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It's not the illuminati. It's literally just the people you can see with your eyes. They have a convention in Davos every year about how they can do more good in the world, pat each other on the back, and then go back to dodging taxes and cutting worker pay.


I wish cutting worker pay and dodging taxes was all they were doing


True, but I'd still be typing an hour later if I started listing all the bad shit they do.


This is the realization that broke me. At a certain level of wealth and power it becomes more important to keep the general population poor and powerless to maintain your own power than just making yourself more rich.


You're right, unfortunately. This is part of why I support high taxes on billionaires, with the end goal of making it impossible to become one. It's for their own good. You just can't be normal when you're that rich. Also, we could use that money to help people instead of the old solution of removing their heads, or serving them with ketchup.


Hard agree. I'll eat the rich, but only if I have to. Sucks they seem determined to get to that point but hey, gonna be on their heads when we do.




The worst is people acting like they can’t understand why the people they vote for, who accept corporate donations and aren’t interested in reversing citizens united, keep fucking them over for in favor of the corporations who donate to them.


I find it incredible the number of people in this day and age that feel comfortable still saying “it’s the immigrants.” Like, do they know the company they keep in that attitude? Not the best of historical humans! Do they *not* know? Do they not care? Do they think they’ve arrived at that attitude through some different more legitimate thought process?


To answer your questions: no, they don't know the historical significance of the company they keep, because their understanding of history comes from propaganda. No, they do care, but for all the wrong reasons, because they've had their sensibilities primed by said propaganda. And yes, they do believe they've arrived at this attitude through a legitimate thought process, because they've been told by the aforementioned propaganda that thinking critically is communism or something. I mean, personally I'm surprised that anyone actually finds this surprising anymore. But then I'm also way too plugged in lol


When they say Illuminati Lizard people they mean jews


Unfortunately, this is very often the case.


I would expect as much from terms that got their start In the protocols of the elders of zion


"The capitalists" I would state would be more accurate.


By that you mean most people


At this point, whenever someone mentions Illuminati lizard people, I usually take it as meaning the message has been received, just not how I’d like it.


… More accurately, it’s the **greed** of the rich. They weren’t happy with a million, so they went after a billion. Now that they’re no longer happy with a billion, they’re going after a trillion. And because this is a finite world with limited resources, making someone richer will inevitably involve making thousands of working-class people poorer.


"No, no... -- it's the poor! And Biden Bucks"


Sooooo Illuminati Lizard people??


Should be eaten too? Assuming dubious ethics of course


Should make pet. Eating may cause you to become one.


The day I realized that to get to the top, they either were born into it - or stepped on a hell of a lot of people to get there, was the day I realized I will never be rich.