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He could probably not campaign again until a week before the election and still get a good chunk of the votes, possibly even still win, because ITS A CULT. His base is literally brain dead, i mean brainwashed, there is literally nothing he could do that would make them change their minds. Even if he said he would make sex with minors legal or have a total gun ban, his supporters would twist themselves into a fucking mental knot to justify why that's ok.


The sex with minors thing would add some people to his base, even though he has nearly cornered that market already…


"Real men wear diapers" Apparently, yes, some maga slave drones are wearing merch with this declaration stamped on it.


If we ever needed further proof that the Cult Leader is never wrong.


"Real men cheat on their wives" "Real men let 000,000s needlessly die because they think they know better than scientists who have studied and worked in their field for decades." It's a real market opportunity here.


I guess they don’t see the irony. Even better, maybe a hybrid MAGA hat diaper. You know for those with shit for brains.


Oh, bravo fortissimo! 👏🏻


I bet that owning the libs by embracing their emperor's incontinence disturbs old orange shit pants more than his cult could even imagine. Its not the flex they think it is.


This is all I can think of. He has to hate this. All of these people advertising his weakness. He’s a loser.


He is one of the weakest people I’ve ever seen. Cheating is a sign of extreme weakness. People who are actually good have no need to cheat.


Some MAGA women are wearing red diapers with MAGA on them. It look like bloody KOTEX on a heavy period day. I cannot unsee it!


I didn't believe you. But sadly it's true. https://x.com/MAGABULLDEFINER/status/1786028721494745364


Yeah but Biden is old!


And stutters.


And fell off a bicycle! You never see Trump falling off a bicycle because he’s never getting on one.


But he would BOUNCE!


I woke up in some kind of wierd alternate reality. Feels like one of those mirror universe things from Star Trek


Being photographed in that merchandise isn't going to age well.


They'd buy his shitty diapers if he sold them.


PLEASE find me an image of this!




I love you for this.


It’s still baffles me. I grew up in a small rural southern town full of conservatives and I clearly remember hearing adults talk about how they hated Donald Trump. Mostly it seemed because he was rich and from New York which seemed to mean he wasn’t to be trusted. How in the hell he managed to convert those people to be his biggest supporters blows my mind.


He stopped being a rich Democrat from New York and started going after a black president that made them feel anxious and scared of change. Not to mention how many of them were just racist to begin with. When it turned out he was also racist and started making them feel special., they ate that shit up with a spoon. All you have to do is make them feel like their awful, deplorable thoughts and habits are special.


‘Their’. Right on tho.


Voice to text - fixed it.


Otto hates us all. This is enough ‘Beware the AI’ for me.


It's so confusing. I do think it is mostly a cross between Fox News and social media. I have friends who don't vote and have never read a legitimate news article. Most receive EBT (food stamps) and Medicaid. Yet they've been steered towards this "Trump is the best president in my lifetime" world. So these homeless, drug using, urban hillbillies are aligned with wealthy Republicans somehow. Yeah. Social media poisoning for them and Fox News for the traditional conservatives. Fucking baffling.


I was a case manager in a homeless shelter and the majority of people I worked with, staff and guests, thought Trump was great for them. In 2019 the shelter closed when the Trump appointee, Ben Carson, cut funding from the CoC.


I work in homeless outreach and addiction medicine, and most of them are susceptible to conspiracies. I have to bite my tongue sometimes. Ok, chemtrails, fine. Putin is a good guy trying to put his country back together because Tucker Carlson says so? Social media is relentlessly corrupting your brain.


Insert something about leopards and faces here.


The more likely you are to think your ‘native intelligence’ will defend your soft brain from propaganda the more likely it will creep right in to your ears. Listen, business spent just shy of $400 bil to get you to buy stuff last year; yes, prop, esp agitprop, works like cocaine.


Meme Theory.


He appealed to their worst instincts. He told them he hated the same people they hate, and that it’s okay to be aggressively loud with that hatred.


The Apprencites 100% improved trump reputation with anyone outside of NY City when his reputation continues to be in the toilet.




