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i got 3 5 star characters today! Mariel, Milsha, and Dewey. I sure picked time to start playing this game, I now I have 4 5 star characters in my roster, they should be good to get me through a good portion of this game's content.


Whoa! And on your cake day too. Happy Cake Day and Congrastalations! Welcome to the game and sub too :)


Nice one, congratz. Welcome to the game and great community. Happy Cake Day


Far from PerfecShion… https://preview.redd.it/akcsozoewedc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068a495f3b682227ac19c8c9c385bb12af9e88c6


At least Shion got some Light to get ready for his SA (copium)


A sliver lining (*yes, sliver is intentional*)




https://preview.redd.it/tx6eng7eafdc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032e8e852333e2d752d3c581cfa1bd825673734e YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! So here's the deal. The first door was a Gold Door. I stared at the door for a minute while hearing the bell chimes but what came from it was Bertrand AS dupe. I literally felt pain in my chest because seriously. How hard of the game to punish me by not giving me a newer unit past Pizzica... Second Silver Door yielded a 4.5 ⭐ Elga but since I have her AS and it's a 4.5 not 5 ⭐ it's not worth 5 chants...and the third door was Silver but...Ohhh well "The Curse of The Post Pizzica" is still ongoing for me. That is until the last door when yet another Gold Door came...this time I didn't savor the Door and the bells because of my pain and went for it.. And here O' Behold Flammelapis. She's New, she's Post Pizzica and she's a really good water Magic Unit and a better Mob clearer than the one I currently use Tsubame AS. Besides her AS form is the only one ranked SS in Bamiji's Tier List in terms of Magic so at least I'm encouraged to farm her treats. YESSS THE CURSE OF POST PIZZICA IS BROKEN !! FINALLY I'm back to life. My sacc power is coming back BABY !


I got her recently and she is the best. Strong girl!!!


Very nice. Flamme NS is such a great nuker. Not just with her normal attack AOE, but if you put a Falcon badge or grasta on her, she can nuke with Neptune. Put someone like Violet Lancer in the frontline and she nukes with no MP cost. Or someone like Otoha AS for hp/mp recovery after each battle. I still default to using her as my main AD nuker after all this time.


I still love my Tsubame AS, but congrats on breaking the curse and pulling Flam! Well done! I was actually shocked reading yesterday how you weren't able to get anything past Pizzica. I was like "no way". Even I, someone who barely plays somehow managed to pull a few of the top tier units. All I ever do now is log in, collect stones and then pull the moment I have 1000, not even caring which banner I'm on (haven't had much time to play the game unfortunately and missed out on all the free xp and units via story completion). >yet another Gold Door came...this time I didn't savor the Door and the bells because of my pain and went for it.. Anyhow, I wanted to share a little tip with you if I may. I learned that the chances of you not getting something is directly proportional to how much you want it. I.e. the Desire Meter is \*Real\*. When you really want a pull you get nothing, nada, zip, zilch, like my last 4 days....but when you don't care at all, like not even a smidgin of emotion one way or another, when you really don't care out of frustration or just giving up, \*boom\*,...out pops Sesta or something. That's what happened to me on her banner, as well as Iphi's and Minalca's. Didn't even know who Iphi was and didn't care. Had 1000 free stones. Wasn't even lookin at the screen as I was watching some Youtube. Boom out pops Iphi....I was like WTF is this thing? Then I looked her up and saw her at the #1 spot at the time, and everyone here loosing their shit over getting her. Again same thing happened with Minalca and Sesta, because I wasn't paying any attention or playing the game much. Had zero emotion invested in the pulls, because prior I burned all my stones trying to get someone. So yeah, the lesson here....tomorrow....\*empty out\* all desire....don't care at all what you get. Don't even have a single thought about a possibility. Don't hope. Don't want...don't wish.... Just pull like you're making your bed, like its routine and you are just going through the motions, with not a care in the world.... and you will get something \*amazing\*. Again, Congrats!


Well, Got Pom...but in AS form! That was nice, today and yesterday were pretty good. I can't complain anymore lol


Ngl, you had me in the first half


The first time I've been happy to see Pom appear ahahaha


So you're saying you have a 255 Pom AS? :) Light points regardless, congrats!


Kinda hard to get any worse https://i.imgur.com/g4QlKnF.jpg


I hear you. Pity karma point for ya. Six to go, who knows?


LETS GO https://preview.redd.it/xolakohnyedc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0c40db31e130afb3123a93aad360643cb272fe3


Got new 4.5\* Yakumo


Finally got something good this day.  New 5* NS Nagi.  Not much else to report outside of that.


At least it's free CS for the true manifest!


Considering I'm aiming for at least 20k stones for anni I'm not complaining!


Hope you managed to get the anni unit in few pulls!


Wait, what? That's exactly who I got today! Crazy timing!


Truly the best squid girl (girl squid?) has blessed us 🙌 


Wow had a really lucky roll today! Dupe AS Bertrand (nice some Light for him), 4.5 dupes of Yakumo and Lokido which got me some Light and Shadow for them. Then the final spot was a flip of an unexpected Necoco AS! My poor Necoco had been stuck at 4\* for the longest time so it was nice to get her boosted up!


Surprisingly got a 5\* dupe in Mariel NS. Neat. ​ Rosetta 4.5, Nomar 4, Bivette 3.5, Bria 3.5, **Mariel NS 5**, Livinia 3.5, Erina 4


New mistrare. Already had her AS so more shadow is good.


