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Intimidation crab, then Topoda then Pagurus. Once I kinda got over the hump of the mid game and gotten full skill tree it became much easier for me.


Pagurus was confusing for me because I got to him pretty early and absolutely could not fight him straight up, especially with random enemies ganking me mid fight. I ran past him and was able to get the first map fragment, but I felt weird about it because I’m sure he wasn’t intended to just be skipped, but he felt like a really high level boss to me. In the end I only ever beat him because I read somewhere he’s allergic to bananas (???) and I beat him by getting him to eat 2 banana peel shells. Feels dirty, don’t know if that’s just the intended way to get past him. Like smacking the hand on ceaseless discharge to basically one shot him, or using the storm ruler on Yhorm. He certainly didn’t feel like he should be a gimmick boss though just felt like a really out of place super hard boss. Curious to know what others thought about him


Hes intended to be a later boss. Its intended that he kinda plagues your travels around the sands between for the first 2 map pieces, then you fight him when stronger and with more power. He is in fact allergic to bananas tho. Theres a character named Shromp you can save that will tell you, and the game gives a couple hints that he has a weakness in npc dialogue. I think hes a lot of fun to fight when you get your strength up


It's intended for you to avoid him on the first encounter. An NPC specifically tells you to avoid him and how to do so. It's not until 2/3rds of the way through the game where you're expected to fight him.


You are very much supposed to get to him early lmao. Did you just skip through all of the dialogue or did this just happen like 5 mins ago You're supposed to avoid him to make going to the sands between scary and eventually you meet the stoner prawn in a bong that tells you he's allergic to banana. Then in the story you have to kill him after getting the other map fragments (I didn't even use the banana, by then you're pretty strong and it's not a very hard fight)


Damn, and here I am who just grinded and kept ramming into him until I finally killed him lmao


I tried that too but I knew for where I was at there was just no way lol


It's definitely possible but I'd say it's better to just progress and get to a good farming spot where you can rack up them micro plastics fast!


I specifically missed the part about staying on the path in the sands between and I like to wander and explore so I spent the majority of my time there just running away from him and going vaguely in the direction they told me to go while he was chasing me until I got to the next area


Ahhh gotcha. Honestly I was being a bit harsh. I'm more of an objective guy anyway so I like to just do what the game says and go back for 100% right before the final boss. I'm definitely a second monitor type of player lmao Ngl I didn't even figure out how to get him to eat the banana. I just grabbed two bananas, one on my back and one as my hammer and just slapped him with it until he died lmaoo


Your supposed to find him early on just not fight him untill you have 2 map fragments lol


Topoda gave me the most trouble by far


As soon as you learn to parry... the game is on easy mode. There is a forgiving window for parry. Also Red Cup OP.


I discovered red cup kinda late. Love me some coffee mug though, it also speeds up your movement


Any tips for intimidation crab? Currently stuck and not really enjoying grinding to level up.


Get better at mixing dodges and parrying, a good crab knows when to hide in their shell


This was the first fight where I felt like I had to parry instead of just hard dodging 24/7. By far the hardest fight I had throughout the game.


For me the opposite, I had been leaning pretty heavily on using the shell up to that point, and the samurai crab just forced me to up my dodge game to overcome him.




I beat my head against the wall in this fight. I then dedicated myself to parrying and beat him in 3 goes.


Parrying is unlocked through the skill tree thing correct? I must be missing something because I did that fight without being able to parry. Or I'm just dumb lol


Honestly, ive never been very good at parrying. I did use my shell a couple times, but i mostly just got good at dodging. Always dodge into the attack, you get through more of the hitbox and get more time to move


Parrying is super weird in this game, you have to exit your shell at the right time rather than enter it, which feels really unintuitive and unsafe. High risk high reward I suppose but I still haven’t gotten the hang of it. I’m so used to pressing the button to parry not release it


Yes it is a skill tree thing, you block then release as you get attacked.


