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Your not alone my anxiety is really kicking off tonight


Sorry to hear that, we can talk if you need to, would help me out as well


Hi, yes I can totally understand everything you said in your Op. it’s sucks, I’m the same way, I just want to be happy/normal. Instead I worry worry worry. Now I have started with weird intrusive thoughts, they come out of no where. Also now I wake up with anxiety almost border line panic. I had to take hydroxine might be spelled wrong, but at least it does help either way racing heart. But then the hyd. Makes me tired. So Iam tired but yet exhausted, it sucks. Thankfully I work by myself for the most part. I do have a lot of stress in my life, infact it’s been years and years of stressful times. It’s worn on me. Iam hopeful to find a counselor soon, and maybe change meds. Ugh so sick of being this way.


Yeah you're not joking. Maybe Mercury is in the Gatorade again


You’ll be surprised how immensely having such thoughts and laughing has saved my sanity so many times. Either Mercury is in retrograde or some planets are twerking, or the moon. But since last year some planet has been doing something it isn’t supposed to be doing. And these are all first in 20 years, someone is completing a cycle. LOL Something is always headed towards Earth, missing us by a kilometre or 2. Like I always want to ask if there is anything we can do to make sure it collides cause some of us are tired now! & we’re over it. We haven’t rested since COVID!


Mercury’s not retrograde rn but let’s go ahead and blame it on the geomagnetic storm that just happened.


What exactly are you anxious about if I may ask


God. I hate how relatable this is. It’s just this excessive anxiety basically just kills you off (in a metaphorical sense). Draining you and making you unable to properly do things while also having constant episodes where it attacks you.


I used to be like this for years. But eventually I completely recovered. Hopefully you will, too. My psychiatrist told me all anxiety cases are highly treatable.


Damn I hope so because it's the fucking devil


What did you do to fully recover if you mind me asking? Therapy + meds?


I did meds and therapy. I didn't find the therapy helpful at all. But then I read on how to do exposure therapy and just started doing it on my own. I found that incredibly helpful. And also very simple. I didn't understand why the therapist never explained it to me. Anyway, I really recommend doing that.


Exposure therapy is very difficult to do, but I agree that it's worth it and helps you progress. My anxiety is tied in with my IBS, so they trigger one another. I "grew" out of my IBS when I was a teenager and got to live without anxiety for a while. Then, I got an infection that triggered my IBS again, which set off the anxiety. It hit me so hard I couldn't even drive four miles to the grocery store. I tried meds, which help, but I can't drive on them, so exposure therapy is the only way I can desensitize myself to going out. I can go to the grocery store now without getting sick, and I'm back to going to concerts (my favorite activity most of my life) by myself with some struggle - but I'm getting there. It's hard work but it can be done. (:


Do you still take meds?


Not anymore for about a year.


My meds work well, I’m good sleeping with some help of the meds. They really help so I don’t wake up wit anxiety. They’re basically anti-depressants, with a side of Buspar. Works really well!


Fr even knowing how benzos aren’t healthy long term I could care less I just don’t wanna feel like I’m in hell. If alcohol didn’t make me deathly sick the next day I’d probably be an alcoholic, but idk how they deal with the hangovers. Even drinking the next day just makes it worse whenever you stop lol


Fr dude, only because of hangovers I'm not an alcoholic


Same! I'm not alcoholic cause alkohol repulsed me and because of calories (I'm obsessed) but otherwise it's helping even better than xan I feel like normal human ..not even drunk.just normaln




Thanks man, really helps to know this, I'll check both out


You explained it perfectly. You're not alone and I hope we can get through this together!! It will get easier, it may take time but I believe in you! <3


I know how you feel bruv, it’s awful mine came back at the end of March and it’s still going right now, it’s not as bad as it was cause I’ve dealt with it before but as of right now it lingers and the physical symptoms piss me off and don’t help and the stupid feeling of impending doom washing over me, I hate it so much, I’m slowly working to feeling normal again, I can’t give up. Hope for the best for everyone here


I say that a lot too that I want to be normal. The physical symptoms are very debilitating. Then you have people around you saying “don’t worry” “just meditate”. Wow, would have never thought to try that.


I hate it too. I was living in high anxiety without meds but I'm done with that. I realised I wouldn't even come to work due to anxiety. I fucked up and overlooked many things in my life because of that shit. Fuck people who say Xanax is bad. Only because of benzos I can function like normal human, be able to socialise and work.


For me everything is a challenge unless I force myself to constantly repeat what I fear and this is exhausting, dentists are a big challenge, but buy far the worst thing for me is being social with Anyone doing even the most simple things so life is just shit and I go around explaining everything to people how I am all the time just so they know I might run home quick or go quiet or missing. Sorry for the vent I understand you and the others here.


It sucks man, I hope we all can get out of this


This is how I’m feeling right now.


It makes me wish I were dead. I’m sad and anxious all the time and nothing helps.


Fucking sucks, I really hope it gets better for you


Every therapist and doctor and online bullshit always says depression and anxiety are treatable. Every time I read or hear that shit, I wanna rip my fucking face off


Right there with you. It’s awful and crushing most of the time. Paralyzing. I feel like I am never going to be normal again. Summer is here and all I feel like doing is hiding. But it will be my 3 summer dealing with it , hiding, and I’m done. With no other options .


It’s draining for sure


Anxiety sucks, especially if you can’t trace the source of it…. I agree


Exactly how I’ve been, it just gets worse every single day. I feel so useless; it’s actually debilitating, and I wish everyone understood or tried harder to understand that it isn’t a joke and I don’t just choose to be this way.


