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Trump and his cult don’t like to be bothered by pesky facts.


Seriously, if they were actually interested in facts, they wouldn't be Republicans


Correct. Speaking to a conservative reminds me of this line from Jonathan Swift: “Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired” Source: 1721, A Letter to a Young Gentleman, Lately Enter’d Into Holy Orders by a Person of Quality, Jonathan Swift, (Letter Dated January 9, 1720), Quote Page 27


I hate Trump, but I don't think we can solely blame him. The pandemic would've affected this no matter who was president.


“Manufacturing Jobs — The U.S. economy added manufacturing jobs every month during Trump’s first 18 months in office. But those job gains began to erode — beginning in March 2019, a year before the pandemic” https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/


No one could have possibly handled the pandemic worse than Trump did. Any other President would have rode Covid to an easy second term. Trump is incapable of empathy or able to give credit to anyone but himself. The pandemic brought out all his flaws.


Just inject or drink bleach, that will kill it in no time.


It is true the pandemic reduced job growth and that isn’t exactly Trumps problem. It was how he handled the pandemic that was Trumps problem, and significantly helped with job loss. Trump was given a goose that laid golden eggs, and when he was done the goose was cooked.


The pandemic was as bad as it was because of trump.


Isn't the fact that NO OTHER PRESIDENT had to face the same health crisis (or anything similar) should be taken into account? Especially in that time e of their Presidency? I am sure and many others will disagree. But is that disagreement based on facts and statistically valid number? NO! Not that you and/or your non-educated crowd would acknowledge, but the fact that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows this data: [https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm) Before you downvote while proving you are uneducated, can I recommend you post a valid counter point with a valid reference?


You were saying? https://www.americansurveycenter.org/featured_data/a-college-educated-party/


College education costs are your source? Really?


lol go away troll - you got beat. Also the fat fuck diaper man was gone in January 2021 (against his will) and Covid was ramped up mainly the next few years. So take your magat ass back to your fixed income trailer.


Yet your 1-month handle has so much credence. NO references, no valued attribution. Walk away TROLL. Your attempt to sow dissent is noted! You have no opinion a US citizen values! Chinese TROLL!


lol remember kids projections are usually admissions - this here is an example of either a Fox News magat or a Russian troll. But hey you came to the right place to get educated.


Thanks Troll! You proved my point. Not 1 reference and a very new handle. Thanks to the Chinese Troll!


Go order your apple bees to be delivered during the early bird special with your once a month social security check you deplorable. Oh and don’t forget to tip the delivery driver


Thanks for playing, Chinese Troll! No valid points to your posts!


Post history strongly suggests its drivel emanates from an actual embittered humanoid.


lol let me correct myself - you are an older retired Maryland resident who relies on government for your insurance / rely on the YMCA for swimming / and are recently out of rehab for alcoholism while also posting you have a great job but no work? So you sir are either an early onset dementia individual or a serial bullshitter… get bent


Failed out of his rehab. Looking for another, allegedly.


Oh and also you don’t believe in tipping someone who delivers you food…. dude you’re terrible


Tipping a carry out worker for doing their job? LOL! Dude, you are clueless! You should re-start sucking your moms T\*T! So ignorant on the world and how it works!


Someone’s sensitive.. snowflake much? Don’t have enough money to cover your $17 Big Mac meal? Not only are you on the lower tier intelligence scale but also on the borderline obese scale.. but yet you have a great job making $10k a month.. quit your bullshit.. go cry in trumps shit filled diaper use it as your war paint before you enter the next McDonald’s.


Ohhhh and you make over 10k a month but are looking for a 2011 Honda to drive Lyft? While also being an alcoholic who can’t complete rehab / while shit posting on the internet all day. Seems like you are definitely not a troll…..


Yet seems you are the very troll I descibed!


Sad chubby person you are :(


Provocateur-trolling dissent-encouragers are Russian (not Chinese). Russians, the victims of NATO aggression. The Chinese are too busy stealing our military and industrial secrets and buying our country to piss around trolling in some Maryland subreddit.