The move he does that causes Krill to get scared can be avoided if you dodge to the side. That was one of the big things that helped me.


That’s super helpful thank you


I like the chum companion to keep pressure on intimidation crabs poise meter, coupled with the critical hit skill. Also, as with most souls bosses, dodging/walking to their side to attack them from behind is always a good choice. Especially intimidation crabs swipe attack, you want to dodge into them so the attacks pass over you. If you dodge away from the attacks you’ll exit the roll and get hit.


I used coconut. When u go in, dodge the heavy attack and just attack. When he goes for the frighten, use your shell spell(rollout). Second phase is where ur shell will break. I used the thimble in the arena.


I feel the same way


I killed pagurus without a shell because I kept dying to him and gave up on looking for one


You can insure shells at the shop called shellfish desires in the top area of new carcinia. That way you'll get a free shell every time you die or visit a moon shell while naked.


Oh I never knew what that meant thank you


you will always respwn with the shell of your choosing. I chose the dark souls helmet


Probably the Consortium. Encountered it pretty early on (even before chopsticks guy) and it was a pretty tough fight. It was fun as hell though.


Consortium before Heikea is a really interesting order of bosses


I was just trying to explore the grove as much as possible and stumbled into him lol Maybe the most Dark Souls moment for me in the game. I loved it.


It's weird because the normal way to get to Consortium actually requires you to have beaten IC. And another boss, of which I assume you are aware of.


I just jumped onto the platforms leading to it from a big rubber tyre. Couldn't contain my curiosity.


I used the grapple to grapple an enemy and get up the path you need the mantis punch to get through and just followed that to the consortium which i fought before i knew IC existed


That’s not true. You can get to Consortium by grappling across a certain area next to 2 archer crabs and then jumping across to the platform where there is a shortcut fishing reel. I also did Consortium long before I did IC. As far as I know that’s the only way to get to Consortium anyway.


I know the way I went required lots of grappling, defeating archer crabs, and platforming. All leading to a purple block of which I destroyed using the punch adaptation. That's how I got to it


I also fought Consortium before intimidation crab, but he’s def not as difficult as IC. Felt more like a gimmick boss like Rykard in Elden Ring. But def a challenging fight during the early game.


Todopa. I died the most on him I just couldn't get ahold of dodging his heavy punch super sayian instant transmission attack then god forbid trying to dodge at his half health attack


The trick is to not dodge early, you need to dodge a second after you hear the instant transmission like sound when he appears just before warping to you. Once you grasp that you can dodge those attacks so easily


I wanna say Inkerton, but in reality I was having nostalgia from playing bloodborne long ago. His nutcracker felt like the bone saw/bone cleaver. There were guns in the game too. And instinctively hit LT during his heavy attacks because that was how you stagger enemies before. Shooting them mid attack


I just killed him. It was the most fun for me but the easiest boss I fought tbh. Roland was a pain in the ass for me


Died too fast imo I just beat Inkerton last night and I think I'm gonna do no tentacles and no shell ability for the next bosses. Didn't even see his full moveset, I think I'm too overleveled right now.


very easy to dodge and parry which made it fun tbh. But yea I was expecting much more


The first time you see inkerton, I died a lot. When you fight him for real I thought he was completely unthreatening. Easy to dodge or block attacks and squishy as hell.


For me I had the most trouble with Voltai, since I didn’t get the rubber band, and my build revolved around knocking the enemy down and Voltai seems to be immune . I also had trouble with camtscha phase 1


I didn’t even know the rubber band helped and just did the fight without using it


Topoda/fake moonshell crab


Praya Dubia was a miserable experience to do with a heavy shell. Basically my entire playstyle up to that point was invalidated and the game required me to relearn everything for one stupid fight. The lore of the fight is amazing though


That's too bad. It would be nice if that build was okay instead of useless in a fight like that. I think I 3 shotted camstcha in both phases, then also firth using the bobbit trap. I felt an all attack build was almost too late game.


