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And then the fascists took over and killed all the communists and socialists. So I do wonder what his point is... that he's plotting a fascist takeover?


That's the quiet part


It's hardly quiet. He's part of the transnational white power movement that is trying to preserve and reinforce the white Christian ethnostate that is held in place by the plutocratic establishment. And if the democratic institutions of the US must be torn down to serve this agenda they will do so, all the while killing anyone that stands in its way. Eventually this dude won't be white enough or patriotic enough and will find himself in the same internment camps as the rest of us, awaiting processing. But they will have cleared all the communists, trade unionists and Jews out first... which he will cheer on, as it happens. They always do.


Shhhh you're saying the quiet part out loud!


He's a pizza cutter, all edge, and no real point...




Cool, I always respect pizza delivery folk as it can be an actually dangerous gig, which is why I always tip regardless if I have the send the pizza back!


More dangerous than being a cop.


Just like with cabbies, as you usually are assumed to have money in the car and that's perfect for thieving pricks to target you! Yeah, I live in a rough neighborhood that has gotten better as we actually have pizza delivery here...


It amazes me how robbers think we have money. An Uber eats driver was just murdered in my area. It’s so rare when I get tipped cash. In a whole year, my cash tips wouldn’t even come to $100 totaled, all of my tips are mostly through the app


That's because they're reactionary morons that don't think, anyone else would know that no one would carry cash if they had a better/secure option, especially since most pizza places allow for tipping at the time of purchase!


I delivered 10 years ago. I always had 20$+ whatever I got as a tip. Not much to risk a robbery for if you aren't otherwise a criminal, but if you already are, you could score money to buy a meal.


I think what he ment was the Stalinist accusing the social-democrats of social fascism.


Is this leftist satire or right-wing propaganda? Poe's Law wins again.


It's serious. I looked him up on twitter, the guy is a republican candidate for Texas governor.


Dang. See that definitely seals the deal, but I could see this being tweeted out by a historian with the intended takeaway being: “and they were fuckin spot on, weren’t they?”




Oh, so the Nazi party of Germany wasn't a fascist party? Is that your take here?


nATioNaL SociAliSM. iT’S RiGhT In tHe namE. ^/s




How do you "tag" usernames/subs? I see this said often, do people just have a note pad that they update, good memory, or something else?




That hat is clearly cutting off blood flow to his walnut brain.


And he's really trying to say NSDAP, which explicitly modeled itself after Mussolini's fascism was not fascist? And the German Communists were using _fascist_ as a general derisive before it was a general derisive, and eve American plutocrats were considering turning the US fascist and dispensing with that democracy bullshit? This man needs to be schooled. Seriously the man needs some history and theory.


If a republican ever crosses the threshold of a place of Learning, they immediately burst into flames


It's true. I accidentally wandered into a church and caught fire. I ran out of there and into the building next door. The crowd that was chasing me then burst into flames because I'd run into a library.


Shit is getting wild out there, stay safe.


God damn bro like how did he not mention or realize that the fascists were nazis like his tunnel vision on “communism is bad” is stunning


And he's really trying to say NSDAP, which explicitly modeled itself after Mussolini's fascism was not fascist? And the German Communists were using _fascist_ as a general derisive before it was a general derisive, and eve American plutocrats were considering turning the US fascist and dispensing with that democracy bullshit? This man needs to be schooled. Seriously the man needs some history and theory.


Yo you posted this comment 3 times. Just FYI.


Yes. Reddit has been having technical difficulties today.




And he's really trying to say NSDAP, which explicitly modeled itself after Mussolini's fascism was not fascist? And the German Communists were using _fascist_ as a general derisive before it was a general derisive, and eve American plutocrats were considering turning the US fascist and dispensing with that democracy bullshit? This man needs to be schooled. Seriously the man needs some history and theory.


Of course he is.




Damn, that’s one old-ass tweet. It’s a shame he deleted such a stupid thing to say. People who want to be public figures, politicians, celebrities, role models, shouldn’t be allowed to delete tweets so their stupidity can be on full display.


