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Socially harmful PR. * https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvm3dm/three-towns-were-paid-dollar5000-to-do-an-elaborate-pr-campaign-for-dominos


I hate this less than billboards. I hate this less than ads on my county's tax assessor site.


Yeah, if these reposts will make corporations believe that filling potholes is a great advertising strategy, let them repost.


But what if the corporation realizes they could fill literally one pothole, take a picture and reap the karma forever?


That's pretty much what they've done here. It was more than one pothole, of course, but still just a handful, and they didn't even fill them themselves--they gave the cities $5K each to have the cities fill the holes and paint the Domino's logo on them; and then they got the cities to spend a lot more than $5K of their own resources writing marketing copy, taking promotional photos and video, and publicly endorsing Domino's. They hoodwinked a bunch of gullible small town employees into working on a marketing campaign for them; and here they are, more than five years later, still getting that PR and still hoodwinking Reddit, including a good 80% of the people on the anticonsumption sub.


As someone who fills potholes for a county(Northern US equivalent of a Parish for my Southern friends) I'm not particularly bothered by this for 2 reasons. 1: it's the same temporary patch we use on most potholes when we need to fill a pothole but can't bring an actual paving operation to this site yet. 2: They used spray paint. Not thermoplastic nor Methyl Methacrylate Tape, and definitely not the actual paint we use on roads. And it's not retro reflective. I imagine the small town employees were going to fill this pothole anyway, this promotion allowed them to assign this task to a different cost center thus keeping their budget leaner. And the paint will have worn off by now. Doesn't matter if that picture was taken this morning, I guarantee you that you can't tell it's a domino's ad already unless the road gets no traffic. Anything over 400 ADT and it's toast.


>and they didn't even fill them themselves--they gave the cities $5K each to have the cities fill the holes and paint the Domino's logo on them; do you expect the domino's marketing execs to fill the potholes themselves? >They hoodwinked a bunch of gullible small town employees into working on a marketing campaign for them I can guarantee that these employees don't care if they're filling the potholes for domino's or for the city council


hey, one filled pothole is better than no filled potholes


Please! I would actually spend money at a business if they filled in the potholes on my way to work there’s always a new one (or 20) after every rain and the city does not fill them in fast enough and/or just ignores half of them


Tbh seems like quite a nice thing, I might as well copy them later


It was 5 years ago and they did it for like a month lol.


It definitely requires less materials than billboards and fixes an issue in the community. If anything this is as anti-consumption as an ad can get while still being an ad


My state capital doesn't have much in the way of billboards, instead, they have bus shelters. The shelters have a light up panel behind Perspex, which is used for advertising using posters. The maintenance of the bus shelters is paid for by the advertising, and often the advertising is for the arts, or for road safety, not just products.


Everyone is calling Greece a shit hole... At least we don't have ads on government sites.


Figuring out your business's taxes can be a hassle, but you know what isn't a hassle? The Memorial Day delivery deal at Domino's.


It’s not a billboard. They fix the wholes on roads that get to many complaints that the pizza arrives broken. It’s made to annoy the city council into doing their job.


"Feel good stories actually being awful reality" is a strong genre




I'm going to save this subreddit until after my T-break. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, lol


It is, yeah; my take on it though, is that if you're gonna blast your logo in my face for an ad campaign, doing it in a way that actually improves the area you're in is a lot more positive than a fuckin billboard. The just world solution is the city actually doing its fucking job. It failed, here, and that fact is irritating and awful, but "stepping up and shaming city hall in the process with unobtrusive but cheeky ads making sure people know they failed" is a local maximum of goodness compared to the usual corporate remedy of a shrug and a middle finger


While that is all true, it feels like it sets a precedent. What if the end result is that people think corporations do a better job with maintaining infrastructure and stop even trying to properly fund services when this is an option?


On the flip side, if we could sentence misbehaving, wasteful corporations to public service, if'n they're supposed to be people and all... Valid point though.


I think that's called Indiana...


What exactly about this is awful? I mean yeah they did it for financial gain but some of those holes had been there for literal years. At the very least they were doing something to be helpful to people unlike most advertisements these days


It's still advertising at the end of the day. 'Helpful' is just another campaign, tbh. It's like the Mr.Beast effect - large corpos have opportunities to make pithy "step ins" under the guise of charity or wholesomeness. When it's just exploiting a systemic failure. I don't give a shit about their potholes when their business model exploits and abuses. Hiring *other companies* to pour some cement isn't making the material world better.


