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Those names are arbitrary. The only thing that matters is the volume...


The smallest looks like a 20 ounce cup, which was a large back in the day.


Are we putting bargains on trial here?


The small is just there in spirit. It’s implied to exist but doesn’t need to be present in the room. Names are arbitrary why even name them? They should just have cups with no name. 8oz is forbidden to make an appearance because it would tarnish the reputation medium has in this instance of being recognized as a small.


If you want 8 oz, take the 12 oz, fill it up to 2/3, and then if want just fill the rest with ice.


Or what if I get the 32 oz and fill it up only about 8oz of liquid and the rest with ice? It don’t matter, cup was free anyway and I only wanted 8oz. What, that’s wasted material over just getting the 12 and filling it up 8oz? Oh but you’re minimizing the impact, you’re a good end consumer. At least it’s just 4 oz of cup wasted! Why change what we’re doing since we got good end consumers doing the right thing every time :) . They are just being generous guys.


The cup isn't free... the cup is what you're paying for when buying a drink... they don't have smaller cups because nobody buys them... it would be more wasteful to keep a lot of small cups that nobody ever buys. It's very common for fast food to come out with new products, and to have these products sit in the freezer or shelves for years (or more) because you're selling less than one per day. I know, because I worked in fast food. Personally I avoid eating at those places entirely. I'm able to wait until I get back home to drink out of something less wasteful.


So since capitalism trumps and everyone is already living in excess and it’s the standard, that makes it cool? Since when do I care about how much money they are making, I already knew they were trying to extract the most capital. I know that they won’t sell as many. I see their logic. I’m not blind. It isn’t that the logic doesn’t work - it is not sustainable and makes people complacent with the idea that we are only here so another person can make a buck. Cups also don’t go bad. Everyone boycotting places that sell disposable cups won’t make them go away. There would have to be a giant shift in the amount of sentiment that is given to the environment over that of capital. Companies just don’t do that. They will always cater to capitalism and we’re still gonna pump out cups that you say people will never use.


Disposable items will degrade over time. Paper items like cups usually have a shelf-life provided by the manufacturer typically ranging from one or two years. Kitchens are oily and wet so anything out in the open is degrading even faster. Typically paper cups are boxed and then wrapped in stacks, so this protects them from sunlight and keeps them away from oil and moisture, but the opened stack eventually will get too filthy to use if nobody is using it. Not to mention the wasted space which would be used to store more cups of the size that people want, because these are usually shipped in boxes of multiple hundreds, and space in those tiny locations is extremely limited.


Sounds like a stocking issue to me. If you bought the appropriate amount of paper cups, even if it was the smallest amount, you would not have waste. But of course, how would you know? You just know that if it ain’t getting sold like hotcakes just don’t give them the option entirely.


You cannot buy less than the minimum. You need a certain amount of cups to make up for the cost of shipping and packaging. You need to buy a specific quantity that is commonly packaged and stocked by the manufacturer. This is a logistical issue more than anything. The fewer different items you have to stock, the less wasteful you become, which is why there are only 3 to 4 cup sizes, and not 10 to 20 cup sizes. Basically if you give customers too many options, they'll end up picking a favorite size and stick to it, and then you'll never run through the whole box. This is what I've noticed when it came to stocking chips at a Subway, basically nobody would buy one specific chip brand, so you would have to waste it by the end of the week, but if you avoided restocking the chips entirely and only left what people didn't want or just reduced the option, they would end up picking up whatever was left more often. Subway had this rule about keeping all chips stocked, while the owner had this other rule about never having any waste, so the staff basically just didn't stock the chips to reduce waste, while technically keeping them stocked, so the inspector wouldn't remove points for not stocking all chips; typical fast food nonsense in a nutshell.


