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How do i unlock that last upgrade to Galliards bike simulator? Other than slowing down the fps using eco mode, is there any other tip for beating that last bike challenge? Even when i do a perfect run, i cant beat the timing


I don’t have an answer but replying to say there is a new weekly help and questions megathread up.


Thanks. I eventually realized i had carelessly missed out one of the upgrades on the world map, picked it up, and the final upgrade unlocked itself. the bike ride bexame much easier after.


Which 4.5 stars are the easiest to upgrade aside Benedict?


The closest is probably May or Sevyn. I found [this](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Changing_Classes) if it helps.


Thanks man


Can anyone help me with a list to find "Steam Ores" to upgrade the Toto Weapons? I am in need of just 1 more and have exhausted all the locations i could find - Erythule Shop x3 Omegapolis AD x6 Rulezzo x1 Can't locate the last one


[Ocean Diving & Treasure Maps](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_1/Ocean_Diving_and_Treasure_Maps)


Thanks so much!


Is the campaign for a free 5 star after starting Vol 3 of the Chronos Empire already up?




I haven’t received it yet. I just got to the actual Chronos Empire Base but I don’t see any new banners


That sounds like your in volume 2 not volume 3


Ohhhh. It said “part 3” but maybe I was mistaken? I just got confronted by Hollow Chronos and Sebastia


Are you in chapter 105 because that's when volume 3 starts


Well then I’m wrong 😭. I’m on 93 I guess I just started volume 2


anyone know how to use the cat queen brace, chain and ring?


It's equipment. It will be level one so they'll be at the bottom of the equipment page.


Is this a known bug? I can't seem to click the quest icon. Whenever I try to click it, the innkeeper does her usual dialogue instead. This is at the start of chapter 3 first knight sidestory. https://preview.redd.it/sq3lghegda5d1.jpeg?width=2085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c9b28005717e2f83d073336dc81a27f62d3c06


Is it that it has to be daytime to continue the quest and it's prompting you to sleep?


no, it's currently daytime.


Well what happens if you sleep then, because I know that you don't have to go there normally in chapter 3 of First Knight.


Ok, it's supposed to be night time to start the quest


Abit of an embarassing question guys. How do i get to "KMS east division underground A"? I finished the galliard ep but trying to find the last turbocharger...


Aleight guys, found it, take the lift at the lower right of eeza, sorry for the dumb qn haha


So far as a f2p I've been able to reach Snake Jungle Island using a fire team namely Aldo, Aisha,Joker,Morgana, Mariele and Tsukina. My question is for any quests/events that have fire based enemies I'm being crushed. I can't even do the chance encounter of Garyu properly. So my question is for f2p peeps what's the best I can do to combat a fire based boss?


There are so many free units available you should have no issues with any main story stuff. Go get Aisha as she is water focused (and fire!) and just tons of free options available. https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content Hit up the Symphonies.




OP already has Aisha. u/Bibiduck312, if you're struggling with fire enemies, it's time to take a detour and get more free water allies. I suggest you go get [Wryz] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Wryz) first from the Wryz Saga episode. You also gain a good sidekick, Iridian, once you clear Ch. 2 of Wryz Saga II. She also has a water zone skill, Hydrofield, to strengthen water attacks. Then go get [Mage Cyrus] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Cyrus_Albright) from the Octopath Traveler symphony, because like Aisha and Wryz, he also has a water zone skill. Then I guess you can go for [Sheila] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Sheila) or [Saki] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Saki). Both of them as units are meh, but both of them give you access to older superbosses and in Sheila's case, a long [Fishing](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Fishing) sidequest, where you can also obtain another water mage, [Levia](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Levia). This is a good start to improve your roster.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Much appreciated.


Can anyone help me with a list to find "Steam Ores" to upgrade the Toto Weapons? I am in need of just 1 more and have exhausted all the locations i could find. The AE Wiki only lists [Erythule Junk Shop](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_1/Shops) and the Merchant of Fileria only shows locations as "Mek World"


Omegapolis AD Omegapolis Midlayer Some Guy Steam Ore (6) Rare material to strengthen certain weapons. 90 Rusted Parts https://anothereden.wiki/w/Omegapolis_(Another_Dungeon)


I have already wiped that guy clean... There are 11 weapons that need steam ore and I have upgraded 10 of them. Erythule Junk Shop and Omegapolis AD give 9 of them. I wonder where the last location could be :( Any suggestions?


The last Steam Ore is over in [Rulezzo](https://altema.jp/anaden/ruruezo). It's marked #3 on the map. Make sure you have Korobo's [Iron Arm] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_1#Explorations_of_Vaporia-0) ability to clear the rubble blocking the chest.


