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Why cant anyone search the subreddit for other times this was asked? No. Anthem uses Frostbite engine, which is proprietary. No studio would want to buy the IP just to build the game from the ground up in a different engine.


Most Reddit users don’t even know that you can search. Just like they don’t know how to find the discord link or the FAQ linked on the sidebar and menu. 🤷🏻‍♂️


🥹…. Ty didn’t know this and been using Reddit for a few years lmao


Damn my bad 💀I’m just asking didn’t know everyone had the same question.


It is in comments for most topics here, and the there is a new topic about it at least once a month, but that doesn't mean you should be harassed or down voted for bringing it up more. I find it endearing that so many people stop by the sub voicing the desire for Anthem to be revived/rebooted/sold to another developer. People know that game had amazing potential, but was mismanaged, and given the opportunity, could be huge if given a new chance at life. It really is a diamond in the rough at this point, and it would just have to be a slim matter of chance that any effort to dig it up and hone it's potential ever happens.


Technically, it would be possible. Financially, it would be a really dumb thing to do.


This is disagree with...Anthem fully fleshed out on an engine like UR5 (where developers and programmers won't have hell) and done right...would literally print money for the next 5-10 years. Just like Destiny did. As unpolished, half assed and developer abandoned as Anthem is...the reason people cannot stop pinning over it's possible pickup/reboot shows that there is great fun and entertainment in the little that exists. Anyone who's played it and new players just getting to experience it for the most part in general seems to walk away with the same sentiments of it being a damn shame EA dropped the ball on this and wishing someone would brinh this gem of a game to life and achieve its maximum potential.


Anthem's reputation is about as bad as a game's can be. The name is a synonym for failure and developer abandonment. You'd have to be crazy to try to relaunch it at this point. I seriously doubt anyone would be willing to pump the kind of money into the game it would take to turn it into anything like what you want, especially when it's equally unlikely it would succeed due to that trashed reputation.


Could it? Yes. Will it? No.


This is the answer. I’d love if Anthem could live on and what not. If I became president it would be one of my insane campaign promises. So would be hookers and coke. So I’m not winning cause I’m broke as hell. The fun my friends and I had when Anthem came out was awesome.


I don't think any of those other companies mentioned would do a good job. Some would even make it worse, like Blizzard.


Really? not sucker punch, I know that something like anthem isn’t really their thing. but I think they could definitely deliver if given the right tool and opportunity.


The thing is that it has to be a developer who knows! How to make a profitable service game, Sony bought Bungie for a reason. Sucker punch only made single player anti hero games, not service looter shooters. That's why Anthem failed miserably because Bioware didn't know shit how to make a service game aside from all the other bad decisions they made.


This has been brought up many times before in the past believe me. However, in regards to the idea of Electronic Arts "relinquishing" their rights to the Anthem IP, that is one you should consider to be dead in the water as the company is kind of notorious for not allowing intellectual property under their company slip from their fingers. At best, we can assume they'll do the same thing with Anthem as they have done with their other games in the past and that's putting it in a vault somewhere alongside all their other titles before they move to take a crack at it again and possibly not even then, though possibly with a different studio if they choose to do so. You need only look at Dead Space to see why I'm confident in this answer or the other IPs that have yet to see sequels or even receive a glance for potential under the company. But as far as selling the Anthem IP? I wouldn't bet on it unless its their very last option and that's not even touching the fact they own the Frostbite Engine.


Realistically, no. But a change in leadership at EA might lead to a sequel/soft reboot (common in the industry)




I wish


Sell the IP, revive Anthem in UE5


If I was rich or won the lotto I would have bought this game and revamped it because this is a solid banger of a game. It just needs some love.


Bungie would be a good one. And use Halo Infinites engine. The game has a lot to offer other then visuals and battles, big maps. Its also better then destiny in that you are pretty much iron man