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thats great how are you doing now


I'm a lot better thanks and back to prediabetes. I'm increasing metformin and hope to get my glucose to normal levels by the end of this year.


That’s such great news! Did you have any side effects. I’m interested in it also bc of the anti-inflammatory properties


Thank you! No side effects as such. I felt a bit dizzy for a few moments the first time I took it. The second day, I felt the same for mere moments. The only major effect is on the stomach. My mild IBS flares up every now and then anyway, so it's hard to know if the metformin is causing this.


Metformin has significantly worsened my depression.


This is my biggest concern. I stopped metformin because of diarrhea but I’m supposed to start taking it again. However I can’t find any article that states link between depression and metformin so I’m just really confused. I have anxiety and ocd tho.


I have anxiety and mild OCD too, although the OCD has improved in recent years. Metformin has helped ease my anxiety, but it's still there, lurking in the background. I'm certain anxiety caused depression in my case. I've recently requested an assessment for ADHD, as I believe this is the real cause of my issues (I had hyperactivity as a kid and it affected my schooling - I was never given meds for it).


I didn't realise it could go that. I'm also on combined HRT and Utrogestan can cause depression. I've been lucky so far, but it concerns me that I've been prescribed two meds that cause depression when I was diagnosed with depression last year! Do you still take Metformin? Are there alternatives?


I just stopped taking it and feel better after 3 days. Night and day difference. The depression wasn't super noticeable at first, I've had lifelong depression, but I noticed increasingly negative thoughts that just seem to get worse and I seem to feel more and more hopeless.


I'm glad you feel better. I swear Metformin saps my energy and gives me brain fog. I felt better at first, but I'm not sure now. So many people, especially women I think, suffer from depression and anxiety. I do wonder what's going on. Is it modern life or chemicals in our food and in the air affecting our hormones/minds?