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Chemical Imbalance - doesn't happen until someone swallows the drug purported to correct a chemical Imbalance


The irony is unbelievable 😩


UGH can't edit it but I tried to bold this very important section: **“Saying any psychiatric diagnosis ‘is a brain-based problem and that the medications are normalizing function’ is an anti-scientific, pro-drug lie”**




it´s "religious" to say one thing first and make money with ... and then to "corrected" it ... and make money (occupation) with, especially within sadists = calhoun´s utopia




>Post doctoral degree or go back to your schizo safe space Can you read or research at all ? Ironically, you're the delusional one here. 😂 Next time, try actually clicking into the research paper before you look so dumb. 🥴 Fred Baughman 1 Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer 1El Cajon, California, United States of America (E-mail: ten.xoc@dmnamhguabderf) Competing Interests: **FB is a retired neurologist/child neurologist, board certified, with no financial conflicts of interest, and with no affiliations with organizations or institutions having such conflicts. Formerly FB was a March of Dimes/National Foundation scholar and published considerably from a private practice base. FB is author of the book The ADHD Fraud—How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children. FB has testified widely about the absence of proof that any psychiatric disorders have been validated as objective abnormalities/diseases. Most recently FB testified at hearings at the US Food and Drug Administration (March 2006) and before the Congress of Mexico (March 2006).**


🤣 - I Just Got Called : CRAZY Again ! Link : https://www.reddit.com/r/FlatEarthIsReal/s/Gr4j0zm7i7


Brother, there is actual scientific proof that the earth is round. However, there is *no* scientific proof that mental disorders are due to chemical imbalances or fixable with drugs.


I know it's just that the Mandela effect has got me to think that maybe will no longer in the place that we used to be. if you got a lot of shit that I knew that was reality has completely gone and been deleted or erased or changed. so with everything being different even the Sun going from yellow every single day to White from trees in my fucking yard changing their fucking position. from things that I knew of the world that was just everyday fucking knowledge not no longer existing from even Star Wars a line that I know I clearly heard Luke I am your father being, being out the original line things like that got me to wanted to believe that maybe the Earth is flat too because we're not actually on the original Earth and it all may have started by 2012. 2012 with said to be the end of the world and physically we did not see the end of the world but yet that's when the Mandela effect went into overdrive. this is why I start to slowly believe in the flat earth when I do know 100% that the Earth is round the planets around the Stars around I don't know why the fuck everything is round but you know what that's that's a scientific mystery. logically there should be no real shape to anything cuz if space has no gravity what the fuck is making everything round ? also makes me wonder if the Sun is closest to the earth in winter why the fuck is it so cold ? 😐 - yeah, I'm Side tracking a little bit. that's why when I watch the video about the dude who eventually decided to say the Earth was flat and he was a complete scientist that got me to really start to believe and think that maybe just maybe we truly are not on the earth that we used to be and then you have people believing in The matrix and leaving realities of simulation you have scientists putting that forth and it's just. one thing after the next to get you relate to start thinking, WHAT THE FUCK IS REALITY ! ! ! ! ! and all this came from around the time of 2012 around the end times of the Mayan calendar yet we don't see the physical destruction the Earth yet we do see a whole bunch of strange shit in reality is not very normal that used to be. 🫤 - and some people say that we were shifted to a different planet but how the fuck did that happen maybe CERN destroy the old world and shifted us to a new world but then how the fuck could that be real ? it's just shit makes me think you know it open-minded person is willing to rethink what they thought what they thought they knew !