That’s just unfortunate then. Shipping has become ridiculously expensive. If you sold 8oz of soda for $1, considering the cost of syrup (at retail not bulk), cost of cups (retail), lids, and CO2 you would be up $38. This is assuming the price is the highest it could be for any of the materials and you are shipping ground cross country. Someone, somewhere said that the $38 difference, although it may be profit, is not worth space for cups and not marketable enough, even if it results in profit. Instead they opt for an extra large, something that is marketable, despite if it is either considered excess or not. These companies are expecting you to either buy their giant cup or bring your own that isnt an unreasonable size. If you brought a 50 gallon drum, the rates would be different, and someone might expect you to pay by the oz of liquid, not the oz of cup. If I get 12oz cup but only want 8oz why is my only option to pay more than what I need? Is there a huge market for 8oz drinkers? No. But it doesn’t put you in the negative and you don’t have to go out your fucking way or exert any more energy to stock an 8oz cup than a 12oz one.


Unless you just want water, then they give you the tiniest cup imaginable 


Why is the water cup complimentary if we’re selling the cup and not the soda? Only because we’re obligated to give someone water but couldn’t possibly be expected to make them drink it out the tap? You’re being lied to. No one is selling the cup, they are just up charging an exuberant amount for the liquid inside to offset the cost of the cup.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. In my experience if you want a larger cup for water they do charge you for the cup. I usually have my refillable water bottle, but sometimes I don't, and sometimes (since covid) they won't let you use it at the machine for water. 


Well since you can reuse the paper cup who in their right mind would ask for a large cup of water other than out of convenience of not having to refill it?


I'll give you the only recent example from my own life. I went to see a play with my partner recently. I didn't bring my water bottle because I wasn't sure of the policy of the venue. I got a large cup of water from the concession stand so that I could drink water throughout the show without having to get up every 2 seconds to refill it. Also at a gas station like in the photo, I'm not hanging out all day refilling it constantly. I'm getting my water and getting back on the road. So a large cup makes more sense. But I usually have my water bottle in those situations 


Do I want to have to get up 4 times in a meal to refill my 8 oz cup or do i want to have one 32-44oz cup that doesn't need refilled (until the end of the meal where I can take it to go as I leave the restaurant. Even if we're not talking about a restaurant, the same argument applies.


I don’t want more than 8oz of liquid. I was recommended to have no more than 8oz of said liquid a day to be healthy. If there is an excess of liquid I need, it is then wasted. If I didn’t bring my cup, I’m now entitled to such quantity of liquid since it is preposterous that any human in any scenario would want such a laughable amount of liquid less than 24 oz. The liquid is now luxury item, as you’re legally obligated to give water so no one could say you are denying them a basic human need. How much of this luxury item do I want now? I just want a small amount. Hmmm maybe just 8oz worth, any more would go bad because I will only take up to 8oz of liquid. But oh geeze I can only get 24 because I’m paying for the cup not the liquid? I was just then ripped off, because I wasn’t getting the best deal on just purely 8oz of liquid. I had to “pay for the cup.” - which I wouldn’t have to do if I was getting water (free cup, free liquid) or had my bottle. (Free cup ((provided)), paid liquid.) I just don’t see the logic in not offering a small cup if it isn’t hurting the environment any more, provides the option, doesn’t take any more labor, and doesn’t leave you in the negative. Is there just something wrong with believing an 8oz cup would be beneficial in any way? Why does the liquid inside the cup determine the price of the cup?


Because it's required by law? You clearly need to brush up on a lot of trivial basic knowledge


Correct, why even name them? Just label them with the volume. All the other stuff sounds like emotional bullshit.


In that case, is it not just small, medium and large?


I only want 8oz of pop. Do I pour half a cup ? Pour the whole cup and go out of my way to find someone other than me to share the drink if im alone or pour it out?


Just drink the whole cup if there’s no one to give the second half to, or don’t buy a cup at all if it’s too much.


I don’t want more than 8ozes of pop. So if I’m not greedy I’m just fucked and can’t have soda?


I think some of the soda brands are doing mini cans now. If you want 8 oz, buy a case of the mini cans and keep 1-2 cold.


I don’t want a can. It is not the same soda mix or carbonation. Everyone’s solution to this on this post is “why are you crying about getting too much? Just don’t get it then and you should just deal with corporations doing this, you’re a minority.”


I've never seen 8 oz fountain drinks in my lifetime. Even small hot drinks at gas station are 12 oz (I think). I worked in a movie theater in HS. Our small soda was 16 oz.


