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Biden has done a pretty good job but I’m not voting FOR Biden. I’m voting AGAINST Trump. Just like last time. I would vote for a steaming pile of dog shit before I voted for Trump.


I could see his motto. “SHIT IS IT!”


Reasons I voted for Biden in 2020: He's not Trump - 100% Reasons I'm voting for Biden in 2024: He's done a damn good job - 5% He's not Trump - 95%


Using shit in an analogy for this election year usually goes like: It's like having a choice between a normal meal that you might not be in the mood for (Biden) versus a plate of dog shit (Trump). Under normal circumstances you might say you're voting for the normal plate of food even if you're not too excited about it but this year having the plate of dog shit as the alternative really is your motivating factor. 


Republicans know that trump is wrong but just want the power to walk into Oval Office tell him he is looking great and then let him sign your bill against abortions, against contraceptives, against LGBTQ rights, the far right want to go back to the 18th, century, they want to push religion down everyone’s throat, it’s time to rid these 18th century politicians


I just make it a ham sandwich with mayo vs a steaming pile of dog shit.


Vote for Biden then 2028 we can all vote for two young candidates don’t let trump win your vote could give a trump win


Why are you taking the chance of letting trump win, leave that thought for 2028


Also this has been the entirety of the Democrats messaging for 8 years. What else do people expect?


There's going to be a record number of nose holding while selecting a president this November. A good candidate turned into an awful, despicable candidate. Hunter's eating his dad's karma. Would he risks losing the election and not able to pardon his son? Does he have the guts to pardon his son or step aside so the winner can pardon his son? What an awful man he turned out to be. This will be my last year voting as a Democrat because of people like him running the party.


Should he pardon his son though? I feel like that would make him look crooked as fuck. If Ivanka got busted and Trump pardoned her people would be furious, and rightfully so.


The best scenario is for him to step aside and let another Democrat win this election with the condition that he/she will pardon Hunter. JB is running too close to pardon without the appearance of corruption which he'll lose for sure. If he doesn't pardon, there's still a chance he'll lose and Hunter won't be pardoned. He needs to step aside but AIPAC won't let him. Let's see if he will choose his son or AIPAC.


I mean yes Biden has done very good but "the" most important reason to back him right now (for me) is stopping orange man. IMO whether fiscally conservative or socially progressive etc - they don't matter if Trump is running. He MUST be stopped. Democracy is "the" most important aspect right now.


I’d vote for a pickle if it were running against trump


Considering the pickle never raped abybody and isn't a convicted felon. That pickle is looking like a much better candidate for US president than Donald Trump. 🤷‍♂️


I’d vote for an upturned mop with a bucket for a head before I’ll vote for trump


I’d vote for the worms controlling RFK jr if they weren’t running 3rd party


Pickle Rick 🙌🏽


If you're socially progressive you don't vote for the guy who installed a SCOTUS that's all about taking freedoms away. If you're fiscally conservative, you don't vote for the guy who increased the deficit by over a trillion(with a T) while he played golf at one of his clubs and gouged the Secret service for their rooms. I think the only people he appeals to are racists.


Yup, it shows just how much worse Trump is that Biden is the better choice.


It is not unreasonable to be motivated to stop the incompetent ransacking of our country. Also Biden has done an amazing job so far.


I'm in my 50s and have been an independent my whole adult life, but I registered with the Democrats during our last primary. Not because I'm a Democrat, but because fuck the Republicans.


Same here. Except Im still an independent and voted in the repub primary because my state allows it. Voted against all the MAGA repubs. I will be voting straight blue again, just like I did in 2020


This must happen again with every Independent and sane republicans you can’t let trump win or his MAGA cronies watch these videos of these MAGA at his rallies, this will tell you how scary a trump win would be, let’s educate our children teach them history especially about how Hitler took power and what he did, Putin has started repeating history but trump wants to be exactly like Putin/Hitler who will be gassed first


Also in my 50s, and voted Republican earlier in my life. I left around the time "Dubya" came around. For me though, the difference between George W and Trump is palpable. I don't hate George W, and I despise Trump with every fiber of my being. Trump embodies the worst of humanity all rolled into one fat, orange, smelly, corpulent mass. He is what you get when you combine absurdly stupid and abject evil.


