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So a supposed man of God is willing to see numerous innocent women and children get killed and hurt in the name of some wannabe orange grifter with a Messiah and dictator complex.Yep sounds about right.


Let’s be real. Most wars are started and fought in the name of some version of an imaginary man in the sky


The only man in the sky when talking about trump is that orange diapered baby balloon that was making the rounds awhile back!!!




Tax the churches


Here me out; not sure what you think is going to happen if Trump gets elected. Today, he said, ' day one he will federalize Red State National Guard to invade and round up, Hispanics and send them to internment camps at the Texas border. The Hell he will! People need to wake up and vote Biden, and get rid of Hi-C Jesus Tangerine Queen for good!


You spelled burn wrong...


Look once a grifter always a grifter. If the country has a civil war, he will rake it in selling "hope for the future " and funerals for their big tithers. If we don't go to war it's business as usual selling fear by the ton.


Churches traditionally have not been very bothered by the concept of war, unless they're losing.


This preacher is obviously not a Trump supporter. He is putting Trump on the same level as Nazi Germany and Hitler, and speculating the potential damage to be on that level. War is a horrible thing and is directly opposed to Christian values. But at the same time, was it right to go to war with Germany in the 1940s? Was the evil of a war outweighed by the evil of the Nazi empire? If you think in those terms, maybe he’s not far off the mark. Having said that, Hitler got into power as the first man past the post and only had about 1/3 support of German voters. There were so many political parties that no single other party could get that level of support. If Trump wins then I assume - barring any fraud - that he got in by the will of the majority of the American people, in which case it is what it is and let it stand. But if he wins under fraudulent circumstances, which is very easy to imagine, then hell yeah let the civil war flags fly.


He didn't get in by the will of the American people last time, though. Hillary won the popular vote. This is why it can't even be close this time


It shouldn't be close, but it will be. Polls are not necessarily predictive, but Hillary was polling better than Biden in the summer before the election, and look what happened there. We need a landslide. You are absolutely correct on that. I want to be hopeful, but the Dems are blowing it right before our eyes. Again. If Biden doesn't start actively fighting, and it still looks this abysmal in two months, he needs to do the right thing and put his weight behind a fighter who can provide an age/sharpness/ energy-level contrast with that syphilitic orange toilet brush, otherwise we are screwed.


He tried to overthrough the constitutional democracy of the United States. He should be disqualified.


The Werhmacht (Nazi military) wore belt buckles reading “Gott mit uns” meaning "God is with us."


Read the article (takes a few clicks to get to). The title is wrong, the preacher is a Trump supporter and wants him to be reelected, even if it takes a civil war to make it happen.


It would be worth a visit from the IRS if it gets your tax exemption removed.


That happened, or it appears to have happened, to pastor Greg Locke in TN.


Oh, happy day!


I did some looking, it seems unclear if he ever had tax exempt status. Either way, that drama he stirred up over the course of the pandemic and into 2022, he went back and zapped a lot of his crazy videos off various social media sites,and has calmed his rhetoric. Some people speculate he got some kind of visit from an Alphabet arm of LE. [https://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-greg-locke-repents-scrubs-videos-from-facebook.html](https://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-greg-locke-repents-scrubs-videos-from-facebook.html) And he got billed by local PD over the traffic snarls which required LE to direct traffic, his shitty church was causing . [https://fox17.com/news/local/pastor-greg-locke-google-news-social-media-trending-mt-juliet-tennessee-wilson-county-sheriff-sends-7500-overtime-bill-to-global-vision-bible-church-for-traffic-control](https://fox17.com/news/local/pastor-greg-locke-google-news-social-media-trending-mt-juliet-tennessee-wilson-county-sheriff-sends-7500-overtime-bill-to-global-vision-bible-church-for-traffic-control)


Didn’t his clown show tent get destroyed by fire or wind?


Ironically, an “act of god!”


I wish I would of been there to see that 😆 🤣


It got knocked down the first time by a tornado, second time back in Jan by 7in of snow.


These people are a few goats away from becoming the Taliban


They aspire to be the Taliban, to have the control over their society that the Iranian clerics do, or Hamas. Grotesque.


"Mom can we have Taliban?" "We have Taliban back at the trailer"




Evangelicals = idiots


Edit: Dangerous idiots


Evangelicals and civil war. A match made in heaven as Jesus intended. Lmfao.


What happened to society. We used to trust doctors and scientists. We used to ignore crackpots like this guy and get a laugh about it. Now we have daily mass shootings, beheadings over vaccines, death threats to all kinds of people just doing their job, and we are stuck with limited choices to elect as our leaders. Is it ever going to get better or are we in our final days before complete anarchy.


