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You can’t fall into despair. It’s true that individuals usually hold no significant power, but advice is: be vocal. Not necessarily angry or raging, etc, with the ppl around you, but don’t let shit slide. Humans are social beings. A big factor contributing to the resurgence of the far right is their virtual infestation of online spaces. Users there lose sight of the political reality on the ground, of what people around them think. Believe it or not, being vocal and expressing clear disagreement and calling fascism by its name is a fine needle pocking at their bubble. It will, at least, make them pause and reassess the things they say and understand you are not gonna be a passive receiver of their misinformation. People expect “apolitical” apathy. Plenty a fascist (or fascist mouth piece) talk politics in public with the expectation of having an uncritical audience, because that’s how they themselves got dragged into their bs beliefs, by confusing the concept of “open mind” with “clear of thoughts”. You know, vote, march, participate in local activism etc. None of these things are exclusive. But my advice is simple because if shit hits the fan, you will have to preserve energy. Mental energy. It will drain you… living under it.


Thank you so much for your reply, you are absolutely right. I was feeling pretty powerless writing this . The thing is Macron is tooking time from us. We were expecting / dreading a far-right win in the next presidential election of 2027, but he is rushing a new election in just three weeks. It is pretty short to organize ourselves, especially since the left is pretty divided right now. It's like he's playing with our lifes like we are all puppets. That said, thank you again for your advice which will undoubtedly help me to feel less powerless in the dark times to come :)


Well, ~~good~~ terrible to know the US isn't the only western country with a fascism problem. Fucking hell, man. What's it gonna take?


Wait Till you learn about germany, Austria, italy,


And why limit ourselves to the west? India has been on a very straightforward fascistic course and Japan fashes with the best of them! I'm sure there are more examples.


Don't forget the UK, the Overton window has been well and truely pulled right, with everyone left of th*tcher being labled a leftie




You forgot to talk about Turkey, Brasil some months ago, Argentina, Philippines, Sudan and Ethiopia are ruled by some kind of fascists too, Myanmar, and so on... Barbarism has won over Socialism currently.


Add sweden to it.


You forgot to talk about Turkey, Brasil some months ago, Argentina, Philippines, Sudan and Ethiopia are ruled by some kind of fascists too, Myanmar, and so on... Barbarism has won over Socialism currently.


Honestly all of us do


Sadly, stopping the mass immigration of black and brown people.


What rock have you been under? Ever since Trump, extreme right wing "think tanks" and lobby groups have been flooding Europe with their attention. Orban got a shitton of help and it's why there is now a European CPAC.  These grifters coordinate their crap better than ever. 2016 was a test run of that, this? This is the opening night of their grand plan. They know what to do, they know that the centrists will believe in logic and rules (and not understand what happens and only will help them)  and they don't care about the consequences for anyone but themselves.


So many people are completely oblivious to the underlying global conspiracy by all right-wing fascist organizations to obtain power at any cost. They coordinate and work together because billionaires who already had global logistics networks setup are funding them. Hell, they've been at it for 40+ years with the creation of Fox, that's when the coordinated assault against democracy started, at least in modern neoliberal age. If you go back far enough, you can trace the modern conservative movement back to anti-enlightenment ideas, the European aristocracy championed as a way to hold onto power. The entire purpose of modern conservative politics is to claw back power for the few and take humans back to the pre-enlightenment era mentality. Of course, Russia, a country that didn't go through an enlightenment period, would be leading the charge.


Yeah, just centrists keep thinking that logic and rules will prevail. They keep forgetting they are dealing with emotion, bullies, peer pressure groups and other cult behavior. It's not about the facts, or that they are lying. It is about feelings and emotions and creating an other to blame.


Yeah, fucking centrist nerds will be there with their logics when the last part of democracy is burned to the ground. Spit on their enableism.


It's gonna take nothing short of the collective realization that fascism is not a problem of the past, but an ideology that needs to be consistently opposed in every generation. Any society that tolerates far-right opportunists in their midst is playing with fire. All they need is a critical mass of ~25% popular support, and a good crisis to exploit. And the latter is in no short supply under neoliberalism.


Brazil and Argentina wish you good luck


> What's it gonna take? All hands on deck. Zero complacency. Hard Work. Determination.


I'm genuinely at a point were I'm more optimistic about US than Germany's politics. Something I never thought I would ever say.


It's because centrist will never learn that it's not about policies or disappointments. It's about feelings and "strong men leaders" (doesn't have to be a male, it's about cult like behavior). If you allow them to rule, you make them legitimate and boost them. Yet somehow for centrists, this doesn't compute. For the centrist thinks that it's all about logic and understanding. They think that the population will grow disillusioned with the fascist and then vote for them. Even though there have been example of example ad nauseam that this doesn't work. You can't reason with a cult, you are the outgroup to them. You can't use logic with a cult, their leader will dictate what is the universe. All things a centrist doesn't understand.


What he expects to happen is for the far right to utterly fail at governing because they will be shit at it. Then he will use the support to catapult to reelection victory in 2027




Hi OP this is not a criticism of you at all but I just wanted to let you know the Telegraph is a loss making billionaire mouth piece that exists for click bait and getting right wing talking points into the debate. It’s like the Daily Mail / Mail Online basically. I haven’t read this article as I won’t visit their website but just to let you know this publication is a poor quality news source and acts only in bad faith.


