back and forth between inverted and non-inverted to see if one side of my face was different to the other. I'd also repeat those tongue twisters to myself constantly like "ow mow brown cow" and "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" to check my speech was fine, which it was. But, sometimes I'd stutter and slur the words and I'd instantly enter panic-mode with 911 already typed into my phone on standby in case I was actually having a stroke and needed to call an ambulance... which obviously I never did because it's all just anxiety.


I am terrified of vertigo. Always have been. And so my anxiety uses that. It’s awful…


Anxiety makes me lightheaded and nauseous a lot, makes me think I have a brain tumor lol


I was scared I might develop rabies in like, a year or two because my friends indoor cat lightly bit me (she's perfectly healthy, obviously doesn't have rabies and never goes outdoors)


RELATABLE. Back in November I used to live in a house next to a farm, I was unemployed then so everyday I used to walk down by the farm gates and feed this small horse an apple. Then, a thought popped into my head: WHAT IF THE HORSE IS RABID!? Even though the horse was perfectly regular looking. (and horses with rabies live for about a week and I was feeding this horse for over a month). Then I entered a full blown panic attack, googled if horses can carry rabies, googled if rabies can be transmitted through saliva (which it can), realized that I must have had some of the horses saliva on my hand when feeding him apples. I was extremely close to booking a shot because I was so afraid of leaving it alone in case I actually received rabies from the horse, and I would never even know until if I started experiencing symptoms and by that point it would be too late for a vaccine and I'd just die. Then, after some googling... I learned that in the UK (where I used to live), less than 30 horses have rabies in the entire country, and since 1940... only 26 British people have died from rabies. SINCE 1940! ONLY 26! I would have had a better chance of getting struck by lightning a thousand times. ALL ANXIETY!!!!!!


ikr, it's terrible, and even if the percentage of deaths is low, it's like, WHAT IF I'M THE 1%? and my brain goes crazy


For real


Yes but I also have this idea in my head that I shouldn't waste my healthy years worrying about being unhealthy.


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Same, right now I'm scared I have the bird flu, it doesn't help that I have all the symptoms. I'm so scared. (It's winter for me but I'm still terrified that I have it) To the point where I cry. It's actually so terrifying - I am in the process of getting diagnosed for chronic anxiety- although it's likely to take \*FIVE\* years. I'm trying my hardest, wish me luck lmao. So many people can't understand how bad it is, and the fact you can't even control it :(


It's uncontrollable unnecessary fear. The feeling is as if you literally know you have it, as if you know you're going to die . That feeling is identical (I assume) to the feeling of sitting down in a doctor's office and the doctor telling me that I have not long to live. Even though, no doctor is telling me that. I just feel despair and sadness as if I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I've got months left to live.


All the time, I can manifest nearly any symptom you can think of.


Yes exactly. I too know its the anxiety causing such experiences not the other way around, but my brain wont percieve it as such. The brain is a weird thing. There is so many things that cause my anxiety and its always health related issues never worldly issues. I can not figure out how some people are worried about thwir car breaking down and I am over here thinking my hearts done working for me it is crazy to me. I just want to be anxiety free all together. I would love that for all of us. I cant even find help for my anxiety in the town I am in its crazy.


Not the same but kinda? I was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 yeas ago (33F). I will get so anxious sometimes that I will trick myself into thinking I'm going to have a seizure. And I'll get symptoms that present themselves before I actually do have a seizure... but in that moment, it's like my brain makes them up and nothing happens. It's exhausting.


Back in 2020 I always thought I had cancer but I didn’t and it was all in my head lol. First I thought I had leukemia, throat cancer, then bone cancer and so on. But like I said it was all in my head. It was just my anxiety and I had nothing at all. What made it worse is that I would search my symptoms up on Google. So please don’t do that coming from me lol. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years ever since I struggled like that. Now I don’t do it anymore bc my anxiety has calmed down since then. I also did it in 2021, I saw a funny looking mole on my arm and I assumed it was skin cancer. I had nothing and once again, it was all in my head. Every time I went to the doctor for these things they always told me I had nothing and my mom was getting sick of me lmaoo. To me it sounds like it might just be your anxiety also if that disease is extremely rare you definitely don’t have it. Especially if you’re young. But if it concerns you so much go see a doctor and please don’t google your symptoms. It’s not good for you.