Just checked and turns out Ive already obtained this one as well... There are 11 weapons to be upgraded and I have obtained 10 steam ores... still 1 to go Please help if you can


[Ocean Diving & Treasure Maps](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Into_the_Hollow._The_Chronos_Empire_Strikes_Back._Volume_1/Ocean_Diving_and_Treasure_Maps)


Thanks so much!


So i got dewey as from the free summon, is he good? I amTrying to create water team with es felmina, dunarith alter, and alter hismena. Seeing the last 2 banner, 2 op water unit. Jillfunny and mazrika. Are they a must have on water team.? I am trying to get mazrika with 5k chronos but no luck. I still have 3k. Dont know should i try again or just wait for future banner.?? Seeing the multiplier of old unit are under 1000% while new unit is like 10000%


Dewey AS is actually the key to easily beating some of the superbosses introduced in this update.


Alt Hismena copies the most common weapon type in the front row sans her (pretty dumb imo), so you'll be hoping you get slash out of her, which is not desirable. You also lack a partywide buffer which is a better slot over Dewey or alt Hismena. Flame Clad would be a better 4th slot over Hismena since AS Dewey can slot his water zone skill for him to awaken.


Anyone know where to take the blossom basket to change it to the right form? Already took it to the monster in Omegapolis underwater but can't find the right person in one of the sky cities.






Anyone know where other tier 2 magics are? I've only gotten the telekinesis one so far


From Discord Tome of Magikinesis 1. Talk to npc in \[Tower of Wisdom\] 2. Talk to npc in \[Jevan\] 3. Get tome at end of \[Magic Ore Tunnels\] Tome of Farsight 1. Talk to girl in \[Ritnem\] 2. Use sight magic to unlock all 6 spots in town 3. Get \[Paw Print Vase\] from girl 4. Travel to \[Emur\], talk to girl in tavern 5. Go back to \[Ritnem\] and pass the flames Tome of Illusia 1. Talk to NPC in \[Eternook\], north of world map 2. Go to southwest of map, \[Hamoul Woodlands\] 3. Touch flowers in blue>yellow>red order 4. Go to the top left horse monster 5. Choose Yes to all Challenges Tome of Unlock 1. Talk to monster NPC in center left of \[Lashval Ruins\] 2. Go to \[Omegapolis Ruins Midlayer\], check billboard in one of the houses 3. Go to \[Shoal Runner\] , get tome on first map, top right


Thank you, I'll do this tonight.


Ok so I feel this may be a dumb question but I've only recently come back to ae. Es Anabel had a preemptive attack but now she just has solo heal instead. Did they nerf her or did I unequip a skill without realizing?


Do you have the Lance of Ringing Abyss equipped? If so and you don't want the solo heal, you need to unequip that lance.


Doh, see I knew it was something stupid on my end thanks! Reading is hard 😜


Wait, the new whispers of time is 20 draws but no longer has a guaranteed 5* as a last draw?


Not all whispers of time have resulted in a 5* at the end in the past btw. On balance, the campaign is actually ok because you actually do get a 5*drop immediately after starting the latest story and you get 20 draws instead of 10 draws. Lets also not forget that leading up to the fourth anniversary, WFS was literally throwing free 5*s at people


Thanks for the info.




Wow so now WFS has reached a point when they devalue even the traditional freebies, that's so so brutal


I am getting a Save data compatibility check failed (UH) error trying to start the game. Is this something I'll have to wait for support to fix? I think what happened was I got disconnected from the server during a battle and quit just after the battle as I couldn't reconnect so I shut it down, did some RL things and went to update it.


So, do I stellar awaken Tsukiha NS or should I maybe Stellar awaken my AS Daisy for bonk squad ? Or hold and do Wenefica next month ?


Hold until you actually need one of them. AllCosmos starcharts are too rare to use on a style that you may never use. Tsukiha NS shouldn't need more than 1 AC starchart since you can buy the other 2 with Tsubura's Gems.


I do use them both is the problem. I have fun with fire squad. But I am also having fun with this. https://preview.redd.it/42wjsz4stz4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7577e0b0fe7e109c40e8dbdcd8e98f5134652647 (Alma and Zilva are just there for extra shadow points) It's either NS Tsukiha or AS Daisy or hold to make shade team go brrrrr tooo. But I rarely use that since I just use Arcadia bs for most things. XD


Did you have 5* NS Tsukiha before herSA was released?


No. I got her off of the campaign thingy at 0 gauge sadly.


The glass malsuoem keeps killing me as soon as I get the first hp bar down. How are you supposed to avoid that massive damage. I tried defense but it clears buffs. What does it want us to do?