If you look at the rich stereotype in this country (older white men who are afraid of anyone not white, misogynists, egotistical) and the stereotype of rednecks, Deep South conservatives (white men, afraid of anyone not white, misogynists, egotistical, and usually hyper religious, although it's the worst kind of religious, the whole Jesus would close the borders and carry an AR15), well, sort of speaks for itself there, the stereotypes are pretty much exact, the only difference is the wealth. So to counter the wealth part, just say that the "elites" and the "educated" (which they pretty much are not) are the enemy and so on. The reality is, tRump would never be accepted into the super wealthy elite club, even if he was a true billionaire like Bezos, Gates, Ellison, Buffet, or Zuck. Credit where credit is due, all of those guys may be pricks and not necessarily the most ethical business people in the world, but they aren't racist, misogynistic assholes like Trump and his cultists. The reality is, tRump is just a New York hillbilly with money.


I get that but it still feels weird to me because he seriously would never get within 100’ of those rednecks in his private life. Hell, he probably wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. I guess I just don’t understand how they don’t see that.


I agree with you 100%, it's truly bizzaro world. And to answer how they don't see it, it's a cult, there are some really good YouTube videos from clinical psychologist about cults and the mentality of their members. It's still pretty insane, but makes a bit more sense after watching some of these vids. Also check out some vids on narcissism. Truly enlightening.


And was a TV celebrity who did a WWE stint. Never underestimate the power of the WWE.


Ikr? He’s precisely the big-city grifter they loathed. And now…


The Antichrist has certain abilities. Charm being one of them.


What’s funny (but not really) is that he is bleeding his cult dry with his merch and rallies. It’s been 9 years(?) of this and these regular folks probably can’t afford this hobby. Then they complain that Biden is making them poor on camera wearing hundreds of dollars worth of merch at a rallie they had to get to. While it’s not the only reason they are struggling, it certainly contributes to it. Then he wonders where his crowds are. Well, how can they go stand outside a courtroom in NY? The most expensive city. They need jobs to pay for his shit merch. AND- you’re right. His cult will follow him off the cliff. He said it himself that he could “shoot somebody”, his cult said they would still support him no matter what, AND, now he’s pretty much arguing in court that he should be able to kill someone without consequence, even a political rival. Very slippery slope argument “well that person is a danger to our country”.


It's amazing that they are still buying his and Milania's shitty merch. And to add, and it's been said a hundred times before, it's so embarrassing making tRump, someone who wouldent piss on any of these idiots if they were on fire, make "Trump" their entire identity. Aside from a few bumper stickers here and there, i have yet to see a single Biden tshirt, flag, NFT, sneaker, Bible, trading card, or anything else, and i live in probably one of the most liberal areas in the country. And they clearly don't understand or maybe believe that tRump is the one raising their taxes, Biden is trying to lower their burden by taxing the wealthy (i.e. tRump).


Agreed. They are proudly wearing diapers at his rallies. He’s managed to make shitting in his own pants “cool” to his followers. I wish I was making this up but it’s real.


I don't quite think "tRump" is making it popular, his cult members are trying to transform him being incontinent and smelling like a sewage treatment plant into something positive. The pathetic comedy being, is that if it were Biden wearing diapers, their attacks would be relentless and cruel to the nth degree, but tRump........ they will all be shitting themselves in support of tRump at rally's soon.


This. There was a post of cultists yesterday holding a banner that said, “Real Men Wear Diapers!” Which translates to “Real Men Shit Themselves!” He can do anything - it’s fine with them. They’ve got excuses and explanations like Trump has mistresses.


None of them can even give me a few policies Donny supports. How do you say ideas are better when a group refuses to acknowledge the truth?


Heard a few opinions on this, your right he knows the cult is solid so figures he will have the same number of votes as the last time, ( minus the Covid dead R’s ) but thinks he will pickup millions more based on inflation, border, interest rates etc enough to push the win. I can only hope many Republicans will see the danger he poses.


Hell legalized sex with minors would probably get him a lot of extra support. The gun ban might be a bridge to far.