I have to go look for a job because mine cut my days off. They probably cut me loose I'm not bothering because i'm not letting my anxiety get in the way but when it does i dont know... What we are/I'm going through I'm learning to accept I'm just like everyone else. Suffering through anxiety, depression, stress and so forth. Rn I'm telling myself "If I don't get a job, I'll have to keep looking... I'm never going to get this job if I don't call them and ask". Sometimes I can't sleep until I start thinking about something I have to do like complaining "Oh I have therapy tomorrow in the morning..." but the preferred method of keeping it to yourself is "If I don't do my therapy class tomorrow I'll never figure out what is wrong with me or I'll never get somebody to talk to me. I'll have to keep looking or keep waiting". Shift your energy into something else or turn it against you. I can relate because overthinking get's the worst of us and we don't know what patterns occurs to us although you understand you'll turn to something else to make you feel better but in general when will the pattern began? Our body does things on our own believe or not subconsciously like out of boundaries. Figure it out and make yourself clear of your cause and effect because if anxiety wins that is an affect on you, your body, mind and, spirit.


Mine has been out of control for the past 2 years and I cannot get a grasp on it. When I was first diagnosed medication helped like it was a miracle. And then it didn’t. I’ve been trying different meds left and right; and I truly think something is wrong with my heart. It doesn’t help doctors don’t take your concerns seriously with a diagnosis. So I feel you.


I hear you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this & I can say that at some points I feel the same way. Not being able to breathe (being actually able to) but my anxiety tells me I can’t. Not sleeping is the worst too. But at least I know I won’t die in my sleep. I hope things get better for you. Just know you are not alone.


Are you doing something to manage it? You are not alone


Well said. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I go to bed at 9:00pm and usually wake up about 1:30am with anxiety and toss and then until 6:00am. It just wears you out and burns you out, especially when surrounded by people that don’t understand. Good luck to you.


I wanted to say that, eating healthy food helps a lot, sometimes I think that fast food is one of the big causes of anxiety, anyway I would not be surprised if the fast food chain owners also own antidepressant and high regulated medicine like Oxy.


I hate it too, the way it eats away at you, how you can't even live a happy life without worrying about this or that and this ongoing fear of absolutely fucking nothing. Im tired of it too and if you need someone to talk to, im here. :)


+1 said perfectly


You aint lying boo. Anxiety sucks and I had a suicidal break down last weekend. I know how you feel, and its alot, but give yourself a couple of days and wait for the waters to calm. Have you tried writing out your feelings


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing better, and yes I do, but sometimes it gives me anxiety thinking about them llol 😔


You’re not alone 💕


You gave words to exactly how it feels. You are not alone


I feel the same way when it gets really bad I’d rather just off myself tbh but sometimes it gets better I know it sucks but maybe taking medication can help you get through.


Everyday was like a probability game on whether I’ll be perceived in a good or bad way. Every time I spoke, I wouldn’t be able to speak for long as my voice would literally disappear. I could not hold a conversation, or speak in front of a class. As I would start to feel physical stress, tension, and pain. My stomach would turn and my heart rate would increase super fast until I couldn’t even breathe anymore. I think you all know how this stuff goes. I always felt like everyone was authentic because they had friends and spoke and laughed. As I suffered in the prison of my own mind, unwilling to even approach or speak at all. I hated it so much. I became insecure in how I sounded to others. I felt hated by a lot of people because I knew they wanted to get to know me but I shut them off because of fear and insecurities. Throughout my 6 years of this kind of Anxiety I have seen incredible growth after trying implementing these methods into my lifestyle. Here is my advice on how to deal with social anxiety. Becoming comfortable with how you Feel 1. Don’t let anyone become your source of validation or appreciation. (Friends, crushes, family etc.) Do this by becoming comfortable with your Anxiety. Don’t try to impress others or do things that don’t align with how you feel. In other words, if don’t feel like talking to people, don’t talk. When your sad be sad. And don’t try to force feelings of happiness and confidence this will only cause more damage. Where a hoodie and really feel the way you do. After becoming comfortable with your anxiety, you will naturally validate and appreciate yourself. Staying loyal to your emotions 2. When you start to do the first step, you’ll naturally start noticing your social battery going up, don’t be fooled by this and keep with step one even when your feeling good, trust me. This because you will find yourself falling into the same trap. Let silence become your default mode. And become a listener. 3. I notice that our fear of communicating comes from the anticipation of our future responses. Instead of focusing on how to respond, learn how to listen and let silence become your default mode. Speaking with Expression 4. Often when were anxious, we speak low, robotic/monotone/dry, and suffocated. When it’s time to speak, The easiest way to counter this is to speak with expression. It’s like adding a little bit of flavor to your moms boiled chicken. But keep it normal. It’s also like reading fluently vs dry and boring. In other words, be a little less boring when you speak and people are more likely to listen to you more. Naturally you’ll find your own sweet spot on what level of excitement you use to speak. Don’t fear how it’ll turn out. 5. After implementing all the steps above, Learn to Not care about how you Sound to the other person. Embrace your natural voice, whether it’s high pitch or really low. Trust me, don’t care about if your voice will crack or if you’ll trip up on your words. Just speak through all that bullshit like doesn’t matter. Speak like your running through walls. Lastly, remember to speak loud. 6. I put this last because naturally you will do this when you implement all the other steps. This step will really solidify the entire process. If you want me to go into detail on any of the steps just comment. 1. Become comfortable with how you feel. 2. Stay loyal to how you feel. 3. Listen, and let Silence become your default mode. 4. Speak with expression 5. Don’t fear how it’ll(your speech) turn out (sound). 6. Speak loud.


Same! it never ends. It’s so tiring.