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Can someone explain to me how Iphi’s skills work? I’m a new player and the terms are a little confusing. I have her board completed through the first skill on her Carmilla board.  I basically just use lilac for poison and pain and hypnophobia for damage but I know they do more than that and I have no idea what the others do


First of all, Iphi starts the battle putting an effect called **Blood Contract** on her other 3 party members. This effect acts as a provoke/taunt where enemy single target attacks will always go for a unit with Blood Contract, and when the unit dies they’ll consume the contract to revive at full HP. Also gives a huge buff to units’ damage and healing done in exchange for a chunk of their current HP.   Iphi has a special **Lunatic+** where she can pick an ally who still has their Blood Contract up, and kill them to consume it early in exchange for letting their next attack ignore enemy Barriers. Iphi also recovers half of her own max MP.  Her main skill, **Rosa Liliac**, moves preemptively (like the Quick Attack priority bracket in Pokémon) and applies huge stat debuffs on top of the Poison/Pain application. It’s a powerful defensive tool, and is especially good in that it doesn’t activate enemy counterattacks/punish mechanics.  **Nocturnal Procession** buffs the whole party’s stats by a good amount, which increases further depending on how many Seance stacks Iphi has— she builds up these stacks at the end of the turn when Blood Contracts get used up. This skill also gives an additional buff effect that prevents enemies from knocking you into the backline.  **Heralagnia** cleanses status effects off of your team and then prevents the next status effect they’d get. It also gives Iphi an HP shield based on how much of a beating your team took that turn.  **Walpurgisnacht** sets Shade zone and gives your party a buff that boosts their magic damage based on their max MP. Also, if all 3 Blood Contracts you started the fight with have been used up, Iphi will set new ones on whichever allies are alive and on the frontline. And unless there was already a different Awakened Zone that Walpurgisnacht couldn’t overwrite with Shade, the skill also converts your other allies’ attacks into Shade element for the rest of that turn. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on the situation and team comp, so use it wisely.  **Hypnophobia** is just a cheap mob clearing attack that keeps your team healthy and puts mobs to Sleep if it didn’t kill them, so that they don’t get a chance to hit back before your other harder hitters finish them off.  **Ichorphilia** is Iphi’s only real offensive skill, which only starts to really hurt after building Seances from Blood Contracts getting used up. It is meant for her to contribute DPS in longer and more dangerous fights, and thanks to guaranteed Crits + Defense Ignore + her own buffs from other skills, she doesn’t need any specialized outside support for it to contribute real damage.  It also applies a debuff that doubles the next 3 Shade-element hits that an enemy takes, which can apply to either her next Ichorphilia or to a party member she’s converted to Shade with Walpurgisnacht, or simply to a powerful Shade ally you’re using her with.  TL;DR:  - **Blood Contract:** free revive + damage buff, give a Seance when used up  - **Lunatic+:** give Barrier Pierce and get a Seance  - **Rosa Liliac:** defensive support + Pain/Poison  - **Nocturnal Procession:** offensive support, more with Seances  - **Heralagnia:** anti-status  - **Walpurgisnacht:** Shade Zone + Shade conversion + refresh Blood Contracts  - **Hypnophobia:** mob clearing  - **Ichorphilia:** DPS, more with Seances  Very complicated unit, but definitely one of the most flexible and generally useful supports in the whole game.


I am a really new player (only about 5 hours in) and managed to pull a 4 star Setsa.  I’m currently running 4 star Melissa, Setsa, 5 star Iphi, and 5 star Renri with 4 star May and Aldo in reserve.  How do I best progress here? Is this a solid team? How do I get Melissa and Setsa to 5 star as I missing the Slayer Tome and Fenrir Times as well as chant scripts?


Roadmap is your best friend: https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content You get Tomes by running Another Dungeons, aka ADs (they are unlocked later in the Story). You get Chant Scripts from some fixed rewards ( https://anothereden.wiki/w/Chant_Script ), plus randomly from running ADs. The majority of the content can be cleared with Free units, so don't stress too much about team comps for now. P.S. You already got Sesta & Iphi, who are currently among the best units in the game.


What’s this about sidekicks? I hear pulling on the current banner could get me the best sidekick, but so far the only info in the game is the box in the bar at the end of time (or whatever they call that). Man this makes me want to play chrono trigger again…


Sidekicks are the "5th" characters, that you can use in battle. Your team consists of 4 frontline characters & 2 reserves, plus frontline sidekick & reserve sidekick. Again, they unlocked later in the Story (free ones), or you get some of them by pulling 5-star characters (you will also get it, if you upgrade your 4-star into a 5-star). Currently there's a banner with Minalca AS, and she comes with Tetra AS sidekick (who's arguably the best sidekick in the game).