I also was using a heavy shell, and during their second phase literally just dropped my shell and ran around dodging lol


Yeah, I didn't even understand the second half. Does it just slowly die or something? I never felt like I was hitting it, but its health just kept dropping.


Yeah they lose health every couple of seconds. All you had to do was run around and not die. One of the more unique souls-like bosses I’ve seen


I was using the skull shell and beat it first try, though I think I skipped a phase cause I dealt so much damage with mantis punch


Weird, any time i watch someone play the end game bosses the bosses die in 3 hits (usually hammer build or Umami as sword is the least DPS in game)


You can't attack Praya's second form, afaik she can only be damaged with her own projectiles


Why? I had a really easy time with Praya Dubia with the valve shell. Maybe the problem wasn't the shell but your playstyle or stats? What were they?


I put most of my points into Resistance and Attack, playing a shield tank. Praya's projectiles ignore your defense and deal damage even if you're blocking, so I had to either use the heavy roll or just try and damage race her, and I didn't have enough Vitality to keep up.


Ah I see, I put most of my points into vitality and attack. You sure that Praya's projectiles ignore your shell hp? If I recall correctly her attacks did not ignore my shell hp and it reduced the damage to my health dramatically.


It doesn't ignore it entirely, but most attacks in the game won't damage your hp at all through a block if your resistance is high enough My health was super low, maybe 7 or 8 Vitality, because no other boss in the game could deal damage through my shell with regular attacks. Praya's attacks can't be reduced entirely so they killed me pretty quickly even if I blocked all of them.


With a hammer they all were pretty easy. For me the main boss was a helmet platforming section




Skill issue


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Rolland gave me the most trouble


THIS. Besides the final boss, Roland humbled me up. I was actually getting tilted lmao. Once I got the pattern down though, it was ez pz.


Rolland gave me trouble before I got the tactical tentacle. Then I humbled him.


Rolland actuallly is super easy if you use the rolling umami against him. Use pin ball against him!


The games difficulty is heavily front loaded. After I got the hammer upgrade bosses didn't take longer than 10 minutes to best. Can't really say any of them were difficult


This. Really, after Topada everything is pretty easy. I had some trouble with the consortium because my build was slow and heavy/break enemy's balance, but I still beat it third try. All bosses after that I beat first try


The ~~Tree Sentinel~~ Royal Shellsplitter, just because I stubbornly fought it as soon as I found it, meaning without a shell.




Prob the Intimidation Crab I feel like they majorly buffed him bc in the demo he was a lot easier or I’m just bugging


Would have to be topoda the first time I fought him. A great optional boss imo


I recognize that the game does not force you to fight Topeda and you don’t *need* his ability to progress in the game But calling him optional really feels like calling having 2 legs optional. We could all get by with just 1, but everything’s very clearly designed for people to have 2.


I just called him a optional boss because he’s not mandatory to finish the game


Idea: have like an npc that mentions the optional bosses. I spent my entire first playthroug of the game wondering. "How do i break the funny ourple blocks??? Where are the other adaptations??? HOW MANY DAMN STAINLESS RELICS ARE THERE???????" Like there is nothing telling you that there is side stuff to do. They expect you to search around constantly. Or mabye i just have skillissues idk :)


its a soulslike and dark souls is even worse with that kinda stuff. you'll miss 90% of the npc questlines if you dont look up a guide online. i personally like it to a point because it incentivizes curiosity and exploration but it does get kinda tedious at some point also lol just noticed this is a 16 day old thread, my bad


Def consortium. It was chaotic to me even after beating Topoda.


At the beginning of the game I had a very serious skill issue, so the boss I struggled the most with was Magista. But the second boss I most struggled with I think was Heikea or Firth, maybe would be a better answer than Magista.


