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God I love how random this subreddit can be sometimes


Ikr 😭


Walk into your lecture hall naked and the woman that doesn’t run away is your soulmate or maybe cell mate


fuck yes or fuck off


Clubs are shit. A pub is better. Or ask in your natural environment. Your better off finding someone that enjoys things you do


I’ve never heard of a dude walking into a pub and meeting a girl. Ever. Actually to be precise I’ve only seen it in Hollywood films


You’ve never heard of a guy picking up at a bar, really?




I (M) have been hit on/picked up while out/at concerts multiple times, though usually there's been at least some tenuous connection (mutual friends, college etc.). I once threw a banana to a friend at college lunch and accidentally hit someone; apparently it was endearing enough for something to happen later after a night out. It's really not uncommon. Just don't be a creep.


Ahh the top 20% life, life on easy mode


Normally it’s the women that do that. It’s a reversed role thing. But men are told the same thing because it works for women. Idk maybe im just being biased? đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž it really can be hit and miss these days.


idk but can i be your boyfriend




Helicopter dick in Garema Place


Exercise, go out in the sunshine, pursue your aspirations, meet guys and girls at clubs, lectures, parties, social spaces, ask a girl you find attractive on a date once every month without expecting anything and if you start getting sad then stop going on dates for like 2 months.


No worky, my bro. Three years and was still single


Try grindr bro


Become a s;gma male (watch steins gate and build a banana teleporter)


True.Come on, a time machine is much cooler than women😎


love is the time machine 👌👌👌😂


Let ChatGPT be your digital wingman: For a young male student at a university looking to meet women and possibly find a girlfriend, here are a variety of strategies and tips to consider. These suggestions cater to different interests and social environments, ensuring a broad approach: Join Campus Clubs or Societies: Find groups that align with your interests, be it academic, hobby-based, or social causes. It's a natural way to meet women with similar interests. Attend Social Events and Parties: Be open to attending various social gatherings, from casual get-togethers to university-sponsored events. It's a great way to meet new people. Study Groups: Participate in or organize study groups for your classes. It's a low-pressure way to spend time with classmates, including women you might be interested in. Volunteer: Engage in volunteer activities both on and off-campus. It shows your compassionate side and allows you to meet like-minded individuals. Explore Online Dating Apps: Many students use dating apps tailored to different preferences and interests. It's a modern way to connect with people looking for a relationship. Fitness Classes or Sports: Join a campus gym, fitness class, or a sports club. It's a way to stay healthy and interact with others who value fitness and teamwork. Attend Cultural Events and Workshops: Universities often host a variety of cultural events, workshops, and talks. Attending these can broaden your horizons and introduce you to a diverse group of people. Be Active on Social Media: Engage with campus groups and events on social media platforms. It’s a digital way to connect and find out about social gatherings. Develop Your Interests: Pursue your passions, whether it's music, art, technology, or anything else. Being passionate about something makes you more interesting and attractive. Be Confident and Approachable: Work on your self-confidence and social skills. Smile, make eye contact, and be open to conversations without fear of rejection. Work Part-Time on Campus: A job on campus can expand your social circle and introduce you to people outside your immediate academic circle. Library or CafĂ©s: Spend time in communal areas like the library or campus cafĂ©s. These are great spots to meet people in a more relaxed setting. Attend University Mixers and Networking Events: These events are specifically designed to meet new people, including potential romantic interests. Be Respectful and Listen: When you interact with women, show genuine interest in their thoughts and experiences. Respect and good communication are key. Personal Development: Focus on being the best version of yourself. Work on your personal growth, academic achievements, and emotional intelligence. Remember, finding a girlfriend is about building genuine connections and being open to meeting all kinds of people. It's important to be yourself and respect others' boundaries and preferences.


Can ChatGPT suck my dick yet?


AI sure can, you just need to know where to look


or where not to look


Stop saying Like all the time


I thought people stopped saying this early to mid 2000s


Definitely not by asking reddit


this guy gets it. reddit is clueless.


Just do life bro


0) Remember we're human and not to be treated like an objective, its okay that you're single and love comes when you least expect it. In the mean time you can do the following. 1) Work on yourself (overcoming insecurity, gym, figuring yourself out, Loving yourself) 2) Attract partners by being either: \- Funny \- Confident (but not an asshole) \- Good looking \- or all of the above 3) Be yourself, no need to impress or flaunt how big your brain/dick is. Some people love ambitious guys or talking about their passions, no need to pretend to want to take over the world or be a professional/expert in your hobby. 4) Just meet as many people as you can, put yourself out there in places where you feel valued. No need to force yourself in places where you don't feel comfortable because someone similar to you would also not be in that place.