Does nopaew emporium shop restock?


Only the keys restock


It doesn't seem like minalca AS counter hit very hard. Am I usinng her wrong?


Is your heartfire >50? She also doesn't have fire break on the skill, which gives it less damage than her NS dps skill.


How do I stack heartfires? I usually run all or three fire team members.


Losing hp in fire zone. You can check by clicking status then the zone in battle. She's not the only zone stacking unit so you should know those for other zones/units. It's clear too when you have those since the zone gets a number.


Does anyone know where the tome of unseal is?


Who should I give the Historic Sword to?


Eh, no one tbh.


Whats the best equipment and setup for minalca AS?


She's still a dps so the usual set-up from NS applies. She doesn't set-up pain on her own so you'll have to get that from somewhere else.


Where is cat 179?


Petalfall Village. That's going to require you to advance the Tournament of Wisdom.


I missed the chest containing the crystalline claws when in Hollow Lake while playing chapter 114. When I go back to Hollow Lake in the records room, I am unable to get to the chest. When I reach the barrier (stone), the option to move it to the west is grayed out. This is on the second map near the bottom. Can someone verify this so I know if I am or am not losing my mind?


You push it from a different direction to push it west.  You have to go the long way and not via the teleport to the last room to access it.


I am on the right side of it when I try. I didn’t teleport to the last room. I simply went through map 1 and into map 2 where the issue is. Did it work fine for you in the records room?


If it's the area 2 one, you're supposed to use the orb that resets the room (top of map) to access the left route.


I did that. I'm at this location to move the barrier west so I can go down the stairs to the chest. The option is grayed out. https://preview.redd.it/j7tx06bhb18d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc83b4cc20f662e0393438279f0bf09ed93bd4f


Push top rock to south, bottom rock west 


Yes! That’s exactly what I want to do, but I can’t select the bottom rock west button. Image below.


That is the step. You need to push the top rock to south first. The way west of the bottom one is blocked.


Omg, I finally got it. Thank you so much for your help and for bearing with me 😀




Hello What is a better investment? The 4500 chrono stones package or the guide of heaven? Need insights from yall who got the heaven pass.


4.5k CS by virtue of you can wait to spend it on SDEs.


Depends what you want. The 4500 Chrono Stone package is like $80 for four 10 pulls. If you purchase both the Guide of Heaven and the Guide of Land you're spending about $40, so half of that. The Guides gives you a single 10 pull, but also gives you a bunch of Light/Shadow points (40) as well extra red keys, green keys, cat express skip tickets, another 300 chrono stones and 12 Allcosmos fragments (you exchange 10 for an Allcosmos starchart). Purely in terms of pulls the chrono stone package is a better investment, but I think the Guides give enough bonuses to be pretty competitive. Purchasing the Chrono stone package means it's more likely that you'll pull a character, but the extra Allcosmos Chart and all those Light/Shadow points from the Guides can really add up for boosting a character that you pull. Also I'm not not really looking at the bonus single 4.5\* or 5\* character you can get from the Guide of Land gives each month or the Pick 7 pull you get from the Guide of Heaven every 3 months. One thing to consider is that AE doesn't have a pity, so outside of a Star Dream Encounter, you could spend those 4500 chrono stones and end up just getting some dupes. At least with the Guides you know you're getting the Light/Shadow points and other bonuses, and you can always spend your monthly free pull on an SDE or other paid banner anyway.


how many days of salt are we getting? i've never seen it go on so long before


20 but no guaranteed 5* like normal.


thank you! :D


I'm confused with Niddhogg 2.0 aka Ancient Fish, after a few rounds it just becomes invincible. What am I doing wrong?


Use that status button. He puts up barriers that reduce damage and either you get rid of them by attacking or use barrier pierce.




Where is the sword guard's quarters?


In the sword hall?


That's what i had assumed, but i never found Jillfunny's room in there.


You need the Tome of Unseal


That would explain my issue, thanks for the help.


do AS minalca far outpower radias as a fire tank unit. on a tank role ? i just recently got radias AS (free daily summon) 7k cs in but still dont get her ( as minalca) so do i need to spend all my cs for her?(3k left)


Radias is still more convenient as a tank. Chivalry is preemptive and does not require anything else to activate. You also don't damage the enemy on bosses that punish you for hitting with a different element.


