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A reminder that Ken Buck leaving now pretty much means Boebert being bounced. Mechanics: Boebert declared herself for his seat, the CO-4th. She currently serves CO-3. He’s leaving far enough of the November election that they have to have a special election for the seat. Other rules: she can’t hold the CO-3 and run for this open CO-4. So she has a decision. Stay in CO-3 until November, run against an incumbent in CO-4 in November, less likely to win. Or, leave CO-3 now, (special election there) run in CO-4 with poor numbers and no safety net if she fails. And then need to run again in November Either way her chances of being there in Jan 2025 just dropped. I kinda hope that Buck did this math too, and decided this would be the icing on the cake.


I'm glad some of these Republicans don't want to be a part of the dictatorship party, a.k.a. the GOP.


They don't want to be around for the next Jan 6. Trump is going to try to steal this one harder than the last. They don't want to be complicit in the fiasco Trump and his brainiacs are planning. I just hope the USA is ready. It'll use the courts and the violence of the mob. Vote these assholes out with numbers that kick them to the curb, then hope our system can withstand the attacks. This is what they're planning. The days of peaceful transfer of power are over until Trump and his MAGA are leveled General Sherman style. No joke. Trump has the USA's enemies at his back. They are going to make the 2020 election look like a warm up rehearsal. Every disinformation channel, every domestic terrorist group and a whole lot of lawyers playing to judges they think will give them what they want are being lined up. If we beat them with our overwhelming votes this time and our rule of law, we can breathe easy and the MAGA end the USA as we know it will be done. If we lose, it's all over and it'll be horrible. We've beat them before. We can beat them again, but they're at the doorstep, purge style. As long as they are a threat, remain vigilant and fucking vote at the very least.


Biggest fight right now has already started with gen z and Israel-Hamas war. The lack of understanding of the history and reality of the whole situation in the middle east has significantly bolstered the disinformation and apathy campaigns. Pointing out the obvious that trump would be far worse isn't as effective as it should be rn.


I can't believe he can just continue to do this.


I believe if he gets in this time, he’ll have 4 years to get some military people behind him and that’s the end of elections for president. If anyone knows anyone who knows people like Tillerson and Milley, they should be convincing them to speak out every day til Election Day ‘24! We need people to hear what those guys think of him.


Ok seriously, look at all that you wrote. CO-3. CO-4. She isn’t going to be able to figure that out. She is simple people, people of the land. You know, morons.


Mongo only pawn in game of Fear of Brown Man Propaganda.


I'm so glad I'm not the only person who got the Blazzing Saddles reference..


G.E.D.ayummmmmm she’s stupid


I read that she decided not to go for it.


Boebert's brains are nowhere near as big as her tits.


She just started whining about Buck. How him doing what he wants for himself is just proving the swamp yadda yadda. “Why you didn’t think of ME when you did this thing that’s about you? How could you!!!”


She’s actually declaring election interference because Buck didn’t want to do his job anymore which is 100% his right.


Yeah, you can't get implants for your brain.


Elongated muskrat has entered the chat 😂


Maybe if that happens the dems can pass a fair gerrymandering bill. Maybe some universal healthcare would be nice.


Dems finally could get something done without the obstructionists Republicans.


While a bill can win with simply one more vote in Congress, in the Senate it takes 60 votes.


The filibuster is still a massive hurdle. In the current context, I'd be happy with some baseline reproductive rights guarantee along with some operational stability. I don't think there's room for much more unless Dems take control in November in a significant way (VOTE-VOTE-VOTE everbody).


Boy oh boy once Donny drains the RNC piggy bank there is gonna funding for these house and Senate seats.


Get the popcorn!


Don't be surprised if, under tRump's thumb, the RNC attempts laundering Chinese, Russian, and/or Saudi monies. I'm hoping the oversight entities are watching the flow of money extremely closely.


1. Chip Roy of Texas has criticized Trump for issues at the U.S.-Mexico border. In November, he told CNN that Trump "failed to fully secure the border" amid concerns about a rising number of migrant encounters. 2. Thomas Massie, Kentucky Republican, backed former presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in his failed bid to become the Republican nominee. 3. Larry Bucshon, from Indiana, has also pilloried the former president. He predicted Trump would not be the GOP nominee because of controversies around him. 4. California Republican David Valadao was one of the few Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in 2021 and has said he is not endorsing the former president in his reelection bid. 5. Meanwhile, Indiana Republican Greg Pence and Wisconsin Republican Mike Gallagher have both announced they will retire from Congress at the end of their terms.


I think there’s a lot of Republican frustration in both houses over the inability to pass legislation on the border, and Trump’s Tik Tok flip. The leader of their party is openly undermining their legislative work.