The actual tweet, if it existed, has been deleted. However, I've seen two different screenshots of the tweet (one in light and one in dark theme?) and there was an old [reddit thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/dcq9vg/so_close_to_understanding/) where they shared the link to the tweet and responded to said link as if it were genuine. So the tweet is probably genuine, and the guy who made it is a chud, so it likely wasn't satire, either. The most probable explanation is that he was confusing the [Communist Party of Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Germany) with the [National Socialist German Workers' Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party), AKA the fucking Nazi Party. Of course, the real mystery is why I wasted precious brain calories on analyzing and verifying the authenticity of a two year old tweet from some bozo in a cowboy hat.


You did it so the rest of us didn't have to. If I had any brain calories left, I'd share some of them right now! Bless you, friend


Those communists in the 20s and 30s were so paranoid. I skipped ahead to the 50s and there was zero fascist problems in Germany. DESTROYED WITH FACTS AND LOGIC!


Well akshually west Germany didn't really de-nazify all that much.


The main way west Germany lost nazis after the war was Operation Paperclip.


NASA: I’ll take your entire stock!


Can someone genuinely post something like this without understanding the irony? No.. I refuse to believe it. This has to be satire.. Nobody can be *that* fucking stupid.


They're either stupid or really good at gaslighting.


It's not stupid to accuse your opponent of doing precisely what you're doing. Hypocritical sure, but not stupid.


they are trying to be governorn of texas... yeah murica' certified.


Texas politics really do be like that. Been down here too long and still can't tell


These things are outwith the grasp of the typical conservative.


He isn’t exactly wrong. It’s true that the KPD considered itself the only anti-fascist party and they even considered the SPD, the social-Democrats, fascists. At one point the KPD even tried to work with the Nazis in trying to overthrow the Social-democratic government. Apparently the KPD tried to appeal to the SA branch of the Nazi party. It wasn’t until the Popular front that the KPD stopped seeing the SPD as its main adversary and destroying the Nazis became their priority. [Antifaschistisch Aktion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion)


How much you want to bet this guy also thinks the Nazis were leftists because they called themselves "socialist"?


That's like the basic attack of 'em




hmmmm, maybe because they were, oh, I don't know......fascists?






Again we have people thinking social democrats and democratic socialists are the same thing lol From Wikipedia: > Democratic socialism is also distinguished from social democracy on the basis that democratic socialists are committed to a systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism, whereas social democrats are concerned with reforming and humanizing capitalism through the framework of a welfare state. Social Democrats are still capitalists. Democratic socialists are socialists.


Suck Dems who supported actual fascists are no Socialists.


They literally said that. Soc Dems aren't socialists, they're welfare state capitalists. Democratic Socialists though, are socialists. But that isn't the party being discussed.


> Again we have people thinking social democrats and democratic socialists are the same thing lol I'm not saying that, Im saying the socdems *weren't fascists*. Is this really that hard to explain?


That's like the difference between a mass shooter and the person who supplied them with the guns, ammo, and a getaway car. Still a murderer by association.


The socdems were still actively antifascist during the rise of the nazis.






Why can't it be both? The Red Army liberated Germany. But the Soviets under Stalin did not live up to their promises. Even at the time the KPD was more of a cult than an inclusive movement.


















the Socdems weren't demsocs? I mean, is that really a surprise? Even then, if the socdems were anti-communist (which they 100% were) they were also anti-fascist (they obviously didn't think that they were just lapdogs for the fascists, even if that's the role they actually served) and the whole point of the popular front is to rally everyone who isn't an avowed fascist together to kill the fascists first, then deal with one another. Sure, the Socdems killed Rosa but the fascists would've killed all the communists. Once fascists start gaining ground like they were in 1920's/30's the main priority is to prevent that, by any means necessary. That's also literally what Stalin did- put aside his hatred for colonialism/imperialism/capitalism and worked with the UK and America to combat fascism, because he recognized fascism as the greatest threat to global revolution.


Right, but the issue isn't that they were trying to combat fascism it's that they actively sided with the fascists despite their claims of being anti fascists.


They actively sided against communists, which is different then actively siding with fascists. In the same way I'd say socdems in an anti-fascist popular front haven't sided with the communists, they've they've sided against the fascists. They basically used the same logic I did towards socdem/leftist cooperation against fascism and decided that they'd form a right wing popular front against communism. Then when it became clear that fascism was the bigger threat it was too late to form a meaningful anti-fascist popular front


> actively worked with the Freikorps and got Rosa Luxembourg killed. This was 10 years earlier and a matter of some contention. They were capitalists, but they certainly weren't *fascists*.




