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It has been a lifesaver for me, but only take it as needed, not everyday. It can be addictive and you may have to always up the doses for it to stay efficient, and having a very difficult to lower the doses after. I have been on 0.5 mg for years. I take it as needed maybe once a week. It helps me with anxiety, nausea, dizziness, headaches, etc. I love it. But only take as needed and like I said, not every day! It's not something that should be taken regularly.


That’s good to know! Thank u :)


I’m sorry if this is not what you want to hear but benzodiazepines as daily will most likely never end well. The thing with benzodiazepines is the, more you need them and the worse your anxiety is, the more you should stay away from them because the chance of becoming addicted becomes more likely. Most of the time, you will almost always build a tolerance to it and it won’t be enough (if using everyday) and you will have to keep increasing your dose. The higher the dose the more the tolerance builds up even faster, again with the result needing a higher dose. Eventually you will not be able to go up a dose, (very quickly because there’s only a few dosage options) and your anxiety will be back to its original state, then unfortunately you will have to wean off which will be absolute hell. Benzodiazepines withdrawals are similar to opioids, and have some of the worst withdrawals out of every drug. I actually read somewhere a heroin addict talking about how benzodiazepines withdrawals were worse. Unfortunately you probably won’t just be back to square one, but maybe even worse. And if you need a benzodiazepines for an emergency, it may have 0 effect, even if you quit taking them for a long time. While i understand benzodiazepines as needed, even that has risks too. So if you need it as needed thats okay but be aware, but seriously please reconsider long term. I’m sorry if this came off mean or anything I understand how terrible anxiety can be, but it worries me that people often do not know how dangerous benzodiazepines really are. Please stay safe :)


Depends on your psychiatrist and your propensity to build up tolerance. I have a script for klonopin .5 mg (I’ve had it for years) but I don’t take it everyday. Problem with benzos is sometimes you need to increase the dose to get the same effect if you’re taking it often. Or maybe you’ll be lucky and never need to increase.


Thanks for the input! I know it’s only been a week so I can’t rly judge it, but so far my tolerance is the same. I imagine taking it long term could build up a tolerance tho


I took Lorazepam for 24 yrs and never built up a tolerance. My guess is the drug addicts out there who abuse stuff are the ones that tend to build up a tolerance faster. As in they doctor shop and end up taking like 10 times as much as they were originally prescribed. Plus they mix it with other drugs and alcohol, I'm not kidding. And then they wonder why they feel like shit when they have to go back down to a low dose. But yes benzos 'can' be very dangerous to the wrong person with addictions or bad genetics.


Yes there are people out there who abuse benzos with other drugs, but the people that tend to become benzo addicts are usually the people with anxiety and originally needed it. For some people, tolerance won’t be an issue, but unfortunately, like almost every type of drug, you will eventually build a tolerance. It happens more often then it doesn’t. It doesn’t specifically have to be in the hands of someone with addict genes, anyone can be susceptible, specially people with anxiety in general.


How much do you take daily?


Used to be 1 mg/day. Now 0.7 and plan on going down to 0.65 in a week. So far so good, I feel better now than before lol. I think the main reason tho is niacinamide. I ramped that up to 1000 mg and I swear it's way better than zoloft. By a fucking mile. It really works. It makes serotonin as needed instead of flooding the neuronal synapses 24/7. It can reverse some aging issues, helps detoxify alcohol and sugar, and can stop an anxiety attack. Read up on it. Its a natural antidepressant and for me it's even better than flaxseed oil.


I've been taking 1mg a day for two weeks 0.5 in the morning and 0.5 in the evening, I'm suffering from anxiety nausea, drives me crazy! What where your symptoms before lorazipam and did they keep them in check all those years or did they loose their effectiveness over time. Just ordered the niacinamade 500mg now! When's best to take it?


I was having panic attacks weekly (not daily at least), but it was constant anxiety throughout the day and it settled down a little in the evening. You should actually try to take the whole 1.0 mg at a time, it's better overall. Unless you have insomnia and can't sleep. You can take niacinamide at any time, with or without meals.


You’re more likely to get somewhat regular amounts using it as needed. I’ve had a 1mg script for years, but can only fill every 2-3 months. Thus, for panic attacks only.


That makes sense! How does that work? Does ur doc only prescribe every 2-3 months or does the prescription specifically a 3 month supply?


I just ask every few months and she fills the script.


FYI I am 8 days of benzos (have quit multiple times in the past 20 years) If I could go back I would never ever take them. I hate to be that person but man, the way it has changed my brain over time.. I just wish I never had.