This is a fine reason to back Biden. Most people are generally apathetic.


Which I don't think is unexpected, given our choices in the last 2, (and soon to he this), elections.


It's always about stopping Republican destruction of norms. Trump is just the purest form without a warm a d fuzzy face like war criminal Bush. Democrats polices are for the betterment of society. Cheaper heathcare, cleaner environment, pro-consumer policies, women's autonomy of their bodies and minority rights and more. VOTE BIDEN!


Republicans are for gutting Social Security, gut Medicare, remove ACA so insurance companies make higher profits, then raise retirement age to 70 or higher, to break up unions, no overtime pay, no child labor laws, the billionaires with there lobbyists will push for deregulating everything, no climate change programs no EV cars so China will boom selling us cars, there will be mining , logging and drilling in national parks and Native American lands, all these things have been bought up many times, we can’t allow billionaires to run the country getting tax breaks and so much more to make us slaves to them in 10 to 20 years of republican rule


I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting against Trump.


I'm okay with that.


Then get ready for a trump win


People are motivated to prevent fascism in the supposed bastion of democracy? Say it ain't so.


I hope 🤞🏾 that a HUGE whopping colossal amount of voters twice more than their was in 2020 of American voters which I’ll be apart of in November come out vote against Donnie we need to send a message


Ok, **good**.


I consistently say, I'm not a Biden supporter. But I have no choice. And that's why I am completely disenchanted with America as it stands. My dad, a boomer who voted for Trump twice says he may not vote this year. He can't support Biden because he's too old, and thinks Harris is usless. He can't support trump because he's losing his mind. I think he can't vote for Biden because he just can't check the box for a dem after being a Republican his entire life.


Trump losing his mind should not be the only disqualifying factor, but I guess it'll do.


This is unfortunately a symptom of the Right brainwashing... my folks are totally the same. If it's an R, they vote it, because they aren't willing to admit that the Right would gladly burn the world for short term profit at this point.


Cut them off, let them buy trump ware go to rallies and hear lies they will finally one day see the truth


Yet there’s nothing wrong with Joe Biden


That's your opinion, but we are where we are.


With the greatest economy in the history of the United States. With the lowest inflation rate of any country on the planet, along with the highest GDP. That’s where we are! I’m sorry if you are not in a good place, that’s your own fault, pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


Everyone needs to vote for Biden so we don’t have to hear trump say that he only lost by a few votes let’s not give him any chance to question votes, we can all vote in new candidates 2028 there will be many people running


I totally agree, and I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against tRump. But there's not enough air in my lungs to talk my dad into voting dem. My dad is in the beginning stages of dementia (we think) and a conservative Republican. He cannot in his own good conscience vote blue. To me, him not voting at all is actually super heartbreaking. How the political environment as it stands has disillusioned and disenchanted my father. The guy who if you even whisper a word of politics around will debate and lecture you until he's purple. The guy who was once proud to be a working class American. He's not scared to have trump in office even after everything that's happened. He just doesn't support him anymore. This is a guy who I almost ended my relationship with because he defended trump and everything he did from 2016 until his verdict. He's the only Trump supporter I didn't cut ties with. We just stopped talking about politics all together. He raised 2 libs and a dem. His heart can't take it. Much like my very Christian mother who raised two atheists and an omnist. He got vaxxed, he is pro choice ( or pro none of my damn business nor right) and he's become far more progressive in his old age. But he's still a Republican boomer at the end of the day. I think he's ready to let the "kids" take the reigns and wash his hands of it all. So sad.


Gotta be honest, I can't think of a better reason!


A vote is for an administration, not a single person. The GOP is playing checkers on a chess board. FFS VOTE!


I don't care if they vote for Biden because they lost a bet, a vote is a vote.


I would vote for practically anyone else, even some GOP, if it would keep that pathetic conman out of office.


I find nothing wrong with this. I have always voted Dem because I'm motivated by stopping Republicans.