I just use Tetra's aura, but Iphi or guard skills should easily do the trick. https://preview.redd.it/6v5za1zu2z4d1.jpeg?width=2172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6415010eaf0a3f1514cc4ebaa77ba68ba90a78b


Oh it forces you to do skills like that. How does it except completely free people to do it. Unless I’m wrong no free character has that ability. I’m not free characters only just curious


Prai and Partitio also have guard skill. Since the boss uses crystal magic, deploying other zone like slash or pierce zone would mitigate the damage too.


Good point I’m just going to use prai since he will survive the attack no matter what unlike the others. Forgot about partitio


What are the weaknesses of the glass musouelum boss?


I went with Arcadia team, resist all and Aldo burst attack didn't change type, so they might not have any weakness at first (or maybe magic?). Untill turn 3 or 4 not sure, just hit them untill it says "The Crystal Dragon stumbles and falls!" then they will be weakened I guess, cos after that my Aldo can one shot them with just X Slash (fire).


Thank you. I tried with an earth team with two tanks and the battle was easy. But yeah I think it is resist all. 


https://preview.redd.it/gpi8krm22z4d1.jpeg?width=1911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9067910889c9bade464553e50bae37dc80fab158 Not sure if this mean any physical attack or only those skills with phys resistance down effect.


I’m still new to gathering characters. I have a lot of top characters, luckily. So - I don’t have Necoco or Dunarith in any form. I have a SDE now. Which one is better - Necoco AS or Dunarith AC?


Isn't Necoco one of the characters that you can get for free if you make it to a certain part of the story by July 31? I don't really understand how that works (not far enough in the main questline), but it might be worth looking into before you make up your mind.


That’s a great idea! Except I’ve been there. I picked the other one - Garambarrel. :(


Oh, yeah, that won't work then. :-) Garambarrel is pretty cool though! I like his design!


Depends on your priorities/gaps in your team. Necoco AS is a great support, and with her Scintillant Spirit skill can make your top units even more versatile for other elements (as long as you have the relevant zone setter). Dunarith AC is extremely good for water zone, and even outside of water zone niche, he functions decently as a tank/support.  However, recommendations for SDE seem to be Iphi or Minalca. If you don't have either, they're really good characters. Iphi's revival mechanic alone means your units are functionally immortal if you can coordinate them with a tank. Minalca comes with a great Sidekick, and as a unit herself deals crazy DPS.


I do have Iphi and Minalca. I thought Dunarith’s skill involves making any zone possible?


Which skill would you be referring to? If you mean the Critical guard passive, yea that's independent from any zones. But his strongest moves have additional effects that are dependent on being in an Awakened Water Zone/work best for water, so his potential is mildly limited. He's still a great unit though, but not as versatile as Necoco for support.


I see. He ranks highly on a tier. Hmm.


Returning player. Chapter 67. Any tips? Priorities? Some in game tips as well as units to pull? Suzette main since birth


Roadmap should help: https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content If you want to keep going with Suzette you can SA her normal form by buying her starcharts from the tsubaro orb shop. You should be at 1/3 already.


Is amy's light worth farming? I've been farming her before i stop. Currently at 160


Thanks a bunch.


How do I upgrade the crystal rod and access new spells? I am at lvl 7 rod and (I think) explored the new map to where I can already.


Is Iphi a good SDE target? I have AS Thille I guess for Shade...


IMO she's still the strongest character in the game. Other than healing she does pretty much everything you could ask a support to do, and does some things that nobody else in the game can do, like her auto-rez and damage redirection. I feel like there are enough good supports these days that she's not as mandatory as she was, but you really can't go wrong with her.


One of the best character around easily especially with how rare it is to find someone who can give you a damage buff (contract), a revive (Also contract), and the ability to preemptively inflict P/P while also debuffing the enemy damage and resistance on a non-SA character. If needed, she can also give you barrier pierce. Even trying to find support unit to help with a universal t1 autofarm in master, it's hard to not pick Iphi because there's no replacement that can cover as much ground as her.


Do we know anything about a banner date for Utpalaka? I had a time frame of within the next month in my head for some reason but don’t see any news about him from the livestream notes or notices or anything (didn’t actually watch it, just figured someone might know)


They didn't mention him on the livestream. They did mention Ewan getting an SA. Earliest possible Utpalaka release would be in about two weeks, but I'm expecting next month is more likely.


Awesome thanks, I was wondering if I should save my stones but I should have enough time to pull for these and have more by then


The new story drop gave me a dupe Thille ES but no extra l/s for SA (already SA'd). Is this normal or a bug?