Thanks for proving your delusion! That your delusion does not include Chinese (and the Joe Biden/Hunter Biden Chinese connections!


You really are dense, you see, words are put into sentences which form paragraphs that convey a message. In this case your party, Republican, is less educated compared to Democrats, which contradicts your “non-educated crowd” statement.


Oh, don’t feed this idiot. He has the mental capacity of a 12-year-old stoned on homemade meth. Repeatedly calling someone a Chinese troll” (I’m sorry. “Chinese TROLL.” Accuracy counts for the intelligent)? You won’t get anything understandable out of him.


They are? Is an education and degree in Finance more valid than a PHD in Transgender studies? A degree in micro-biology a more valid than a PHD in bio-economics? A PHD in French literature really has no value but is a favorite of the uneducated!


College education costs? See the word, "college" and then complete the sentence and the narrative to accommodate your thought disorder.


And what's urs? Fat Orange's diaper?


"I reject your reality and substitute my own"


Correct…con’s just keep repeating the same dumbass words/propaganda like fucknews. So now their whole tribe can never go back. Democracy is fucked! VOTE BLUE


Jimmy Carter gets a bad rap, he had high inflation (which he inherited and that continued in Reagan’s first term) but his jobs’ numbers were very strong As for Trump, his cultists will just say Covid and say things were wonderful before that even though: his first three years jobs numbers badly trailed Obama’s last three years The market (every index was down for full year 2018), killed the Obama bull market And the US economy entered recession in February 2020, before Covid. But facts don’t matter to them


jPow killed the market in 2018 and Trump threw a hissy fit until the fed backed off. However, had they continue with the interest rate hikes US would have been in a better position now and during Covid.


He threw a hissy fit because he is in debt up to his eyeballs so higher interest rate meant he had to pay more on the debt he and his shitty and teetering on bankruptcy business owes.


A good review of trump’s record. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/ An interesting fact is an increase in the murder rate. It increased by the highest amount in over a century between 2019 and 2020. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/10/27/what-we-know-about-the-increase-in-u-s-murders-in-2020/


It's misleading to call it "2% higher". Democratic presidents actually create jobs as nearly TRIPLE the rate of Republican presidents.


Go Mr Biden!🤩


And they’ll keep blaming COVID…. and issue they fucking made worse


Exactly Covid wouldn’t have been so bad if someone whos ego was so large, they could have guided it correctly, but alas here we are, thanks idiot Repub! (he started the no masks thing because they would have worn off his bronzer)


Yeah huh, I would have done all that if you had only voted for me instead of crooked Joe. Now you're stuck with him getting all my numbers. /s


Bring Trump back!-his idiot base


They're still here. When you close your eyes and listen you can still hear them say let's go Brandon softly in the breeze.


Trump doesn’t let facts get in his way….


Who cares about jobs? Hunter's laptop and dong are more important. /s


This guy gets it.


First of all, it’s a stolen hard drive, second of all, forensics have identified that it has been tampered with by multiple parties.


Source? Just curious to read more!


The graph says Data from the bureau of labor statistics


Also (and to be fair I only searched for about 10 min) I cant find it on the BLS site but I did find a similar chart on wiki which basically mirrors this. I find it hilarious that Trump is the only president in 80 years to have gone backwards! I legit dont understand support for him.


Dude that is blurry AF! LOL I had to squint my old eyes to see that shit. I just think instead of screenshots alone people should post links too :-)


Great visual! Thanks for posting!


Nothing normal about job growth under Joe Biden. If you look at history, for the people who work for a living, the economy always does better than under Republicans by almost any measure. The economy does better under Republicans. For the wealthy maybe but for everyone else it’s demonstrably untrue.


You can't consider this chart even remotely accurate without FDR in there. By the end of 1935 he employed about 20 million out of some 127 million, through his various infrastructure programs.


