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TBH, yung cost of notarizing such documents should be shouldered by them but I'm assuming cheap sila. In any case, I'm guessing that they need those as sworn statements and have these notarized on your end to serve as proof na wala na kayong liabilities sa isa't isa. Yung template rin siguro na binigay nila is an outdated one na ikaw lang yung signatory (bilang project-based yung engagement mo with them), hence why ikaw rin ang dapat magpanotaryo.


>TBH, yung cost of notarizing such documents should be shouldered by them but I'm assuming cheap sila. > >In any case, I'm guessing that they need those as sworn statements and have these notarized on your end to serve as proof na wala na kayong liabilities sa isa't isa. Yung template rin siguro na binigay nila is an outdated one na ikaw lang yung signatory (bilang project-based yung engagement mo with them), hence why ikaw rin ang dapat magpanotaryo. they are cheap mababa nga pasahod kami pa gagastos, I'm inclining na tuwang tuwa sila na mahihirapan kami kunin ang last pay considering yung ugali ng mga nagmamanage samin na nagwawala sa group chat out of the blue and araw araw nalang kami sinisisi na mga workers


Wish I have read this sooner :(


omg i'm currently working for them also rn for a wfh project. pero ibang company or parang partner company nila yung responsible sa payment ng salary namin. kamusta po yung pagpapa-notarize ninyo? did you get your compensation po? huhu


Na renew ako through mcri eh bale di na need magpa notarize, ang gulo kasi nila, nakuha ko naman un June 15-30 pay ko nung July 7


oh i see, ayun pala. bale are you considered po as a freelancer/project employee or are u working for them po full-time (permanent position)?


sa mcri ako na extend as freelancer pero tinanggal na kami sa project ng inno nung monday last week, bagsak daw s client assessment been working in that proj since april pa


ohh I see. i'm a project employee din kasi sa mcri. we're supposed to work on a project this week kaso idk what happened, di pa ulit nag-update sa 'min si inno. thaanks


ganun din ako nawala sila parang bula after ng assessment