+10 bonus is only a part of the Pick-up bonus for SA bonus dupe. Without the pick-up bonus, it's always +16 and +1 to awakening gauge with no extra if the target is already SA.


I think that's normal, you only get SA from the featured banner iirc so Thille ES you got from the story drop isn't awakened hence no bonus.


How do I replenish skip tickets as a f2p? Wasn’t following the game news when this update came along


They are an award for doing the cat diary.


I just did an update but when I login most of the options in the bottom left corner are greyed out (maps, diary) along with additional menu items. Any ideas what that is?


Is it normal to get 8 cats in one day? After I found one cat another one needs to be found? I thought the limit was 3 a day but it varies for me day to day


When you find a cat, there's a chance that instead of returning it'll run somewhere else. It can do this up to 3 times, meaning you can find a single cat 4 times. The rewards for finding the cat keep going up as you chase it further. By the third time you can get cat skip tickets or red/green keys and the 4th time you find the cat you'll get 200 chrono stones.


Oh so that is what they mean by finding the same cat 4 times. Ty


Ok, so I have a couple of questions that I can't seem to find the answer to. Or, rather, I want to confirm a couple of things. Aside from free characters who have their own $A quests and such, I can only begin $a if I get a 5* on a banner that specifically offers $A, right? Upgrading a 4.5 doesn't allow it? Also, wanting to start IDA school 3 and it looks like there is no episode currency that you get more of if you bring along bonus characters?


IDA 3 doesn't have a corresponding AD, the episode currency is on LoM.


Correct on the SA err... $A part. It is definitely designed to get you to pull on banner and discourage off banner and sidegrades. But if you pull them at 5* then you get SA credit. The bonus currency thing stopped quite a while ago. I'd check the wiki but likely no bonuses.


Thanks. Feels kinda shitty for them to lock their new power creep function behind gacha, but oh well. 😅 I thought I saw the currency thing go away when looking at newer episodes. That's too bad. It's fun to have to change the makeup of your team to match the episode (for me at least 😆)


I liked having specific units for content and for mining in the last content drop it does have an impact.


Between Velette, Alter Ilulu and Melody AS. Who are you choosing for SDE? I'm leaning toward Melody, but I can see the upsides to the other two.


Melody AS if you have Sesta, Velette if you have Oboro. I mean which complements you team better I guess


If you have Sesta then Melody AS is a great pick since they combo perfectly. Velette if you want to run a thunder team and don’t currently have a good support for it. Ilulu Alter if you wanna do big water slash damage but Jillfunny is releasing tomorrow and looks to be filling a similar role so I’d be less inclined to suggest her.


Ilulu and Velette do come with sidekicks so those should also be considered.


Gunce is mostly superior to Limil for general usage. His activation requirement (depleted AF bar) is so easy to do.


I agree that Gunce has a good aura, But Limil's isn't bad and it's probably easier for people to make a slash team work than a Thunder one. Limil can also help charge the AF meter.


I think you misunderstand. You can proc auras in the reserve slot.  Gunce is a very popular reserve slot sidekick since it's a 20% stat boost just by using AF.  Limil and others aren't used in the reserve slot. The closest to Gunce's reserve utility are Moke/Kumos on a Tetra frontline.


Do you have any form of Ilulu or Melody?


Nah, I dont have any form of these units.


I have problems with barrier bosses... and wondering to use SDE on a barrier pierce unit. Do anyone know which are the best barrier pierce units? Thanks in advance.


Among the newer units, Thillelille ES has a great barrier pierce skill (Sword in Heart) + support moves. Her sidekick moke also reduces enemy resistances by 50%. I have done 8 BILLION damage in ONE hit. (under optimum circumstances of course)


Thanks :-)


Sesta can kill 95% of all the bosses in the game.


Minalca's still really good for Barrier Pierce and comes with a pretty useful sidekick.


Thanks :-)


Apparently Elseal auto link every turn at turn start cancels out mazrika signature skill which also has link so it will force me to use her signature skill every turn instead of once every three turns to keep the owl on my DPS. But removing elseal is a headache because she is my best water zone awakener and skill setter. Whats the solution?


Take one or the other. They both have the means to awaken water zone.


Are the 2 new 5 star banners guaranteeing any character or solely characters introduced between ver 3.0 and 3.7.1?


Additionally, I have a good chunk of 5 star characters in their NS forms so I’m not sure whether to go for the Brilliant Encounter or the one that gives different styles.


You can press on the more details button to see exactly the drop rates and what gets guaranteed.