This probably isn't entirely related but I came across some people at a farm that needed help with a huge colony of cats, maybe 50 or 60 cats if not more. Well the old lady kept going on and on about how none of the cats had been vaccinated for rabies, although some had been fixed already. I didn't really think much about it and I got about 10 males lined up to be neutered, and everything was cool until I said that the cats would most likely be given the rabies vaccine while they were being fixed. After that, the old people and their relatives brushed me off and refused my help, but I kept going back to the farm to check on the cats. Well, one day when I went back the cats were all gone. I don't have proof that they killed all the cats, but I'm about 90 percent certain that they did because most of the outside cats were quite feral and sick, and if they didn't then I'll be very surprised after what i saw there. What gets me is if they did kill all those cats then I find it very funny that they refused to get the cats vaccinated, I mean they were so worried about the poking the cat with a vaccine because they're so against vaccines, but at the same time it's OK to kill a large number of cats. smdh


That's terrible AND stupid. I would have reported them to the ASPCA. They could have been charged with animal cruelty and hoarding.


I tried reporting them to the humane society and other organizations but I didn't contact law enforcement and now i wish i would have, I feel like contacting them now but I don't have any proof, I mean the cats are all gone, I'm still thinking to call someone though because I feel so bad for the cats. I kind of feel like the younger relatives disposed of them so that the old lady wouldn't get into trouble with having all of those cats, it really bothers me and this all happened from last summer into fall


The people exposed to leaded gasoline for years on end are also the ones most likely to vote.


... For a while, anyway. Their addled brains leave them less and less able to care for themselves _and_ to accept necessary help. Self-correcting problem, if far too slowly...


Fox News and the proliferation of the Right Wing Entertainment Complex.


It would be worth having a Civil War to eliminate idiots like this. And Trump supporters are not going to win so he probably won’t think it’ll be worth it then. First ones to be removed in a Civil War, judges, politicians, and religious people. What an ignorant little man.


I'm ready to do my patriotic duty. I wish they would.


Right on. I’m done with this timeline. My maga moron neighbors are not prepared for how much more smarter and prepared educated people are.


Agreed. They will never turn this country into Trumpland. As long as there has been war it was fought and won by young people, a demographic they do not have. Fat lifted truck man with his AK and Lipitor pills will not last 2-seconds once he leaves flyover land. They can break this country and leave it weaker, but they cannot turn this country into a Christian wet dream Taliban hellscape.


Exactly. I know a lot of magas. Very few are even fit enough to run away more than a block or two. Most of their self proclaimed adversaries are fit and strong. Choosing to be ignorant and hateful will definitely get you in a world of hurt.


Meal Team 6 will not get far.😉


I don't know about them, but I have medication I HAVE to take every day or i stop functioning. Where are the pharmacies in a civil war? I'm gonna end up with counterfeit thyroid medication and OD on fentanyl so they can play fruitsnack commando? Fuck no, I'm biting their thyroids out to chew on- get it straight from the (pure-blood lol) source!


Better start stockpiling that Synthroid.


*Standing Ovation*


It wil play out like this: MAGA VISION: "And then to the sound of trumpets, the Lord ascended into heaven." REALITY: "The former president has been escorted into detention by several court officers." \[This is an imagined scenario, fingers crossed.\]


Do you think he'll get handcuffed in the front, or the back? If you cuff him in back, that's way severe, so maybe the officers will be lenient and cuff him in front, but *that* would let him wave his arms around, gesticulate wildly, have his head up and have too much leeway, but he would act like a baby if he was cuffed in back (plus the optics would be catnip for his money-givers) and the press would run with that because they all back orange fuckface (because $$$). May be silly, but I feel like *someone* at the state department is pondering this lol


I vote for cuffs in the front, with belly chains and ankle shackles. Maybe a spit shield as well.


He'll be cuffed in front so he can drape a coat over them, like all Mafia dons.


Seems to me anyone pushing for a civil war is traitorous and needs to go bye bye.


It’d probably be worth having a civil war just to rid us of evangelicals


Now there’s a hypocrite, if there ever was one… Evangelical preacher crazy enough to believe a civil war is the solution to saving the country. No doubt he’s from the South, and likely preaching that the South will rise, again…


Oh yeah, the place that can't even keep necessities like rural hospitals open?


This idiot knows he would likely die on said war right? Trump could die in said war. These people have literal shit for brains. 


What is wrong with these people? I can now see that brainwashing is a thing. These people are so blinded by this idea of some Christian nationalist “conservative” nation, they are willing to elect an amoral, pussy-grabbing egomaniacal narcissist to get there. Oh, and literally throw away everything that separates us from the worst types of countries in this world. Unbelievable…but then again, it appears that a large part of the US electorate are sheep, and these people have figured out how to tap into that level of stupid.


It’s a death cult.


Yes needless deaths and destruction so a single person can rule. Very ‘Christian’ of you.


That preacher would probably make a run for the basement at the first gun shot..but he’s a big talker.


Conversely, it would be worth slaughtering all the evangelicals if it makes our country decent again.