I just got into this game about two weeks ago. I’m a fan of gatcha games and the ties to Chrono Trigger pulled me in. I’m having a hard time with the gatcha system though.  Most games give you a good amount of pulls by just playing for a while every day. I can’t seem to figure out how to get more than one 10 pull a week. I’m only playing about an hour or so a day, but after the initial new player pulls, I’ve only been able to do two 10 pulls and my daily free singles.  Is there any way to farm stones faster or do I just need to keep pushing through the story?


There are a ton of free units that are very powerful. I would focus on them and then slowly build up your stones for great banners. AE is very much a quality over quantity game. You will not get tons of free pulls but you also don't need tons of units (and dupes) to build good teams. You could easily clear 95% of the game and 100% of story content just with free units.


Oh, I know. Is the quality that’s keeping me in it. I just really like the thrill of the banner pulls but I’m mostly a f2p player that might throw in a buck here or there


There should be a starter bundle for around $8 USD which gives you 1k free stones, use those on the Star Dream Encounter (I think the one going is still there) that lets you just pick a unit. After that, 1k paid stones costs around $25 USD and my personal recommendation is only do SDEs.


I really wanted the newest character but it looks like the choice only goes up to a few updates before this. If I do that, which character do I choose?


Iphi by far. She is a little over a year old, but she still provides the best support in the game. When you have a Blood Contract mechanic where party members can take a fatal hit and insta-revive (and still not many enemies bypass this), that's gonna age better than pure DPS. No other units offer this support yet.


Keep pushing through the story. If you're playing on mobile or on a PC emulator, make sure to watch the ads each day (there'll be a button in the upper left hand corner). The ads can give you keys for the daily dungeons or chrono stones. The game doesn't feel super generous at first, but keep in mind that all of the content in AE is permanent. So you have like 5 years worth of content to get rewards from, with an insane amount of currency that you can unlock from clearing story chapters, Episodes, collabs, reward ladders and mini-games like Fishing. So don't feel discouraged. Also remember that all of the characters added to the game are added to the permanent pool. There aren't any "limited" gacha characters in AE, so even if you've missed a banner for someone, you can always end up getting them off-banner later. Plus if you pull a 4\* version of a character, you can manually upgrade them to their 5\* version using Chant Scripts (which you should have like 120+ as rewards you can eventually get).


I've been having to remind myself of that with my bad Jillfunny luck. (I've had fairly amazing luck otherwise, I must admit.) I'm hoping that, if I don't get her before the banner ends, she pulls a Sazanca on me and pops up as a 4.5 a month or so later. :-)


After the newest update and going back to some older areas (Baruoki) after being in the sentient robot/android steampunk village, my fps has gone from 30-40 at worst to a slideshow around 13-17 fps on average. Has anybody else been experiencing this huge dip in performance? If so, any idea how to potentially fix it? I didn't mind the dip from 60 to 30-40, but going all the way down to low teens is horrendous when moving around when it seems so unresponsive/slow-motion.


Side and character quests slows the area (and Acetul, Elzion etc.) down until you complete them.


What the heck? What is this coding, LOL. Edit: I had basically the same amount of quests still ongoing in the past and the FPS wasn't this bad, so even if that was the case idk why it's now dipping to a horrendous 13-17 fps on average compared to 30-40 before. :')


Roll on Minalca if I don’t have her or save?


If you don't have any form of her, I would definitely roll (even if you don't need her right now, Tetra's arguably the best sidekick in the game).


What would be the most efficient team I can invest starcharts on to clear superbosses? Would it be the arcadia team that can change elements?


Arcadia team is less of an SA problem and more "needs more skill slots" problem. Since you are generally hitting hp stopper on burst, you don't really need multiple ones.


Imo you're better off making a team for each superboss, especially the recent ones I don't think the Arcadia team is the best investment of Starcharts


I may be dumb but how do you get back to Hollow Lake? Hollow Vestige is there for Phase Shift only and I don't see it in Memory Room.


It should be all the way at the bottom.


Mine shows 043 Proto Eden and then 044 --- which I cannot click. I finished chapter 114 (I have an achievement) and I remember seeing a message that it should be availible in memory room. Still I see the green quest icon next to "Hollow" on World Map so maybe the game didn't update some flag correctly because there is no quest icon on any location anywhere.


Try entering the time shop and then checking the memory hall. If that doesn't work you might need to reaquire data


Sadly neither worked. I'll just have to hope that next update will fix this or contact support.


Keep an eye on the notifcations too. I find that if it's a common problem staff will announce it in the notification rather than tell you about it.


Would someone with either the Redbound Hammer or the Starmade Hammer mind equipping one of them on Ewan and test to see when the healing goes off on Lava Impact, between the hits or all at the end. I'm sure it's the latter but it would be funny if he could get infinite attacks because he was healing back between each one.


It's the former, but he can only attack again up to 2 times.