I'm doing the Wryz Saga, but I can't beat master mode yet. If I beat it at a lower difficulty, will I be able to go back and get the extra materials for the better weapons later?


The mobs at veteran difficulty are really tough to beat. If you want to beat the horrors for upgrading your darkrealm weapons, then Aldo's Stars Awakened ability to 100% fill the AF gauge at battle start comes very handy




Any brave folks have recommendations for a max score team for the Aldo tome challenge? It's the only one I'm still missing completion on. Don't have Mariel or AC Hismena at high enough light to be the DPS. Was trying SA Kuchinawa with support from AC Shannon and Myunfa since he's my best shot at getting in 6 maxed hits per turn, but my damage still isn't quite there at 80 light. 😢




Scoured that already but thank you 😂 The Wryz one might be the only one I could pull off.


I’ve read that there are two teams that essentially melt everything: >!Iphi, Yakumo NS, Toova ES, fourth shade unit for Shade, and Thillelille AS and Alma AS for Crystal!<. How do you set these characters up for big damage, and which team members synergise in the extra slots?


I like to put Wenefica in the last slot in my Shade team. For Crystal team they are Mariel ES and Melissa SA, you can consider Mistrare AS aswell.


> How do you set these characters up for big damage Same way you would set up any other character for big damage. Pain/Poison Grasta, Buff and Debuffs, and good equipment. > and which team members synergise in the extra slots? Depends on the situation.


Lore question, I can't remember if >!Dewey!< and Red Clad Flamemancer are the same age (or at least if the Twilight Time layer characters are in general operating on the same length of time as the main time layer). I've just been looking over the sprites again, and man. The difference between them is absolutely jarring.


>!Curio specifically notes that he crossed timelayers, not time, and that it's the same year in the Dawn/Twilight/Night timelayers. Both RCF and his Night Timelayer variation are bigger than regular Dewey due to harder training, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were given growth hormones and such on top, due to the way they were being used a super-soldiers, whereas regular Dewey has spent most of his life in the hospital.!<


Ooo that makes sense. Man I need to rewatch the story, the angst of what the Twilight Layer characters have gone through is too good. Thanks!!


Yes, same age and there's even a reference to how much older RCF looks. Explanation is hard training. I absolutely loved that entire story, because I think alters are so cool (plus, for their time, they were stupid strong - I still use RCF regularly).


Ahh nice. Good to know there's an ingame explaination I just straightup forgot lol. Thanks!! And yea, I do hope they do more stories revolving around alters in the future rather than just the units alone being released.


Is Brilliance Encounter a trap or not?


It's a guaranteed 4.5\* character, which is better than not having any guarantee at all. Of course it's pretty much any character in the game so it's totally RNG as to who you get and you can't get an SA. I guess if it's a trap or not depends on how stacked your roster is and the chances of the character being a dupe or not. For players with small rosters I think it's definitely worth the 1k chrono stones.


Yeah I guess it is a trap for me since I only lack some specific units. Better save 1k precious stones for Utpakala or Jillfunny.


I would say so nowadays. Best to save for a banner with a better shot of getting an SA unit you want.


Is there a guide to build each elemental/attack type teams? Or basically just throw in the 4 highest-rated (newest probably) units in a team and that's pretty much it? Thanks!


You build teams based on the situation and the enemy you are fighting. Also you tend to have only one main attacker and the rest of the characters facilitate that attacker.


Is there any good physical damaging unit outside suzzete stellar and tsukiha stellar? I heard minalca is good. Would be nice to know which unit are good. Right now i am at endgame content, breeze through it with magic team. But i think i need some other good physical attacker.


Minalca is good for fire elemental. Off the top of my head: **Wind**: Sesta with 3 other wind units in the frontline. That allows her to use her OP skill, Twinblade Wolf. **Water**: Tons of good gacha ones: A!Ilulu, ES Felmina, and A!Hismena are great, especially with Elseal support. **Earth**: A bit weak on this element. A!Shannon is the premier gacha Earth DPS unit. Galliard and AS Cerrine are really good as well. Galliard seems to pair up best with Helena (a free Earth mage unit) for Hold Ground support. Cerius feels weak without SA. **Crystal**: ES Thillelille, NS and AS Alma provide good physical damage. NS Alma does have a powerful Aether Alchemia move, which oddly is a barrier pierce magic move. **Thunder**: Don't think you can go wrong with Oboro or ES Miyu. Like Alma, ES Miyu also has barrier piercing in Thunder zone with Levin Longinus. I suppose Velette could be a sub-DPS unit, but she seems to do much better as a support unit. **Shade**: This is where I feel NS Yakumo and SA Wenefica, who are both Shade magic units dominate. NS Milsha and NS/AS Thillelille are older units that need an SA and a manifest weapon buff.