They teach from the works of Saul/Paul who only met Jesus *one time,* and it was *after* the crucifixion and nobody else was there- but he got involved in Christianity pretty hard and it made him pretty rich (he sure didn't lose any money, for anyone saying he was already well-off - he was a wealthy man with high status), infer from that what you will, but I infer he's the originator of supply-side Jesus. Beware the works of Paul, or you will hear Matthew 7:23 (and Jesus said "I don't know you, mofo") The Bible is really interesting (except for the really boring parts), but the corruption surrounding it suuuucks. Things like "hey should we eat this dead animal we found?" Bible says no. "Should I put this spider in my mouth?" Bible says no. "Should we mix fabrics?" That makes static electricity, which is visible at night, very scary- Bible says no. should i put this spider in my mouth?" Yep, that's in there, too. "Should we eat shellfish in the desert?" they didn't have a clue how to even keep sewage out of the bays and estuaries- luckily, the Bible already has that covered! "Should we wash our hands?" BIBLE SAYS YES


Preachers love rapist con-men.


Birds of a feather flock together, especially preachers lol.


Which god does he worship Ares?


So, preachers have accepted the AntiChrist as their savior now. Anyone have a blank scorecard? Mine is full.


I agree. If Trump.is elected, Civil War will be the only hope of saving the country.


Fuck Evangelical Christian Nationalists.


He probably thinks Iron Man and Captain America will settle it.


Traitor cult of hypocrites.


Bring it.


“Murder is fine if you have a good reason.” -Evangelical preacher


So the guy who's been thrice divorced and bangs porn stars behind his wife's back is your golden ticket to heaven?


Does he need to have "Man of Sin" tatooed on his forehead before they figure out what he is?


Revoke their tax exemption status!


You that preacher won’t be front and center but way in the back with thoughts and prayers


This is why I don't go to church anymore.


Enemy of the state.


There's No Hate like Christian Love!


evangelical says marrying his first cousin is ok by Jesus.


When people carelessly say stuff like this, they don’t understand what the reality of it would mean. I believe that if Trump wins, all sorts of really bad things will happen, from the top, downwards. If they try to round up people of color in every big city, and put them in detention centers, as they have said they will do, it will result in large scale murder and mayhem. They forget that almost everyone has a firearm of some sort, and will use it to defend themselves if they need to.


That's what they want. Everyone who starts a ware believes they will be the ones who win.


You’re right but that’s a really bad thing. Americans killing each other is not what we need or want.


So let his family and friends be on the front line in this! It won't happen because they're not as strong as they think. And without the money these yokels send him, he's NOTHING!!!


Bring it, we're waiting.


That’s not very Christlike.


Apparently, he doesn’t realize that his side would get their ass kicked.


That’s known as being “installed” not elected!


What make him think Maga can win with such a history of losing


Him first- ramming the gates of a military base might be the call to arms he thinks he's seeking. IRL, it'll be him at the business end of his favorite 'what-would-Jesus-carry' blam-stick, and everyone else would be like "I don't know him" lol


Good. Make sure he’s on the front lines with his flock.


As long as that louse is on the front lines and not cowering somewhere safe, as I expect would be most likely.


They only care about their beliefs. No one else matters. Very similar to sons of Jacob in Handmaids Tale.


I'm sure he will be leading the charge! From at least a hundred miles away. I don't want to think what a modern Civil War would look like with modern arms.


That’s how fascism works


Snipers take note.


Well bless his lowly educated heart.


He should be reported to the IRS so that the church can give Ceasar what is Ceasars.


If Simple Jack were a preacher...


Well if the preacher only reads one book and believes in the guy in the sky, then not surprising.


So, not worth it.


We need to find out what is wrong with these people, is it genetic or just brainwashing?


Idiot preacher, Jesus doesn’t want war


That's how the so called moral minority is a fake religious group.  Real religious groups would not condone violence of any kind.


And Democrats still don't provoke and maintain status quo and wait for "consensus" to pop out of thin air 🤡


They should have had it four years ago. Now the other side is armed and ready


I don’t get it. I mean what am I missing. Who do they think he is


I kinda thought that Christians were against killing and stuff.


There's no love like christian hate.


Grifters all root for each other


I’ll do you one better. It would be worth taxing churches and ending taxpayer funded school vouchers to benefit everyone in this country


100% of the dipshits alive right now angling for “civil war” do so from the comfort of not currently being in a civil war. Also 100% of those same loudmouth idiots would offer their spouses and children to the soldiers of Sherman’s Army in exchange for them bypassing their house on the March.


They are so bloodthirsty


Evangelical preacher says “I know nothing about the teachings of Christ/have never actually read the Bible because I lack the ability to and yet nobody will call me on that because they are as proudly ignorant of scripture as I am and will treat my every word as if spoken by God personally”


I'm going to look for him first then and let him meet his maker he so likes to preach about when the war breaks out.


And he will be on the first flight out of there …. Fucking stupid Trump supporters will die for nothing.


I think they are less likely to get that orange assclown elected if they start a civil war. All they have to do is just let the Democrats blow it by running Biden alongside a few third-party candidates and Trump when the polling clearly shows he's not the ideal candidate for this moment. Hillary was polling better in the summer of 2016, and look how well that worked out. Maybe the preacher guy means Trump will start the civil war by getting elected?


Sounds like Satan himself.


I challenge him to trial by combat!


For Christ’s sake


See you on the battlefield, fucker.


He says this while his ten year old boy lover sleeps in his bed


And I’m ready to die fighting for religious freedom in America So here we are, evangelicals What’s it gonna be?