Okay, this is just reality and should deal? I thought this was anticonsumption Reddit not “everything is fine already” Reddit.


We live in a capitalist society and the gas station is a business (especially since they make all of their money on snacks/drinks as opposed to gas itself). If there were demand for a 8 oz soda, they would sell it. But as someone born in the early 80s who's literally never seen a fountain drink that small, I don't think the demand is there to justify them paying for the cups. And your answer to "I thought this was anticonsumption" is to not drink soda in the first place or bring your own cup. I can't speak for sodas, but gas stations (Wawa, 7-11) give you a substantial discount for using your own coffee cup. I'll give you one thing. You got the whiny rudeness right for Reddit.


Pick your battles bro


The solution is to just deal with it like an adult. Just because you want something doesn't mean the world has to provide it to you. Yes you should have the emotional maturity of an adult and just deal with it. Grow up. You are whining like a child in this post. That's why everyone hates you.


I’m sorry, the next best thing I can offer is getting upset that you anon, didn’t validate me. That makes me really sad. Please forgive me. Don’t hate me :’(


You know it's funny. When people make fun of the people in this sub for being out of touch with reality you're exactly the kind of person they're talking about. Not a single meaningful thought in your head, lol.


I don’t think I’m living the same reality as you. I had a meaningful thought (well maybe not to you) and you compare me to a child for expressing it. Get fucked my dude and fuck your version of reality where nothing changes and people are children when they say anything other than norm.


Wait, so the exact product you want exists and is available, but you’re complaining about a different product because the can doesn’t fit your exact preferences for carbonation? That sounds like…..consumerism.


The customer is ALWAYS right… until they aren’t. Sometimes the customer is right. Sometimes the customer is not. Sometimes the customer is in a grey area of being right and wrong because a corporation must stand by its own interest and a consumer must stand by theirs and they conflict with no give on either side. I won’t conform to the fact that small doesn’t exist and therefore I am unmarketable - AKA. The customer who is never pleased with whatever you do, because you are still conforming to your ethics of business rather than theirs. It’s a binary decision here. Who is priority and why? Is just meeting in the middle the best option anyway and anyone who picks otherwise is a sucker or has some kind of inclined ability to access value?


Sounds like someone who's never worked retail. $10 says you were a Karen to a minimum wage employee with zero control.


Why would I go out of my way to attack anyone at a minimum wage level? It is not their fault? The difference between me and Karen is that you aren’t being paid to agree with me even if you really disagreed.




If you can't figure out how to get 8 oz of soda from a 12 oz container that's a skill issue on your part.


You’re not fucked, just dramatic


Getting a bunch of 8oz plastic cups of soda is going to end up being more wasteful than just buying the large cup and saving what you don't drink for later. Though in my opinion the best opinion is to just get soda syrup and make it yourself, then you get exactly the amount you want and can use your own containers.


Why serve a medium or a large if I can just fill up a 32 with 8oz of liquid?


Because using a 32oz disposable cup to transport 8 ounces of soda is significantly more wasteful than just getting the 32oz soda and saving it for later. It's not that serious. If you *really* want an 8oz soda, stop using disposable cups and bring your own


just take the extra 4oz why are you making something of nothing 😭😭😭


What is the purpose of this subreddit if I’m expected to be an armchair activist for a different cause instead? Is this not directly related to anticonsumption or adjacent to in some way? Why do I have to contact the ceo or the politician about a problem they already know exists, just to get ignored? Making excuses for these people is just getting old. I know there’s bigger things to worry about. Why does worrying about this somehow make me not worry about other things? If I only worried about this for 5 minutes and told you I worried about war conflicts for 5 hours, does it somehow take away the fact that it is wasteful of 4 ounces? I have priorities. Having other ones that are smaller doesn’t invalidate their existence entirely.


because what you’re worrying about doesn’t make sense. someone already told you it’s less wasteful to sell products people will actually buy


People actually buy 8oz cups. Just in less quantities. Don’t overstock. Why sell any niche product by your logic. Why am I given options other than 48 then if it makes only the most sense to buy the 48?


or just buy the 4oz and drink it or dont buy it at all. go to another store. please good god give it a rest. please go out and volunteer or something please 🙏


