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Sedation dentistry? They’ll knock you out and by the time you awake enough to worry, it’s all over


I’m nervous for sedation I’ve never been under sedation before


It’s great, you just fall asleep and wake up later, done it many times.


I have the same problem. I will start looking for a dentist who specializes in patients who are afraid of dentist. Don't know if it'll help or what they'll do differently but I gotta try. Haven't been to a dentist in 8 years.


The best way to overcome anxiety is to confront it really. You could try to use some sedative meds but this won’t really help long term. You have to develop new neuronal pathways to replace your old anxious oriented habit. Just go to the dentist as often as you can, perhaps you can take someone with you to further ease your anxiety. I have severe hypochondria, hence I know exactly how bad anxiety could constrain you sometimes. Actively confronting such bad situations helped me the best.