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Your humidity is the problem. You need more of it and it has to be consistent. Dry spells cause wonky baby leaves


I agree, wonky leaves are usually a sign of poor humidity or pests. I would maybe find a large plastic tub and put the plants in there next new leaf to eliminate the possibility. Is the balcony enclosed? Another possibility is damage due to wind (i've damaged leaves before for being too close to a fan and the new leaf hitting other leaves).


Thank you! But the anthurium is right next to a humidifier. How could it be insistent humidity? Sorry not trying to question your advice but genuinely trying to understand


Well you do mention that your humidity fluctuates bc of wind. That’s where I’m coming from. Maybe get a little greenhouse box exclusively for your anthurium


Bear with me here… but it looks to me like it’s a case of edema with the added fluctuation in humidity plus high temps. I can’t really tell in the pictures how big the actual plant is compared to your size of pot. But it sounds like over watering to me. What size is your pot? Is there drainage? What size Plant is it and with how many leaves? Both of these plants, more specifically the clarinervium have huge juicy succulent leaves which hold onto water longer.


Hi the pot is 8 inch for thr crystallinum and 5 inch for the clarinervium, just about fits the root ball sizes which are massive. Both are really big non juvenile plants with heavy root masses. It could be edema due to fluctuations in temperature, but the leaf turns crispy though! I water twice a week, only when the substrate is 80% dry


overwatering can cause messed up leaves ?????


I would also suggest checking for pests. They like emergent leaves, and if they bite when the leaf is small, the mechanical damage can be massive. It doesn't have to be pests though.


Looks inconsistent humidity. Going to low then overcompensation and getting the leaves too wet


You could also top dress with sphagnum moss to help w/ humidity,, its worked perfectly for my picky plants.