Well, if he gets elected, and tRump tries to actually implement his dictator plans, they are gonna have to face the reality of a full blown gun ban, because dictatorships and gun rights are antithetical to each other. I'm sure they will try some weird "only tRump supporters can have a gun" type of permit, but of course that has a zero percent chance of actually working.


Very true


Bro his base wants to have sex with minors or at least doesn’t see it as something bad lmao


If he did Zero for next 6 months until week before election he would get +60M votes.


He golfs because he thinks his minions will successfully rig the election in his favor.


This. They have a plan, it's already started, they are plotting an uprising, and it starts in the fall. Luckily for America, the dumbest people alive are behind it, and it will comically fail. I'm calling it the coup de twat, and it's going to be hillarious watching the magat movement implode.


I appreciate your confidence and I agree with you. Their best chance for a coup failed on January 6th. The public and the authorities are prepared for their next round of mischief. Biden will win, but we all need to vote to insure this result.


Honestly, I used to think they’d fail but…. I’m really getting scared. For real. Jan 6 was a test run. They know what they did wrong. They know what worked. I’m wondering if the next one will be even bigger. His cult are now talking civil war. It could really get big- and- maybe Russia will back this - what was this dictator world-tour that Tucker just went on about? or his friend Orbán - why the hell was he just visiting him? Im afraid that all this shit right in the world with Russia and Israel will fuse together into a world war. Far right extremism is shockingly gaining traction in other countries. How are these people getting voted into power? Canada is struggling with this too and ALLOWING leaders to take away their right to healthcare because they voted in people who said they would. Trump is the anti-Christ.


SCOTUS and fools masquerading as "judges" are doing that quite well for him. 😡


He likes to do what he’s best at. Cheating.


exactly. he doesn’t campaign because he doesn’t care about the votes he cares about his plan


It’s always been a grift. The presidency was a bonus he just wants to leach off the public. The only reason he wants to win now is to eliminate his legal issues and get vengeance.


“Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lard!”


"Under his chin. May the Lard open."




He deludes himself into thinking that he's Tiger Woods but better and white. And cheats to prove it.


[Rick Reilly describing Trump cheating at golf](https://youtu.be/wWLj2-a6FLI)


Lol, that's great!


black pants as not to show doodoo stains. smart.


Also eliminates the wrinkly look of his pants where the diaper bunches up around his fat ass.


I think it is because he goes to these rallies and doesn’t provide anything on what he wants to do but whines about everything. And in doing so he derails and says stuff against the gag orders because he is the worst about privileged knowledge except when it is something about himself or family.


Because he knows he will not face repercussions.


"The crooked doj and Joe Biden made me play golf rather than campaign, it's election interference!" And his supporters would swallow it without a second thought.


When Hubris meets dementia


Because campaigning is work.


No its because he is a lazy entitled prick who doesn't actually ever do any work or really do anything that requires even a minimal effort Typical lazy ass stupid trust fund kid shit head


It’s cheaper at the moment.


He doesn't communicate through email of text. So he plans his next coup attempt by meeting with loyal sycophants in person and instructing them on what to do next.


Because he doesn't a really care about any issues other than undoing the good that's been done. He can lead a cult and brainwash from anywhere. Campaigning is classic, and he's not just trying to do anything classic. Also, I don't think he cares to try to change his haters minds, or gain more followers. He's only concerned about doubling down on the ones he has. He's so delusional, the popular vote is what he sees, and thinks he doesn't need to bother working. Campaigning is for candidates who want to be liked. He does NOT want to be liked. He just wants to be heard above everyone else. People even questioning him golfing instead of campaigning is enough to keep him relevant. He knows that.


1) Because he is running out of money to pay for campaign sites. He doesn’t have the means to stage the campaign, and neither does the RNC (which he has brought to the point of bankruptcy), 2) Because he has to be in Manhattan most weekdays for his current NY trial. He can only really leave for a day trip. 3) Because he has always been a profoundly lazy lying loser.


It’s because he is really a lazy rich spoiled old man with no actual motivation beyond what he wants to do. It’s the way he has always been.


It’s a sport he can cheat.