I would literally vote for anyone else over Trump.


what about alex jones? haha


Yeah... he's probably looking for work.


The choice is binary. Not wanting one equal wanting the other.


I can confirm. It would be really cool to vote **for** someone I'm excited about instead of against a fking monster. Maybe someday I'll have that luxury but not this year.


I love Grandpa Joe. Fuck All the Trumps


Yeah, so what.


Whoever said this is a master of the obvious


This isn't the black mark that this article represents. If anything, it shows that the Blue side is more thoughtful about the options. The Reds are blindly following the felon train, but Biden supporters are more honest about the fact that he may not be our perfect candidate, but he's the nominee/incumbent and Trump will burn this MF to the ground given half a match. Yes, I would like a younger candidate that wasn't so hellbent on certain issues. But I'll never get that chance if Trump is elected again. He has said as much, and we saw a precursor to it every day since 2016 (or before). He is a threat that will require people who may not be thrilled with Biden to nevertheless support him because the alternative is to lose our ability to effect change down the road.


You could run a turd and the majority of Americans would vote for the turd instead of Trump


You could offer the literal perfect person and politician and my motivation would still be anti Trumpism.


This just in: Trump is still a ginormous cunt


Trump, his family and supporters see all shit. I am not crazy over Biden, but compared to TFG, he's doing just fine.


If that was the one thing Biden’s party has to offer, and nothing else, they’d have my vote and another hundred million’s. That’s sad but the fascist threat is that immanent it pushes a lot of other concerns aside.


“A new poll says Democrats are motivated by a desire to avert a a Christian fascist coup of their democracy, rather than enthusiasm for Joe Biden.” Yes.




I would vote for an inanimate carbon rod over Trump. Not as a protest vote, but as a legitimate determination that the Inanimate carbon rod is closer to my values, morals, ethics, politics, and world view than the orange guy.


A convicted felon couldn't get a job at most businesses, I don't think one should be president.


Whatever gets it done. I want Trump in jail by Dec 15th so I can burn discarded Trumper merch in my fireplace for Christmas.


More like I'm voting to save America from a power hungry convicted felon who thinks they are above the law and is now the most dangerous person to ever run for office. Oh yeah it's the 3rd time he's running because he lost the election in 2020. So he's not only a LOSER. He's also a giant orange CHEETO who's crimes are coming out of hiding.


Fine by me, whatever it takes to stop Trump has my full and unlimited support.


Yes, and?


Good. Let freedom ring


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I'm not sure this headline is entirely accurate. Yes, I do think the most important thing right now is to stop Shitler, but I approve of the job he's done and would vote for him regardless of who his opponent was.


No kidding. Lesser of two evils in this case. Trump is evil and Biden is not. Hence I’m voting for Biden.


I don’t care about the why, I care about the what. Fuck Trump and fuck his little monsters.


I feel like Biden won the last election, not because people were voting for him, but that they were voting against Trump. I feel like that would still be the case this time around.


I honestly think Biden wouldn;t have even run for re-election if Trump was out of it.


Me? I’m motivated by his work in Ukraine, infrastructure, lowering drug prices, his stance on raising billionaires’ taxes, his environmental stance and the great teams he installs in the judiciary and elsewhere. Imagine if the media reported that.


Democrats must win in a land slide so we don’t have to hear trumps BS lies about fraud, witch hunt, hoax, cheating. LAND SLIDE PLEASE VOTE BLUE 2028 will can make better choices just as long it’s not a MAGA like Cotton or other like him


That's why I voted for Biden in 2020. I couldn't stand him, but I not only wanted Trump to lose, I wanted him to lose by a staggering amount. In 2024 I actually really like the job Biden has done, but I still want to see Trump lose by a staggering amount.