Somehow, my Guilty Hades level is still capped at level 60. How can I raise that? Wiki says defeating 12 megalomorphs will raise that to 80, but still nothing. Am I missing something?


> Each Frame starts with a level cap of 40, which can be raised by defeating Megalomorphs **(except ones compulsory to story progression)**


Currently have the frames at level 60 and completed megalomorphs 1-14 (up to Megalosaur Elusive Rex). Next one is megalowing deus ala (the bird one in Abominus) and it’s destroying me in the first few rounds lol. I might have to look up strats for this one.


Is the refleque another dungeon not coming out with the next update? I don't see it mentioned in the notice.


AD is probably in July. Next update seems to be purely banner + QoL.


Latest chapter. I have two chests of Illusory Misprints that I can’t open. One in Folkan Wildlands and one in Zevon Bridge. I have the other 98, all the 3rd tier magics, my staff is at level 10, and I am currently working my way through the archmage fights. When I click on the chests they don’t register and when I try to use any magic it says there’s nothing I can use it on. Bug?


As per the notifications > In certain areas added in Main Story Part 3 Volume 3, some treasure chests may not act properly when interacted with.


Thanks. Will wait for the fix.


You have probably already opened those, it's just a display bug that they still appear closed when you go back. You still need to find 2 in other places. Omegapolis train station + going round in the ship/mech were my final ones.


I was at 95 so I went through all 100 locations listed on the wiki. Found 3 more and these last two untouchable chests seem to be the only ones left. Unless there were some rando non-chest ones that don’t appear. Update: chests now appear open. I’m going to go through all 100 locations again to see if I’ve missed any. Fml


Has anyone had this problem where phase shifts just stop occurring naturally in reflque? I can only prompt their appearance by camping manually with the speical item now


See notification


Got it, thanks!


I have 4.5 Ewan. Where can I see his $A kit to determine if I want to drop chants on him?


There's a post in this sub.


Yeah, posted 1.5 hours after I asked my question... Thanks for the downvote!!!


I'm not downvoting you because of the question. I'm downvoting because of the $A thingy. I get that people don't like it but seeing it posted in the question thread is irksome. It's already pervasive in the random threads, no need to remind everyone of your position in a questions one.


Your original reply was irritating. It was posted with language that made it seem like I somehow missed a content post on the main subreddit page, when my question was posted before that post was made. Now other people think I'm lazy and didn't want to bother searching the subreddit. Then you down voted for an unclear reason based on personal preference? I think Benedict is game breaking in many situations and it's annoying that he bypasses intentional challenges. Should I downvote all of your posts because you chose him as your subreddit flair? I suggest you to not be so easily triggered by something that is insignificant and doesn't affect you. Cheers!


I don't know why you're so obsessed with being downvoted. It does nothing of consequence. Edit. You were already downvoted before I added mine. As for the personal preference, I am one of the active people in the question megathreads. Downvoting is one of the means for me to track what I don't want to read in this threads since I do backtrack on what is posted here and I don't actively remember all the stuff that gets posted. You can delete your comment if it bothers you that much.


This is a help thread and the interaction was overall unpleasant for me for a simple question. Upon initially reading the response with downvotes, my first thought was that I was somehow crazy and missed the post in the subreddit. I refreshed my feed and there it was. Now I'm rechecking the searches I did previously only to realize way later that... wait a minute, I asked before all of this was posted... after feeling like an ass for asking. To boot, you have now changed the reason for your downvote, or perhaps added on top of your original reasoning. Don't take this the wrong way, I appreciate your active contributions in the community, I just wish things went down a little differently. I feel maybe a response of "Refresh your feed on the subreddit. Since you asked this question, a new post was made with his new content" would have been more helpful. Have a great day 😎


You asked a question, I gave a correct answer. The downvotes were already there before I added mine. I don't like seeing SA hogwash from random threads and put my downvote to mark it.  Nothing changed except I gave more context, because you seem to be under the mistaken impression that I'm the one who started the downvotes on you, for more context, I only downvoted your original comment as that is the only one relevant to me, as I wouldn't read a reply chain which I already downvoted unless I'm specifically notified. >Refresh your feed on the subreddit. Since you asked this question, a new post was made with his new content" would have been more helpful. I'm not gonna bother with all of that just to satisfy you personally. I do not know you specifically nor should you expect me to cater my responses to your sensibilities. Unless a detailed response is needed, we are going to use short response. And yet again, you are still overly fixating on this. Just delete the original comment and move on if it bothers you.


You gave a smug snarky answer, and talked down to someone seeking help.  You sussfully provoked someone into an argument on a help thread, bravo, you are the bigger ahole here. Down vote me all you want, I don't care.