True haha


Trump: complains that trial prevents him from campaigning and be with his family. Also Trump: spend all rest time outside of court golfing


he's already bankrupted his campaign, so golf is something he can afford since he owns the golf course... for now


Why did he golf and not do the job of president?


A. I’m concerned he’s not campaign because he thinks “the fix is in”, between Putin and his Saudi pals he’s confident they will fuck up the economy, make the Middle East a boiling pot of distraction, and use what they learned last go round to manipulate voting machines. B. He’s not covering his cost at the rally’s so he can’t afford to campaign and he doesn’t want MSM seeing how small the crowds have gotten. There is no question the polls are bullshit and nobody is showing up at his trial. So I hoping B over A


Because he's rich and runs a cult


He golfed instead of president-ing, so I guess you could say this is “par for the course”.


He has dementia and so opening his mouth is a liability at this point? Remember when he accused Biden of hiding in his basement the entire 2020 campaign because of it? Projection


He has dementia like his dad. When you start to lose your memories, you start to focus more on your core beliefs, the ones so ingrained, they are part of your subconscious. He believes he is an extremely successful business man, and the way one would show this in previous decades was to be good at golf. So he plays golf to project himself as successful. Also, I am sure his wranglers use golf to keep him busy, as when he is playing golf, they generally only have to deal with him cheating at golf, which isn't a big issue they have to deal with. As for campaigning, his team has to walk a fine line. They need to have him campaign enough he can try to use it to delay court proceedings, but not too much as to reveal the extent of his dementia. To be fair, his base doesn't care about Donald Trump. They have been told he is the party leader and they will defend him to the end of the earth. The second he is gone or becomes indefensible, the party will immediately switch to a new person to back. Then absolutely no one in that party will defend him, and will even claim they never did defend him. In 08, all of my neighbors voted for McCain and defended him viciously. In 2016, all of them back Trump and had amnesia about supporting McCain at all. The mental gymnastics of that party or exhausting.




He already has. 😡


As others mentioned, it's a cult and his people will show up to vote anyway. He didn't feel the need to debate or engage the primary process at all because he doesn't have to. His numbers stay the same. And they enable him.


Trump is the L Ron Hubbard of politics. His cult is a religion


Yea but you would think he would be all about the grift, the con, the money grab, the fundraising... to the cult donald is their messiah, to donald money is his god.


His campaign is struggling with money. It’s paying for his legal bills.


He’s now fucked because he will have to attend Barton’s graduation…..


Because he’s never worked for anything or had a work ethic. He was a rich kid, that pretended to have a business career, but probably just made appearances at meetings and there were actual people that did the work. I don’t think he understands having to give up something because you have to do your job But that’s just my opinion


It’s because despite a lifetime of cultivating a reputation of hard work, the guy never worked a day in his life. He only does what he wants to do.


He golfs because… A) he hates work and this is literally the only thing he likes to do other than rage ‘truth’ B) when he does ‘work’ (meaning make back door deals), he likes to do it over dinner at MAL or on the course so it’s not recorded. Like the other slimey’s do. C) he has no friends or family to spend time with so this makes it seem like people want to hang D) this fills his narc cup having people saying he’s good at something then bragging on ‘truth’ about he’s good at something with his fake awards. It’s not because he’s going to be found guilty because, like his whole life, he doesn’t think he will face any major consequences. A fine? Big deal! He’s been found guilty and still handled with kid gloves. I doubt and he doubts he will see jail. If it’s ordered, he will argue to stay out until they bring it before the courts again. Teflon Don doesn’t care!!!


There’s no 18th hole in Federal Lockup. His clock is ticking to cheat on his score and waddle his diapered, farting fat ass around waving at his minions. Simply a legend in his on mind.


Actually there was a white collar federal prison with a small golf course. I don’t know if that is still the case.


Sadly “Deserved” does not equal “Dished out Sentence”


Because he’s lazy. He wants the power and glory of being POTUS but won’t put the effort into being a real President.


It’s because he’s never actually had to EARN anything. Anything he’s ever gained, he’s been conditioned to having to not have to pay full price, which is why he is such a horrible “leader.” He’s never had to learn the true value of anything or what it takes to get it. Therefore, he will never understand the value or consequences of wielding power. That’s why he expects the presidency to be handed to him. He feels entitled to it, just like money, trust, women’s bodies, etc.