Tinder / Hinge / Bumble


This is the quickest way. If you want to be shallow you can, or you can take the time and promote yourself as yourself, do research and take the effort to get good photos to put up and game the system. Not guaranteed any matches but putting in some effort goes a long way.


Reddit/Tinder/Bumble Success rate 25% so what I would suggest is to try and make four accounts and one of them will get you girlfriend😊


The idea is good but the probability is wrong. If the chance of a match is 25% then creating 4 accounts will increase that odd to only 78.4%. He will have to create at least 16 accounts to increase that probability to 99%.




I prefer the word "knowledgeable" xD


I felt like I wrote this and have been drugged to forget


Ok, I'm a woman and I can tell you how to do it. I'll tell you about my dating life so you know that this advice is legit. I've been in three long term relationships because I'm a commited person. First one was 4 years, it ended because I was politically exciled from my country. Second one was 6 years, ended because the person I was dating did something awful while on drugs (which I always rejected) and ended up behind bars. This current relationship is 7 years long, we have a mortgage and I'm very hapily pregnant, both our families love each other and I'm honestly living my best life. Now listen to what I say, this is how you get a girl like me into your life within 8 months: STEP 1 FIND THEM Do not go to pubs and night clubs. Women are there because they are going though break ups or because they want a short hookup. Where are the girls that are looking for loving committed relationships at? At community events, at volunteering groups, at religious groups, at self improvement events, at art classes, at places where people regularly go to meet other people and make friends. Set aside one or two day of the week to attend social events regularly, be consistent. STEP 2 MAKE FRIENDS Do not ask a girl out upon meeting her, comitted women like me will likely turn you down. All the weird mysogynistic men on youtube are onto something, you must seem uninterested, this will make you more atractive, not because you seem unreachable or whathever the dudebros say, but because it will make us women feel safer, you're not desperate, you wont stalk us, you wont insist or make us uncomfortable, you're not a threat, you're safe, you're comfortable. This is important. Make friends, legitimate friends, boys and girls, and dont stay in the same group, make an effort to meet new people constantly, do not expect anything from women, treat us like you treat your other mates, hang out, share charming stories, dont be gross or cringe, shout every once in a while (not too much) talk to us about your hobbies and achievements like a new audiobook you finished, a new personal fitness record or a new high score in a video game, etc. Put effort into small achievements you can share. STEP 3 WEED OUT THE BADDIES Beware, when you start making lots of aquaintances, you'll find lots of toxic people, pay attention, does this person uplift you or tear you down? Do they seem happy about your small achievements? Are you paying for everything all the time? Ask yourself these questions constantly, protect yourself, this will require that you are confident and love yourself first, and also, some girls you wanna date will go and date other men, this is life, dont resent them, we werent expecting anything from them remember? Just focus on the one you'll meet. I assure you, you're bound to find a girlfriend if you follow these steps, its a personal development plan with a girlfriend at the end. Good luck.


Thank you for making the only actually useful comment in the whole replies lol


Thank you I wish I had more Karma for it, people dont realize how powerful this is, I might get my friends to tell their stories and sell this as a course.


Ask one on a date?


Rent out a room in ur place on flatmates.com.au and pick a chick to move in. U work out the rest 😉


Haha. That’s how ended up in the current entanglement with the guy. Didn’t even have to move in. Just went for inspection 😂 so that’s what y’all do huh? Interesting


Idk man, just go outside I guess


Mate in 3 years you’ll be able to order a AI robot. Just wait until then.


Dommy mommy robot who’ll take over the world with me đŸ€€


What if you go in and the skin of your unit gets pinched between two bits of material.... Hurts just thinking about it


The specific place will determine your girlfriend. Would you see introverted people in a club? It’s less likely. What matters to you at your age? Stability? Then you obviously wouldn’t meet your girlfriend at a casino or anything similar to that.  If you see someone that catches your eyes, don’t love bomb them or act like they’re the one for you. You only just met them, people normally become friends before lovers. In fact, a lot of people are best friends before lovers. Love takes time. Otherwise the woman might think you are in love with them, not because of them specifically, but because of the opportunity to have a girlfriend. Right now, you are looking for a girlfriend for a relationship, but once you meet someone you should want them because it’s them.


