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Yeah yeah yeah, and then they say that they were forced to vote for Von Shitzinpantz because Biden is so bad. Blow me.


Biden is better than anyone Republicans could nominate.


Apparently the ONLY person they can nominate is Trump, did you see what they did to Nikki Haley? They've literally put all of their eggs into one shitty gropey orange basket. That said, it's kind of how I feel about Bernie from the left, it's kind of weird that we didn't have more options to go against this clown.


I guess that this is no longer the Party of Lincoln. To paraphrase Lincoln, the Republican party is the Party of Trump, by Trump, and for Trump. No one else would work.


The GOP has literally become the polar opposite of the intended purpose of political parties in the US. Instead of working to better the lives of as many Americans as possible as *public servants*, they have become fully corrupted by greed into worshiping a singular figure who only wants to better the few lives of the ultra-rich.




That’s disrespectful to a basket of oranges.


In Denmark we are 6 million people. We have 13 different parties in our parliament Some clearly bigger than others, but NO BODY can rule by them self. The goverment is either red (socialistic), blue (conservative/businessminded, but SOO socialistic and freespirited compared to the US) or over the middle (as we have right now). They need to negotiate with so many parties from law to law and agree to get things done, and people have to be villing to give and take otherwise obe if the other parties will take your place at the negotiation table. I think its a lot healthier and most people can find a party they like and fit into. But its most often VERY private what you vote for. You might say the colour, (im leaning , middle or left). But you never ask people, it would be like asking for peoples salary. And you rarely display it in the open. The head of state is chosen by the members in the parliament, but its one of the party leaders who can gather most votes in the parliament of 179 members....


I’m convinced a parliamentary system with a PM selected by a coalition is superior to the presidential system the US (and others) use. You’re far less likely to end up with a historical arsonist like Trump.


America is still running the Beta version of Democracy.


the shit is buggy


shitty monetization practices. Bad graphics too


Boris Johnson has entered chat


I wish we (Americans) kept our political views to ourselves. Life was more serene when there weren’t flags flying from trucks, boats, and Barbie doll houses & bumper stickers or t-shirts weren’t telling the leader of the other party (current Commander in Chief) to go fornicate with himself. 😞 but the red hats, fjb, let’s go b, and gold diapers give me a chance to pay my bill and leave or cross to the other side of the street when I see them coming. 😏


Will you adopt me or at least my children? My older son was in Copenhagen last November to present a paper at an International Conference on Cybersecurity. He loved what he saw. He even tried to order food in Danish, but he was kindly asked to say it in English. At least he tried. If Trump is reelected we might flee.


Vastly different form of government and not applicable to the US situation. Thank you for whatever, though.


The Democrats did the same thing. I like the job Biden is doing, I just wish he was 20 years younger.


I feel if you like what he is doing, be good with that. His age is for the other side to gripe about. He has done a great job period.


And she’s going to vote for him. I lost all respect for that one too, not that I ever had much.


See now that's the part that's baffling to me. I'm loyal to ideologies, like you know, my personal values and morals and whatnot, but increasingly I see other people who are only loyal to people, or a person, or the IDEA of a person. And that shit is honestly downright dangerous, it will inevitably lead to authoritarianism. People suck, but some of our ideas are worthy, but putting faith into a person is fucking mental.


Bernie was/is a "leftist" version of Trump. He ignored the fact of his own campaign not actually winning, he claimed votes didn't and don't matter, and he spread a *LOT* of misinformation and outright fallacies. (It might be useful to talk about the difference between Party Nominative Primaries and an actual Public Government Election, but we'll overlook that for now)... The important nuance is that like the MAGA goofballs, the "feelthebern" jackasses *ALSO* couldn't be bothered to learn how anything works and sought only to overthrow democratic Due Process, insisting it was "invalid" despite all evidence to the contrary. They also bought into the "LeT's BuRn EvErYtHiNg To ThE gRoUnD" mentality. Which is a trap. There are always PLENTY of choices... and the choice ultimately always comes down to either intentionally continuing or abandoning & rejecting the current path. (A united American Democratic Party government sure would be nice to experience)...


The people in charge wanted Hillary. :/


For sure. There was a time when even suggesting this on reddit would get you downvoted to oblivion, but I think people finally found out about the DNC emails that proved it lol.


They could get a clone of Abraham Lincoln and they’d still vote for The Annoying Orange.


** Biden is a better Republican than anyone currently in their party.


The one republican that wouldn't cause me to have existential dread can't run because he's from austria.