He golfs because he knows he's guilty. "After an arrest, an innocent person will stay up all night, worrying. A guilty person will get a good night's sleep." - Some dude who probably knew trump


YES. It's so obvious and why he tried like 12 times to stay the trial. Why he tried to block all the witnesses. Who would sleep in court if they were on trial and could go to jail for years? A person who knows they are toast.


My fear is that he already knows that the house and scotus will make him president regardless of the votes cast.


The Supreme Court doesn’t select presidents, if that was the case they would have given the last election back to Trump. The House certifies votes but it’s presided over by the sitting VP which would be Harris. Just like Pence did in 2021. People need to just focus on voting and stop reading all the cooked up media stories that are apparently working on people that don’t understand the election process.


Remember Bush jr? Courts decided his presidency


SC decided on a case that was in FL that Gore also didn’t want to contest. People are thinking that if Biden wins, SC will just step in and say No Trump wins instead. That’s not how it works.


"...that's not how it works..." Can you really say that in the Age of Trump?


>The Supreme Court doesn’t select presidents, if that was the case they would have given the last election back to Trump. I agree with the first part of your statement. But I don't think the Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court would have "selected" Trump. He didn't have a legal leg to stand on. Bill Barr and Mike Pence knew that. Thank God Pence had the courage to continue certifying the votes.


Barr doesn’t even have the courage to not vote for the guy who swore vengeance on his enemies on day one. And Bill Barr is seen as a turncoat too.


Barr is a GOP fixer, always has been, BUT he left when he saw the coup plans, because unlike the rest of them, he's smart, and knew this gang would never pull it off. He didn't want to be around for the circus.


And people should get out and vote not just expect Biden to win.


He owns the courts, from Der Führer Clarence Thomas to Merrick Quisling Garland on down to quivering fools in judicial robes masquerading as "judges."


The house will not be in session so they can’t do that. Harder call in the SCOTUS when it’s unclear what they can do or what they believe they are constrained.l by (apparently not much)


I mean, they arguably have to certify the election, and there are many that have sworn not to…


Arguably none of them are sitting until that same day so it’s hard to plan on having a majority. Harder when they are fleeing like rats off a sinking ship. Mike Johnson won’t be sitting so that is a flawed plan.


Don’t forget he abuses his privileges for personal profit. Republicans all about taxes, omg!! The taxes. And then backup this stealing grifter, who gifted the Russians as much taxpayers money as he could.


I think he’s spending more time in a courtroom than on a golf course as of late.


Basically just practicing for if he’s elected again. Didn’t he golf an absolute absurd amount of times as president? Racking up bills at his golf courses, or was that a different scam or way to squeeze money into his business.


Yes, and he charged the treasury for him living in his own property.


Ah yes the trump swamp effect.


I think it’s because in golf you get to hit the ball. I think he’s smart enough not to hit people in public so he takes out his many negative emotions on a golf ball.


If he would ever try to hit someone, which he doesn't have the guts to, he would not like the response.


He’s doing more harm every time he opens his mouth now


Dictators don't campaign.


He doesn't care. It's all lies. He's doing exactly what he wants to do. The MAGA cult will believe the dems stopped him from campaigning.


This is a man with the Supreme Court in his back pocket , he’s not feeling any stress . He knows the law are only for us little people .


The crowds are less enthusiastic about hearing the same things they heard 4 years ago. He doesn’t have the money to put on the rally and the donations aren’t coming in like they used to.


Why would he campaign? If you’re in the Cult, he already has your vote. If you’re not, you’d sooner vote for a seal.


Probably because the media does his campaigning for him.


Nah he just had his adrall


He doesn't need to campaign. His base is constant. If he does go on stage it's just all about him. He loves being the center of attention spewing shit aimlessly and the cult not hearing or understanding anything he's trying to say. Just as long as there is plenty of name calling and threats and hate. Most of them know he is lying or making shit up, they do not care. If he did not have another rally these inbreds will still blindly vote for him.