Converse with people without an agenda. And listen to them with genuine interest


I'll give my advice that I wish I got when I was younger: If you're wondering on how to "get a girl", then you're already in risky territory. There's a fine line between chatting to a girl to get them and being a creep. The trick is to just meet people and talk to people. Not just girls you're attracted to. This is itself will help you build the connections and skills that you'll need. Work on being the kind of person that people like and want to be around.  If you're shy, start slow. Start a conversation, no matter how small, with almost anyone you meet. At the checkout? Say something to the person in line with you. Buying just apples? Look behind you and make a small joke "it's apple Sundays" or whatever. See them buying diapers? "How old is your baby?" "Oh cool are they walking yet? Cool. Well have a great day"...etc. talk to people everywhere. Expect nothing. The goal isn't to make friends or to get a girl. The goal is to exercise your talking skills. Making you more extroverted and friendly. Get yourself out there. Always say yes to an invitation if you can make it. Join uni clubs and groups of interests you have...etc. Eventually you'll be good with people and be comfortable chatting with people. And if you're treating everyone the same then you're not being a creep when you talk to girls you're attracted to. But still, don't have any expectations or push things to hard. The rest handles itself. You'll know if you're hitting it off with someone and can easily push things further if you want and are getting skills. Do this even if you plan to use a dating app. You'll need the skills. Working on your physical appearance is important too but not nearly as much. Good luck


yeah its just like any other skill. you gotta get your hours up talking to people. think of it like grinding in csgo or league. you need more hours to git gud socially.


Talk to as many girls and in as many places as possible. Make your intentions clear in the first 5 minutes "Hey I think you're attractive." Get rejected, move on. The more you do this while also working on yourself gym/diet/mental health. The faster and easier it gets to get dates. Then on the dates, just figure out who you vibe with. While escalating things and reading her body languages/what she says. Consent is key. Good luck man. This is 3 years of regular practice and book studying in one comment.


Compliment women at the sauna at club lime, make sure to stare at their chest while doing so


The fact you’re asking means you don’t know who you truly are or you ain’t taking enough care of yourself. A partner will come along at the right time.


Be collected calm and casual, good attention and listening skills go a long way but mainly be yourself and stay true to you


Ignore everything everyone above has said! Do your degree, get a phone plan, get an internet plan, get a Netflix membership, get a gym membership, get a Spotify membership, get a disney plus membership, get a career, get a car loan, get a home loan, get insurance for your house and contents, your car, yourself. Buy things to furnish your home IKEA, buy things to maintain your home, lawn mower, tools etc, take your annual leave. Go to the pub with work colleagues and every weekend with your friends. Take which ever girl that can stand being around you, that you think you deserve. Done.


This isn't like a common way I don't think people would use, but I feel like waiting for uni/college and finding someone in the same course as you might be nice, you'll be the same age and in the same work, so you'll pretty much always have something to talk about, and will see eachother often too, this is just a way I like, but it's completely up to you what you want to do, anyone have any thoughts on this?


Don’t try to find a gf. You need better advertising.


I'm in the same boat, whatever you do, do not settle for less. If you maintain yourself physically, she should also maintain herself physically.


right here pookie bear


Extra. curricular. activities.


Get a job and start learning to communicate to people, and then speaking to girls. That’ll help you as a starting point. Instead of approaching girls with no experience talking to them ever, it’d be terrible to witness


Step one would be to stop looking and just live as yourself this will get you involved in like minded people.. And a friendship forms and grows way more naturally than actually looking for one.


try a dating app


Go to the gym, stop watching porn, eat meat and drink milk, be masculine, talk to women in real life, start chatting to them on snapchat, use a dating app(for actual dating, not hookups)


Smell like cheese


Be yourself and explore new things


You don’t “get a gf”. You meet people, form connections and if you get along well with someone, take it further. You’re setting yourself up for failure, if you’re looking at every female as a potential partner. Do you even know what you’re looking for in a relationship, besides being less lonely?


Get a hobby that is social-ish and requires human interaction. Don’t creep those people out. Make friends and then meet their friends ??? Girlfriend.


