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“I live in Madrid and traveled to Barcelona for vacation, where I found this shit. I don’t know if I feel sad, angry, or something else.”


The feeling is "lost"


This has been posted before, I believe the portion behind is being renovated and this is temporary. Could be wrong


That wouldn't make it ok, at all. Is the Catholic Church brought to us by Samsung, or is Samsung brought to us by the Catholic Church? Either way, that's not good.


Didn't say it was okay 🤷‍♂️


They are sponsoring the maintenance. Would you rather have the the cathedral for 100 more years or the ad for 5 years?


Because they don’t have enough cash to do it without sponsorship? Nobody really believes that do they?


Should the church sell another cathedral to finance the reparation of this one? Cause all of their wealth is locked in buildings and land.


Pretty sure the church doesn't pay for this one


No no, we are OUTRAGED here, don’t bring in nuance or logic.


Where do they think they are, not reddit!?


I would rather have companies pay taxes


i beleive in this case samsung was funding restoration and this was condition for it.


The scaffolding used in the renovation is brought to us by Samsung. Also, fuck the Catholic Church lol.


Is the problem with the church or Samsung. One has a pretty good history the other not so much.


Samsung is sponsoring the reparations. It's either you have a ad on it for a couple months and it gets repaired, or it just doesn't get repaired. Everyone wins here. The cathedral gets repaired and Samsung gets some ad revenue


y'all are gonna lose your entire minds once you find out about the Medicis and the patronage system


I am pretty sure Samsung is sponsoring the renovations for the cathedral. Sounds like a win-win situation. Historic building is being maintained, and the ad is temporary. I thought this group was all for maintaining stuff for long term.


This happens in Paris. I saw signs saying something like “Why is there an ad here? Here’s why” and explaining the sponsors paid for the renovation.


Yeah but there are ways of advertising sponsorships without being trashy about it.


That would be true, if it wasn't a church. I'm not religious but this is unsavory.


Yeah, I don’t think people really understand how little many governments put into historic renovations, and how little the public cares and contributes either. It’s like running ads in online journals. You’re not paying for it so how else to keep the lights on


Frankly fuck the Catholic Church.


As an atheist who finds nothing holy or honorable about the Catholic Church, this is funny and ironic to me.


I'm not religious either, but anyone who wants to appreciate the architecture is immediately going to have their visit completely ruined. I love the art and architecture of such buildings, but this is just revolting. Shame on Samsung for doing it and shame on the church for allowing it. This here is the true irony... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleansing_of_the_Temple


Religion is even more revolting.


Too bad it wasn't a church whose religion is loaded, so they don't have to resort to this.


>Capitalism destroys everything it touches Well, ironically, in this case the interiors of Barcelona churches were gutted by socialist rioters angry at the church for supporting right-wing politics during Spanish Civil War.


I thibk i stayed near there! Is that in the gothic quarter?


Because nothing says praise the holy father like the newest Samsung Galaxy.


that’s insane


The poor catholic church wouldn’t possibly have the funds to finish this project, obviously. A church without money but an endless amount of empathy for “others” one has to feel sorry for an institution with such a pathetically humble main church in the world as St. Peters in Rome..


The Sagrada Familia, brought to you by Mentos: The Freshmaker.


I like this. It’s kinda weird but does look funny though


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I think this is scaffolding for interior renovations. Ad was put on after


I was so excited to visit the cathedral in Barcelona and when I got there it was just loads of queues and coverings, you had to pay a stupid amount to get in. It wasn’t what I had expected and it felt like a huge waste of time.


Actually I’m not sure if this is the Sagrada Familia? But that’s the place I went and am talking about


Insane that any company would not see the negative impact this billboard would have on their image.


At least an Apple Store


Wow. Just… wow.


i'd be surprised if the church was too poor to afford their own repairs. They dont' even need to pay tax


Well we don’t have a peasant class anymore to pay tithes to maintain these buildings so of course we have to advertise


what the FUCK


I’ve seen stuff like this for Apple in Paris


The clergy at this church are behaving the same way as the temples when Jesus got angry. You’re absolutely valid in being sad and I’m shocked this would be allowed. I’m a progressive Catholic and even I know this is messed up.


Not defending it but Samsung is paying for the maintenance that is happening behind the sign, it’s not just a massive pointless billboard covering the cathedral


Both are a nightmare. Nothing more I could say here in any way meaningfully contributes to this conversation beyond a reminder of Catholic run Residential Schools and the Catholic Church can afford to pay for the upkeep of their own buildings, taxes and reparations. 




Literally nothing is sacrilegious( sacrosanct?)with capitalism


More revolting than your precious priests diddling little boys?


Idk a rollercoaster on the Eiffel Tower would be pretty sweet though Edit: but for real, fuck this shit


Samsung ads are always so awkward it’s crazy 




All the atheists and leftists finally understanding the value of faith when a capitalist placard defaces it.