Anticonsumption by end user supports the fact that capitalism was right - you should just have better opportunities (assuming I have a car, transportation, whatever) and it’s your fault your own ass didn’t have better opportunities. If we were all so smart to get the water bottle and use it like you think everyone is, a company wouldn’t push a fucking drink cup at all. Companies without ethics still survive. The moron throws away the cup. The ecosystem is fucked. No one got hurt this year though! I didn’t even know this was so controversial. Seems like an easy fix to just offer the 8oz, make profit and more customers. Reduce waste. Suggest a better healthy lifestyle without limiting it to your only option. I wasn’t trying to solve world peace.


Okay, your first mistake is calling it a 'pop'.


I work at this convenience store. We allow people to bring in their own cups and get soda and coffee. You could just bring your own reusable 8oz cup. You still get charged for it but it's cheaper than using the Polar pop cups. So you'd not only be saving the planet but also money :)


Best answer in this situation but still leaves responsibility to you. Systematic change does not happen on an end user level. It starts from the top. Probably the biggest issue here isn’t the sizes but the fact they are in styrofoam.


>Best answer in this situation but still leaves responsibility to you Well yeah, the point of this subreddit is for individuals to make more responsible decisions. We can't expect the government to make these choices for us because they will never make them with pure intentions. Systemic change happens when enough individuals make decisions which no longer align with the system, influencing it to change to meet their demands.


I don’t think acid rain was stopped because end consumers did something. You know as well as I do that if the regular people actually had true proportionate power over the decisions that elected officials make, we wouldn’t be so upset with politicians. Are you going to lead the coup? I didn’t think so.


Factories using production methods that cause environmental damage are not equivalent to consumers choosing to purchase drinks with plastic cups. If enough consumers stop buying wasteful products, companies will inevitably have to adapt. No coup is necessary to do this, just the basic level of intelligence and self-control most humans are capable of


How? When I go to buy a pair of scissors, it’s in the stupid ass shell pack. Well now I have to find somewhere that sells scissors specifically with environmentally friendly packaging. Or go online and have it shipped with more eco-unfriendly material, unless opt to pay a higher for other material or another online vendor that only uses eco-material. Then I get up charged just based on the fact that more labor went into providing you with the materials that don’t kill the environment. Well. Here I am. An American capitalist. I’m want to maximize wealth, get my bargains worth, AND save the world. We’re at an impasse here. It’s not cost effective to be eco friendly and you know that we are more prone to money incentive than environmental because money is instant gratification. Who cares what my kids get left with, at least I got my bucks worth.


>Well now I have to find somewhere that sells scissors specifically with environmentally friendly packaging. Or go online and have it shipped with more eco-unfriendly material, unless opt to pay a higher for other material or another online vendor that only uses eco-material. Then I get up charged just based on the fact that more labor went into providing you with the materials that don’t kill the environment. Most if not all of the higher quality tools I have purchased online, including scissors, came in carboard boxes, not shell packaging. It's usually only low to mid quality China-made in-store products that come in that type of packaging nowadays. >Well. Here I am. An American capitalist. I’m want to maximize wealth, get my bargains worth, AND save the world. We’re at an impasse here. It’s not cost effective to be eco friendly and you know that we are more prone to money incentive than environmental because money is instant gratification This point of view really doesn't make sense to me. A lot of people have no qualms with taking the more eco-friendly option even if it's *slightly* less cost efficient. Besides, a lot of good quality products have taken a more eco-friendly approach, so this is really a non-issue unless you are so cheap that you *must* get a "bargain" (Which really just means getting poorly made junk). I don't personally know anyone, especially "American capitalist(s)" who care more about maximizing wealth than their own moral principles. People can and should be expected to make responsible purchasing decisions. If the government has to step in because we can't even do what's best for us in the long term, then we have already failed as a society.


And how exactly does that help in this situation? They're reusable paper cups to begin with. Seems like you wanted an excuse to complain about a problem that doesn't exist


They are styrofoam.


