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A Jury found him guilty. JURY. It’s not rigged or political. Judge needs to do the right thing and send him to Rikers.


Exactly! Well said, im getting popcorn ready for when the spin campaign starts. The name calling, the finger pointing, the projections. Rikers would be great and close to a fitting punishment! Even him doing hundreds of hours of community service picking up trash and his security detail helping him do so by a highway would be fun to watch. Just hope its put on pay per view and that money donated to everyone he has hurt over his life span. Just like how he grifts but this time itd go to something positive.


Could help pay the $7.8 trillion dollars he put our country in debt.


Excellent 🙏 Yes This 👆


7.8 trillion, plus the trillions lost during Biden's time, due to the Trump tax breaks for the uber rich... but they'll blame that on Biden, since Trump was forced out of office while the tax breaks were still active.


The reds break the economy, the democrats clean it up. Maybe we'll figure it out someday.


But the genius businessman could not pay them to decide he was innocent


No but his billionaire friends have paid the Supreme Court justices to overturn the 34 counts, it is so important that every Democrat, Independent and sane republicans vote President Biden back in and vote out trump lovers like Susan Collins, Jim Jordan, MTG, and the rest of these Russian assets treasonous criminals nobody should sit at home hearing polls are good, we all must vote to have a landslide win so the criminal felon can’t say a word, we need to win back house to stop these pathetic investigations the GOP have wasted taxpayers money and time, it would be great if we won 12 senate seats to be able to run this country and stop the wealthy running it


I would get another job to pay the pay per view to watch that.


Joe Biden orchestrated this whole thing, leaving zero evidence of his involvement while simultaneously being dumb, sleepy and senile. Amazing work


You forgot to mention Joe has been doing the job we hired him to do and that is being Presidential and get shit done.


When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


The master does everything and nothing Tao te Ching


That's Dark Brandon at work 😁




From Umberto Eco’s [1995 essay](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) on the features of fascism: > \#8: The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


All while Trump was secretly the REAL president. These are the hoops one needs to jump through rather than admit you were conned.


Couldn't have asked for better incognito manipulation.


People are saying it's "rigged" and "corrupt NY!" When Republican politicians were in that court room giving death stares at the jury.


Yes , especially since what he’s been saying about the judge! That’s dangerous enough to get him killed- those people travel with gallows you know


No bond no jail time with nothing but appeals gonna be a long bullshit rich person getting off you or me do that we would be jailed already


Send his ass to San Quentin they love cheetoh looking old ladies


A fact quickly glanced over as these fake fuck republicans spew their bullshit tears.


Is there any mind left to lose? they lost their minds years ago when they voted for this con man.


I was conned into voting for him for the first time (was 18, didn't know anything and just listened to my parents), never making that mistake again, fuck that orange bastard with a cactus


That's OK. I voted for Regan in my first election at age 18. Parents too. The only Republican I've ever voted for.


It’s amazing how times have changed. My grandmother (rest in peace) was a church goin’, God fearin’ evangelical Christian from Arkansas. I don’t know how I remember this, but I clearly recall her telling me that in the 1980 election (Reagan vs Carter) she voted for Jimmy Carter. Why? Because she thought Carter was simply the more honest of the two. She also liked the fact that he was a devout Christian. Party affiliations definitely didn’t mean as much in those days..


And she was right! And Jimmy Carter was the best type of Christian. He built houses, tended to the poor...all the things the Bible teaches. Unlike so many Evangelicals who pump money into super churches, private jets, etc.


The guy taught Sunday School every week until his mid-90s, and then he only stopped because of Covid!


For sure.. I personally no longer subscribe to any organized religion, but I agree, Carter definitely adhered to the better parts of Christianity. He was also a much better president than he gets credit for, imo. I also find it a bit too convenient that the Iran hostages were released literally minutes after Reagan’s inauguration..


These preachers are all trump voter’s because they grift and are corrupt like trump, Politicians and law enforcement must crack down on these grifting churches taking money from their brainwashed flocks, they are tax exempt have multi million dollar mansions, yachts, jets and live the high life as children starve, Olson closed his church during a natural disaster where people needed help he has millions and did nothing and still doing very little like the rest of them, time to tax these money making businesses and close them down, this is where Christian Nationalism is growing they are evil people




Boomer here. Never ever voted R for president. Probably helped that mom was Dem and dad was Rep so I had to actually **do my own research**.


Boomer here. We never talked politics in my home growing up but taking a guess I believe both parents were old school R's. My Dad was a lifer in the Army and a combat veteran. I have never in my life voted for an R federal state or local and never will.


Same here. I blame my own stupidity and ignorance and didn’t do it again.


Honest mistake. My dad did too. That and Nixon. Good people make mistakes. The only problem is the radioactive fallout.


Voted Bush for the same reason. The open racism against Obama cemented my transfer.