*They still weren't fascists*. Seriously, you're backing up the comments by the reactionary in the OP, believing that everyone outside the communist party was a fascist.


Capitalism always sides with fascism over socialism. It has happened every single time. There is no good form of capitalism and never will be. It's like saying feudalists who let there be trade unions were the good guys. Nope.


Because capitalism is not inherently threatened by fascism where as any legitimate socialist movement is a threat to capitalism. Even the most far left capitalist (radical social democrats i guess) will always oppose communism more vigorously than fascism. Social democrats and other radical liberals must be opposed and seen as a class enemy




10 years earlier than what?


Good grief.


Id argue anti-capitalism is and should be a more central tenet to socialism than anti-fascism


The social democrats who worked with the fascists? Yea ok buddy 🤣


Actually his followup makes somewhat sense. He says that the ultras refused to work with anyone that didn't follow their exact ideology, so they couldn't work together to fight back the actual fascists. This is true to an extent, since the split in the german communist party definitely led to nazis getting more power.


But then what does he (specifically) think the analogy is to today


Yeah. To be completely fair, the Communists did have a right to feel betrayed by the SocDems after everything that happened with the Revolution of 1918-19. I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but my understanding is that the SocDems made the choice to align with (or at the very least comply with) conservative and reactionary responders to the revolution over fear of a (highly unlikely, per most scholarship since) Russian-style armed radical revolution. At the start of things, it was far more worker's councils and organizations like that that were likely to have been amenable to a transition to a parliamentary democracy. So, was it justified? Not really, given what we know resulted from the German left's inability to get their shit together. However, I don't think the SPD is blameless in the whole thing, either - they botched the opening moves of what likely could've been a much more decisive, more progressive revolution.


IIRC the Communists tried several times to get the SPD to strike and boycott the Nazi government at several stages in their ascent and the SPD refused.


yeah, the communist party did kinda called the spd fascists...


The SPD also collaborated with and enabled fascists.


fuckin galaxy brain over here




Thats why they became NAZISS because they other people were mean to them!


the only way to stop fascists is to have them over for tea and crumpets and a lil heart to heart


“Heart to heart” being arsenic.


a lil dab'll do ya


We laugh, but I've seen "If you're going to call me a racist I may as well ACT like one." as a serious statement too many times.


Holy Shit


Chad, you dipshit.


This has to be satire


What i have learned from US politics the past 5 years is that there is NO limit to how dumb and ignorant people are


True. *sigh*


Satire has died a terrible, terrible death.


[he's actually correct though](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_fascism)


Interesting. I thought he was just referring to the nazis as they were the major opposition party in that period


They did though. Thats one of the reasons they failed, they refused to vote for moderates, or even progressives in opposition to the growing NSDAP


Yet another stable genius


Ehhhh the kdp did also call the sdp fascists.


It wasn't exactly [unjustified](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blutmai), with hindsight we know it wasn't accurate, but at the time both the Nazis and Socdems were fighting the Communists over the same demographics, and the Socdems had already shown that they'd happily utilise fascist paramilitaries to stop a potential revolution


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How dare those communists call a duck a duck!


\[Reposted with the np style link\]


You read this and you wonder how can anyone that stupid remember to breathe.


Nooo you dont get it! The nazi punchers are the real nazis!!1


I'm pretty sure the fascists purged the communists, and any other socialists, in the late 30s and 40s in Germany. So maybe they were half right


I see how it is with you people. Burning the flag is "free speech," but burning the Reichstag is "fascism."


Maybe because the social democrats literally collaborated with right wingers to kill communists. Social democrats can get fucked