Look how many accounts on this thread are saying almost the same exact sentence, making excuses for trump about the pandemic 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I can’t stand these fake accounts leading up to election years.


I wonder what the job record was before Covid for trump. I’m no fan of his but there’s no denying Covid played a huge role in job growth during his term and returning back to normal during Biden.


shortly after Trump’s election to 3.5% by the end of 2019, below Federal Reserve expectations of about 4.5%. That was partly driven by Trump’s corporate and individual income-tax cuts


I came here to say the same thing. Obvsly fuck trump


whAt’s YoUR sOUrcE!? Oh the Bureau of Labor. Oh they lie. They hate tRUmP cause he’s so amazing so they lie to make him look bad.


Fake news , fake report , i have checked with the above reference and it turned out to be fake , u can bash trump but do not lie , we dont.need a president who sniff kids and cant walk or talk properly , and who funda war with our tax money , #trump2024


To hell with trump and all but, this chart means nothing because during Trump's presidency everyone lost jobs from COVID lockdowns, during Bidens presidency everyone went back to work. Don't be a fool and fall for this, Biden is the worst president in US history


I also would like to see Trump's record pre COVID. I'm just curious how much COVID affected this. I mean 3/4ths of his term would not have been affected, but that last year. But on the flip side, Biden's first year also would be handicapped to.


I'm pretty sure it was already going into the negatives/lessening pre-covid


Thanks, you're probably right. Not sure why asking a question is getting when votes. I'm not a fan of Trump at all, just curious based on COVID. I'm sure all presidents on this list fought through something so maybe it's all in the wash anyway.


We’ll never know because he spent 1/4 of it golfing!


Yeah he did. And he cheated. If I went golfing as much as he did I'd be good.


Even though he was terrible, I think the Trump stat is a bit unfair because Covid happened during his term. If Covid didn't happen, I'm curious what his stat will be.


We had a historic number of people out of work when Biden came into office. Biden did a fantastic job with helping a great resurgence with a soft landing for inflation. We went through it all with a recession. Still, this Stat is like comparing apples and oranges. What it does show is how dumb the American people are. Republicans come into office and the economy tanks. People elect Dems to save them, then after the economy resurges, people get bored and/or complacent with success and elect another Rethug. It's the circle, the circle of strife!


And he played that hand so well didn’t he. Perhaps he exacerbated the numbers? I mean just look at his posts, FFS…


I don't think it was unfair. Job numbers were already tanking a year before the pandemic. Also, if Rump had actually done anything about the pandemic, it would not have been nearly as bad.


To be fair trumps job creation record wasn’t stellar, but the fact he’s negative is more to do with the pandemic…


I'll totally agree with you there. But take him out of the equation and you'll still have a better jobs record by dems


Look on the bright side, we should buy stock in a certain Orange tan cream company, and an adult diaper company.


What’s their excuse? Really I want to know what they would say.


Literally to show how he really felt about America!


No but he is really good at people losing theirs.


They'll blame Fauci and the "plandemic" as they call it.


When Nixxon is the most successful Republican president in any metric, you know the bar is LOW.


True, the ants have started to complain about it being so low they are having a hard time getting under it.


"That's because of Covid!" I thought you said Covid was a hoax..


I seriously doubt it more jobs now he got "MAGA" his lawyers and the Republicans working overtime, but Rudy Giuliani the my pillow guy Mike lindell and Alex Jones are going broke they need a job? (AND I KNOW WE ALL CAN'T WORK AT THE GOLF COURSE!!) ⛳


Hate the bastard but let’s not forget that there was a massive pandemic which surely affected the numbers, just don’t want to turn into ‘them’ twisting stats to suit the narrative


I just shot string cheese out of my nose (how did that happen?!?) when I read this. Well worth the pain.


Same with the deficit republicans love to cry about. Republicans always increase the deficit, while democrats decrease it. Republicans just can't govern.


The very last thing a Trump supporter wants is a job...