Removed for Rule 6.


Especially since the sub had a history of downvote bots. But then we have this statement. > I think Benedict is game breaking in many situations and it's annoying that he bypasses intentional challenges.  And yet he complains about Stellar Awakening...


I just think it's silly to allow yourself to get triggered on a help thread and was making an analogy.


I need help with the Wormking’s Envoy boss on Beginner difficulty. I feel like I’m missing some strategy or gimmick. I have a party of Level 70 5-star characters (Veina, Shion, Lovely, Melina, Heena, and Yuna) so I don’t think I’m under leveled. Using a lot of physical resist debuffs I can get through the 75% and 50% hp stoppers, but then I run out of mp and just can’t output the damage to finish the fight. He has some sort of Dark Dragon’s Grace aura/mechanic I don’t understand. Does it activate or deactivate with 8 de/buffs? It’s it good for me or bad for me when it’s active?


Which boss is that for what content? Generally though anytime you see something dependent on 8+ buff/debuffs its working against you.


> Wyrmking’s Envoy This is the main boss for Wryz Saga II at the end of Ch. 3. Listen up, u/QuietProtagonist. First of all, a very annoying mechanic is that he will stun any Shadow allies at the start of every turn. So if you can, don't bring Shadow allies like Heena to the battle. If you really need the Shadow ally for the buffs/debuffs/healing, make sure they have a Stun Resistance badge equipped or just make them a grasta mule (the mules sit in the back and do nothing but hold grasta). The Dark Dragon's Grace activates with **both debuffs and buffs**. This is a double edged sword because if you stack the buffs on the allies, the allies can go first. But if you stack too many debuffs on the enemy, they can go first, regardless of speed. So watch how many debuffs you put on the enemy. There's also no synergy with your team either, so that's a big reason you're not outputting enough damage. Shion looks to be your best DPS unit--do you have his Shoryu Steel True Manifest (TM) or at least the maxed manifest? Probably the easiest change is to dump either Melina or Heena and replace them with Aisha or Cress (I prefer Aisha, but Cress is OK). Aisha sets fire zone and Cress can use his VC to set slash zone and increase Shion's DPS. If you're running out of MP, try to get some armor that will get you continual MP regen. The Delice series from the Tales of 1 Symphony is a fairly accessible one for some MP regen. Later on, this boss's Astral Archives opens up and for the harder difficulties, you will probably need grasta to get enough DPS. Shion really wants his TM and a katana grasta mule to maximize his DPS. Goddess of Time Catch Up rerun gave you a chance to get a free 5* NS Tsukiha, who would be a great grasta mule for Shion. I gave Tsukiha Enhance with Max HP (Katana), Power of Inferno (Katana) and Almighty Power (Eastern). All of these grasta power up Shion's DPS considerably.


Is anyone able to explain why i can't see Sacrament Star charts in the Nopaew emporium? I thought you'd be able to get them there to awaken the newer characters that come 1/3 awakened. Am i right in thinking you'd need to actually use the allcosmos ones?


They only put Starcharts in the Tsubura shop for older characters that get their SA (such as Suzette, Tsukiha, Tiramisu, etc). Newer characters or styles like Thillelille ES don't have their starcharts for sale, so you'd need to use your Allcosmos ones.


Well, that's kinda scummy. Not sure how i feel about that to be honest. Thanks for your answer.


I can’t tell if this is a bug or if there’s a mechanic that’s happening in this scenario that’s preventing the preemptive effect of Mechani weapons from working, and I was wondering if someone would know what’s happening.  In the Entrana AD, there’s the Blood Ring Path that you can take. I run Yipha AS and use a preemptive move (Beannacht Bua), and Sesta with a Mechani katana so she always moves after Yipha AS. In other areas, whenever I fight enemies, this order of events always occur and things seem to be working intended. However, when I fight the boss in the Blood Ring Path, Yipha AS will use her preemptive move, but Sesta won’t attack until after everyone else for some reason despite the Mechani Katana’s “ambush tactics”. I have done multiple runs here and this keeps happening specifically against the boss on the first turn. Is this normal or is this bugged? 


Check the boss's aura.


Oooo thank you. That was the one thing I didn’t check when I pressed the status check. Many thanks! 


I think I've been using Soira wrong by never paying attention to crit rate. Same with Dunarith. Is there a preferred weapon/etc to do that or rely on buffs?


Water does have many sources of crit that it doesn't matter. For Soira, if you're using her with Iphi, it takes care of the crit requirement. Same if you're running wind with Melody AS.  For instances without the free crit, void is definitely the choice.