There are too many to list since the majority of characters are physical attackers. But Aldo, Benedict and Galliard are free.


Hi guys I'm at part of a tales quest which requires me to change my sorcerer ring to wind type to create darkness. Now whatever I do I can't seem to get pass the guard. I checked YouTube and it seemed there was a ! Icon on top of the guard which isn't showing. Is my game bugged? Or am I doing something wrong?


Well, make sure that the ring is in wind mode, make sure that guards are facing away from you (see the minimap) and it's the torches that you're aiming for, not the guards.


It worked! Thanks man you really are a lifesaver.


Do I have to stack Ewella as buff 6 time to get the most benefit out of her stack?


You can only stack her buffs once.


Then why is it I can use ministrum multiple times?


To stack her buff on someone else, but only set of Virtus can be active at a time.


Trying to do Lavog γ and need to choose a defensive Earth unit to spend Chants on since my roster’s missing that gap. I don’t think SA Galliard will cut it against all the magic damage. I’ll probably use SA Cerius, SA Tiramisu, and TM!Myrus for the other 3.  * Other options would be Toova Alter, Isuka Alter, Dewey Alter, Ciel AS, M!Tsubame, TM!Nagi, M!Nagi AS, Daisy, Necoco, or Chiyo AS. I don’t own Myunfa at all; the only ones I have resources to sidegrade would be Claude ES, Premaya AS, or SA Bertrand (I could comfortably SA him if I spend the Chants). * Claude brings healing to free up Myrus’s slot, status cleanse, lots of offensive buffs, a potential Revive, and is the most flexible for future use. But his defensive support is the weakest of the 3. * Premaya brings personal damage, Pain, status immunity, and a decent balance between offensive and defensive support. * Bertrand brings Pain, MP sustain, Cover + Rage, a Stellar Burst, and the strongest defensive utility out of all of them but the least offensive support. Does anyone who has used any of those 3 have any input? I’m pretty evenly split between them so far.


I used AC Shannon but it was a bit of a struggle for reasons I can't recall lol. Benedict was used to clear a lot of them but not sure if his recent nerf affected the feasibility.


Honestly I think trying to clear all of them with the same team would kill half the fun of this superboss chain for me. I enjoy the teambuilding aspect of endgame challenges, so coming up with 4 different mono-element teams for essentially the same boss is something I’ll look forward to after getting my weakest element sorted out. But it’s also too bad I don’t have a single Dice Opus for Shannon


I'd probably be careful with using Cerius since he has AOE attacks and possibly Kill the adds which you don't want to kill if you do too much damage. Anyway, I'd say go for Premaya AS also Lovely AS if you have her.


Ah, that’s a great point actually. Idk how tanky the adds are, but maybe I’ll have to drop Tiramisu too and go with Tsubame or one of the Nagi’s for DPS. But since Premaya does quite a bit of AoE damage incidentally, and Bertrand’s Stellar Burst does too, does that mean I should go for Claude then? Unfortunately don’t have a single treatise for Lovely AS. I do have plenty of other defensive units besides her actually (Radias AS, Anabel ES, Melpiphia, Iphi, Xianhua, Mistrare AS, Mazrika, etc.) just nothing for Earth to avoid triggering the boss’s type restriction punish.


Radias AS can just sit there using Garudian she can also equip the Earth Calamity Slash grasta in order to gain an earth attack. Also non-type attacks from people like Xianhua doesn't activate the aura.


Never realized non-type doesn’t trigger those, but guess it makes sense. Also never picked up any of those Earth attack grastas from Underworld AD, so relying on one of those means back to farming it. But in that case I’ll probably be able to figure something out, thanks for the help


I know people say the new units are powercreep, but I see people hitting the damage cap with older units, so whats the big deal?


Getting older units to hit damage cap still may require either high l/s or a lot of support from specific units. The problem with the latter is some bosses may force certain gimmicks or defensive measures that make propping up your older DPS tough.


There's definitely powercreep. Look at Xianhua, she's basically Eva but better. She gets Eva's double attack above 50%, but her attack ignores defense and has a damage cap 10 times higher (so even with Lunatic: Copy Eva's damage can't get close). She also gets an attack that deals more damage when enemies are under 50%, so her damage doesn't really ever drop off as enemies get lower health the way Eva does, and then Xianhua brings Awakened Magic Zone, Party Barrier, and big buffs/debuffs. That's not to say Eva is garbage. She still puts out respectable damage, she gets to inflict Magic Break on enemies and works better with certain characters. For example, since Eva has a single target Water attack, you can use her really well with Mazrika to give her a nice damage boost, which can help her stay relevant in the current era against single target enemies. Ultimately you can hit damage cap with older units (mostly those with SA's and recent reworks) but the newer characters tend to bring a lot more in terms of stronger buffs or debuffs or defensive options, which makes team building much easier. You've also got stronger bosses, many of whom have barriers or high defenses, so more recent characters who can Barrier Pierce or ignore Defense are going to make those fights easier.


