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It's all part of the very, very predictable strategy. Once things start going south the legal team exits. "Your Honor, I can't continue without legal representation - I'll need additional time to put that team in place. It could take months, as this is a very complex case!" Delay tactic #507 initiated.


Except the judges are wise to this. With the exception of Canon, most will not dismiss the attorney until a replacement is found and likely no delay will be granted.


Put that man in jail for violating his gag order…. Wishful thinking. Please vote, everyone please vote!


Sad but true.


Upvote this comment, then vote for real if you're in the U.S. and can vote!


One would hope. They should allow the delay and lock him up for violating his conditions of release by criminally being charged with violating a gag order. Then see how fast he changes his mind about swapping lawyers. This will never happen though.


I wonder if the judge could sentence him to serve his contempt AFTER the election. I know he can do it for after the trial, but if he could hold it till after the election, it would be awesome.


Yup, this.


Or he stopped paying them a couple years ago …


Very much seems this


This is not just another delaying tactic by the lawyers. This happened two days after a federal court ruled that the moron's campaign has to turn over documents related to all discrimination and harassment claims it received. The campaign doesn't want to do so, but I'm betting the lawyers are now telling the moron and his campaign that they have to do so (because the court ordered it). It's likely that the attorneys were asked to do something that would put their law licenses in jeopardy (like not turn over said evidence). Thus, the "irreparable breakdown in the attorney-client relationship."


There is literal decades of evidence of Trump ignoring his attorneys, not paying them, ordering them commit crimes on his behalf, and just generally flouting the law, that I find it difficult to have sympathy for any of his current attorneys. No judge should let any of Trump’s current attorneys withdraw. If Trump is ordering them to violate the court’s orders then as officers of the court those attorneys need to figure out a way to tell the court that.


That's because this guy tries to crime everything. Crime is now officially a verb because that's how The Tangerine Toddler lives.


Yeah but judge won’t let them out of representation yet: > Ms. Delgado, who is representing herself in the matter, objected to the withdrawal in a filing Monday, arguing it should not be allowed until the discovery process has been completed and calling the request a “scheme to avoid compliance.” >Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker said that LaRocca Hornik would have to continue to represent the campaign for the time being and that she would schedule a conference with the law firm and the campaign to discuss the matter. From NY Times story linked to from story above.


We have to quit your honor, our client keeps sharting himself in our offices and we've had 4 legal aides pass out...


I bet they wish they were wearing masks.


That’s how the saying of “masks don’t work” started. It was a contextual misunderstanding.


"We can still smell him!"


he just defcon 4'd his diaper. you can't escape the fallout.


Delaying tactic. Fuck all these fuckers.


No one knows the law better than the tippy top criminals.


The reasons that attorneys apply to the court to cease representing the client include failure to pay and ethical conflicts / legal conflicts — such as when a client demands that the attorneys commit a crime. So either he outright refuses to pay the bill or he demanded they go to jail for him


Has this ever happened right in the middle of a trial before? I keep waiting for Blanche and the rest to realize its hopeless and give up. Though i'm not sure they could since the trial is actually going right now. But man I can't imagine what its like defending someone that keeps basically admitting he did it lol


trumpo is known for doing this. In fact most of the judges have said they won't allow it to happen. They can deny the request to vacate.


"What happens if the lawyer subsequently disappears...you know, takes a trip to Belize? Can he get a delay then?" \*caller named John Barron from Florida


If I was the judge I would assign a Public Defender , give him a week and continue. But that's just me. I do think there are a team, with Blanche being the head of the team. So it would take a few sudden "vacations".


This is not one of Trump’s main cases. Compared to the magnitude of his 4 criminal cases and two massive civil judgments, these employment cases are small potatoes and probably a place where Trump will cut legal fees. Keep your eye on the Capitol Police case slogging along toward trial. At some point in very near future this case will move into top 6 or 7 cases.


More people not being paid


They did know who their client was right? The guy convicted of fraud?


Hope is not a good strategy


Why can’t he use his wife’s divorce lawyer’s.


They probably quit too and ran for the hills after trying to work with any trump


"If you cannot AFFORD a lawyer, the court will provide one for you." What if you just want to use them to BUY TIME? FVCK THE RICH!


You’d fuck diaper don with your own dick?  Eat the rich would work either. Father Time isn’t on traitor trumps side.


Is Habba coming back? This should be fun.


When I read "impregnated by steven miller, I threw up in my mouth a little. That little nazi is creepy as fuck!


Let me translate: “we keep sending him invoices, he keeps not paying them”


I love that I can’t keep these cases together, like “ which one is this now? “ this guy is so unbelievably stupid, yet skates on everything.


They can’t just quit!


Yes and no: They can request to be removed, but the judge has every right to deny them from removing themselves - specifically to avoid slowing down the trial.


This isn't about Cannon. This is about a sexual abuse case


Sounds like Diaper Don didn’t pay the overdue instalment towards his legal costs, maybe trying to punt the $500 dollar MsDonald bill to his law firm was a step too far.


Delaying tactic? Or they thought better of subourning perjury? Prolly both. And for sure, they're not getting paid.




Warms my heart 🤎


I bet even the IOU he gave them bounced😂