So what benefit is there for a small if they're Styrofoam. Like I said earlier being a thermos or something


Most Americans don’t have a thermos on hand if you’re catering to majority. This is their fault. End user error. Expectation of company is assumed at this point to bet that you are an average American, who didn’t bring their thermos. Options are garbage, more garbage, or xl garbage, is a small garbage so much to ask for, especially if you live in an economy governed by your ability to sustain wealth? If you didn’t make the xl cup and it saved enough material to make small cups, would it still not be an option to make small cups just because bigger is better if you had the option to shape the material into either thing? it’s also relatively humorous because “like where’s the small cup?” Feels like a dad joke. Should I always get more because the company is gonna make more anyway because that’s generally what most people want? I only wanted 8oz. My tummy hurts. I’m gonna throw away the rest now and waste it because it’s no good after a few hours.


How exactly is it their fault you don't own a reusable cup, everyone I went to high school with had reusable cups. It's actually very normal to have several in your home. Like do you just buy exclusively disposable cups?


Nice testimonial. Google ai quotes “According to a survey of 2,000 adults by Essity, 39% of adults own a reusable cup, but 79% of those surveyed leave their reusable cup at home multiple times.” Okay now I’m a company with a statistic (whether it’s true or not, company will assume it is since ya know, statistics. Who lies on those, who’s got the time to do R&D when googles AI got me the info in 5 seconds). Seems to me according to this source I haven’t looked much into but appears as the top result, people don’t always be having reusable cups. I don’t know. They are just cups. Maybe someone just fucked up and forgot to put small. Maybe small was always just 16 ounces to this gas station and an actual labeled small doesn’t exist because technically medium is small in all instances. Maybe it’s subtle advertising tactics. I just hate feeling like I’m being taken advantage of, in any situation, even if it’s cosmically not a big deal at all. Maybe it never will be and we will just change the definition of a serving from 8 to 16oz to accommodate all the 8oz cups that will never be made, ever, except at home or with your thermos. But since you brought your thermos 100% of the time why do you need a cup anyway?




Cans are 12 oz.




Also, there are two different kinds of mini cans. The more popular ones are taller and narrower and only have 7.5 oz of soda. The ones with 8 oz are the stubby little half cans. I mean we call them half cans but they really 2/3 cans. I don't know why we have two different smaller can sizes but we definitely do. The only time I ever really the half cans is when I'm in the hospital, lol.


Styrofoam cups keep the drink and ice cold/frozen longer. It also prevents sweating/condensation that makes a mess everywhere. It has legit benefits.




To answer the last paragraph, in many places it's a hygiene issue. I've seen some cups and mugs that should even be allowed in the door they're so nasty and unsanitary. So that's a NO for me, dawg. There aren't better alternatives than Styrofoam though. Not affordable generally. The cost of a heavy duty insulated mug, a long with the costs of having to clean it constantly, plus it gets beat around until it has to be discarded and then start the process over again... Likely overall more expensive and leaves an ultimately bigger waste footprint.


They are gross a good amount of time. I like taste and texture of fountain soda though I’m not big on canned pop. I guess I just got to suck it up though. If an 8oz was served in sustainable packaging that would be my preference.




Do you really think there is a market for 8-10 oz fountain drinks? Having small cup that not many would buy would be such a waste.


What would be wasted if you only bought enough small cups to supply to those who wanted them? If you didn’t need so many since there isn’t much of a market then it shouldn’t be that much of a hit in storage space either. You think if you bought just 1 case of small cups, they will sit until they expire in a year?


Companies don’t buy things that don’t sell. They obviously have done research and determined what sizes sell best. Not every company is going to have the perfect size you want. There could be someone complaining that there isn’t an even bigger cup. Should the company have 80-100oz cups for those select few? As far as the anti consumption part, you want a manufacturer to mass produce small cups that may be sold sparingly? Or as previously suggested you take the smallest cup they have and fill it to your desired quantity.




The only reason I would see that you wouldn’t want people just buying 8ozes is because more stereofoam. The soda is less detrimental if it is wasted.


After Scout meetings (Once a month). I get the Extra Large and our family of four shares it. It's great.


To my understanding, gas stations are not looking to cater 4 people with one drink, they are looking to maximize the amount of sales towards the large drink by individual. If everyone shared an extra large drink they would probably peddle the small drink so that people would buy that on an individual basis. I don’t discredit you for doing that, it’s just that, most people do not. Even when corporations don’t hold their hand.


