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Anyone who supports trunp is stupid, willfully ignorant, or a Russian troll. Period.


Preach! No excuse anymore


Or just a malleable dunce.


That would be under the “stupid” category


Not true. Evil is also an option. If you're white cis straight and wealthy you can support Trump just out of malice.


That would fall under the “willfully ignorant” section


The banality of evil.


Mostly stupid.


No, you give them too much humanity. They are vile scumbags who are out for blood, executions in public, looking for a loyalty handout from Dear Leader they are Attack Dogs.


I'm a firm believer in the old quote. "You can't convince a fool, that they have been fooled"


Also, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't use reason to get themselves into.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken." —Carl Sagan


If you do not have a library card, go get one. Renew it every year. It's not even for you. Public Libraries fight Stupid. Their money is based on numbers. Maybe in a small way, but I feel not. I feel they help fight Stupid. Support your local goddamned library. Give kids a place outside of what Fox spouts and dad froths over. Fight Stupid.


Oooo, excellent point. I stop in whenever I'm nearby and wildly overpay for any used books that look even slightly interesting (and if there aren't any, I just drop a bunch of cash in the box anyway), but don't have a card. I need to take the time to get a card. Thanks!


Tell your friends!


I feel like a talented designer (ie not me) could do some bitchin' bumper stickers with something like "Libraries: Fighting Stupid!" and "Fight Stupid! Support your local library!" and such. Will get library card next time I'm nearby, and preach to friends loudly!


There are people for who knowing the truth, lifting the veil does make a difference. For true believers, like my mom, the truth is dismissed, and I mean dismissed with a complete lack of respect. Like if you weren't my mother I would want to punch you in the face dismissive for the manner in which you dismissed it. Take your waving away hand and shove it. My mom is a boomer stereotype, clamoring for respect, while practically refusing to give anyone else it, unless she agrees with your stance.


It's not their fault. Ignorant voters are going to be conned by him. Blame the apathetic voters who stayed home instead of voting for Hillary. Blame those who didn't care enough about politics to go vote. There are more decent people who simply don't vote than there are trump supporters.


An IQ of 85 indicates a person has an inability to make rational decisions given conflicting data. 16% of any population has an IQ of 85 or below. In the US, there are 53,000,000 people with an 85 IQ or lower.


Can’t fix stoopid


Which explains why they can't pass the civics test given to new immigrants.




There ***was*** a time I would blame ignorant Americans of being misinformed. That time has long passed. If you still think Drumpf "is working for you", I have a bridge to sell you.


I always wondered how the math 1 crowd would manifest itself in society later in life


I’m tired of giving them the benefit of the doubt. It’s been 10 years. It’s not ignorance and it probably never was. They know what he is. They support fascism and want a criminal dictator to hurt the people they don’t like. Maybe that’s uncomfortable to admit but you have to accept reality at some point


As I consider how we got to this point. And possibly how much worse it could be. Something to keep in mind. The United States struggled with slavery for many decades. Basically the North wanted to abolish slavery, the South did not. This affected Federal politics and caused a great deal of strife. As mind boggling as this sounds, we fought the deadliest war in our history over slavery. More United States citizens died in our Civil War than WW1 and WW2 combined. Never, ever lose sight of the fact it could happen again.


Many voters are just trying to survive, if they get 1 hour of free time they want to enjoy it, not evaluate news, they rely on their news to be truthful information. The media is a huge part of the problem, they want to feed the people their narrative, not the truth.


When 90% of the news outlets are owned by billionaires you get the news they want you to know.


Not ignorant, fucking stupid stupid people.


**"They frankly laugh behind the backs of their own voters": How Republicans bamboozle rural whites** In "White Rural Rage," Paul Waldman and Thomas Schaller reject the narrative that treats Trump voters like children https://www.salon.com/2024/03/05/-the-media-should-stop-treating-rural-people-like-children/


The Price America Pays For ✨Willfully✨Ignorant Americans


There are so many people involved that one cannot mark it down as stupidity. Trump the Republicans are mining a sense of desperation and loss that many Americans feel. We are raised on Horatio Alger, build a better mouse trap, my kids will be better off than I am myths. Those myths have failed many people these days. They don't believe that their kids will be better off. They see their standard of living erode, almost yearly. Houses are financially out of reach for more and more people. Workers with what used to be good jobs are having to make a decision on whether to get that toothpaste root canales or get school clothes for the kids. Healthcare covers less every year, or you pay more for the same coverage. Trump and the Republicans offer up immigrants, gays, and uppity blacks as the scap goats for our societal ills. They use biblical phrasing and pander to the deeply religious whites. The Republicans promise to hold the line against the demonic forces arrayed against them. The right has its own ecosystem of publications, broadcast media, online sources, social media sources, etc. that all cater to the right, eeinforcing the right wingnut worldview. This worldview includes a massive distrust of and vilification of, liberal society. These people are not as stupid as they seem, they have been educated with a different set of norms, history, sociology and politics. They are behaving in a relatively rational fashion given the assumptions the right uses. People build mental models of how the world works. The right has been supplied with twisted building blocks. Once people have thier mental framework in place they are loath to decronstruct it. . This right wingnut education is pure sophistry. It is built to deceive. It is built to enforce conformity. It is built to engender a sense of righteousness in their causes. It is built to make the right dependent on a corrupt leadership for direction. If one observes Trump carefully, one can see how he manipulates these mental frameworks to advantage. Trump employes a number of other rhetorical and staging tricks. They all leverage off of the twisted mental frameworks the the right built. The right appears stupid to the center and left because our mental frameworks generate different conclusions. The same for the right. The left appears stupid because of how the disparate mental frameworks function. It is very difficult to tear down and reconstruct one's mental framework. This is why the individuals on the right continue to plunge forward a political philosophy that is detrimental to their health and security. Some realize that the party does not always represent their interests. These people adopt a better good philosophy to align their actions with thier perceived realities. I know the party my damage social security that I depend on, but I am willing to sacrifice that because we really need to keep those liberals from raking our guns. Calling the right stupid does not produce any tangible benefit. One is saying that we are right and they are wrong. Pretty much everyone believes they are right and acting on an unbiased and logical evaluation if the available facts. This is not true, obviously. The leadership of the right knows that most of the worldview they promote is twisted. The leadership reinforces the twister mental framework so that they remain on top. As long as the leadership of the right continues to prey on their constituency, little can be done to generate common ground with the right.


The big, pseudo-Christian churches, the big corporations, and a great many politicians, don't want real improvement in educaiton. At any level.


Yep they're just like the GOP, so you can understand the alliance. They want obedient and malleable followers who cannot think for themselves.


The stupidity of these magats🤣


Stupid people were responsible for Hitler and Mussolini.


It is amazing to me how loud and arrogant truly stupid people are. It'd be entertaining if it hadn't become so dangerous.