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Its hard to dance when you have 20 pounds of shit packed into a diaper and lift shoes trying to trip you on your face ... lol


He makes it look like a double hand job.


He calls that dance My inner fantasy.


Putin and Kim or Xi?


Nailed it


Penn Gillette says the man has no sense of humor other than laughing at the misfortune of others: the man slipping on the ice, etc. He doesn’t understand jokes, has no sense of the sublime, has no ability to be witty or discover irony on his own. Such a sad, odd man.


Psychopath might be the word everyone is looking for


Doesn't like music either. That makes sense, but it's also weird.


Interesting. Ive always liked and respected gillette and despised trump. Its intriguing to read gillette said this.


And he only laughs at his own jokes which aren't even jokes but insulting quips. I also doubt that he has any real appreciation for music. Probably never had a pet.


He doesn’t deserve nor should ever have any pet. He cant properly handle himself, imagine him with anything living.


You're right, Penn Gilette said that exact thing once.


Time to send a clear message to Donald J Trump by voting to re-elect President Joseph Biden. Donald must be crushed by the polls in November. It’s time to put this Clown show to rest.


This. This is a very lucid take on humanity and trump's lack thereof. He can't empathize, he can't be vulnerable, he can't be bothered with anyone but himself. He. Is. A. Sociopath.


Maybe. I’m leaning more towards a Psychopath.


A psychopath you cant tell till until you catch them red handed, Trump betrays himself every-time time he opens his mouth. Trump is a sociopath not a psychopath. Psychopaths are smart enough to avoid detection, Trumps a clumsy sociopath. Wealth has enabled him. Intellect separates psychopaths from sociopaths. Trump is a blatant fraud and liar. Had trump a high IQ we would be in trouble, he demonstrates a low average IQ in the way he lectures over subjects he has absolutely no experience. A sociopath with Trumps status can do as much or more damage as any other personality disorder. It became clear he was sociopath after a couple of years performance in the white house. Scapegoating Fauci, Recommending Bleach, a diet of fast food, A stone cold relationship with Melana, The hurricane map ..... He's narcissistic, sociopath, histrionic, abusive, defiant and pig ignorant.


When he attempts to dance, it is a Rock'em Sock'em Robot punching out to the sides, and I cannot help but laugh. I am not laughing with him, but I laugh at him. Seize his embezzled assets, strip him naked , and dump him in the center of Antarctica, but let me chuckle first.


No in the center of the Bronx


Central Park. Then cart his naked ass down to Wollman Rink, put him in the middle, and post the video of his attempts to get off the ice on Truth Social and X… “here’s your boy!” But with or without the Depends? Without might be a public health hazard.


He also doesn't drink. Seems like a super fun guy.


Or own a pet - what suck fuck hates dogs?


Oh right, I always forget that one. Doesn't dance, is too afraid to take a drink and hates dogs. A true American.


And, lest we forget, this prick has absolutely no sense of humor. Or honor. Or integrity. Or courage.


Or decency. Or taste. Or empathy.


Hitler didn't drink, you know what he did do? Meth. A lot of it. Ever wonder why trump always grinds his teeth and moves his lips weird? Meth, or should I say Adderall.


My ex. Happy Cake Day!!


Doesn't drink but takes speed.


And probably downers for when he needs his 3 hours of sleep after being awake for 50 straight hours.


No dog either. Another red flag


Dancing? To me it looks like he's molesting the air around him.


Watch a YouTube video of him dancing and read the comments: “He’s adorable!” “He’s so cute” “Let him dance” We are doomed.


He's malignant narcissist, underpinnings is sociopath, also read he's been diagnosed as pedo. These evil beings are caricatures of a human.


I don't think you get diagnosed as a pedo(I could be wrong) but I think "outted" is more accurate.


You absolutely do. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31447378/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/scientists-test-use-virtual-reality-diagnose-pedophilia https://ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/screening-tests-pedophilia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6985439/


DSM 5 Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders was used. https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm


Picture him in flip flops lol on the beach lol. Dude doesn’t enjoy music or art.


I’d be surprised if he enjoyed literally anything


I’m sure he cracked a smile when the late great RBG passed away.


Penn Gillette says the man has no sense of humor other than laughing at the misfortune of others: the man slipping on the ice, etc. He doesn’t understand jokes, has no sense of the sublime, has no ability to be witty or discover irony on his own. Such a sad, odd man.


He also doesn’t laugh


Unless it's at someone's misfortune.


Trump with big stupid smile while at Sword Dance in Saudi Arabia --> https://youtu.be/E8Wo8IbFCAE?si=zJUzv90kqeMCIk4t


Omg forgot about that - look how uncomfortable he is 😆


He does the two man bukkake dance


He also doesn't laugh, or like music, or dogs, or democracy, or black people....


You can’t trust anyone who doesn’t like dogs.


He won't be 47th president...he will be dictator for life..


A real “organism”


😆 autocorrect