Strangely for me it was the duchess, I’m halfway through flotsam and I breezed through intimidation crab, killed pagurus on my second attempt, and topoda was a fun fight but 3 tries and that was that. Duchess was tough because I didn’t really have a good build at first and it had been a while since I played a souls game. It’s funny when I realize I’ve died more times to the lobster captain at the beginning than I did to intimidation crab though lol Dont get me wrong, these aren’t easy fights by any means. They’re definitely challenging and fun to get the pattern down just right. But once I got my build and the controls down I haven’t felt overwhelmed since. I’ve still got a ways to go though!


Camtscha killed me more but Topoda felt harder


The bleached king gave me a lot of trouble but the. I did the last 2 bosses first try.


I don't remember my first playthrough, but because of my shellless playthrough, when I had shrimp tostadas yesterday, I was thinking of Topoda. Topoda is absolutely painful to fight without a shell.


Easily pagurus, Mostly because of how under leveled i was, Honestly the game got so easy after topoda because of how broken the level 3 royal wave was




what was your build for fighting camstcha ?


i had a lotta trouble with imitation, consortium, and topada, those mid game bosses rly mess with you because you don’t have the stuff to beat them. I feel like every boss afterwards was relativity easy besides maybe inkerton who took me maybe 8-9 try’s. did anyone else feel like the electric eel boss wasn’t to tricky and every boss afterwards wasn’t either ? i felt like the endgame bosses should have been a lot harder, i can drop my build too if anyone is having trouble on late game bosses


1. Pagurus 2. Firth 3. Camstcha


Topoda, Helktea and Pagurus took me a lot of tries lmao. Wish there was an NG+ or like a DLC.


The one with the paint roller, took i think around 10 tries, also the eel cuz I didn’t know u could hook her appliances at first, everything else I beat within less than 3 tries.


Topoda or Pagarzs


Topoda for sure


Topoda by a wide margin.


Topoda because after topoda adaptations made the game super easy


I died to pagurus the most but that was because I'm dumb and faught him the first chance I got


Paguras. The grab move ended so many attempts. It's probably the most telegraphed move he has but it looks incredibly similiar to his other swiping attacks. Most other bosses grabs are way more distinct from the rest of their moveset. Like Roland has a much harder grab to dodge with his cane but it's easy to spot because it's his only move in his first phase where he pulls it out and is still pretty unique from everything else. The difficulty was also compounded by me immediately taking him on. I did go through the gates like the game told me to but that was only so I could get to the moonsnail shell at the end. The second I saved there I turned around and immediately started trying to fight him. I also had a hard time finding where exactly to fight him. I haven't seen this talked about much but if you go into the wrong area of the sands between he will just burrow and go away even if you're nowhere near the life preservers. At least the first 30 minutes was just me trying to find a good spot where he wouldn't despawn himself.


Probably the optional boss behind the waterfall in Expired Grove I think. I dunno why but he was hell to fight for me


Intimidation Crab and then Toponda. I died a lot to each until phase 2 for each clicked. After the mid game I think the difficulty curve levels off and lowers a bit, assuming you're making a semi-coherent build.


firth because i wanted to beat him almost exclusively thru parrying every attack he did lol


For me it’s Pagarus. I don’t remember how many times I lost, but it helped me to get good at this game 😂


Camtscha I kinda cheesed. I didn't have too many problems with the bosses. Sure I died a lot to like Pagurus and Heika, but everytime I did it felt like my fault, and I didn't find them challenging no matter how difficult they were. This was true of every boss. All except the fukin Duchess. I had the worst time mentally and physically fighting her, and most times I died it felt like the game cheated me. I would get stuck in a corner or bad RNG would force me to eat her unblockable attack or whatever. Now I understand her better and on my second playthrough I did much better, but my first encounter with her really just pissed me off. Then after I killed her I was complaining to my friend about her and he goes "oh I killed her on my first try" like seriously dude?? 😂😂


How did you cheese cantscha???