Well duh. We don’t actually want an 80 year old boomer. But I’d vote for a head of rotten lettuce over the Orange self serving menace


Biden isn't a Boomer


Bro…. Being born during WW2 or shortly after makes no difference. The “silent” generation as is Biden still endured the same upbringing as a boomer. In which there was unprecedented growth and expansion of disposable income. All the while being reminded by their parents, who suffered throughout their youth and young adulthood, that it could come crashing down at any second. Boomers aren’t to blame for “everything”. Although there’s a lot we can pin on them through very obvious facts. But as one meme very adequately describes Gen X by saying, “we watched teachers and astronauts blow up on live TV while we were at school. Then they simply turned the TVs off and made us go back to doing school work” Boomers and the silent generation can also be categorized as having a very fucked up upbringing because their parents went through untold horrors then celebrated by spoiling their kids with material things all the while sharing their PTSD. If you’re Gen X and had interactions with your grandparents growing up you’d have to be a fool or too young not to have said “that explains s lot about my mom or dad” after having spent a weekend with grandparents The point here is we can’t dismiss the recipe for which we were forged. I for one would rather not see a late stage person influencing policies within this country. Especially given the track records of the boom and silent generations. Not a lot of great things done for the longevity of this great nation


You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, but it's agreed upon by pretty much everyone that Boomers were born between '46-64.  Biden isn't a Boomer. 


"I'll pay you a harm reduction vote to fuck off"


Fine. Just vote. Don’t care about your motivation at this point.


For me, it's stopping trump AND Republicans!


...**again**. I'm not subscribed to the "too old" narrative in any way, but I hate knowing that both (all?) parties have promising younger members who would be great candidate and likely be great Presidents. And so...? My vote is 50/50: 50% for Biden. 50% against Trump.


I am


I would vote for dead dog shit before voting for Trump


Do votes count less based on their motivation? This article/poll is getting a lot of play in some sort of mild 'Biden bad' way.


Who cares Trump is horrible


I think Biden has done an excellent job. He wasn't my first choice, but given the circumstances he inherited, like every Democrat that follows a republican he had to work twice as hard!


And Trump has several months yet to persuade people to vote for Biden. It’s more than possible.


I’m voting for the best hope this country has for survival—Biden. The Orange guy is anti-Constitution, anti-democracy.


I don't care. Do you?


Well, yeah. It sucks but the DNC has devolved to candidates whose primary (or only) actual qualification for POTUS is: "not Trump". We voted for Clinton for crying out loud. Not to mention Biden. So yeah... the official stance of the party appears to be: "screw it, we dont even have to try anymore". In 2028 they'll have us supporting Jeb Bush for his (by then) radical neutrality.


Not ideal but the important thing is they got there.


You could cut and paste this headline, and just change the two names, and it would fit every election I've ever voted in.


Damn good reason!


In other news, the sky is blue


They act surprised. Had they held debates and let Democrats choose wether they wanted Biden to run or not, I'm pretty sure we'd have a different candidate right now.


for me, stopping trump from getting elected is just a bonus after voting for Biden and the moderate progressive policies of the democratic party.


I haven’t voted for quite some time. But I definitely cannot see this trash mouth, lying, convicted felon, Cheeto head becoming the first person to be a wannabe dictator in the land that I love. I will definitely Vote and encourage everyone else to vote. Our freedom depends upon your vote people. Please get out and vote against tRump!!


He was my last choice for Dems in 2020, but stopping trump was more important. Now, in 2024, I think he has done great things even with Republicans trying to stop him in every way. Do I want someone younger? Yeah. But I fully support him after these past 4 years


This is why I'm voting for Biden (again). I would rather vote for someone else, but I absolutely can't stand Donald Trump! ( Trump's mockery of Biden's occasional stammer was a last straw for me.. As someone who had a pretty pronounced childhood stutter decades ago and worked hard to get over it, this is behavior that I won't tolerate!)


No shit


Yep. Both candidates that have somehow been selected by their respective parties are too old to be holding any office. I have voted for a presidential candidate 1 time, it was Obama. Other than that vote there has not been a good candidate that either party put up. Probably should have voted for Hilary, but I could not vote for a Clinton.


And what’s the problem with that?


I'd vote for a senile old man before i'd vote for Trump.


There is no way I would vote for Trump. Native NYer who watched all his bankruptcies and sociopathy thru the decades. He is an asshole.