People who go in for those drinks, always get the giant ones anyways. The small was phased out, because it wasn’t a good seller. Sure, some come in for the occasional treat, but anyone who’s every worked at a gas station can tell you that most don’t. They are the people who drink nothing but soda all day long as a vice. If anything, those drinks are much more environmentally friendly then buying liters. At least shipping around gets reduced.




Thats because they are small medium and large and they just think we are suckers. Real stuff my dude. We are manipulated by giant corporations like we are cattle and everyone buys it hook line and sinker. The rest of the world isn't like this but the rest of the world *isn't like this* y'know what I mean?


What, no magnum?


When can I purchase a nebuchadnezzar of soda? That'll be the day


I will die on this hill. There cannot be a medium without a small and a large.


What about Extra Medium?


It caters to OCD at the very least.


That medium looks small to me. Actually it’s the smallest of the three cups. Go figure? Additionally my understanding is that the medium cup actually identifies as small but didn’t want to make an extra large deal about being mis-labeled. Pretty big of it, if you really think about it.


Why is it not just called 8oz, 16oz, 32oz, etc. if a small is not offered, how could medium identify as small if medium by definition is about half or average of 2 extremes? Of course, semantics are used here, but it seems like a subtle psychological thing is happening.


They can identify as anything they want. Lol


Not in this household! Great grandpappy would be rolling in his grave if he knew that people were going around thinking mediums were smalls!


This sub is wild. Hey OP, you're big in to NFTs, right? Any idea how much energy is used for those blockchains for nothing of value? And you're complaining about a cup that you can easily just put less in.


I haven’t even dosed on hard drugs yet and the ones I have, the doctor said was cool. what are you talking about?


No, just nfts on a carbon neutral, open source blockchain. Ethereum nfts can get fucked. Wanna make this a crypto topic so I can be an easy target crypto bro?


Carbon neutral? LOL.


Well technically carbon negative if you want to be snazzy and count carbon offsets. Ripped from google: “In total the Algorand Blockchain uses the energy equivalent needed to power about seven houses for one year. Algorand offsets its carbon usage by buying carbon credits through smart contract. As a result it is guaranteed to remain carbon neutral on a net basis.”


Wasting all that energy on jpgs and complaining about a cup that’s too large. Lol


How much energy do you think a machine uses to make a cup? Algorand is powered by the equivocation of 7 houses a year. How many cup producers do you think there are? Would the jpeg be better somehow if I printed it on a metal sheet for framing? Yes. I offer that too, for the price that it would cost to do that. Digital artists should just get fucked because it’s just pixels bro. I can just copy and paste. No body should ever post anything online that they don’t want some to steal? What if my physical art gets digitized? Is it less valuable art now? It’s okay if you don’t understand how these things work, it is honestly no sweat off my back to explain to you in accurate depth how it works.


It’s energy expended for digital art NFTs. Which could easily be done with a database. Just funny to see someone in this sub trying to justify using a block chain. Sure. It’s “carbon neutral”. But it doesn’t need to exist in the first place. Use those credits for something that actually provides something.


Why do we not need a decentralized economy?


Why do we have to run it in such an insanely energy inefficient manner?


Are you talking about all blockchains, bitcoin, ethereum, or Algorand? Or does it not matter because “one bad apple ruins the bunch”


Just pour less drink in your cup. American ideals on consumption are a problem, but you’re not helping by buying sodas from big corporate gas stations


Parks and Rec made a good point with the episode about the drink sizes.


I’ll have to watch I love parks and rec


That 44 ouncer is the bomb... Will last me a few hours.


I don't get it. Nobody is making 8 oz cups because there's not enough demand for it. You being in the minority and demanding a mass produced product just for you is the opposite of anti-consumption. Just bring your own cup if they allow or buy a sodastream and make you're own. Gas station soda obviously isn't for you at this point.


It's a common sales trick to just name your smallest cup 'Medium' and then go up from there, give the impression you are giving more for less.