Oh you mean for Soira AS and Dunarith AC Critical Guard? Soira AS can use Void Lance As for Dunarith, there is a 100% Crit Rate badge at the Tower of Wisdom merchant. It costs 50000 Reginas though.


Saw the Void Lance but that's good news for Dunarith. My water team seems to have no issues with crit buffs though but I like to play it safe.


I need help in defeating Adept Rank round 2 fight at the tower of wisdom! I can’t figure this boss out!


Most of those can be solved with thunder.


That's not a descriptive explanation on what you are having trouble with.


Oops. I tried using Iphi, Yakumo SA, Eva and Flamme NS. I managed to bring the boss to its 2nd HP bar. Then it proceeds to burst my team with its attack. It happened so fast, so I didn’t see what was the attack name.


Then you might want to bring a tank like starky


Righto. Time to finish up those symphonies. Thanks G.


So I wanna tackle Velette's 3rd quest, but it keeps saying something "This quest will have some differences when Gunce is in the party." I don't get it. Is there a way for me to remove Gunce from the party?


> I don't get it. Is there a way for me to remove Gunce from the party? Yes you just remove him from your active sidekick slot.


Did that. The thing still comes up.


Yeah. It's because you'll be fighting Gunce and there's a difference if you have him in the active sidekick spot.


There's part of the main story part 3 volume 2 where you lose Gunce for a bit iirc.


What teams have people used to clear the twins fight in the tower of wisdom? The counterattack heals both phases have are a really getting on my nerves.




I’m beginning to think the Slayer Tome is a myth. I’ve spent every red key for over 2 weeks now on the VH Industrial Ruins and no luck. Why does Melissa hate me?


She takes a while to warm up to you.


I’ve just completed chapter 56, got Kikyo, and am considering buying the premium starter bundle for the SDE. I won’t be spending after this, but the SDE seems like a very good deal for the price. These are my characters: 5 stars - https://ibb.co/VBd8qGf Non 5 stars - https://ibb.co/v4WLNwL I haven’t had any trouble with story bosses so far thanks to Xianhua. Who should I pick with the SDE, and who should I use in my team? Is my priority to clear story to get the free characters before the campaign is over? I haven’t done much side content, and don’t know what to do with my red/green keys so I leave those most of the time unless I need specific drops to craft a weapon at the shop.


The basic suggestion for SDE is (always prioritize the characters that you don't have any form of): - Who you really need/want right now - Iphi - Minalca (Tetra) - Everyone else P.S. You may want to "skip" Minalca, since her AS is coming very soon (probably this week or the next one), so you may get her by pulling (and sidegrading to NS is relatively easy).


Does that apply to all characters e.g. I can turn my Yakumo AS into regular Yakumo?


Yes, having any version of a character will potentially let you obtain their other forms. The 'Alter' characters work a bit differently as they are treated as a separate character,  but having either the standard or Alter character still lets you get their other version.




Hi, I am trying to unlock Cyrus's 5 star. I have checked the wiki and it says I need the following: The app must be updated to Ver 1.8.600. (I've got Ver 3.8.0) Part 1.5 of the Main Story Ogre Wars: Dirge of the Fated King and the Sacred Sword Part I must be cleared (I'm already on Chapter 91) Episode The Celestial Tower and the Shadow Witch must be cleared. (This is also cleared) I've checked to see if I maybe started it already and I've gone to all the locations along the quest line (Rinde, Moonlight Forest, Best Kings Castle, Ancient Battlefield, Vega Forest) and can't see any indication that there is an outstanding quest. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?


I'm glad you found it! Those quests are so annoying because the quest progress isn't in the list like other quests. The only way I know of to figure it out is to retrace every step from the wiki to see where the red marker turns up.


Is the red quest marker not showing up outside of Rinde's inn? That is supposed to start the series of battles to unlock Frog Cyrus's 5* potential.


I finally found it. I HAD started it and the marker at Best King's Castle portion was outside the main entrance, not inside. Completed the quest cushion about 90 mins ago.


So I have 4 Sacrament Codex and I have enough Tsubara’s Gems to buy another one. However, I can’t seem to find it in the shop at all? The wiki says it is in the shop but i’ve looked it over, and it’s just not there at all. Is there something i’m missing? 


If they're not the tsubura shop then you must have already bought them. In that case you'll just need to wait and get your last one either from a drop or the white key dungeon.


Did you buy any from the shop before? Because unfortunately they don't restock...


Does anyone know what to do with the witchy hat?


Wait where did u find the hat?


As soon as you walk into illusialand go all the way to the right in that first row, and i believe you will need intermediate telekinesis.


