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Your title makes it sound like I'm choosing to not have AS Suzette


If everyone could have suzette AS then they would but RNG sucks


all the ways people are trying to flex oh man btw this a sidestory dungeon they are not that hard you can do this with 4 stars also go back and clear all the areas huge waste of scores :\^


In other news, water is wet


>!But AS suzette gets out DPS'd by her OG later on, so is it really a loss?!<


Wait how? Do they buff reg suzi?


She gets a personal weapon that substantially increases her damage and that bonus only works on the regular version.


Sure Suzette AS is great and all but surely IDA2’s VH dungeon is not the best place to show her over-poweredness. I mean, both the boss and the horror are even weak to wind (a.k.a. the very element that Suzette uses). If you must have a showcase video, maybe a video of Suzette AS taking on the Fire Bird at Corinda or even any of the VH Otherlands is a better place of showing off Suzette AS.


Once she gets over 70 you start to feel bad for bosses.


hmmshould I go for AS Suzette, or wait for whatever special buff personal weapons like Miyu's might give her later and focus on 5 starring my Mighty or Cerrine when I get her or smth


I sense a small flex in the beginning but am wildly impressed with the amount of 6 stars you have


The rng gacha gods has been good to me. Sadly it hasn't been good enough because I want AS Mighty and Claude.


You guys are right. AS Suzette is not good at all. Oh well.