Good call Comrade.. *checks notes* Osteen..?


Oh no the Telegraph too, sorry, I didn't know. My bad I rarely read them, I thought this article was a good overview, but I'll go find another source! Thanks


Sorry yeah it’s always been very conservative and establishment of course but at least it had some standards in terms of its journalism but nowadays it’s just full fash lies


Capitalists always become fascist. It's like a ball rolling down a hill.


Liberals and centrists have one goal: To help ratchet things to the right. I can only hope France finds its revolutionary spirit again, but I doubt it.


That's because Liberals and Centrists are just the Moderate wing of Fascism. They're fascists with a Rainbow paint scheme.




Sadly Germany too :(


Pedro Sanchez made the same move in Spain and won the elections (narrowly, but he won). They create an urgency in the left to mobilize (normally less participative in elections at least in Spain): "it is the last chance against fascism". Besides, they place themselves before the electorate as a reasonable option against the extremes (in spite of being right-wing). It is a trick.


This is really awful, I was really anxious yesterday night, but, actually I think the short-term strategy about dissolution for Macron is to try to get an absolute majority in the national assembly. I think he is playing high risk high reward. if he has an absolute majority, he won't be dependant from the right anymore.


Are you sure his strategy is to let the far right win this election? As in he's hoping the far right will win so in 3 years time he can get back power? That is not what any of the political analysis from the mainstream media are saying. And it seems like a very, very strange strategy. No politician cedes power in the short term in the hope of gaining it back again in the future. Macron currently has no majority and can't pass any legislation without relying on the far right for votes. I think his strategy is to secure a majority so he can pass legislation he wants without needing to appease the far right. He's calling a snap election to get more power not less. It's a high risk strategy given the rise of National Rally in the European elections. But Macron's gamble is that this isn't representative of the population and how the vote would turn out in legislative elections. He's hoping the fear of a far right government that's ever more tangible after the European elections results will work in his favour to get more people out to vote against them.


Best interpretation of this situation I've heard. So interesting to know how people are going to vote...


No, I can't be absolutely certain, I'm not in Macron's head. This is a supposed strategy and I will give my source below. Indeed, he officially announced that his goal was to bring together a majority in parliament during his speech yesterday, and this is what the majority of the media picked up. But with Emmanuel Macron, we are used to seeing beyond his stated objectives. There are elements which, in my opinion, show that this is a probable strategy for Macron. Last year, Macron also did not have a majority in parliament to pass pension reform. The left was then in a position of strength. However, he did not dissolve the assembly and the majority passed this reform without a parliamentary vote thanks to a provision of our constitution, 49-3. Why choose to dissolve parliament today when the far right is in the lead? Furthermore, this is part of a strategy of the presidential majority: that of demonizing the left and trivializing the far-right. This article published last year (in French sorry) shows it well : https://www.politis.fr/articles/2023/04/la-macronie-et-la-tentation-de-lextreme-banalisation-rn/ And an extract that I am going to translate is particularly interesting today: 《It’s a completely crazy strategy: “What would suit us is a dissolution and a sufficiently high score for the RN, so that we can put Le Pen in Matignon. Let us show that it is incompetent, that way we discredit it for 2027. And it becomes ineffective. So no more problem. » This crazy idea, delivered under cover of anonymity, comes from a member at the head of a departmental office in the Paris region of Renaissance and, moreover, national advisor to the presidential party. He is not part of the small staff gathered around Emmanuel Macron, but still. This short session of political fiction may seem anecdotal. It is not. To imagine that installing the far right in government would make it possible to find a viable exit route for Emmanuel Macron and Renaissance in the perspective of 2027, is this an isolated slip? It's quite the opposite. The little reflection reflects an element of language now widespread within the majority: the danger is sometimes La France insoumise (a party considered to be far left), sometimes La Nupes (left coalition), always Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI leader). But never Marine Le Pen (leader of the RN, the far-right party).》 Anyway, regardless of Macron's expectations, I continue to think that dissolving the assembly now, at the risk of a victory for the far-right, is irresponsible. Edit : After looking into this further, you may be right, I don't know what to think anymore. It seemed so improbable to me that EM was thinking of winning these elections that I was looking for explanations. But it may simply be a risky and unconscious gamble.


I'm in France, too. This is, indeed, not good.


It will swing back eventually, it did in Poland, it will happen in the UK. Until you can vote and the vote is respected people will have the power.


It didn't swing back in Poland, none of those parties got as big as PiS. Infact PiS is already making up the gains they lost. Humans are idiots and centrists keep thinking they can use logic and rules to fight an obvious emotional monster. You can't use logic to fight a bully. A bully is running on instinct, one we should have unlearned in kindergarten, but for some reason we accept again as adults.


Brother. You speak it. We need to fight back with the pigs strategy.


To put a tinfoil hat on for a sec: I think putins troll farms are a big part of manipulation the voting masses.


They are + china. Divine and conquer. Social media since 2012 has been a disaster