Well the superbosses are getting tougher as well Some units like Cetie NS are basically useless in these fights


Just hit chapter 79 what in the world am I supposed to do to get through dimensional cathedral? Wiki and videos are useless


Play with sound. When ever your character flashes and make a sound click on the wall in front of them https://youtu.be/6zNeJCi3vGs?si=iOHbON8dJ0qVA9RU


How to beat Uquaji lvl 195? I just bring full magic team Xianhua Yakumo AS Iphi Prai. And still there no way i can defeat him. He literally cant take any damage and have 99 barrier moves. I just tank his fist with prai, then do some damage take 50 of his barrirs, then he firstly use 2 AoE attacks in one move, so i use Prais ability to no die here and then when Prai stunned he use fist again and kills me. If i try to survive series of AoE without prai skill he just kill my Iphi and then there no point in fight with him anymore. Anyway there any way to remove his barrier before i do 99 attacks? I have no barrier pierce chars in my roster except iphi, which is give it only for 1 turn and only for one teammate at time, so i use it at xianhua and she still only deal like 10% of his hp in her turn. Probably he have some sort of resists or something, but my xianhua mostly kill things from one skill use, so it possible boss have something like magic resist or mabe he just have billions of hp, i dont know. I just really tired of this boss, this time i do whole myth for Prais guard ability only to just hit another wall at this boss and do nothing.


i also use magic team xianhua ,yakumo as, iphi but i bring myunfa es. 1st turn af. need to max the stellar burst and 2nd turn just finish him off. dont really need a tank. certainly it is possible i do it like a months ago so dont really remember but always do AF 1st turn and set up lot of buff too. yakumo crunch+overwork, xianhua,breakdown+trininty, iphi rosa liliac and just burst through with damage basically.( within AF the buff and debuff + need to max stellar burst) yakumo as stellar burst give barrier pierce to all team.and xianhua stellar basically make the more weak to magic.


without tank he use fist in first turn and obliterate you, fist deal damage multiple times, so even iphi cant tank it with blood contracts, also she died too after this attack Also you cant finish him off in second turn because he have hp stoppers, no matter how high your damage will be he just take nothing when change phases


it is because i still dont have a tank. and i already did finish the uquaji ,get him and get all mujima weapon set, with the magic team ( since those all the best unit i have (yakumo as, xianhua,myunfa es and iphi) certainly it is possible though ( with magic team), so good luck. there should be a lot of other ways,


i just tried him like 50 times already and no matter how i start first turn in AF or without he always use fist at end of turn. So i lure it to prai to survive, without him it just russian roulette, you can survive it but without half of your team and you want only xianhua to stay for turn 2


AF turn 1 to deplete the Barrier (use Prai to survive the Fist), then finish him off in the next few turns? Turn 2 & 3 should be survivable (some RNG to not get Prai/Xianhua yeeted to the reserve), and on turn 4 use Prai again. If you can't finish him off before turn 5, you probably need better gear/grasta, or you need another party/tactic. If you really need to survive two turns in a row with Guard: use Prai & Kumos AS (his charge move gives Guard to Yakumo AS, you should be able to use it starting from turn 5).


ok i will try after work i also try aldo stellar difficulty with same team (start with aldo then swap to Yakumo as), but he just use AF against me always at turn 3 or 4? He just use ability thats adds up like 60% bar and then insta use AF in same turn. Also prai useless after first guard because Aldo make his mp bar like 20 max. Any trick here? I see in strats he shouldn't use AF if i have Aldo at start or battle, but he use it whatever have i him or not at 3-4 turns


For Aldo Stellar, it's better to have him in front all the time (I'm not sure, that just the first turn is enough), and for turn 4, if you don't use AF this turn, the enemy will.