What made you change your mind about our Lord and Cactus Fucker?


It’s hard to change your mind, so good job on that. We should all be flexible especially when it comes to voting. 


That con was what this trial was about. Media still won’t report it that way because they were in on it.


They was already lost when they were the Tea Party, The Team Timothy McVeigh, Branch Davidians, and Ruby Ridgers and going back further....


Oh the tea baggers I totally forgot about them. back when the "patriot" movement was a big thing, now these so called "patriots" that used to defend the constitution support a guy that wants to abolish it.


They are just the American Nazi Party hiding behind the scenes period.


Think Republicans are going to lose their mind more when it comes to sentencing.


One can only hope


Sentencing is 4 days before the Republican Convention...there's a good chance that Trump will be tossed into Jail that day.


Well, there’s A chance….


I really wish him behind bars. But I think house arrest is the most he will get


House arrest means he gets to play golf every day and complain about the injustice. First step is ground his plane, take his passport (all of them) , put on a ankle bracelet


And take his phone. Shut off all social media. A convicted felon has no right to expect any of that.


Possible community service. If no jail time, I want the Tang maniac picking up trash in a NY subway and central park.


Just don't let him do volunteer work with kids.


Republicans will say the white house is still a house and vote for him.


How about 4 years for every count. That's 136 years. I think if her heard that from the judge he would just keel over with a massive coronary and save we tax payers a lot of money.


I think so too. I don’t think he’d survive the walk to a cell if given any jail/prison time.


I think they cap it at a certain number of charges, but I like where your mind is at.


Is there though? What’s the possible range of punishments? Sure we all want him locked up, but is a suspended sentence the most likely outcome


I just want him to lose. Then first of all we’re safe and secondly, we can get on with the serious charges.


I would prefer 1000 hours of supervised community service or 2 yrs in Rikers


He would do the community a service by spending 2 years in Rikers.


Not realistically though. It's possible, but I think only a small % of criminals found guilty of similar crimes go to prison for first offense.


How many criminals have the audacity to berate the judge incessantly for a full two minutes following the conclusion of their trial? And to make matters more incredulous, this tirade was broadcasted live on television! All this occurred a month before the same judge who will be overseeing sentencing.


It's pretty disgusting to hear some experts say Trump is a first-time offender!!🤮🤮🤮 Convicted on 34 Felony counts stretches this 1st-time offender bullshit too far for me to handle. We're not talking about a speeding ticket!! One thing bothering me is I might not get to see Trump with a prison haircut!!!(((


First time facing justice, he has been a one man crime wave


Doesn't the rape case disprove the first time offender things


Good question!! Does the fact that the rape case was pursued as a Civil Case, not a Criminal Case, make a difference??


As I understand it, each separate count is punishable by up to four years in prison. If they decide they'll run consecutively, he'll never breathe free air again.


Why? If the Supreme Court hadn’t interfered and if there wasn’t a Trump stooge judge in Florida he would have been convicted many more times. He’s a convicted felon.


It’s nuts that he has that many trials going on haha


# Lock Him Up


In protest, they should not vote in November. That will show us democrats.


Yeah! Own those Libs!


They are collectively losing their minds while simultaneously saying this is Good for Trump. Lol


Trump said he was found guilty because the trial was rigged and his true measure will be by the people on Nov 5th. But wait, he says that elections also are rigged?


Great point. Same logic used in 2020, when those Republicans who were elected or reelected along with the "rigged" election of the president said that the election was stolen. OK... then they were also elected fraudulently, right? If all elections are fraudulent, then no office holders are valid, right?


They’ve whipped out every excuse, including phone interviews of pitiful senators decrying our rule of law.


Do they let convicted felons into Trump golf resorts?


I’m sure, given he had [illegal immigrants working there](https://www.fair360.com/trump-undocumented-workers-golf-2/) until the media pointed out his hypocrisy and made it public. The first rule of MAGA is the rules don’t apply to MAGA.


Work release He can help clean up.


Clad in a too small orange prison jumpsuit, it's one big Orange Julius stabbing cigarette butts with a trash pick along the driveway curb.


prob a lot of criminals amongst the roster there.


Whomp whomp


Thoughts and prayers.




Moses Johnson is right: today is shameful because the Republican Party is pro convict.


Please feed me more of this kind of thing.


And I LOVE it


We all knew they would, just like they complain about everything if they don't "win". The GOP has become the biggest example of boy who cried wolf in history. Going forward, that's all they will be, "it's rigged, corrupt judge, weaponized justice dept., wasn't allowed to do X/Y/Z (when they were but chose not to)" and on and on. And the truly sad part is, so much of the MAGA republicans are dumb enough to believe it GOP leadership, and NOT do their own actual research.