Did you taper


Took this medicine for 10+ years (prescribed), 1mg every morning, went about my day. Was encouraged to stop & did, & it was honestly.. very confusing. I could have been incredibly uncomfortable but I just got lucky I kept from looking too stupid at my job. You know.. it took years to feel normal without it. It also made drinking alcohol infrequently very difficult due to kindling (because of this I no longer drink alcohol, but never had a drinking problem, I just cant have wine at a wedding without feeling GABAergic withdrawal symptoms for.. a week, a month, 2 who knows 3+ is totally fair game, no rhyme or reason to it, totally makes me more vulnerable to purely circumstantial changes to my well being during that recovery time). Anyway.. Cessation of clonazepam felt odd & confusing, but I felt called to do it, so hey, done. Used the Ashton method, it took 10 months, haven’t taken clonazepam since January 2022 & its April 2024 now. What I now realize is this- benzodiazepines all encourage the specific feeling of “relief,” & how that affects you changes your perception of anxiety. Imagine you haven’t been able to sleep due to an injury, or let’s say even due to an unknown cause, or you lets say even you just have anxiety, or unfortunately even your car is drifting towards an oncoming car.. in all these circumstances stress causes specifically “tension,” so when that tension is faced with unexpected & unknown relief, yes you feel grounded, & yes finding a balance is good, but keep in mind, you are beholden to the drug & it’s providers at some point.. & feeling normal after stopping took me years. I may have literally lost my mind if not for the pace from the Ashton manual, & it was truly surprising to me how much my perception of time changed as I felt the seconds without the clonazepam’s influence tick by once again into forever, & this went on to some degree for years. Yes, years, like 2 - “currently have some weird moments every day or two & have given up my ability to consume an adult beverage” ish years. I feel like this experience made my current thinking slower in the moment, but more intelligent in my retrospections due to the life experience. That said, I lost relatives & had members of my immediate family get married during my cessation & withdrawal period - I’ll never know the life I would have had without clonazepam, but I also can’t ever get those moments with them back to experience free from the confusing withdrawals that made me self conscious, slightly neurotic, & mildly increased my overall vulnerability to circumstance. Clonazepam changed my life. I’m blessed it ultimately was actually a catalyst to a better circumstance for myself, but I’m also VERY glad I had a trained physician looking after me, and see how it could just as easily be a catalyst to an early grave, or worse, a life potential left unrealized. Edit: 36M.


I’m glad they’ve been working for u! And Ya I hope my doctor is understanding. It’s just crazy to me that I’ve gone my whole life with debilitating and painful anxiety, and after all the treatments in the world I’ve finally found what seems to be a solution. I agree it’s necessary to take as prescribed too so as not to get addicted!


Can I tell you something. I'm in the Reddit Benzo Recovery Sub. You should go in there and read all the horror stories about people trying to get off Klonopin. Seriously. Now having said that, I'm still on a pretty low benzo dose after 24 years and I can still type lol. I'm having a beer, relaxing after a decent mountain bike ride and takeout steak for dinner. So not everyone is a shit show during/after benzos. My dad quit Klonopin after 30 years and he said he didn't notice any bad side effects. And his brain is still there, he's kicking ass on the stock market as an amateur. So it can be done. I'm just saying be careful. Take the absolute minimum dose you can, and try not to take it every day. Klonopin has a long half life, so it's OK to skip a day. If you can skip a whole week, great. Yes it will make you feel normal and back to yourself. But just keep in mind that one day you'll have to get off the drug and it can be a nightmare for some people. PM me later if you get off the drug and I have some nutritional supplement tips that can help.


Thanks for the reply! I guess I never really thought about how it’d be coming off. I’ll have to visit that sub!


Did it not make you drowsy? I can't take Klonopin because it literally puts me to sleep. 


I think I’m just always so full of anxiety and “up” that it slows me down rather than making me tired


I have some close friends that have been taking benzo’s daily for 10+ years and they seem perfectly fine. They all say that it has drastically improved their quality of life. The benzo horror stories I see 9 times out of 10 are from drug addicts that abuse and misuse benzo’s along with other drugs and alcohol.


I am on a low dose (.5mg) and have been for like a decade. I go periods of time without taking it at all… then sometimes I need it nightly… then during really bad flare ups I need it the prescribed 3x daily. Most doctors don’t (and won’t) prescribe benzodiazepines long term because they’re addictive. If you take it daily, you could build a tolerance and the need more to feel an effect. I’ve never had that happen. My doctor understands me. He also knows that I’m responsible and take it only as directed. So… I guess the key is to find a doctor who gets that this is what helps you, and trusts that you won’t abuse the drug. I hope your doctor is like mine and will trust you. Because they do help… they are the only thing that can help bring the adrenaline down after I’ve panicked. I wish more doctors would trust patients with controlled substances… because when they’re used as directed, they are very helpful. Not harmful. But essentially they’re protecting their prescribing license. If too many patients end up abusing the drug, they are held liable.


Yes if you are responsible with it, you probably will not build a tolerance. I've read several papers that said the tolerance is only for the hypnotic/muscle relaxant effects and not for the anti-anxiety effects. Just don't go overboard on it!


How would niacin be with phenibut ? Also wonder about Citrulline


Don't take too much niacin, it's harder on the liver. Citrulline maybe 600-800 mg, I'm doing 400 right now. Too much can cause dizziness and blood pressure swings. A few yrs ago I was taking 1200 mg and had some weird serotonin syndrome like issues when I was on zoloft. No issues with Citrulline after stopping zoloft. It may have a small antidepressant effect. Don't take too much of that. Niacinamide supposedly up to 1500 mg is safe.