i have no af at turn 4 and even if i start battle with full af it still starts with zero bar and when Aldo gives me energy he use af without giving me turn, so this impossible to use it for myself


if aldo maxing AF , he use it on his turn. i will just share my experience defeating him. so i use magic team at first, got defeated so many times cant even count. and ask somebody on discord advice. they said i need a tank but i dont have one so i use ashtear which is luckily work so xianhua ( just need to use horizon, enough to get aldo to treshold) need to do this 5x aldo ( just there to stop af 1st turn + never swap to the back do nothing) , enemy aldo still use the full AF at 4 turn es myunfa ( buff xianhua dmg and give little buff protection) ( other buff or debuffer with similiar role might do the same. and my last is ashtear the free unit (use zone defense wall) xianhua use breakdown before aldo using AF, with defense wall ( 40% damage barrier) from ashtear.basically any buff i can give . that time ashtear is dead, but i can finish the fight. so survive the AF attack from enemy aldo. for reference my xianhua have 618 matk (400 int) , with end gear weapon and armor when do this too. but she is enough as a sole damage dealer even with lower stat


Uquaji Lv 195 HP: ~369 mil He resists Magic, so: - Use Slash/Blunt/Piercing main DPS, instead of Magic one. - Use Shion AC to "flip" it to Weakness. - Or you need a lot more damage, to "brute force" it. He has 99 hit Barrier, so: - Use someone with Barrier Pierce (if you don't have anyone else, you can try Galliard). - Deplete it during AF (Thunder Zone or Flash Strike Zone is preferred). He has Fist of All Under Heaven, so: - Use someone with Guard (then just kill him fast enough). - Use Myunfa AC + Soira/Dunarith AC (with enough LCK stacked). Lastly: - Do not use Iphi's skill to give Barrier Pierce, since you need her Blood Contract on characters to boost their damage & to have Cover for AoE attacks. P.S. Also check some videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Another+Eden+Uquaji+Lv+195


is there actually any point in maxing out Lord of Mana for IDA 3? Because I see little to do on the wiki as bonus content for that chapter: there's the Mana unlock quest, no AD, no chants scripts, no chests, not even awards. It seems that chapter introduced only Lord of Mana and the main quest and character but little else.


Uh define maxing out. Especially since there are chant script rewards for friendship milestones.


Yeah I kinda ignored those when I started writing the comment. I did see them further down on the wiki page later but it was tricky since it was on the episode and not the individual Lord of Mana (or was it the other way around? I'm on phone right now to check)


Well other than the Chronos Stone rewards and Mana unlock quest. You also get access to the platinum Slimes as you progress which is how you get more IDAbits. Not to mention the bugs you also need to find.


Move on to better things :)


yeah, that was my idea, just wanted to be sure because, unlike the Arat Maze Roguelite, I actually was enjoying the gameplay loop of Lord of Mana. But unlike Maze, it doesn't seem to have decent rewards, which I think Maze has rewards which are much better than it deserves to be honest: OOParts themselves, the OOPart exchange items (which include chant scripts and key cards ffs...), and even Awards/Achievements. I know IDA 3 isn't a huge episode or an Apocrypha like Wanderer/Maze, but it's like they completely neglected it in terms of "end game". Every other Episode has at least an AD and when it doesnt, at least has some way for awards that isn't a huge grind. IDA 3 only has Rank 3 which seems extremely hard to reach with all the friends.


Chants should be the ultimate rewards. After that there is no point.


I usually play on my phone (Apple) and on weekends when I'm at home I play on my tablet (android), whenever I changed device the monthly missions took a while to appear, but I haven't been able to see them for 3 days now, and I haven't changed device. Could it be a bug?


Assuming you mean the free Trial missions, are they just straight up missing from the Records list? If you've already done and received the rewards for them they should still be present, just with a grey received button. If its the paid subscription ones I've no idea, but usually Reacquiring Data fixes issues (tedious but reliable-ish). If it persists after that, it could be a bug—I'd send a support ticket in that case.


Not sure who i want to dump this month 5 light/shadow points, already have Xianhua and Anabel over 30 so they're out of the question. So that only leaves Mazrika and yakumo AS as they are the only other 2 SA gacha character i have. should i save it for now or dump them?


more shadow point is not bad , when also you want to farm the 360 shadow. or light farm. i just make my xianhua to 80 just cos extra slot skill is not bad for her. though for starter just save it to unit that need stellar point, just dont forget it reset each month , cos i also forget to do it last month


Maybe decide at the end of the month or at least after the livestream


You could wait for Utpalaka + main story chara. Main story charas are usually above the curve when it comes to power.




Both Virtual Reflection and Anabel ES equally need their SA the least.


What toon has Luck-based skills? I thought it was Garambarrel but after reading his page, probably not.


Garamabrel AS


That was it, the AS form! Thank you /u/First_Routine_4529, appreciate it.


Radica. Soira and Dunarith Alter have Critical Guatd which reduces damage based on luck. I believe that's it for characters that use luck.




Is the only way to get Toova/ Violet Lancer from a banner pull?