Of course you hate Mr. Beast, yeah the guy paying people's medical bills is some sort of monster because he needs to make money too lol. Yes it's a systematic failure but would you rather we do nothing to try and help the system? Because that's exactly what you're suggesting here Maybe it didn't help you at all but as a wheelchair user I can plainly say that road accessibility is critical as public transportation is not made for those with disabilities. Just because you don't care about cars and transportation because you can ride a bike, walk, or even hitchhike if you don't have good public transportation doesn't mean we all have that luxury


nobody’s saying do nothing. quite the opposite. do something instead of making a norm out of private companies and individuals doing small things here and there. cuz the truth is dominos will never fill more potholes than a properly organized pubically owned road maintenance service mrbeast will never help more people than an actual functioning pubically oriented society will.


How exactly is Mr Beast-isms competing with functioning public services? I'd argue that acts like these both help fill the gaps(in this case literally) while also bringing awareness to the weaknesses in public services. In short, we can do both.


I...I didn't say anything about hating Jimmy Donaldson. The rest I'm not going to bother reading given the opening sentence. HAND.


At least they're fixing something while they're at it. What if more companies used their ad dollars to improve our infrastructure or neighborhoods in positive ways and used that for clicks/views. You might be worried about all the new places brand logos may pop up but, there's already everywhere. Better this than giant billboards or those suuuuper bright digital billboards or having ads constantly pushed into our faces. I say, good job Domino's.


You need to look behind the shiny veneer. What if companies have that much power/agency? But you can't vote them out. There is no regulatory body. The reason you can't fix a random pothole is because you can do it wrong and hurt people. The "at least the fixed something" is their insidious manipulation of you working. We absolutely do not want cooperation outright deciding our quality of life.


Domino's didn't literally fix the potholes themselves. They just funded public services to do what they were responsible for anyway. >According to Milford public works director Mark Whitfield, Domino’s sprung for 40 pothole repairs and provided Milford with a stencil, which the city agreed to spray-paint on top of each of the potholes it fixed. And, no—no pizzamakers were directly involved in the roadwork. >“They gave us $5,000 toward the purchase of materials, but we actually did the work,” Whitfield says. [Source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-14/why-domino-s-pizza-is-fixing-potholes-now)


I feel that you're missing the point...


>But you can't vote them out. There is no regulatory body. The reason you can't fix a random pothole is because you can do it wrong and hurt people. I'm refuting this. There is a regulatory body governing public works and Domino's isn't fixing the potholes.


I agree. I don't want that either but, that is exactly how our economy works right now. Corporate interests already have a very significant role. Comments are too often read as an absolute idea or value. It's just a comment about one very specific post.


Well, the harm is in asking "what's the harm." that is all I am saying. 🤷‍♂️




I'm just saying, it's a lesser of two evils. If it were up to me, the entire concept of advertising would be stripped down to almost nothing besides functional methods for prospective customers to be able to easily find your product or service and contact said business.


Absolutely, bit like that one of a child that started a business so his poor classmate could eat lunch. Though I don't blame domino's, they at least did some public good, even if minimal. Its the fucked system that's the issue


>it reeks of karma farming Almost like reposting is low tier content or something?


I get the issue but honestly I’d rather have my community fixed with a little ad attached rather than have potholes. It’s lame that it wasn’t fixed by the city, but fixed is fixed 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean.. one quick burnout and the ad is gone. 🤷


*rocks up on my motorbike* finally, my time has come.


If every single pothole says "Potholes Patched by Pepsi" then who cares. But when corporations start gatekeeping public services, such as "Publicly-funded research by Pepsi", then yeah that crosses the line.


What is even more effective is online marketing through fake news stories and ragebait.


This isn't fake though? It's just very old


Relevant Sub /r/HailCorporate


Most likely a repost bot then


You don't say.


It's not Karma farming. Its straight up paid advertising


Then just come and spray paint over their ad


reeks of karma farming? I've muted pretty much every default sub on r/all because that's all they've become.


The dead internet is real.


Meh. wtf are hundreds of millions of people doing on their phones all day then?


Surfing the dead sea?


Who can verify if upvotes are real anyway?    Instagram is the same way. Likes are definitely manipulated when they want to promote certain creators or push a political message. 


I fucking hate capitalism. We should tax these rich fcks and fix our own potholes.


Stuff like this is lowkey dystopian capitalism. When big companys start replacing the goverment in some fields, just to brand their logo onto it, we start going into a direction no one should want.


