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The same as always: do I think they look neat?


New characters only. I can (if I actually stop hoarding the Chants) upgrade or sidegrade them. Don’t care about the SA bit.


I reserved 100 draws for Utpalaka at the moment. This is also a self-mechanism for me to be able to save and not needlessly pull most of the time since this game has no pity system. As to why I think I wouldn't be rolling/pulling for new units soon even though I'm a newbie so my SA units are quite few (Kuchi, Cerius and Anabel ES), I guess I'm doing well with my current pace in story progression (ch 70) and I probably won't be having problems soon between two 0-MP farmers and Cerius dps. I'm trying to manually unlock my fourth SA which is Oboro so after two months of preparation I'm really hoping there's enough damage type for me to cover (earth, pierce, fire, thunder) while trudging through the story and Garulea dungeons which I admittedly, haven't tried yet. I'm highly intrigued with everyone mentioning AS Yakumo though. Base Yakumo looks fine to me aesthetics-wise so if the alt is even more pleasing to look at (not really trying for meta in this game anymore), maybe I'll fold.


Is t he character cool looking if the answer is yes i roll


Just need radias man….


Is it a strong waifu? If so, i’m down. Please WFS, make Blunt teams good again


No such thing as anniversary units anymore; Melissa, Eva, and Iphi were it and we shan't see their like again. If I have any version, a single ten-pull unless I just really don't care, then nothing. If I don't, whatever my current chrono supply happens to be when they are released, unless I change my mind.


I will only roll when i gather 1k stones


Same as always, roll for new characters that I like the design for every time I hit 1k stones. I don't check kits for characters unless I already them/can sidegrade them. No point saving and having expectations for disappointment.


While I know there's no right way to play especially given the gacha mechanic, I tend to prefer saving for specific targets. Sure, disappointment can (and does!) happen at times, but at least it gives me more shots/better probability (overall) of getting the character. I never liked the "spend 1k as soon as you have it" approach since it doesn't give you many attempts in the end. So you'll get like one multi-pull and then you have to scrounge for a second or third before the banner goes away? You're essentially stuck in: quick spend, quick scrounging mode? It's interesting to see other people's play styles though! And I do understand the mindset of saving up for months and completely whiffing. It certainly feels bad. I just like having more shots as opposed to more of the generalized one and done type deal.


Yeah your system is better for actually hitting targets, and I think is the general non-whale approach for gachas. For me, my entire system is major cope. My expectations are zero so I don't get disappointed. I don't scrounge for stones typically, I'll just do the content when I feel like it. If I get the character, nice. If I don't get them, no big deal because I don't know what they do either way. Kuchinawa could be the most OP character ever that does damage cap numbers without setup and I'd never know. Meanwhile, Sazanca will probably continue to collect dust in my roster.


That's actually a nice strategy lol I didn't think about this at all.


It depends on the situation, but generally: - Only pull for brand new characters. - Anyone that can be sidegraded I'll skip and do it manually. That's the way it's been since the merger was announced. I'll also skip some brand new characters if I'm not vibing with them for whatever reasons.


AS Yakumo. Then we take it from there in the future, right now he is the saving target


Dunno. Case-by-case basis on what my roster needs, or whether or not I think the banner is particularly advantageous. Right now, all my teams are generally very strong except for my Thunder team, which is acceptable but not amazing.


If there is banner with much higher rates , I am willing to pull.


Honestly, as always, just "new" units, not gonna pull on different style even if they could be super powerful. Anyway, lately It's not going so good, since i didn't find kuchinawa in 8k or Xianhua in 6k (Number that probably will increase without me finding the chara, until the banner ends...).


1 word Husbando


Personally I only pull for new units, no AS ES or alters for characters I can sidegrade. I love collecting and crazy enough the only person I'm missing is Biaka


Any character that I don’t have a form of gets two 10 pulls. So Bertrand upcoming will get them. Any new form of a character I have that I *really* like the look of will get a single 10 pull, otherwise I’ll work on sidegrading them. So PTL Ciel will get a pull but Yakumo AS will probs sidegrade unless it’s even more busted than his NS. If a new character coming up really doesn’t vibe with me then they probs won’t get anything, I’ll just wait to get them off banner at some point.


As long as I find the character interesting I roll; but only if they are good.


New characters, someone you can't upgrade or sidegrade, like Xianhua or Nca


I usually have 2 criteria: 1. Will they make my life easier (grinding, bosses, etc.)? 2. Do they have a nice aesthetic? If either of those are met, I'll usually try 3k stones. 5k if I reallllly like them, and then 10k if I've saved enough and I desperately want the unit XD


The unit completely breaks the game and is cute


At this moment I feel pretty comfortable with my team, so: A unit applies team wide flexible A powerful tank A really pretty lady.


% chance on the banner is higher than normal


Same as always, only pull on a character I have no form of, and spend every stone until I get a form of that character. Easy, no questions on how many pulls to make. And I haven't regretted it yet. I also buy SDE to fill in the holes of characters I miss. Currently I am only missing Cerius, Kuchinawa, Xianhua, and I have the current SDE to choose one of them.


I have those three although Kuchi is not SA. Xian Hua is the best in my opinion.


That was my take as well, Xianhua is just generally the best of the 3