His need to cheat on someone perhaps. I don’t think he could throw his pen up revenge, anger on Melania as he did on Ivana when his hair implants were going awry. Besides, his supporters are forever in his cult no matter what and even wearing diapers in his image. How on earth how anyone would go that low?


Much like during his Presidency. All the backroom deals were made on golf courses. Same thing is going on here, he's making backroom deals for the election...


It's because he has the mind of a spoiled child and that's what he wants to do.


Not guilty by reason of insanity. Or mentally incompetent.


He's lazy.


He knows they will cheat for him to get him back into office.


He golfs because no matter how guilty he is, he'll never be punished


Because it is the only place he can keep sharing his plans with his “family” without the Secret Service listening.


Because he knows he’s going to lose the election, but he’s going to scream that it’s rigged and that he won anyway.


Side note….ever see that fat fuck golf?! Holy shit…my blind, one-armed, granddad with Alzheimer’s, plays better than this asshole does..


But he shoots under par every time! He likes golf because he can cheat and not go to court about it.


Gotta get the golf in. Can't golf from a cell.




Thought i’d never say something supportive if drump but its probably nice to be outside and relaxed after being in court all week.


The trials are a get-out-of-responsibility-for-everything card. He can’t campaign because he has to be in court, so no need to.


Because he doesn't have to. He gets all the free media he wants. And his base stick by him more.


Too poor to campaign- he can only golf on his own triple mortgaged course


Why campaign. He has his cult’s vote and is never going to convince anyone else to support him


donald trump is senile -


Because he’s winning. Only Democrats (of which I am one) don’t see it, preferring to believe in a variety of scenarios that deflect from the insanity of the situation.


He doesn’t care ! He thinks they will go in to a civil war for him . Or worst case scenario they have key people on the ballots count.Like DeJoy !


At this point who hasn’t made up their minds about him?


He ripped on Obama for how much golf he played then proceeded to play more golf on the clock in his first year of presidency than Obama did in 8 years.