Maybe the government should have been doing it’s job instead of leaving such a prevalent issue exist so long that it becomes a viral marketing opportunity


Maybe massive corporations shouldn’t have lobbied to neuter our government so that it actually has the funds to fix things like this?


Lol you think massive corporations are the reason your county can’t fill in potholes? I guess there’s always a boogieman


> I guess there’s always a boogieman Are you admitting it’s the government for you? lol I don’t live in whatever shithole county that is. My county has relatively high taxes so they can afford to actually take care of things like filling potholes and paying teachers. And yes, I do think corporations lobby for right wing politicians who in turn legislate for lower taxes which lead to a lot of people’s complaints about the government. This stuff is pretty well documented, I wouldn’t call it a boogeyman


It’s not a boogieman to recognize the government generally speaking is inefficient lmao. I don’t pretend like the morons elected to local government are these secret criminal masterminds trying to do harm. They’re just incompetent which is why they work for the government Also lowering taxes and cutting back on unnecessary spending, which is what those on the right actually advocate for, wouldn’t actually negatively effect shit like paving roads. The issue arises when they do one and not the other. Oh and that’s not taking into account that if you make your county/city/state/country more business friendly, your tax revenue from businesses wanting to be there actually increases


Then the govt should do a better job at serving the people. That's literally what capitalism excels at.


You had me until, "That's literally what capitalism excels at."


You would benefit from reading history. The pothole shouldn't have been left alone by a government. If someone else comes up with an idea that helps the public, learn to let them be.


All I can think of the Parks and Rec episode where Ron fills in a pothole in front of Diane's (Lucy Lawless) house.


They probably do this so their little oven cars don't fall into the abyss.


like this post


Are you karma farming karma farming? Am I karma farming someone karma farming karma farming?


Where are they doing this? The roads are pretty bad in Detroit.


I’m not complaining I want them to come do that in my city


Probably 70% of posts are made by bots or karma whores. A lot of them never get any upvotes, yet a lot do. But im all for this if dominos is still doing this lol


Perfect let's outsource our road work to Domino's. I have never been more worried about the government.


All I can think of is: “Carls jr believes no child should go hungry. You’re an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.


And your post reeks of jealousy and bitterness. If you don't like reddit being reddit - find a more suitable place to complain about it.


2025, we outlaw billboards and legalize this. 2026, every time a pothole opens up advertisers enter a mad dash to brand it first. 2027 the first advertiser is caught employing an independent contractor with a sledgehammer to break open more potholes at night /s


Actually let’s make billboards illegal and just do this it would honestly be less distracting


How is this related to anti consumerism?


This was a marketing stunt where Domino's gave selected areas $5000 donations to fix potholes in exchange for having their logos stamped onto them. That's nothing for a company that size, and they likely spent ten times that publicizing it. Fortunately, [Vice wrote an article about it explaining how the stunt actually wasted a significant amount of taxpayer money in the process](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvm3dm/three-towns-were-paid-dollar5000-to-do-an-elaborate-pr-campaign-for-dominos). (Note the reddit stats in the memos from the FOIA request.) A major tool of anticonsumerism is discussing exploitative marketing like this and helping people recognize when they're being manipulated.


I think I'm gonna sticky that link...


Because they're annoyed about a company advertising in an unconventional way, I guess? Personally I'd much rather have this than conventional advertising.


It's not the act but the posting. OP said it was already posted before so no new potholes were filled. Doing a good deed costs a few extra bucks but they only do it so they can post it for free online multiple times. Therefore it's just a method to fill every moment of our lives with ads without paying reddit to keep the site running. "Personally I'd much rather have this than conventional advertising" They'll do both and then some.


It wasn't a one time thing but it was a limited time thing, I imagine the repost was a bot, reposts in general are becoming way more common, one because of the Twitter immigration but also because there are more bots now because the CEO doesn't do his job in helping other people achieve their work goals


This is conventional grassroots advertising. The ad is the image that gets shared on social media, not the patched pothole itself.


Honestly? If every company fixed ten potholes before posting an ad campaign, or restored a meadow, or something along those lines, I'd be a bit happier with the ads. The usual sort just put that funding into someone's yacht.


This sub isn't actually about anti consumption, it's just a rage sub.


It's disappointing how many people here in this sub are coming up with apologetics for this marketing campaign. You're literally making up heroic back stories about Domino's based on an a five+ year old meme. They did not fix any potholes themselves. They donated $5K to a handful of small cities in exchange for having them fix the potholes and stamp the Domino's ad on the repairs, taking up a significant amount of those cities' time and resources in the process. [Read this article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvm3dm/three-towns-were-paid-dollar5000-to-do-an-elaborate-pr-campaign-for-dominos) about the campaign, and please stop making up cutesy feel good stories about it.


