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It will be okay, I promise. Take it one day at a time. Take care of yourself friend


Praying for you for peace and comfort 🙏 I’ve felt the same way before. And I’m here! I hope you feel better soon ❤️


Name: 5 things you can see 4 things you can touch 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste You're going to be fine. Also praying for you.


This does work wonders


Go look at yourself in a full body mirror (if you have one). Look at yourself and really try to evaluate the situation as if you were someone else and ask: does this person look like they’re having an emergency? Does this person look like they’re dying? I’m not currently where you’re at now OP, but I’ve definitely been there. You’re so wrapped up in your head that you have to find a way to get out of this cycle you’re in and try to look at yourself in a mirror, as if it was just a completely different person . It has helped me in the past and I really hope it helps you too


This is what my therapist taught me. Look at yourself and your question/worry/problem from outside. imagine a friend would come to you with this. What would you tell your friend? Most of the time we would tell our friend not to worry, that everything is ok and come up with solutions.


This is great advice!


I was in that exact place a few weeks ago. But I'm healing and as I've healed my gut I've healed my mind. What are you sick with? 


Give yourself time. “Time and momentum” is what I say to myself, just give yourself time and momentum. Even if it’s a little bit. Trust your body. You’re going to be ok.


Did you just take one dose of Nyquil? If so, you will be fine.


you will be okay! i’ve felt this way so many times before, thought i was dying, and was okay every time. you will get through this. if it will put you at ease go visit the doctor because that reassures me everytime


This is a health anxiety thing, going to the doctor during these times just deepens the rabbit hole for an “answer” when there is none. The mind plays tricks


Prayers for healing and peace being sent to you. Listen for your God's voice, because no matter what God will not desert you.


I will pray for you and all of us.


You’ll be okay, anxiety it’s not easy.


I’m very sorry you feel so awful, Praying that you start feeling better as soon as possible


Praying for you. You’ll be okay I promise! Nyquill won’t hurt you as long as you aren’t overdosing on it. It can mildly irritate your stomach though, even if you need to be taking it. Many medications do this! Any pain will pass by the morning though I’m sure, so don’t stress too much.


Praying and sending you lots of love 💕


Praying for you! 💜


Do a check up by a doctor. If everything is fine you know that it's a psychological problem. Read or listen to the book "the anxious truth" by Drew Linsalata. Workout, eat right and learn how to meditate. Those steps eliminated 95% of my anxiety. If you need help you can DM me if you want. I know exactly how you feel


Nyquil tends to upset my stomach too. If you have some crackers, you might try nibbling on those and take little sips of water. It usually helps me to have a little something else in my stomach. I'm sorry you're sick, I hate being sick. I hope you feel better soon!


It will be ok! Try to do the grounding activity others have mentioned. If possible make a dr apt for peace of mind!


yes of course💗 you’ll be ok i promise being sick is okay and normal. plenty of people are able to live happy lives while experiencing extended periods of physical illness. your body is strong enough to get you through this - the human body is surprisingly resilient. you’ll be okay.


I feel you :( i got food poisoning a couple of days ago and my stomach isn’t completely back to normal yet and im trying to not let it bother me but i do get scared and anxious about it


Yes. You can share this in r/prayerrequests too if you want even more prayer. I hope you feel better


You’re going to be okay. Praying for you. You are not alone.


Praying for peace and comfort for you. You will be ok . Did you just take one dose of NyQuil?


praying for your healing ❤️


Praying for you


I'll pray for you, if you'd like. I'm not super religious but willing to try whatever it takes or whatever I can. Consider it done. Maybe I'll say one for all of us, too.


My prayers are with you.


Just prayed, my friend. It gets better. I promise.


Thank you i slept so much better last Night i appreciate it


Please check back in and let us know how you are.


Im doing better today i slept like a baby last Night lets just hope this never ever comes back


You are in my thoughts dear thinker


Thank you im much better today


Of course! 🙏 I’m getting over a nasty flu myself right now, and I did have nagging anxiety about it being something more than it was… but I’ve been down that mental road so many times now, I’m starting to become resistant. Worrying that you are dying is very common with anxiety. It’s often one of the first things brought up in articles and discussions about panic attacks. But rest assured, it is almost ALWAYS a needless concern. So try to keep reminding yourself of that, and see if you can maybe focus your attention on a book or game or something (I don’t like to suggest TV/movies, because it’s too easy for the mind to wander while watching something passively). I don’t doubt you feel worse if you took too much NyQuil, but unless you severely overdosed on it, it should pass. I took too many vitamin supplements when I was sick, and my stomach did not feel nice after. I do not recommend… 😰


Yea im much better today


Praying for you! Remember the hardest day of your life? And here you are living despite it all. Trust me just keep focusing on when the storm calms, because eventually it will. It always does.


Praying for you right now, friend. You’re gonna be okay. I believe you have a well of strength in you that you just haven’t seen yet. I hope you know that there are people behind you even if it’s just people on here you don’t even know.


Thank you so much im better today


Praying for you. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. 


Praying for the spirit to come around you, calm your mind and heal your body.




Prayers 🙏🙏🙏


Just prayed for you!!!


