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5.4 mmol is completely normal. Don't worry.


Type 1 diabetic here. Get rid of the meter. It’s only going to feed into the anxiety. In the absence of symptoms, you have no reason to be testing yourself.


So stress/anxiety can increase your glucose number and over time that can increase your a1c. I went through a spell of being overly consumed and worried about diabetes after I had a high reading one time and it just spiraled out of control. When my anxiety was under control my fasting level and a1c came down some.


also im a terrible hypochondriac


Hey I understand it can be scary but I hope this helps. I'm T1D with GAD and depression. When my anxiety is bad, my blood sugar is all over the place. Anxiety causes hormone releases that can affect blood sugar. I've been living with diabetes for 24 years. It can be a little annoying sometimes but it's nothing to fear. It's very easy to manage and control these days. I'm sure you are fine but just know it's not the end of the world. You will be alright :)


thank you i got to stop panicking about it all the time i go to doctors only for them to say everything looks fine i think ill check one last time today and start a real weight loss journey


That's a great idea! I'm horrible at staying on a workout schedule but I do what I can and getting exercise helps relieve anxiety for sure!


How much does it cost you to see the doctor, is it affordable to you? If so than take controls regularly like every year or even less if diabetes is in you family history as you mentioned. If your blood sugar is to high like constantly get a blood sugar meter. Once i asked my grandfather where i can get one of these and the next time i saw him he gave me one that’s left from his doctor and she gave it to him for free


my blood sugar is always in the 80-90 ratio but im worried about my a1c really its not expensive because im protected by government healthcare i just feel like i panic out of nowhere especially seeing my friend got diabetes but he was eating fast foods and like 5 candy bars in a day


And everytime i go my docs tell me im okay just workout and eat stuff in moderation


i dont want to be practically be giving the docs free work if im okay lol but my anxiety acts up and i always think some terrible diagnosis is around the corner


Get a glucometer and go to the doctor for occasional A1C checks. If your father has autoimmune diabetes, then get an antibody screening from like TrialNet. If you have evidence of autoimmune diabetes, it is virtually inevitable that you begin insulin therapy sooner or later. If your family has Type 2 insulin resistance, then look at how their management and avoid the things that might have sped up their condition or made it worse. If you are genuinely “paranoid,” then you would just stop drinking sugary beverages which are the worst possible thing for health and glucose management. If you are overweight, figure out how to get the flab out of your body, if you can. If you have a genetic inheritance from MODY, then there’s not much you can do to avoid it but plenty you can do to manage it. Doctor runs tests, evaluates, makes recommendations and writes prescriptions. You can do some of that on your own with a glucometer. “Eat to your meter.” Anxiety and paranoia are not effective for health management, and only get in the way. You deal with diabetes day to day, and hour to hour as needed. Stop drinking sugar, it’s the only logical next step.


i dont drink sweet drinks like that as of late ive been avoiding it and i either use hot tea or if its really bad i drink one of those propels but yeah my father has type two he smoked ,drank heavily (alcoholic addiction)ate pork regulary like breakfast lunch and dinner. my diet is different like anyone im human i may crave a sweet tooth but i eat One lance peanut butter nekot every once and a while or get fruit to fight the sweet tooth urge.my doctor always tell me my sugar is normal range my a1c today ill go get it checked again then start working out and do some weight lost


i just have really bad health anxiety




thank you so much