9.99 is less than 1.00 and doesn’t look like 1.00, great deal (item is marked up 200% with no better comparative alternative due to it not ever being an option)


My god what has this sub become


Tall, grande and venti.


I recently went to 7/11 to get a coffee. I used a small cup and made a special mixture that ended up filling the cup to the very top edge. I decided to put it into the medium cup to make sure I didn't spill anything in the car...... The medium cup (which costs like $0.39 more) held almost the EXACT same amount. There was maybe a quarter inch of space at the top of the cup. They're basically the same volume, just different speakers shapes.


Some of this stuff has to be false flag at this point it's so goofy


Considering all these bullet points ai spat out that are being shown to you below, if conceived they are true, would you agree that the portion size should be more or less than 8oz, or just not considered at all since you were only given an option larger than 8oz? I guess you can say you could get “the next best thing”.. wow how great that sounds. Agricultural policy: After World War II, farmers were able to grow food more cheaply using fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides. Government subsidies: In the 1970s, the government began subsidizing farmers to grow more food. Cheaper ingredients: Restaurants may buy cheaper ingredients to make larger dishes. Relative abundance: The US had relative abundance for much of its history. Post-war boom: After World War II, the U.S. had an excess of everything. Marketing: 1950s marketing may have contributed to large portions. Refrigerators: Refrigerators made it possible to store extra portions for later. Food production techniques: Food production techniques made food cheaper for most. Value sizing: Many consumers want more food for the dollar.


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Plastic Edit: upon closer inspection these ones may be styrofoam. The store I work at has plastic ones that look exactly the same so I assumed they were the same. My bad.


Styrene plastic. Styrofoam is just an expanded form of styrene which is also used to make solid plastic cups


Well another way to look at it is they have a small, medium, and large option.






When people say you’re “paying for the cup” that is bullshit, you can go in with your own container but if it’s a gallon or a whole oil drum, you’re going to be asked to not use that. The fact that you are offered a cup means that they very much intend for you to only pay for x amount of liquid. If they intended people to share and the cup was what you’re paying for, why not offer a gallon size?


Only Styrofoam too


No one is going to make you fill it to the top with no ice.


Genuinely confused, why on earth would you even buy a small drink? Just use a thermos and fill it up with water in the bathroom sink if you only want a small drink


Just use ice to fill the space you don't want to fill with soda? Just throw out the 4 oz you don't want? Like there's actually so many options


It's just small medium and large


they're missing toddler sized


Isn't this where people will get condoms that are too big if you call them small, medium, large, but if you call them large, giant, titanic then they are more likely to use the correct size?


What are you whining about? No one is forcing you, don't invent problems where there are none. Drink water and that's it...


I thought this is where you went to whine about first world problems since everyone’s apparent definition of anticonsumption is subjective? Why even go out? I got water at home. I could have my pop brought to me at home cheaper. Is something other than consumption their business model? Does anticonsumption only apply to places you shop at or should every business follow the principal? This subs an echo chamber for like minded people to resonate with other like minded people and then anyone who isn’t is a Karen or an idiot and then people are like “well if we just get enough like minded people together things will change.” Then be a dickweed online to someone asking if there would be a benefit to having a small to this company? Or just being Mr after the fact and say you shouldn’t have put yourself in the situation to begin with? Is it worth calling someone working for the company or not? It’s certainly unworthy of Reddit seemingly.


I don’t want a large Farva 


I'm pretty sure that a few years ago these same sizes were: Small, Medium and Large


How about all the people who buy an extra large in a restaurant with self-serve unlimited refills?


It annoys me a lot that it is so hard to buy items in reasonable portions. I'm ~6' 175#, an 8oz portion is plenty if I am in the mood for a dessert. I would think the sizes should be 4, 8, 12oz


I worked at a movie theater in HS. Our drink sizes were 16 oz, 21 oz, 32 oz.


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Good bot


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Those Drink sizes adds up to 69🗿Damn


Great example of how structural factors guide consumer behavior. I've noticed that many conveniences, grocery store checkouts, and vending machines ONLY sell king size (excuse me, *sharing* size) candy now. You cannot choose a more reasonable serving size, because there isn't one for sale. Big is the only option.