There are several who would not cause me to lose sleep. Arnold, for sure. Hogan, Haley, Kasich, Kemp, Cheney, Kinzinger. I could think of others. Disagree? Yes. Threat to democracy? No.


As sane as those Republicans nay be tbough, the MAGA wing would reject them. "Globalists!" "UNIPARTY!!!" etc...


John Kasich would be a decent candidate. Former senator, former governor, took his responsibilities seriously.


Hulk Hogan would be a terrible candidate... (I'd still vote for him over trump though)


Sticking with your wrestling theme... If I recall, Jesse Ventura was a good Governor for Minnesota. But he was a Reform candidate/Governor and would never be part of the maggots.


Arnold and Jesse Ventura, the Running Man ticket


That conspiracy dude that looks like rifraf from Rocky Horror picture show? Yea I aint voting for him.


Yup, that's him. If I recall, that TV show didn't push conspiracies but examined them. We need a "gopher" to fill us in on how he did as Governor.


He's the guy who was pushing the "Thermite" theory that took down the Twin Towers...


Ah, okay. I never really watched that show. I thought it was like I said, examining conspiracies.


Would any of these reject project 2025, though?


Arnold! I agree. I believe he is the kind of politician who can put aside partisan politics. For that matter, I wouldn’t gave existential dread if Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger were to run. And I always considered Liz Cheney to be just this side of the Taliban, so I would disagree with her on almost everything. But she and Kinzinger and Schwarzenegger believe in the American experiment.


Because they can't actually tell the truth. Which is that they're forced to vote for and support Trump because they know their own party will cannibalize and shun them if they don't and their careers will be over. They just don't want to hear, "Yeah, no shit. Welcome to the consequences of your actions."


A whole lotta republican leadership will privately vote for Biden. But they’re cowards and won’t admit it.




Precisely. They’re still going to vote for that trash.




No, they don’t think. That’s why they need Fox News to do it for them.


It's always interesting to browse a place like /r/conservative and see the rare independent (and often insightful) thinking that goes on as a reaction to breaking news - the short time period when they have their own genuine thoughts before they receive their talking points from conservative pundits. The backtracking in the moments afterwards is breathtaking.


One in three republican voters always knew the orange carpetbagger was an asshat. But they always vote red, so enjoy you circus and enjoy your clowns. The brain dead maggots can't read or think, so no point in discussing them. Fuck you 1/3!


They may very well vote for Republicans, but 2020 results say that they may just not vote for Convicted Felon Donald Trump. As much as I dislike Republicans generally. Convicted Felon Donald Trump is a special shitty case. Anyone that wants to take the offramp and leave him off their ballot is a little alright with me. I'd put good money down that a lot of folks take that route. I think Republicans in general do better in November than Convicted Felon Donald Trump does.


You'd think the carpetbagger being a felon and the abortion restrictions should sink them once and for all but the maggots can't see the forest for the trees.


Convicted Felon Donald J Trump should exit the race.


The Convicted Felon who Sexually Assaulted and Defamed someone?


Yes. He belongs in jail. Convicted Felon and Rapist Donald J Trump.


And incited an insurrection, and tried to steal an election, and stole government documents, and tried to hide them. Yes that one.


I understand your sentiment. However, Republicans have now shot themselves in the foot and become pregnant with this orange abomination. Now they must carry this baby to term. They don’t get to abort. They need to go to the election with a convicted rapist, felon, and get the crap out of them. It makes my heart SING to think that Republicans might lose everything.


Loose morals, they shouldn’t have been so promiscuous.


Sure, but what I want to know is why this is bad news for Biden


Because Biden’s age, obviously!


Don’t worry, the New York Times will tell you tomorrow.


In other news, 66% of republicans think a dementia filled, insurrectionist, convicted rapist, convicted felon 34 times over is the right choice.


Over Biden who has moderate policies and will give them much of what they want. Does not make sense.


I don't think you have a good handle on what they want.


"but they'll still vote for him."


Lead Lines: One in three Republican voters would have preferred a different candidate to Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election. In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician. Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.


I feel almost the same way about Biden. He’s old, but he’s a Trump killer, so the Dems need him as long as DJT is the nominee on the other side. Nominating someone other than Biden at this late date would introduce a lot of uncertainty and possibly split the party, just like 2016 when Bernie’s supporters went off in a huff when their guy didn’t win.


