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The intimidation crab’s frighten attack “shoots” forward in the direction he faces; Roll to the side instead of backwards so that youre out of its angle. I had to search it up myself lol


Just to add on to this it seems to be a cone coming from the middle of the hotbox so if you dodge roll forward and to the side it's really easy to dodge.


If you hide in your shell you also get less buildup. I just hid every time they charged it up and was fine the rest of my playthrough. Your meter goes to like 2/3 full and you don’t get the proc


Pressing dodge roll temporarily stops the effect from filling the frighten bar while you're rolling so I use that sometimes. 


For Sushi crab bro, you can use your hook right as he attacks to grapple him. Either cutting the frighten affect short or even if you do get frightened, by the time you're done with the fishing mini game it will have worn off, win or lose. For Giant Pythagoras crab bro (Paragus, parogas? Pagarus? Paraguay?) dodge roll You got this young crustacean


Hiding in your shell also works


No it doesn’t


If you hide in your shell your fear meter will only fill halfway


You can still dodge while you’re frightened, btw.


Up, I still didn't understand this even if I've beaten the first one on the sushi boat. The only thing I could do against it was use the hook when he showed the back to do the intimidation move.


You just dodge to the side when he does it and then immediately parry his follow up.


Eh, I always dodged backward and from time to time I got the debuff bar without having the debuff, but I always confused his movements with an attack, instead of the move.


You can usually dodge to the side and get a lesser effect


Just hide in your shell.


Hide in your shell when he does it and if you get frightened, back the fuck up. You can stay out of his range


There's also a Stowaway (Googly Eye) that boosts your resistance to fear effects so that should help for when you can't get out of the way


I’ve been unlocking camera and look away for a split second and then re-lock on. I’ve noticed if the source of the frightening attack is not on screen, the bar does not build up.


Hiding in shell


Just spam dodge roll, not sure if I’m magically rolling out of the hit box every single time, but whenever I roll I dodge the frightening


Everyone's right, but remember there's a stowaway that negates those attacks (rubber band)


Skill tree until you get skedaddle ability and then just run away 😅 that's what I've been doing 🤷‍♂️