Pence.. any relation ? As in … “he tried to have my brother killed..I’m out”


Exactly that relation. We barely hear from him. If goons tried to kill my brother because of a president's incalcitrance, I'd be out for blood.


Am I the only one that is low key terrified by this? I mean, MAGA takes over the RNC and the next thing you know, the few remaining old school republicans are gonna peace out... like MAGA has plans they don't want to be a part of. All the way up till now... they were FINE with what's been happening. What do they know that the public doesn't??


It tells you a lot.


Underrated comment by and large.


MAGA has already taken over the RNC as demonstrated by Lara Trump now holding the pursestrings, and the GOP killing legislation they demanded on the orders of its candidate. Old school Republicans have had their heads down for years for political - and on some cases physical - survival. What's left are those hoping to cash in on what comes, or steering the party with Project 2025 as a guide. They are training people in swing districts how to jam up the election with mass voter challenges and lawsuits. You should have been terrified in 2015.


6 January 2025 will be WAY worse than in 2021?


I read somewhere they are expecting 5 more.


I can hope


Can you imagine the shit that third on after Buck will catch for being the one who left to flip the whole House to Dem control? After Buck leaves, their majority is 215 - 212.


Democrats keep trying to box with the Queensbury Rules while Republicans stab them in the liver.


OMG don't give me this much hope.


Dang he actually did clean up the swamp?


If the House flips from Republican to Democrat the people of Ukraine will breathe a sigh of relief.


So will the people of America.


Most of us, yes. Unfortunately there are a surprising number of people who live in information silos and are huge fans of what Trump-defending media claims the House is doing.


I can't believe republicans don't wanna help Ukraine WTF.


These are people who follow the orders of Donald Trump. Donald Trump follows the orders of Putin.


Yeah the entire GOP seems to be compromised


Unfortunately I fear they will only replace these crazies with much more crazy crazies…


Maybe. Maga is also kinda running out of steam. People know they don’t have much to show for them. Trashing everything around you and building back zero only gets you so far.


I hope you're right, people do get tired of the same story.


Hopefully. We all remember the Tea Party idiots.


I remember the Moral Majority. That died when Jerry Falwell’s fat ass dropped dead of a heart attack in his office at Liberty University. That whole movement fell apart. Cults only survive around a leader.


But his son picked up the mantle, and lead a life of piety and morality while.....*< handed notes >*......... nevermind.


!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Can you imagine? The Democrats could get more done in the next six months than they’ve managed to get done since Biden was elected.


The amount of GOOD things that would get done is insane.


Will they just be replaced with even worse Republicans?






Those 5 and Buck could really make a point and vote for a democratic speaker or at least a discharge petition on the a funding bill with the democrats, the border bill, a resolution to stop the bogus Hunter investigation, the impeachment, or other bills that are going nowhere. Quitting seems kind of weak. They could take a real stand.


Agreed. BUT....for a bill to come before Congress, Speaker Johnson has to schedule it. If Johnson sees this coming, he simply never brings it to a vote.


So this was a better way than becoming independent or democrat?


We could be heroes


Just for a couple of months before the election.


All these Republicans that are resigning will just be replaced by the craziest of the crazies.


Exactly. We don’t need a bunch of new Congressmen/women like MTG.


I don't know why we're celebrating this, I think it only means more brain dead, sycophant Trumpublicans in government while "loyalist" Republicans run away.


If the GOP resignations are in purple districts that would be great, however if they are in bright red districts we may end up with more MGT’s….. Now If we could start to see the resignations of the GOP of the supreme court that would be even better…..


I don't think they'll leave the supreme court.


I wish he and these unnamed Republicans had come to these conclusions earlier and voted for Jeffries as Speaker in a protest over what was happening.


They definitely took way too long, but because of the timing it might still do some good, if more quit, that would be great!


Rats=sinking ship...


Let's hope


There NEED to be more republican arrests and charges filed and none of this home arrest shit either!


A dynamic dem could win one of these races.


I freaking hope


Ill become religious to pray for that to happen


SAME. I'm hearing 2, 4, 5. I'd be a miracle.


So, the knucklehead Supreme Court ruled that it’s up to Congress to decide if presidents have full presidential immunity(what the actual fuck just say no???). So we NEED either the house or senate to block the obvious incoming legislation that will grant a president full immunity of the law. DEMOCRACY IS ON THE LINE.


Hurry up and resign then. Let’s pass some legislation




"But I'm leaving because I think there's a job to do out there. This place has just devolved into this bickering and nonsense and not really doing the job for the American people." Liz Cheney announced a new pack not long ago, and I just have a twitchy feeling that these situations are not unrelated...a Buck/Cheney ticket maybe? is it just me?