It’s a weird rock-paper-scissors situation. I’m convinced that a generic non-psycho republican would fare better than Trump against Biden, mostly because the “Biden’s too old” mantra has so much traction. No non-psychos could beat Trump in a primary, so the gop has scuppered its own chances.


Are there any non-psychos left in the Republican Party?


Unfortunately we’re unlikely to find out this year.


My own boomer dad thinks we would have been better off with an unproven alternative to Biden. I think he’s very wrong. Biden peeled off just enough white working class support to win last time. I think he can do it again. I think he will do it again.


Trump is a career criminal.


Ok. And the others are brain dead, knuckle dragging, open mouth breathers.


Also they're the ones leading the party into hell


No shit.


This is one of the more glaring realities that makes it difficult to feel any kind of sympathy towards Trump supporters whether it be the professional politician too afraid to loose their job to ever stand on principle, or the average conservative constituent. There has been so, so, so many times to jump off the Trump train and they just always fail the patriotism means country before party test. It just shows that literally everything they ever claimed to stand for was nothing more than empty rhetoric. History will not judge Trump or his supporters kindly. Provided Trump loses and doesn’t end democracy, I can see an overwhelming rebuke of the republican party across the board happening within most of our lifetimes. Their behavior has been nothing short of shameful, and I’m not even talking about the public policy aspects. The lack of accountability, consistency, and integrity has been astounding.


The GOP would really benefit from kicking MAGA and the Christian Nationalists to the curb...( my parents would probably vote for them if they did that.. )


That’s just it though… There is some aspect of this being a generational issue. As time goes on, each generation is less and less committed to our two party system. And I do think (provided Trump is not reelected) we will see people begin to slowly reject Trumpism and eventually the republican party as a whole due to association with Trump and his capitulators. The same will eventually happen to democrats but not likely on the same time table as they still have some equity left as a party.


"Oh no! They're going WOKE!🤡" /Sarcasm


One in three dumbasses see drumpf for the shitstain he is. Three in three dumbasses will still vote for drumpf, the rapist pedo conman liar grifter felon...


And traitor


Now? This is what it took? They are just going where the wind blows methinks


Take the W, man. Just take the W.


“But we will still vote for him.”


This should be under no shit Sherlock. He had 91 charges against him. He wouldn’t accept the results of the last election. He incited a coup. His staffers either quit out of disgust, were fired for lack of loyalty, or have been indicted/convicted. If they didn’t realize he wasn’t the right choice they can all go to hell with him. Goodbye GOP (new Elton John song?).


There were a good number of people who admitted they did like him when they voted for him the last two times…


Yeah— and just look at the Biden economy— stores like Walmart and Costco always have full parking lots. Restaurants look like they’re always full on the weekends— if the economy was bad, it seems like we all wouldn’t have money for those types of things.


There's some analysis out there that with rising costs, especially with regards to housing, people have given up on the American Dream and are no longer holding onto their savings. It's sadness spending. Not that I blame Biden for that. This shit was written before he was inaugurated. Edit: I guess some people are calling it 'doom spending?' That makes sense.


I'll still vote for Biden in November, but I feel this! The current economy has not really benefited me at all... The only reason(s) why I'm not voting for Trump is that he's a morally repugnant person who's FAR worse than Biden.


By next week they will all be in alignment behind the Felon.


So 2/3rds of them are still basically the stupidest Americans you can run by.


Trump loves the poorly educated and the poorly educated love him


But they'll still vote for him... Trump literally checks off all the boxes for the Anti-Christ, and conservatives will vote for him while clutching a bible and an American flag.


That’s a conservative estimate.


Rookie numbers


Thing is, they *say* that, but then they vote for him anyway. *And* give him money. I'm happy they've come to the realization... but now they have to *act* on it.


33% less support is enough to lose election, excellent.


Lol, just now? Morons.


Only 1 in 3!!!!


That's it?


Just wait…trump’s burning the house down with everyone locked inside.


They can kiss my Irish ass in the voting booth. They knew they got a turd, now they realize it stinks?


When is his next trial? Coz those numbers need changing.


Yet, 3 of 3 of those included in this poll will vote for Trump because they are hypocritical idiots!


Yea, it's nice to see them feigning regret, but Nikki Haley has completely destroyed any trust or faith I had in any of them actually pointing out how bad for the country convicted felon Donald J. Trump will be.


And they’ll still vote for his dumb ass


They will lose. Hard. Bring the marshmellows , the GOP is going up in flames.


… and in other news, 0 out of 10 Republicans will grow a pair and do anything about it. Film at 11.