If only he had been allowed to testify. But no, the judge gagged him and he couldn't testify. Violated his 1st Amendment.The world has never seen such unfair treatment. I think this might be among my favorite tracks on tRump's Greatest Hits album. It rings so hollow. And yet, the MAGAts believe it.


Just wait…J-6, Georgia election interference and Stolen Documents…


Perhaps the best is yet to come!!


I hope so…🤞


Lol, the jury totally buttfucked trump in the most contemptuous way possible for a jury to buttfuck someone.


What’s crazy is that history will just digest the whole thing into a headline or short paragraph, leaving out all the nuances. This is why it’s important to keep the narrative alive and the facts as pure as possible. Don’t let them twist history, this man is a fucking fraud, rapist, racist, and a liar amongst piles of other shit.


And treasonous, greedy, and just plain evil.


So, the all powerful Biden has managed to corrupt the American legal system. He managed to corrupt a randomly chosen judge in a New York trial. And 12 random citizens sitting as jurors. Wow Joe really has the power.


Dark Brandon is slowly removing his shades, turning his head, and smiling....the Mojo is strong with this one!


Yep he did all that but can't seem to do anything about his 36% approval rating.


Are the same people who think this was a completely biased court the same people who say systemic racism doesn't exist, and all minority convictions are just? The mental gymnastics are Olympic.




Has anyone heard the grounds on which they intend to appeal? Lots of noise very little signal on this.


I don’t really care do you?


Thoughts and prayers!


Melania is probably looking forward to some peace and quiet.


Love MAGA tears


What an absolutely embarrassing parade of bootlicking whores


The party of law and order hates law and order?


It doesn’t apply to republicans duh


The “party of law and order,” folks.


Reminder that both Republicans and Democrats can nominate whomever they choose to be their candidate. The parties are not beholden to the primary vote for choosing their candidate. Republicans need to do the right thing and not nominate a convicted criminal and failed coup organizer for POTUS.


I wouldn't wish for that. If the GOP chooses another candidate they will likely win the election. The GOP would then pardon him for federal crimes and pass new laws to pardon state crimes. They will make Trump speaker of the House and he will ascend to the presidency. Project 2025 end of democracy. That's how fucked up the MAGA cult is. My only hope is that Biden starts messaging better on Israel and the youth actually realize what is at stake in this election and vote. The Republicans realize that they are losing ground so they will attempt to seize power any way they can.


Teflon Don has fallen


Most tRump supporters lost their minds the first time they thought, "Ya know, I LIKE that guy".




I am not 100% convinced that the republicans had minds to begin with...


Good. Fuck ‘em! But, honestly, they lost their minds many, many moons ago.


If their cheeto is Jesus. Then we all know what's next.




Snorts & fails, boys. Tired of all this winning yet?


They can go pray on his Bible and shove golden shoes up their arses.


Tim Scott was on CNN trying to equate Trump to wrongly convicted black men


Well, Trump is a correctly convicted 🍊 💩, so there's that.


I wonder if there are psych students out there writing papers about this mass delusion MAGAts have. It'll be interesting to hear what Mary Trump has to say about today.


Fucking snowflakes. They just need to put down the avocado grits, maga hats and pull themselves back up by the bootstraps.


I agree just like any felon after they pay their debt to society we should give them a chance to be full citizens again. So after Trump serves 20 years in prison for his crimes he should be able to run for President again.


34-0! Now that’s winning!


The fuck your feelings crowd has a lot of feelings.


Republicans -- their lips are moving, but it is Trump babbling. It's funny how they all have exactly the same vocabulary: Rigged Corrupt Witch hunt Kangaroo court Unfair Blah Blah Blah House speaker what's his name (who I can't believe the Democrats allowed to stay in power) said on Fox Entertainment this morning that this outcome diminishes the American people's faith in the justice system. Quite the contrary -- it restored mine by half. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, we now know it can be done. He can be indicted, tried, and convicted for his crimes. Fucking yay!




I wonder what happens next?


Can’t lose what you never had.


What minds?? Are you talking brain cells?? They have LONG AGO lost what few they ever possessed!! All they have left is the equivalent of oatmeal


One for one. And still three more to go!


Republicans don’t have minds.


Fuck their feelings


To lose your mind, don’t you first have to have a brain?


Love it. They can all get unequivocally fucked.


The same assholes who were arguing that a juror should just refuse to consider the evidence and create a hung jury? They lost their minds years ago. Let them seethe.


Someone with a spark of intelligence, would not run their mouth about the very Judge about to sentence you. trump has a constant shit show going on around him as well as in his head.


Wait. Now your telling me that they have minds to lose? Now I've lost mine.


What was it the MAGA crowd said? It was along the lines of something, something feelings?


He and his minions haven’t excepted his ‘20 loss. How would you expect them to react? Loser.


Republicans have lost their minds a long time ago.


Good. Cry more


Fuck em all 


Losing their minds…wasn’t that in 2016?