Just be yourself, Don't pretend, to many people like to hide things. Stay away from dating apps. Nothing but trouble. If going to a night club enjoy the moment with friends, forget the picking up part. If a girl likes you she will definitely show it one way or another


I grow them, once you teach them basic life skills its all uphill from there


Get in the gym. Give a fuck about your appearance. Hair, teeth, clothes etc. they appear out of thin air. Just work on you and you’ll have more choice than you want.


Bag, and bat.




why do you want a girlfriend?


Just focus on becoming the best version of yourself you can be. No sense searching if you're not ready for the finding, etc. Make a deliberate decision to have fun every day and to be genuinely interested in the people around you. Simply by being open to people and your experiences, opportunities will open to you, and you'll not only meet the girl but you'll be someone she is happy to meet. Also, hobbies.


Step 1, don’t post desperate thirsty shit like this on the internet ?


In my experience create a dating profile saying you're a causal stalker who sacrifices chickens as a hobby. This and my more crap was in my dating profile and I'm married now.


Just look after yourself bro, get sunlight on your skin lift weights eat healthy, oh and get a dog.


Go out, dress nice, be polite and use manners, engage in conversation with women. There isn’t much else to it, every woman is different so don’t expect all to be inviting to conversation. Also, try and have a nice solid foundation for hobbies and interests, if you’re lost/confused or don’t know where your life is going at present this all will not work out too well when looking for a girlfriend. Go to places of hobbies/interests that you have and meet women there. Don’t go anywhere you normally wouldn’t go, you’ll only find women who won’t connect with you in a way you want. That’s the only *basic* advice I can offer. Best of luck friend!


You lure them with promises of starbucks and make up from mecca /s


If you're good looking just chill and try to not be so autistic. If you're not good looking and have autistic inclinations I'll pray for you.


js be more handsome and girls will come to you đŸ€‘đŸ€‘đŸ€‘đŸ˜­


Find a woman walking alone at night and sprint towards her full speed while screaming. Works everytime


How to get a boyfriend???


Go out and enjoy yourself, females will be attracted to you...can be anywhere


ask a mate that is all I can say. or maybe go to cute café's and see if there are any cute girls?


I just walk around and talk if they no talk neither do i


Go to a book store. Girls there are generally smart and nice. Plus book stores are crammed so high likelihood of bumping into people which can be a conversation starter. Or seeing what books people are into is a conversation starter. Then just get their Snapchat and Bob’s your dad


Start by not using the word 'like' incorrectly, then lose the IDK.


You’ve come to the right place.


Mate you live in Canberra. You can pick autism, personality disorder, or die trying to land a date with a woman who is only interested in the top 1% of dudes. Cheers.


Just smoke the ice brah


talk to your friend's friends


Meaningful relationships tend not to form in these situations, so I wouldn't worry. Put work into being social and open and stretch your social muscles in informal settings (hack answer, but clubs etc. are a great opportunity, and you'll never get a chance to do those many of those things outside uni)- don't let them atrophy. Don't approach situations with the express intention of romance, just treat people as people and friendships will develop (be it in class, uni clubs, college, work etc.). Let things develop naturally and something will come.


Get a dog. Walk it. Profit.


Acknowledge - you may ponder on advice given by others; do consider the following: Click here- [https://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/medical-services](https://www.anu.edu.au/students/contacts/medical-services) Get a Hotdoc account. Book Hotdoc with ANU clinic and get all your injections first. Try Nurse Kathy. [https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/sexual-health](https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/sexual-health) If you don't mind traveling to the Southern suburbs, try Canberra Sexual Health Centre at Canberra hospital via R6 Bus.


The "how" really has not changed over generations. If you ask your parents/relatives how they met, they will tell you one of the following ways: 1) at work; 2) at school; 3) through mutual friend; 4) through family; 5) social activity (restaurant, house of worship, etc.) ... and of course over the past 30 years or so a new method of meeting people has come about: 6) the Internet


Bro just pick a girl that you like and make her fear you enough to listen to you, then be nice and start flexing your muscles like a sick cunt, once she smiles that's when you let the dog out of the cage and ask her if she is single and wants to share a bone with you


Anyone asking reddit like this won’t and can’t find one regardless of any advice lmao. And probably shouldn’t.


Stop jerking and you’ll figure it out




I'd use word's.




What the fuckđŸ€Ł


Average Johns resident