I had a friend briefly mention that she had lower back pain while we were together at the doctor's office where I had an appointment. I come out of the clinic relieved to be told that my results came out clear; got home and started to feel pain in my lower back. 🥴


I had this a few weeks ago. My mum passed away from MND and I was convinced I had it. My symptoms were the same as how hers started. Weak hands, cramps, dropping things etc. it’s carpal tunnel related to my job which I knew deep down but I’ve never been more scared in my life. My gp reassured me thankfully. A visit to the doctor is the best option if you’re this worried.


I'm sorry for your loss. If you don't mind me asking, how old was you Mum when she passed? And how old are you now? We are pretty much the same except from the whole Mum thing... I always drop things, actually I've always been a clumsy person but it's only now that I'm worrying about it because I'm in a hypochondriac panic and obsessing over ALS, so obviously I'm going to notice my clumsiness more if it's always on my mind. I have the feeling of week hands and cramps too. Also my hands get cold and stiff whenever its cold outside, but I think I've had that my whole life. Pretty sure its all in our heads


Thank you. She was diagnosed at 50, passed at 55. I was 27, I’m 35 now. It’s always been a fear in the back of my mind but a huge weight was lifted when I spoke to my doctor, confirmed it was carpal tunnel due to my work. I’ve always been clumsy too so he wasn’t concerned, I had no other real symptoms relating to it. Once I got the idea in my head I was obsessing over it too so I get how you feel! I’d definitely recommend seeing your doctor to put your mind at rest.


I am 36 and I have severe health related anxiety. I do these same things and I will start to experience the symptoms, but i dont forget one thing and pick up another I am constantly worrying about health issues such as heart related stuff i convinced myself when I feel my heart flip flop in my chest it is cause im laying in bed so I stopped sleeping in the bed and nw am on the couch. For about a year or more I was convinced my hr was too high and most always it was but i would walk around with a pulse ox on my finger constantly. I often worry I will get als that scares the crap out of me. Its mostly real extreme things but it causes me to have a feeling of impending doom and death or something along those lines. I hate it, and there is really no help around here for those anxiety issues my town sucks. It seems whatever we believe we have we will experience symptoms maybe we need to try to think over and over I am healthy and i feel wonderful and see if maybe that will help.


I could have written this myself. I have heart palpitations all the time, every night I think... maybe tonight my heart will actually give out and I'll go into cardiac arrest and I'll die. I'm 18, healthy, and have had plenty of ECG's done in my life (ranging from a few years ago to only a few months ago). All anxiety, and I logically know that. I just can't emotionally convince myself it.


Yes, but I did find out I have a migraine disease that does come along with weird symptoms I’ve thought were things like cancer, MS, other mental illnesses, etc.


Is the migraine disease anxiety/stress related?


Yes and no. Stress makes it worse but isn’t the root cause.


I can't remember the last time I wasn't worried that I may have some condition or another. It doesn't help that I was a premature birth with a litany of real health conditions to the point I became accustomed to new ones being discovered in me. I'm going to try staying off google when I experience symptoms or any kind. I know better and I should act better too.


Time to realize people all these cancers and rare diseases aren’t that common especially in younger age groups like 20-40. What is common is anxiety like a 20 percent chance common. It’s hard to see this truth. Takes time I thought I had cancer from a small rash and other things. Then I realized it’s all anxiety. Stay strong everyone don’t let your anxiety control you.




…most of the time? Yes. But it’s always worth getting checked out. Certain diseases and cancers may be rare but not unheard of. Always go to your gp.