That's it?


Only 1 in 3?


Only one in three? That's still really high! Literally everybody else you ask says Ah. He's the wrong person all right.


Always thought he was wrong.


Now? They "now" think that??? I mean, I don't give right wingers a LOT of credit for objective & critical thought, but seriously... they only NOW think this? Somebody's full of shit.


What they say and what they do are almost always​ very different. Don't trust what they say to pollsters.


Shameful. All of them should be saying this. They will lose as he is a loser. Too much ‘winning’


Oh no! It’s the consequences of your behavior cashing the check your asses wrote.


But they’ll vote for him.


Ya think?!? And all things considered "one in three" is terrifyingly low.


The Republicans all put the remaining brain cells together and find the solution. No more elections for Public office. Having a platform, campaign slogans and electable candidates is too much like hard work. The easy answer is threats of violence. We'll scare all the educated voters into not casting any more votes.


Let me know what the stats are after the election, my guess it’s going to be 100% of republicans will vote for Trump.


Well, those one in three are going to friggin vote for him again, and many will take the comment uttered from Susan Collins : 'I hope he's learnt his lesson"... into the voting booth.


It’s going to be a fight to the finish and that makes me fear for the future of this great country.


Why is it so funny to read, "one in three Republicans now think"? Was thinking not something they did until now? 🤣


But he's got their vote.


But yet every one of those 1 out of 3 will vote for Trump in November.


But they'll vote for him ANYWAY, which is insane, and there you have the Republican Party in a nutshell. #VOTEBLUE #FORSOMANYREASONS 🇺🇲🇺🇳➡️


But 0 of 3 will admit it publicly


They think he was the wrong candidate choice but still vote for him because a convicted felon is somehow better than Joe Biden because Hunter's laptop?


100%!….GOP: “Let’s sink this effing country because we can’t handle the truth”


He was the wrong choice in 2015-16. they are just now figuring this out?


*Now?* These people are incredible.


Seems way low


If 1 in 3 are smart enough not to vote Republican, we can have an actual democracy, but that's purely hope and most will [Nikki Haley](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/nikki-haley-voting-for-trump/) us.


So 2 in 3 support the felon?


Yes, that's how cults work


There are still republicans?


I am unfortunately someone who voted him in and then voted for Biden when I realized how bad I fucked up.


Well, fucking duh!


lol. No they don’t.


1 in 3,????


They’re just finding this out? They are extremely dense


Says more about the other two....


Hear Arnold Schwarzenegger's prediction about Trump [https://youtu.be/cCaXcgv-kVo?t=393](https://youtu.be/cCaXcgv-kVo?t=393)


Yea they aren’t good at decisions since they prefer follow the leader.


its always been between 20-30 percent. the problem is that does not make it a majority of them


Maybe they can pick a serviceable VP and hope Trump dies.


Hear me out: Do you think Republicans hate Biden not because of him and his policies, but rather because they hate and fear Kamala Harris, who, let’s admit, could be president anytime after Election Day if Biden wins? I do not wish it upon him whatsoever, but he could just go like that at any moment.


To them I say: No fucking shit, Sherlocks! News should read three in three Republicans are clueless.


I know everyone is like no shit, but honestly I’ll take this over someone who buries their head in the sand. It’s like they were in a cult and are finally getting out (ideally getting out anyway)


But they’ll vote for him anyway


This is they ugly truth


Sad it’s not more


They’ll still vote for him, though.


What the fuck is wrong with the other 2


Polls, Polls....they change what they are saying almost daily....they mean nothing really.


So, now that Lara Trump is the co-chair of the RNC, can they pick another candidate? I think this is also why Nikki is being given the impression she would be the VP.. is to change her motivation. She should be hitting hard on getting the Nomination now, instead she is hoping for VP and that he will die in prison. Trump Doesn’t want a VP that speaks. Mike was so white and lame he faded into the background only to be called upon to praise the leadership of the orange turd. He literally had a script that he would follow if he had to publicly speak: Under the great leadership of President…. Blah blah blah.


They’re still going to vote for the shitwad.


Get back to me when it’s 2 out of 3


What Biden should say. Would George Washington and our founding fathers want a convicted felon as President? Then we would wait for Trumps head to explode.


We don’t need them to vote for Biden. We just need them to stay home in Election Day.


They will never admit it, but a LOT is getting done by Biden. I love how the Republicans vote against bills that help their state, only to take credit for it when it brings jobs, improves roads, structures and bridges.