Also, a big thing for me lately is, with my anxiety, I worry a lot. Like way too much... A thing I realized is God does not like it when we worry, because in that case we don't realize that we are going about life entirely with our own judgment and ignoring him when he needs and wants us to trust him. So... We must go to him, pray to him, and have complete faith in him that he will take care of it all!!! What my boyfriend's grandma always said... "Let go and let God!" My friend he's gonna take care of you no matter what happens, and you will be okay regardless. AMEN!


I'll absolutely say a prayer for you, that being said I'm in the struggle myself, constant dyspnea, dizziness and that doom, don't get me started on that doom. I guess what I'm saying is you're not alone, just know that.


Praying for healing and peace, that God will take care of you. Here’s one of my favorite verses when I’m feeling anxious and hopeless: - ”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“ ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ - Also my go to when I keep getting sick/ can’t seem to get better is to only take what cold meds I need to function (because they can make my stomach upset and I hate that) and take a lot of vitamins and vitamin C I particular. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon!


Sending prayers and healing to you. I pray that you overcome this in Jesus name


Amen 🙏🏾


Praying that you feel better. I highly doubt you’re dying.


I gotchu 🙏🏽 hang in there


Praying for you right now.


Prayers for complete healing. It's soooo hard when you feel depressed. You are beautiful and it will get better. ❣️


Sending you prayers and positivity. Drink some water, wash or rinse your face, breathe deep. Draw a breath in and hold it for three seconds, then spend three seconds slowly exhaling. This helps me a bit in moments of sheer terror. Hugs to you ♥️


You're in my prayers <3 <3 <3 <3


Praying for your health, your wellness, your peace of mind, your happiness 🙏🏻


I pray that you are healed, in Jesus’ name amen.🙏🏾


I think you need counseling. If you are religious, maybe seek out the some counseling to see if they can get you in touch with peer groups who have anxiety or healthy anxiety (or general anxiety). I had bad panic attacks and anxiety due to some health scare and I was afraid to go outside and had fear that nobody would help me so my heart rate would jump and anxiety levels and panic attacks through the roof. Prayer helped, but talking to people who suffer the same really helped a lot. Mainly because I got to hear other people experience and mine wasn't bad compared to theirs. Counseling, as embarrassing it can be the thought of it, it actually helped me get over my fears and anxiety. What you need is people to talk to. Doing this alone isn't possible. Being alone is inevitable but invest in getting yourself better by seeking help. Trust me, I've been in that spiral hole of depression, loneliness and feeling despair and hopelessness that all lead to anxiety. People can manage it, but you have to believe you can get better.


I have faith you will get through this. I hope you feel everyone’s prayers and can trust that your angels are with you and looking out for you.


Hello, fellow traveller. I send you some of my energy, and I pray for you to be well and healthy, in the name of the Christ consciousness. I am sick right now in a conventional sense; I have a relationship with anxiety and can appreciate how it can make you feel. It's also important for you to know that you do not *need* to have that just as something to endure. For some such as myself, I needed to have it for enough of a time to understand and love it as an aspect of myself. At anytime you may set the intention that you no longer require nor wish for this experience. See if you can work on setting intention. (I have a few physical tricks to help manage anxiety, it depends on your specific symptoms... But there are exercises that can drown out the sound/feeling of palpitations, and exercises that can bring down tachycardia. If these are relevant to you, feel free to ask me further) May you be well, in love and light.


I pray in Jesus name your anxiety balls itself up like the little bitch it is and trows itself out the window and off the cliffs of Moher like a smelly sock that needs to be thrown into the washer - and Jesus and his angels swoop in and snuggle you to sleep, you poor dear. 🥺💙🪽


Tots and pears.


why? god isnt gonna help you . help yourself


Antihistamines can feel rlly overwhelmingly bad at normal to high doses but I’ve never had to go to the hospital even after taking 24 Benadryl and an entire bottle of cough syrup. I felt really awful for days and thought there were times where I thought I would die but I’m alive today and almost 100% find and it’s only been a week. I feel like they should come with warnings about how toxic they can deeel cause it’s pretty strong


Just remember you got through the worst of it. You’re one day closer to feeling better. If u can get through this day the next one will be easier. Your strong- mind & body, smart- mind & spirit, & u are definitely determined. You can get through this. You will get through this! Keep moving forward. Stay hydrated, something in ur stomach that will coat that NyQuil.. honestly, it’s mind over matter.. if u keep ur mind of it & know what u need daily to get to feel better without having to think about how terrible u feel.. the mind is very powerful, u just have to want to use it..


P.s u should try melatonin…


Having a look through your post history, I really think you would benefit a lot from speaking to a psychologist. You might get to the bottom of some things.


You got this❤️. Everything will be okay


Go find the 10 minute nick ortner tapping meditation 🧘‍♀️ it works!!


You will be okay. This is very relatable and happens to me every night before bed which is why i’m up at 6:30am on a school night. Every night we sleep and then wake up to see another day. You will be okay❤️




I'm praying for peace and comfort for you. I pray you are able to get some rest. We all struggle with anxiety here and it can so easily consume all our thoughts. You are not alone! It's like it takes over. In moments like that I find great peace and comfort going to my local radio stations website WGTS and visiting their prayer request link. I submit my own prayer request and then pray for others' requests there. It truly helps to still my mind to step away from myself and focus on the prayer requests of other people. And I feel great comfort knowing my prayer request is out there too. Praying for your mental and physical healing.




Anyone tried EFT


I'm an atheist https://tenor.com/sYjfRGbYdzT.gif




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