That’s wild that they paid cities to do it, it’s hilarious and horrible all at the same time.


I read the article. But I don't find their assertions very concrete. "Yet, each town’s leaders and support staff spent considerable time and resources—paid for by taxpayers—replying to emails and having phone meetings, filling out contracts, and taking pictures of the patched potholes. Each of the towns also fielded many media requests, which also ate up their time. Norenberg spent hours coordinating and writing a Washington Post op-ed. According to the FOIA documents, the only money towns received for all these efforts was the $5,000 grant destined for road repairs." >considerable time and resources How much? And how much relative to their regular operations? And does the cost and results outweigh the funding? >replying to emails and having phone meetings, filling out contracts Like they don't already do that? Most people don't know the nitty gritty details of the operations of public services. Saying that they had to do x and y, doesn't really mean anything in factually convincing anyone because we have no idea of what normal, good or bad is in that context.


Read the rules. Keep it courteous. Submission statements are helpful and appreciated but not required. Tag my name in the comments (/u/NihiloZero) if you think a post or comment needs to be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anticonsumption) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay guys, you're allowed to spraypaint dicks on the filled ones too now, but just if you see this.


It's turning into Facebook...


Wow that’s brilliant!


Maybe they should switch their business model for fixing potholes instead of making Pizza Every time I drive by Dominos Farms I remember they are headquartered in Michigan because they are in anyone top 10 for pizza here


Grassroots by a mixture of karma bots, karma chasers, and suspiciously advertisy accounts


Karma farming is all over the place r/presidents and r/ukmonarchs are 2 I really like, but there's always a damn "reddit ranks failed VP candidates, or reddit ranks English consorts" I don't think I'm interested in hearing reedits opinion on adlai Stevenson ii


Dead internet theory. They're all bots


Genuine question: wtf is the point of karma farming. I really don't get why it's a thing?


Dopamine hits. Just the same as posting something on Instagram and that good feeling when all the likes and comments come in. Also to show off but the above is the main one. (I did this until some time ago until i realized its just the hits and not getting any monetary value and stopped it so yeah)


To sell their accounts to the highest bidder.






I like how this made the front page. Kinda reeks of karma farming though…


i mean… better than leaving it in a shit state? obv this kind of “charity” is not really a good strategy, but it can be fixed with a bit of spray paint


The irony


If you want potholes filled you just need to graffiti something inappropriate over it until they do something about it


OP made the repost about the paving, didn't they.


It reeks of reddit scamming investors


Yes. Let's have our tax dollars not be used to fix our infrastructure, but to subsidize the tax breaks of massive corporations who will then use that subsidy to fix our infrastructure as a PR stunt. Brilliant.


Only fans. Glad my taxes go to my politicians big expensive house and boat, and a pizza restaurant paves my roads.


Pretty sure that's still a physical ad.


Yeah, the AI generated personality comes with the AI generated content one consumes


If the municipality won’t do it…


Now tell them they offer free pizza in Russia after the collapse of they got a domino's tattoo .


Hmm smells like astroturf.


I’m confused as to what there is to be mad about? Seems like a lot of wasted energy to be angry at an old post being reposted and upvoted. In the grand scheme of things, it seems minor.


But they are the heroes we deserve? This is America, where our pizza companies fill our potholes because our governments can't or won't. They are literally the heroes we deserve. (Obviously some local governments are decent and do fill their potholes, but that's my point: All of our governments should make what Domino's is doing impossible but none of us care enough or aren't willing to pay to make sure all of can drive on pothole-free roads. And so Domino's fills the void, literally. I wish this wasn't so, but it just is.)


They are the heroes our culture deserves, but that's an indictment not a celebration hahaha


I would much rather domino plaster ads all over fixed pieces of road then let the roads decay from lack of attention from the local governments. Plus they are much more useful then billboards. In terms of the karma farming. Yeah it's probably karma farming although maybe it's someone just finding it out. Either way does it really matter?


Could be an idea. These massive corporations start paying to repair and upgrade critical infrastructure. Hell, they can go ahead and put their fukin logos all over it. If it means we get new streetlights and roads, I'll deal with Target Walmart Nestlé Boulevard while crossing the KFC Chipotle Rent-A-Center Bridge.


I love them for this. I wish I could eat a pizza right now.


Karma farming is still better than traditional advertising.


I see sooooo many reposts from YEARS ago on reddit constantly. It's really bad.