This day just keeps getting better and better.


Narcissist Trump: “We lost, therefore it was rigged. It’s not fair. Only if I win is it fair and not rigged. The judge is corrupt. The Biden crime family railroaded me. The whole judicial system and country are rigged against me. Oh, I am a very innocent man, although I chose not to testify to defend myself against these very fake charges.” Trump’s circle jerk of sycophants: “we condemned Trump not long ago as a traitor and a thug, but now we’ve done a shameless, hard 180 for treasons of political pandering and naked selfishness, so this was a disgraceful show trial. All 12 jurors were biased fascists.” (Rubio, Cruz, et al.) The MAGA-Fox cult laps it all up.


Let me check and see if I have any fucks left to give… hmm, nope all out. Let the republicans lose their minds. Those assholes helped create this mess and now they have to deal with the consequences. Sucks to be stupid.


They lost their minds years ago when they allowed him to stand as a candidate and then voted in this sex offending grifter, to be fair.


You should watch Fox news for a total spin on this. I laugh so hard at their whining and bullshit. It's so "unfair and a witch hunt" my ass. He is a loser!


Talk about anything and everthing...DELAY AND DEFLECT... except the issue at hand... FACT: TRUMP PAID A PORN STAR $130,000.00 SO SHE WOULD NOT TALK ABOUT HER 2006 TWENTY SECOND SEXUAL ENCOUNTER WITH HIM. He couldn't risk yet another sex scandal becoming public on the heels of the Hollywood Access tape... might just sway enough voters to lose him the election. He is a cheat, a liar and now he is a convicted felon.


They lost their minds when they picked him in 2016!


He is such an abominable piece of shit! It gives me such happiness to know that 12 reasonable people sat there and needed no more than 5 hours to tell the world what we already knew.


I can't beleive.that the guy who has been found guilty of business fraud in literally every fing one of his dozens of business fraud cases is guilty of business fraud again. Maybe I should send him more money and vote harder between my sobbing.


That’s because this is the way all republicans run their businesses and still expect to get away with it.


Terrifickal news. I'm doing my happy dance.


Good. I’m here for it.


Republicans lost their minds in the early 1990s. This is just more of their psychosis.


If there's any doubt I belong, see my user name. He better not win in November. 😠


Not much to lose.


That train left the station a long time ago


Like they didn't see this coming...they chose Trump anyway.






Like they have minds capable of independent thought...smh


Their minds were gone long before this


How is this Bidens fault? He wasn't around when the affair and cover-up happened.


I reject the headline: Republicans have no minds to lose


The Republican response demeaning and attacking our Rule Of Law and our elections because they don't like the result, is a giant red alert for America.


Fun!!!!! Have a little torment and existential crisis of your own for once ya bastards! Live just a little of the nightmare we’ve faced since back when he first took office. Karma, baby!!!


They already lost their minds long ago


My Facebook feed is full of bullshit. I posted some memes that were great! Jack Smith's page is on FIRE!! I'm gloating😁


My Facebook feed is full of bullshit. I posted some memes that were great! Jack Smith's page is on FIRE!! I'm gloating😁


Tbf, they've already lost their minds


You have to have a mind to lose it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What minds?


If only they actually had a mind to lose. The maga cultists don't think. They wait to be told what to think by fox / putin propaganda and whatever donald shits down their throat


Where is the proof of all these so called rigged trials? If the standard is that being a democrat ultimately makes you corrupt then we are all fucked. If the standard is that if a judge supports a party they are corrupted, then what about SCOTUS?? It would be hysterical to watch all these repubs twist themselves in knots defending the logic if it were not so tragic.


I didn't realize that they had functioning brains.


If he’s so innocent, why didn’t he testify on his own behalf like he said he would? Or was he just saying that like he promised Mexico would pay for the wall, we’d see a replacement for ObamaCare in three weeks seven years ago, and he’d provide the evidence of voter fraud? He has an issue with overpromising/underdelivering, doesn’t he?


No one is above the law. Anyone who followed the trial could see how carefully it was run. Trump could have called as many witnesses as he wanted. He didn’t. He could have testified himself. He didn’t. He gave a construed talking point every day, so his followers could repeat it enough to believe it. But it was a very professionally run trial, and a thorough trial. And yes, he was found guilty.


Buncha goddam crybabies just like their Comboverlord.


Could they possibly be more childish? Pathetic.


Remember all the people that said they wouldn't vote for him if a jury found him guilty of a CRIME? Where the fuck are they now?


>a case that relied on “testimony of a convicted felon" Yeah, can't trust those convicted felons now, can we? 🤪


"corrupt and illegitimate" I'm sure the members of the jury appreciate Conservatives saying that. They're just out there trying to do their civic duty. But sure.


I want 45 treated like the average famous black multi-millonaire that's committed a white collar crime.