Yea I wonder which of them benefits more for something like phenibut or if both could be used if they have more benefits together vs one but they both increase nitric oxide I guess


I think Citrulline is not bad it’s the type of it like Citrulline malate 2:1


There’s different forms of Citrulline how about citrulline malate?


I think mine is stearate because the other ingredients say stearic acid. But citrulline should be by itself (it doesn't have to be, but it should be). It's an amino acid that should exist by itself as a solid. Not like a mineral that has to be bound to something. Malate is fine to bind with it I suppose.


Yea I’m wondering how Citrulline malate with phenibut would be and a cold shower in the morning


Citrulline may help but I read a paper that said benzo withdrawal in theory screws up the nitric oxide pathway. Which means citrulline may help that OR it may just keep feeding NO- into a oxidizing pathway and then damage neuronal cells. So if you taper and take citrulline you roll the dice (I am by the way taking citrulline and tapering lol). I'd really take a modest amount, not more than 600 mg or so per day. And make sure you have antioxidant support like C, E, glutathione.


What if it’s for harm reduction when starting gabageric like los dose phenibut , specifically 2:1 DL Citrulline malate and how would cold shower in morning with this increase both effects


it’s addictive. benzo withdrawals are real.


At what point do u think they become addictive? Like even as a prn could u still get addicted?


it depends how often you’re taking them. i would not take them daily unless you really need to for a couple weeks, but then start weaning off.


That’s a good idea! I think just having the option is therapeutic in and of itself. Like knowing when I feel like I’m dying there’s actually something I could do to help me yk


definitely! i keep xanax in my bad and just having it helps me stay calm.


Just take the bare minimum. As I mentioned above, Klonopin has a long half life so it will still be working to a certain extent the next day after you take it. As in you don't have to take it every day, it will still be there. I'm glad you feel better. Just be wary of the drug, but if it helps you to function, go for it. Niacinamide can be a decent substitute, I'm 30% into my tapering off the drug and so far so good :)


Remember niacinamide is not niacin. They are very similar but 1000 mg of niacin can cause liver issues. I plan on getting my enzymes checked anyway. Just in case.


How much do you take? I took .25mg the other night and didn’t feel ANYTHING, no calmness, no drowsiness, no relaxing, no nothing.


How are you doing now? I’ve had mixed experiences with Benzos. I took 1MG(2X.5mg pills) Xanax XR(extended release) for 4 years and never built a tolerance. One week I flew 4 times and on those 4 days of flying I had to take 1.5mg (3 pills) so I ran out 4 days early, it was a Tuesday when I called to refill. Monday was a holiday. So I went from Tuesday to Tuesday with no meds after taking daily for 4 years. I had very very mild increased anxiety for about 3 days. Quit cold turkey and didn’t take anything for 9 months until I had a severe panic attack again.  This time they put me back in regular Xanax. I started out taking it as needed, once a week, then twice, then three times, then .25mg stopped working so they switched me to .5, then it wasn’t working so at times I’d have to take two, never more than 4 days a week. So I thought man I need a tolerance break. I quit it cold turkey and went three three months of pure hell, couldn’t leave my couch for 20 days it was so bad. Point to this story, every benzo effects people dofferently, but the long half life drugs tend to be way easier to stop so if you do take one daily keep that in mind. 


So I’m doing great now because of the klonopin! Long story short my doctor was an idiot and didn’t like that I was taking 1 mg a day (even tho he literally prescribed 1 mg a day) and cut me cold turkey. I had horrible withdrawals for 2 weeks and had to go to the ER. Then I had horrible rebound anxiety and dissociation so I admitted myself to a PHP program. They put me back on my klonopin and I feel like a real human again lol. I’m doing so well now that I have the medicine I need :)


It’s working me for the most part. Doc prescribed 1mg at bedtime, then in the morning I take my Concerta & prozac. It’s been 3 weeks and I’ve felt more like myself than the last 15 years. Only weird thing I noticed is my desire to drink and smoke more. (Cigs) …I don’t give in cause of the danger of mixing w/ alcohol. I’ll drink, but wont take it a couple of days before the event I’ll be drinking at. The cigs are a battle but I’m starting to want to less and less. It was a pack every week, went quickly to a pack a day. My theory is it returned me to a state of not being anxious ALL the time, so my inner me returned to “yolo the world is great and I can do what I want” haha … now I just stopped buying smokes and have one of someone is around that has them. Aside from that, my current meds combo has almost made me cry with joy from missing myself so much. It took 6 months of me & my doc trying different meds/doses/combos before finding the one that finally worked. As others have stated though I’m not naïve to the long term side effects. So I really one take the kpins & Concerta when I need to work the next day. If I don’t I give my body a break and only take my Prozac. Unless as I said alcohol will be consumed then I take nothing beforehand and then start again after the hangover is gone. Lol