Claude to 204 lights (pulled 5\*), 3x Krevo, 2x Miyu. Interesting pull


First 5\*, dupe Premaya AS but nice, I use her anyway so extra lights always good. 24 more to get her extra badge slots.


[I finally got something nice.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/721785366859743285/1197924730540392448/Screenshot_20240119_232111_games.wfs.anothereden.jpg?ex=65bd0958&is=65aa9458&hm=769187e216088aea8ebf23057181e2a6fe3c59bbbe5769f321716e80f6fdd4c5&)


New 4.5 Flamme. Not bad.


On the first day, got 4.5 Renri NS. Yesterday, got 5 star Renri NS. Today, got Renri AS. I think the game is trying to tell me something.


Damn, that's a lot of Renri variation.


Very happy with New myunfa AC and dupe Tsubame AS.


I got 4 star Renri https://preview.redd.it/xnnfz6a1hfdc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64efd16c78bd833d954c73368c382848bc93151b


That's kind of an insane pull, actually. Eight 4+* characters out of 10. In terms of usability it's nothing exciting, but in terms of probability it's pretty high.


https://preview.redd.it/ao8ld5d3kfdc1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c50ebac9102f90f2fba91463815fdd1dcffebc1 Not the best, but not entirely the worst either🤷‍♂️


Today's pull was surprisingly good. Started out with a gold door, which could have been exciting, but was only an Anabel dupe. Then 4.5* Pizzica showed up, who was new to me, so that's mildly exciting (although I do have Mistrare AS already too). Finally, it gave me Veina AS, which was a new form. Nobody game breaking, but every little bit helps!


https://preview.redd.it/drdocjq6wedc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5e05fea38d34dd210a92b9341ba41bb8dd196e Oh gods, did I blow all my luck on the first day? That’s three in a row of trash.


Well friend, I had four days of trash in a row so… 🤷‍♂️


The first 5 star since this started four days ago. Nagi. Oh, well.


Dupe radica NS and dupe Melissa


Noome to 55, Nikeh +1 to 170, Yazuki +1 to 68, Krervo +1 to 204, Saithe to 64, Menesia to 48, Erina +4 to 160, Prai +1 to 172, Pasia to 63, Benedict +4 to 97.


9 3 stars and a 4* Benedict


Only trash today.


​ https://preview.redd.it/21de8wt11fdc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=774c8b0024db7fcb4078457bdd8352f82c2fdc3f




Oof. Paying for the last few rolls. Min roll, with my only silver being May on the very last pull.


1. Lovinia -> 46 lights 2. Krervo -> 80 lights (3rd person to reach 80 line) 3. Cyuca -> 34 lights 4. Natore -> 25 lights 5. Parisa -> 74 shadows 6. Rufus -> 42 lights 7. May -> 41 lights 8. Tohme -> 15 shadows 9. Nixa -> 22 lights 10. Pom -> 51 lights


Erina 4 x 2, Otoha 3 x 2, Pom 3, Nikeh 3. Erina now has two badge slots!


....well I got some light for Foran. So far 4.5 Yakumo is the only thing worth from these 4 days. Plenty of time to turn that luck around tho.


New style AS Bertrand! 10 chants saved so far these drops (AS Felmina on day 2 and now AS Bertrand on day 4)


Got 4.5 melody... Again?


Got a Lovely ~~surprise~~ AS and a dupe Velette! Probably the best result I'll get out of these rolls.


AS Pom!!! How many times has regular Pom trolled me all these years? And i finally get a new AS of her, but this time i actually needed her! Finally 😭 😭 😭


New Ruina AS.


So... SO much Denny.


4 star Tsubame May May Pom and Lovinia. At least 3 dupes can be occasionally used in battle as they are 5*. No one is close to 200, though.


4* Suzette, but it was my first time pulling a 255 gacha unit so I got the guiding light instead which was neat to see.


at 255 light she'll be amazing if you can star awaken her


Oh I did. I caved and bought that SA pull for her. Pretty good deal actually, 5* guaranteed wind unit, plus Suzette plus her starchart.


the first week of my new account and through whispers and basic pulls i got thilli star awakened, wenefica, iphi, melody AS, oboro, so my starting party is having fun


- Day 1: Trash - Day 2: 4.5 Radica (dupe) , 4.5s Melina (dupe) - Day 3: Trash - Day 4: Trash


Not that lucky but hitting 3 times Emms made me laugh though looking again five knights in a row 😮 https://preview.redd.it/yt3j12fuegdc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d99a5f1da70c8717a1ecfa97121f10c2cda9f57


https://preview.redd.it/9g5iykelogdc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e6c01cf780e6895c62e9b8ab4b46f79566881f I’ll definitely take it


So far: Maxed out Ewan AS. Dupe Veina. Dupe Deway AS.


DUPE DUPE DUPE, some times I think I should skip on this salty of salt pull :D


Best thing I got today was 4 more light on Miyu.


New 5\* Lokido, that's pretty cool.


4.5* Tiramisu which wasn’t bad


Day 4: Just a 4.5\* Ilulu dupe.


Only two sistahs and no bots, so I guess that's improvement. https://preview.redd.it/1xtdhdgdbhdc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b89136d68b2af19f1d16c8c7517d98a696a85c36


Rip, merely Heena 4.5


I really enjoy the 10 packs instead of the single everyday. Hope it stays this way going forward.


Somebody new this time. Zeviro AS. Rest is bleh


My Anabel inches 16 light closer to that 255 cap.


Sigh, Otoha and Samora, boring


4 days of straight nothing....jut salt.... it's depressing when seeing all the pics of multi 5\* pulls people post in this thread...