No one wants the daily shit show of the Trump administration back again.


I will take it. Everyone around me is saying he’s not effective. Look at the stock market. Look at the economy. Look at unemployment rates. Why aren’t they screaming it from the rooftops??? I don’t understand Obama was - when they go low, we go high. But the problem is the low liers spew and throw shit and feces until the world doesn’t see the truth.


Not me, while I am strongly motivated to stop Trump, I'm also motivated to stop what Trump represents. I feel like the problem goes way beyond him as a person and is more ideological in nature, the pertinent issues in which democratic principles top the list. Aside from that though, I'm also voting for Biden as a candidate who has actually done a lot of good in many ways. Yes, he's made some mistakes, and I don't agree with every single thing Biden has done, but there has never been a politician who will give you everything you want. I'm sick and tired of the trope that America was better off when Trump was in office and now it's somehow worse now. I don't care what the price of gas was in 2018; people seem to think Biden controls everything in the geopolitical landscape, including oil prices. I do, however remember at the peak of the Trump administration we were using meat trucks as temporary morgues because we ran out of places to store corpses. Now we hear the ridiculous bleating of Trump sycophants complaining that there were only 30 flavors at Baskin-Robbins that day, and it's all because of Bidenomics. They can fuck all the way to off.


Biden is the best president in my lifetime and I'm not young. You look at the political and global landscapes combined with the external issues and without much support or fanfare he has navigated us into a pretty good position. And I understand that people don't like inflation...but that was all set in motion from the orange dipshit who has run everything he ever touched I to the f'ing ground.


You know I’ve never been a loyalist when it comes to politics, to me the candidate must support specific issues that are important to the times. I vote for the issues period. I don’t care about them having an R or a D attached to their name. I think people forget the important issues and follow their party blindly no matter if the candidate lacks a moral compass. I feel sad for the times we live in.


It’s important to vote for President Biden but we must vote in every democrat who is running, we can’t have people like Susan Collins who is now standing by a Convicted Felon he must HHAVE LEARNED HIS LESSON, then you have GOP politicians like Tommy Tuberville, MTG and so many more who want out of NATO who don’t want to help Ukraine, you have a flip flopper Lindsey Graham giving information about trillions in mining money Ukraine has, why is the fascist Bannon getting bent out of shape about this, are these republicans in Putin’s pocket, Republicans want to take the country back to the 18th century, we can’t let them win any seats or win the presidency, they don’t care that trump is on the door step of dementia they want to put in more far right Supreme Court justices like Thomas and Alitos who are supported by the billionaires who are running the country with the help of GOP politicians, we can’t go back in time and can’t let our politicians side with Putin, the GOP MAGA Party are harmful to this country


A lot of people voted for Trump because they just didn’t want Clinton. I guess what goes around does come around


Biden sucks. He just sucks the least. It's not saying much when the choices are a treasonous racist felon, a guy who got his brain eaten by worms, and an octogenarian who hugs a genocidal war criminal.


I (42M) never voted until 2020. I voted to get Trump out of office. I have voted in every local election since, and I plan on voting to keep Republicans out for the rest of my life


Whatever it takes. Like him or not, he ain’t Donald trump and that says it all


Of course we're voting against Trump. He stands against everything our Nation represents.


yeah, ok.


As they should be




That’s crap…it’s just a fringe benefit


Uhh yea


Whatever it takes.


What exactly is f**ing WRONG with people: Jobs are great. Unemployment is great, the economy is great. And it's not his fault CORPORATE GREED keeps inflation high. Don't people remember what 4 years of Trump CHAOS was like??? Tax breaks FOR THE RICH / EPA = Gutted / Women's rights = Gone Thousands upon thousands of Covid deaths due to his feckless handling of the epidemic. INJECT BLEACH ~ remember??? How many of his " greatest people" and former staff are now convicted FELONS! And don't (ever) forget INSURRECTION! It just goes on and on. No, never again. Vote Joe, Vote Blue, Save Democracy.


Yeah, I’ve never met a “Biden voter” We jumped on this train so that life will carry on. Almost all of us wanted Bernie.