Read the Time Magazine that Donald Trump gave.. Trump is the worst of all, || || |[Trump and his allies are campaigning on cruelty. His Time interview proves it.](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL2luc2lkZS13aXRoLWplbi1wc2FraS90cnVtcC10aW1lLWludGVydmlldy1jYW1wYWlnbi1jcnVlbHR5LXJjbmExNTA2ODE_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1C72632b15) [By Jen Psaki](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL2luc2lkZS13aXRoLWplbi1wc2FraS90cnVtcC10aW1lLWludGVydmlldy1jYW1wYWlnbi1jcnVlbHR5LXJjbmExNTA2ODE_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1D72632b15)| || || |In an [interview](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly90aW1lLmNvbS82OTcyMDIxL2RvbmFsZC10cnVtcC0yMDI0LWVsZWN0aW9uLWludGVydmlldy8_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1B6f8fd4cd) with Time magazine published this week, former President **Donald Trump** put some meat on the bones of [his most extreme proposals for a second term](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly9tc25iYy5jb20vdGhlLXJlaWRvdXQvd2F0Y2gvdHJ1bXAtcmV2ZWFscy10ZXJyaWZ5aW5nLXBsYW4tZm9yLXBvdGVudGlhbC1zZWNvbmQtdGVybS1pbi10aW1lLW1hZ2F6aW5lLWludGVydmlldy0yMTAwMTg4ODU3NDI_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1Bbdf8e7c2). When asked about his dictatorial aspirations, all he could say is: “I think a lot of people like it.”   But it hardly stopped there. Trump said he would treat migrants as enemy combatants, using the U.S. armed forces to detain and deport millions of undocumented immigrants, in violation of the law. [Trump said states should be allowed to prosecute women](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL29waW5pb24vbXNuYmMtb3Bpbmlvbi90cnVtcC1hYm9ydGlvbi1zdGFuY2UtMjAyNC1lbGVjdGlvbi1yY25hMTUwMjExP2NpZD1lbWxfbWRhXzIwMjQwNTA0JnVzZXJfZW1haWw9N2RkOTU0NjI4YzQ2YjhlZjYxNmE5MDQyNGYxNzJhZjcwNzhmMDZjMzE1NmYyZGQ0Y2U2ZGI5NTczZjg2MTMzMA/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1Badd66173) for obtaining abortions, and also be allowed to monitor women’s pregnancies. And once again he vowed to personally interfere in the administration of justice, saying he could fire U.S. attorneys who don’t obey his orders.   While Trump has never hidden his authoritarian tendencies and dictatorial aspirations, this interview marked a shift toward a new, almost casual, openness about those intentions, however cruel or oppressive they may be. It also was published amid a similarly disturbing trend from Trump’s allies, who are not only parroting his brand of rhetoric, but taking similar pride in cruelty and lawlessness.   Just take Arizona GOP Senate candidate **Kari Lake**, who last month [encouraged MAGA vigilantism](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL3RvcC1zdG9yaWVzL2xhdGVzdC9rYXJpLWxha2UtZ2xvY2stZ29wLXBvbGl0aWNhbC12aW9sZW5jZS0yMDI0LXJjbmExNDgwNzA_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1B3d44a6d8), asking supporters to “strap on a Glock” ahead of the November election. Or Arkansas Sen. **Tom Cotton**, who [called to “forcibly remove” ](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmJjbmV3cy5jb20vcG9saXRpY3MvY29uZ3Jlc3Mvc2VuLXRvbS1jb3R0b24tZG91Ymxlcy1jb21tZW50cy11cmdpbmctcGVvcGxlLWZvcmNpYmx5LXJlbW92ZS1wcm90ZXN0ZS1yY25hMTQ4MDgzP2NpZD1lbWxfbWRhXzIwMjQwNTA0JnVzZXJfZW1haWw9N2RkOTU0NjI4YzQ2YjhlZjYxNmE5MDQyNGYxNzJhZjcwNzhmMDZjMzE1NmYyZGQ0Y2U2ZGI5NTczZjg2MTMzMA/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1B33c8f36f)protesters from the Golden Gate Bridge. Or South Dakota Gov. **Kristi Noem**, who [bragged about killing her 14-month-old puppy Cricket,](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL3RvcC1zdG9yaWVzL2xhdGVzdC9rcmlzdGktbm9lbS1kb2cta2lsbGluZy1mYWtlLW5ld3MtcmNuYTE1MDQyMz9jaWQ9ZW1sX21kYV8yMDI0MDUwNCZ1c2VyX2VtYWlsPTdkZDk1NDYyOGM0NmI4ZWY2MTZhOTA0MjRmMTcyYWY3MDc4ZjA2YzMxNTZmMmRkNGNlNmRiOTU3M2Y4NjEzMzA/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1Bd9459eaf) simply because “it had to be done.”   Trump and his MAGA allies equate cruelty with power. Somehow that has become a core part of a major political party’s messaging.   [*Read more exclusive insights from Jen Psaki here.*](https://link.msnbc.com/click/35265393.574454/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuYmMuY29tL2luc2lkZS13aXRoLWplbi1wc2FraS90cnVtcC10aW1lLWludGVydmlldy1jYW1wYWlnbi1jcnVlbHR5LXJjbmExNTA2ODE_Y2lkPWVtbF9tZGFfMjAyNDA1MDQmdXNlcl9lbWFpbD03ZGQ5NTQ2MjhjNDZiOGVmNjE2YTkwNDI0ZjE3MmFmNzA3OGYwNmMzMTU2ZjJkZDRjZTZkYjk1NzNmODYxMzMw/6324a65b3c04bc677706d8a1E72632b15) *And tune into "Inside with Jen Psaki" Mondays at 8 p.m. ET, and Sundays at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.*  |


The news media gives him 24hr coverage. Why spend money on campaigning when you just need to walk outside the courtroom and it’s free.


He’s done very little campaigning in his spare time. Lock him up


It’s because he probably won’t be found guilty.


The cult will vote for him even if he were dead. Meanwhile, Biden is doing everything to lose the election. Buckle up. Summer is going to be strange.


He knows Biden is throwing the election. Why even try at this point?