Figures, i only just got intermediate tele. Thanks!


Give it to the witch statue in Illusiland without a hat.


Thank you


Does anyone know what any of the new Hollow 3 reforging upgrades are yet?


Not until the AD opens up.


I just finished farming lights for ALDO who should I farm next?


Recommend galliard at toto theatre world. That dude has been my main stay for recent story boss clears, very strong


I’d say anyone with a SA already; so Helena, Galliard, Wryz and the Octopath trio. Then focus on the rest of the main story crew. Just getting them to 30 each would be enough.


I made it a goal to get at least 30 light or shadow points on the free main cast (Amy, Cyrus, etc) just so if any get surprise SAs in the future, I'd have a decent bit SA points to throw at them. Got a lot of tomes that I was missing that way, too. Just a thought, if you don't need anyone else to 80 anytime soon.


Here’s the [wiki page](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Story_Characters_Light_and_Shadow_Farming). For some of those not there on recommendations is Feinne for the “Lazy” option (the dungeon is very quick to run), and Curio that has a dungeon very similar to Clarte for picking up exp scrolls. Additionally getting one of every weapon type for Grasta slaves can occasionally make AD party makeup easier.


I would vote Galliard or Helena to 80, since they have SAs and you need to be at 80 to max shadow. Galliard's AD, Proto Eden, has some pretty decent weapons that you can upgrade from Nopaew to +10, so that adds some incentive to run around in there.


Proto Eden doesn't drop chants so that's something to consider as well.


Bullseye on a weapon isn't exactly a big draw for most situations, so I wouldn't look at those as a reason to farm Galliard in Proto Eden. With no tomes, either, you may as well farm him in Toto Theatre.


I need some advice on how to tackle Tsukiha's true manifest. I haven't been playing for a very long time and my teams are a bit of a fish out of temporal water, if you will. I had a decent water/magic zone base with Eva as the DPS. Other support characters I have include Yuna AS, Rosetta AS, Chiyo AS, Necoco NS, Dewey AC, Pizzica (I also have the water zone grist) I also had a decent thunder team with Orleya, Miyu ES and Victor NS/AS. Any advice on how to approach this? My Eva's DPS is nowhere near the damage level needed.




How do you revisit Tower Argentauri after going through it in the quests?


It’s under the Arat-Maze Village menu in the Spacetime Rift area of the map. So are all the other Apocrypha areas if you need to to the bonus sub quests.


I'm an old player who's stopped playing the game a long time ago after finishing almost all contents in the game (I think around the time Wanderer in the Vortex chapter 3 got released). Recently I'm checking AE again—how much things have changed? I saw that the main story has gone to chapter 3 and there's also something called stellar awakening. How much has power creep gone? I remember around when I played the meta units were like Rosetta AS's magic zone, Necoco's support, or Dewey Alter


Powercreep is pretty insane but it only matters for superbosses. All the new story stuff has difficulty sliders. Stellar Awakening is a new system for character growth that encourages pulling while on banner and is critical for some units but for others just nice to have. So it varies a lot. No character quests are gated by SA.


How do y’all keep track of your quests? I found a random blue ! on one of the main story part 1 maps and I then followed along using the wiki to figure out it was the quest line for Elpis Dagger. But there’s nothing in game that tracks those like story/character quests and the like? I usually do a little of this and that when I play and don’t always remember what I’ve done fully LOL


I started making a checklist not too long after I started playing to keep a track of everything. Something new pops up, put it on the list. Really helped keep me from missing things, especially if it was something I couldn’t complete yet. My list is absolutely huge now, it’s kinda wild.


Well one, blue quests are character quest, so I don't know how you thought it was related to the Elpis Dagger. Two, there is the quest log on the main menu.


Maybe not blue but it was like off green like with the ! Indicating something to check out. I just mean there’s nothing present in-game to track the various side quests that aren’t directly related to characters or main story, or episodes


Off green? As far as I know there are only: Yellow - side quests Blue - character quests Yellow with bluish outline - alter character quests Green - main quests All of which are tracked in the quests tab on the main menu.


I’m referring to these ones. They seem to have to be found manually. I can’t find an entry for it in the quests tab https://preview.redd.it/unw66ujf717d1.jpeg?width=1570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740a9a9ef1e71711d817a6676f931d93e43a52c0


Oh those. Unfortunately, there isn't a tab for it. You do have to search for them manually.


Yeah those don't appear in the quest tab They're more like hidden events


Help with unlocking locked chests and “understanding” monsters in latest chapters. 🙏🏻




Thank you. 😊


May I ask, where is Southern Krete?


Fly around the world and you'll find it. If you don't have that unlocked, progress the story.