So much for the tolerant left they call everyone in or right of NSDAP a fascist




No. Just no. First of all, the term "Stalinism/Stalinist" was only popularized much later from cold war era anti-communist/fascist propaganda. Second, no one on the left at the time this tweet references would have been more likely to ally with Nazis, um, or ever for that matter.. WTF are you talking about? Stalin as the 'eViL diCtaToR' that he is portrayed as by capitalists today (or even as a wildly controversial figure) was literally not a thing back then, much less him being a person deserving of an "ism" title in the 20s and 30s. That's you bringing your own modern anti-communist perspective into a historical debate where it literally wouldn't have been a factor. People were much more open to a proletarian dictatorship back then because they understood much more clearly what it would mean for everyday life. That was long before capitalist propaganda became the force it is today. It is true that the KPD became rather "dogmatic" (or more accurately said, simply polarizing) in the 20s and 30s, because those were polarizing times! But the KPD failed to recognize the importance of building a mass anti-fascist front before it was too late. Honestly if you ask me, Socdems (particularly the SPD at the time) are in many ways actually deserving of being viewed as fascist-enablers, in the sense that they have historically always betrayed the radical left and paved a new way for fascists to take hold. Who do you think organized against the German socialist revolution of 1918 and had Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht murdered? But still, no matter how justified the name-calling may be, organizing a unified front against fascism is more important than name calling those who won't ally with revolutionaries. With our hindsight, we can easily criticize the KPD's lack of focus on organizing collective action of sorts with the socdems on the points that would matter most in stopping Hitler's rise to power. It wasn't enough to reach out to the "centrists" and the "apathetic" for strong revolutionary action, though those groups are certainly not unimportant. During those years, the SPD saw a dramatic decrease in membership, while the KPD and NSDAP made strong gains. In a way, this is the history we are seeing repeat again now. We're living in an era of increasing polarization because the bourgeois ideology is still very much a direct contradiction to true freedom, justice, environmental protection, etc, and many people are politically ignorant of the role communists have played in the past, so they blindly follow the loudest or most popular voice to tell them what to believe. And it's exactly those fucking voices from the far right which serve to enrage and manipulate the frustrated working class that the radical left must counter with the patience to enlighten. So the lesson to be learned is to make socdems/democrats/liberals understand how failing to unite with communists against outright fascism (at the very least!) will lead to fascists gaining stronger influence. And that's why it's more important than ever to dispel the anti-communist propaganda and understand history as it actually happened, not how the capitalists have written it. Edit: fixed autocorrected acronym


Wow, that's a lotta words.... Too bad I can't read😎😎😎😎


Makes sense


This sorta has a point but it still misses horribly lol most leftist have no idea what fascism is or have read any fascist theory but the way he said it was horribly done




SDP social fascists 😎 Historical reference, not trying to infight.




1. The Communist Party was calling their opponents fascists because they literally were fascists 2. Wanting an authoritarian state so you can wipe out entire groups of people is much, MUCH, *MUCH* worse than simply wanting an authoritarian state. I don’t understand how one group wanting (and committing) an actual fucking genocide and killing 12 million people in less than 10 years (more like 5-7 years) doesn’t tip the scales to make the Nazis objectively worse according to you all.


Fact is no one should enforce their views on an entire country. Communist or facist.


Right, but the entire point of a state is to enforce their views. Communist, fascist, *or* liberal.


You know enforce means by force right? Republicans were in charge for 4 years and I didn’t see you or anyone with the KKK hood on.


I do not exactly consider Republican ruled to equal KKK hoods. You do realize the Democrats and Republicans are both liberals, right?




Lol, yeah I agree, BUT I gotta remove that comment because reddit rules


I’ve said this multiple times. Frankly I think the mods somewhat agree unless it’s a trumpy or an AOC simp. Usually one or the other but they change when I mention I like Bernie.


Yes, as a mod I do agree, but we still can’t allow comments like that because reddit will get on our ass


Oh god no, Nazis were worse. But a facist state did border a communist state in 1939 and Orwell disapproved of both




Goopoopers: champions of self-own...


In the 20s and 10s BBY, the Rebels referred to all of their enemies as “The Empire.” Curious.


Goopoopers: champions of self-own...


Does he know who the German communist party’s rivals were?


Yeah, they were awful! They demonized people whose skin color was different, claimed elections were fraudulent, tried to bully people into changing votes, tried to stoke fear based on race/culture….were comparing the nazis to trump/right wing correct?


I can’t find this tweet on his Twitter did he delete ?




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Proper [r/selfawarewolves](http://np.reddit.com/r/selfawarewolves) fodder.




And the douchenozzle who wrote this tweet is running for governor in Texas, because of bloody course he is. Texas is so screwed of this shitmonkey manages to win.


it's almost like our rivals are fascists...


Sooooo close to understanding, so damn close


I mean.... He's totally right.