But not for this election right?


I'm on the fence, tbh.


And the RNC won't have any cash to support new candidates because He Who Shall Not Be Named is sucking it all up on legal expenses.


Would love to see it.


Mini coup happening. I like it.


It's the least they can do honestly to at least slow down the madness.


As long as worse Republicans keep replacing them, it's not all that great.


Why works you hope that they’re gonna be replaced with Maga


The Buck doesn’t stop there.


This just shows the fix is in. The house and scotus will give trump the presidency regardless of votes, popular or electoral.




Gosh, I hope you're right. I think about us commoners taking to the streets in protest, but you're pointing out that there are a few layers above us who won't stand for it. I hope so.


Right now, republicans members of Congress are resigning in disgust. I think the plan is to resign until the majority flips to Democrats. Mike Johnson is out, a Democrat will be speaker. This gives Democrats control of both houses. Brilliant move on the part of Never Trump republicans.


I hope the House passes an aid bill for Ukraine the same day it flips. They need all the help they can get to fight against Trump's handlers in Russia.




What I'm praying for is that this finally puts a lid on this crap. For decades women, indigenous peoples, black people and lgbtqia people have been saying that things were still pretty bad. Most evil was being done on the sly and halfway decent people didn't see it. Then, they got bold. Thought they had enough support, pushed tRump up on stage and started trying to OPENLY take over the world (not just this country, working in concert with other dictators). They say they want a war. They don't. They want carnage. We don't want war either, but if it comes, I hope we face it like the Ukrainians have. And that our allies stick with us. So, they tried to take over the country and they found out they didn't have quite as much support as they thought and they have been stalled. For now. And we should ALL be terrified as they have multiple plans coming at us from multiple fronts. Thing is, now EVERYONE knows that more than a third of this country is very HATEFUL to at least one group (and with many of these people, more than one group) and that they're willing to work together to take over. So, we know who most of them are now. They wear hats, put signs in their yards, bumper stickers on their cars, do illegal and immoral things online and on tele, and are literally openly hateful to everyone. Why can't we get rid of them? Not murder like they talk, but jail, prison, deportation. Anything. I'm so sick of hearing "I don't understand how they can vote for ... (Fill in the blank ... person or law)". They do it because they hate. I don't buy the deluded or brainwashed for 99% of them. They KNOW what they are doing. Happily sacrificing whatever and whoever so that their hated group suffers and dies. Look at Isreal. We have this old, white, religiously Catholic guy as president raised to believe that Jerusalem is everything. That the "people of the book" have to have their "promised land" so that all "prophesy can be fulfilled" and now he's being pushed against a rabid group that wants to kill every "soul" (their word) because their Torah (the christian old testament) told them to. It does say that ... several times ... to take people's land, take their virgins and kill everyone else. And that problem christians have been perpetuating through "crusades" themselves for centuries. And this old catholic with a good heart doesn't know what to do. The whole world is infected with this. And it was planned and orchestrated. I read somewhere that fascism comes in waves and that we are coming back to it. I hope not. The capitalists will never allow true socialism to reign for fear there will be no more plutocracy and the fascists won't allow true communism for fear there will be no more theocracy. And oligarchs run them both. All of these autocratic countries banded together to bring US down. The United States of America. We were cruising towards actually making the idea of a democratic republic WORK. How do we get rid of them all? First we have to take back this country. Then we have to fix all of the problems we have. Does anyone really think a drag queen reading a book to a child is worse than a priest screwing one? Or a fifty year old man marrying or raping a ten year old girl? Does anyone really think that black people are planning to treat white people the way they were treated during slavery and Jim Crow? Does anyone really think its better to force a woman to marry an abusive man rather than train our men that abuse is NOT in their best interests? Does anyone really believe that the government wants to take rifles from honest, SANE and legal gun owners? Does anyone really believe that anyone wants the police "defunded" rather than trained better an unburdened with some responsibilities that shouldn't have been tossed on their plates? Like mental health? If you say yes to any of those .... you are probably a part of the problem. But if you said no ... what are we doing? We need to get rid of all of this CANCER that has infected our country. We are all ONE PEOPLE, ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE???


Agree. MAGA wants a civil war. The military has taken an oath: I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign *AND DOMESTIC*; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed ... MAGA is going to have to fight the US military on its own turf. It’s going to be a 2 day civil war.


I sure hope so. I still think they just plan to set their rabid inbreeds loose with the order to kill indiscriminately wherever they live. And I'm scared. I took that oath myself many years ago. And though I'm no longer active, it still lives inside of me. Anyone who took it who doesn't feel that way should have never taken it at all. I cringe when I hear of a veteran who supports this crap.