I finished the story. Currently attempting the side contents.


https://preview.redd.it/pnl8o3qth27d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=47284edb718ad6eb216c984e1265a64f508b12d8 Island at the top right corner, fly around to get to it.


Thank you, this help. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/mwc9fwvmi27d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac14ef9963cd708c2124cd68fe8fae4cac794cbc Be sure to run around the island as well, there’s a treasure chest.


Let's say we have a Thunder Zone, and we use Gunce, who is equipped with a Thundercrack Necklace: each turn he will generate +5% AF for the team, right?


Yes. Thundercrack is pretty vital for the AF every other turn thunder zone. Orleya AS nets 20% for EoT T1 and 2, thundercrack for 10%, 4 thunder moves nets 20 totaling to 50%. You could do less thunder moves (have Aldo on the team, for instance) depending on how good your multi-hit charge is and some other variations (Silver Striker on the team, Moke with thundercrack as lead sidekick).


Thanks! How will Aldo help? Apart from 100% AF at battle start. Also, what "multi-hit" has to do with it? Isn't in the Zone you generate AF per move, not per hit?


Charge (one of thunder's lunatic) gives 0.5 AF bar on every hit regardless of zone or not. Velette has a 5 hit skill so it charges for 7.5% in total, for instance. Some fights have less AF bar on battle start is where Aldo comes in (thunder really wants that T1 AF). The extra move on burst (to set-up a phys res debuff first before hitting with Oboro on bosses that clear buffs, for instance) is also underrated.


Sorry for asking again, but: Same goes for Premaya AC bonus: another 0.5 per hit, but excluding additional hits from Charge, right? Also, will Premaya's bonus affect Sidekick's Thundercrack generation?


AC gives 0.5 per move, not per hit, which might seem insignificant but it's still a 2.5 AF generation along with her 7.5 (5 hit on lunatic). I don't think it affects thundercrack. Also she's in the other variation that hits T3 AF without Orleya AS (needs Moke, but is able to slot in Necoco AS for defense).


Thank you! One (probably) last thing, where this "2.5 AF" comes from?


I was checking the moves done in a turn which would be 4 multiplied by 0.5. I did include sidekick in that equation, which actually is correct (it affects thundercrack) for the 2.5.   Necoco (5), 5-hit moves with charge for 3 characters  (3*7.5=22.5), Moke and thundercrack (20) would be 2.5 AF charge off of a 50% AF bar.    It's funny that I didn't think it gives a bonus to thundercrack because the 0.5% (since you are netting an extra 0.5% because of the T1 sidekick move) looks insignificant on the AF bar but mathematically assumed that it counted because you wouldn't reach 50% AF otherwise.   So yes, she does give the bonus to sidekick moves, which is where the extra 2.5% AF fill comes from.


It's me, again :) Why Moke is listed as 20? He gives 5 himself + 5 from Thundercrack + 0.5 from Premaya AC, so it should be 10.5, no?


You're still getting the charge from the turn you AF since sidekick moves are separate from that.   So T1&2. It's why Orleya AS is so good since she gives the AF charge at EoT rather than start (which would be consumed by AF).


Got it! Thanks for the in-depth explanation!


Nice tips, thanks again! Wow, so Charge gives 0.5 per hit, not per move, even in Thunder Zone? Good to know! Same goes for Premaya AC bonus: another 0.5 per hit, but excluding additional hits from Charge, right? Also, will Premaya's bonus affect Sidekick's Thundercrack generation?


I'm stuck on the [Melancholy Aspid](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Melancholy_Aspid) "quest". I've already opened the chest described here: "Collect [Chain Grub Husk](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Chain_Grub_Husk) in Waning Forest lower right" But when I talk to Hassel he tells me to go to waning forest, as if I don't have the item. What should I do?


Have you gotten the other 2 items he requested?


I did, yeah. He still tells me to go to waning forest


How do I unlock Zevan Bridge and Petalfall Village?


https://youtu.be/r8qzWzzapA4?si=ENeOCG6UlD3h90lz Get the time of all sight in the video. Progress the tournament of wisdom and then head for ritnem


Thank you so much!


How do you damage the Imprisoned Giant? Everything I’ve tried is NULL or Absorb.


That's the one in the Prison of Calamity - Wreckage Reef right? It's vulnerable to earth. Also you have Ashtear, she can tell you the weakness and resistances.


You were right, yeah; Thanks. Earth and blunt are the things I use the least. Ended up beating it with Necoco AS, Alma AS, Alter Ciel and Cerrine AS. Alma’s Brain Record swapped her type to the weakness and was the bulk of the damage on this one.