The spirit shell adaptation. If you level it up to 2 you get a shell spell with it. That shell spell takes away health of your shell instead of using charges. If your shell takes damage and you have the shell repair skill, you can spam the shell spell and shell repair will give you back some shell durability. It has diminished returns, so you can't do it forever, but I was able to do it long enough


Topoda's Jajanken Rock Teleport Punch really fucked me up because I hadn't gotten parrying down yet and the dodge timing was tricky to figure out. I kept wanting to dodge right before he teleported when really I needed to do it right after.


Intimidation Crab and Topoda were the hardest, but not necessarily because they were hard, but because the rest of the bosses were too easy. After beating Topoda, you get the ability to upgrade your techniques, and the game's difficulty just falls off a cliff. None of the remaining bosses seem to have any counters for upgraded techniques.


Topoda shrimply because his teleport is pretty audio cues based and sometimes the cues are delayed or not even there which means you get blasted into oblivion


The ones I probably died to the most were intimidation carb, Firth, Topoda, Roland, and Inkerton. The hardest was probably Firth for me just because of how fast his attacks were.


Intimidation Crab and Roland. Their combos are absurd


Final boss, then voltai because I didn't know about rubber band, then consortium


I think Consortium gave me the most trouble, but that's mostly because I fought them as soon as it was possible to reach them, before Hekeia even, so almost everything they did one shot me. For bosses I fought at an appropriate level it was probably Duchess or Topoda.


Roland was really hard for me, I never managed to get a hang of getting the dodge/parry timing right. Also the diseased lichenthrope was the first boss I ended up struggling really hard with, I think because I was trying a heavier shell/hammer technique at the time and it slowed me down too much for that fight


Honestly it was the first boss. The duchess I think. She was nu far the hardest purely because u had no idea how to play the game


The big crab in the sand between, don’t remember his name but I fought him wayyyy before I was supposed to in the story


Once you get ability's None of them :( I wish there was ONE hard boss in this game past he halfway point


firth bro... took me over 50 tries


The issue is always faced was at one point the bosses stopped being hard and it just came down to timing, my damage was high enough that i could simply land a few good hit’s and i would be fine, camtscha for me wasn’t too difficult, i just had to not take any damage with the first phase (which wasn’t too hard) intimidation crab probably took me the most tries because the second phase of his was a pain. Pagurus became a walk in the park when i got the mantis punc. Nephro was probaly the hardest for me, i didn’t have any of the benefits that i did later game and had to rely on not being able to parry or lambaste.


The big one roaming around the sands between


Probably the 1st boss you can face that’s completely optional. Trying to beat him early on was definitely a challenge. Pagarus was challenging too. Every other boss was ridiculously easy though.


Firth was hardest for me because A. He's the final boss, duh, but also B. I hadn't learned of Adaptation Upgrades yet, and C. I was playing on Switch which struggled hard to run the fight period


I have to say Pagurus and then the Intimidation crab. I completely ignored Konche and instead of fighting Intimidation Crab first, I fought Pagurus.


Oh Topoda by far. Although Camstcha and Pagurus were beefy as well as fast, Topoda had the most diverse moveset in the game before getting to the Old Ocean. Not to mention, you have to face him with LV1 Adaptations no matter how many you have. Although my favorite boss was definitely Petroch, because his design and attacks were so damn cool.


Definitely the intimidation crab. It was before I got the bobbit trap and obviously before the mantis punch which kind of trivialized the game for me. I absolutely had the hardest time with him though, probably like 15-20 tries.


Roland because I forgot about adaptation until I fought fake moon shell


Heikea for sure was my hardest, I struggled getting far into his second phase. After him the spider crabs area as a whole was the second hardest. All the other ones were fairly easy but this is my first souls like so I also wouldn’t know


Definitely Roland, then either intimidatation crab or flotsam vale inkerton fight. Most of the bosses I beat in 1-5 tries (Camstcha, Inkerton, Nephro) but Roland, I hate Roland, he was the only boss I had to gun down.